Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

But Ted Cruz stands for everything that rainbow Trump supporters like Peter Thiel, Milo Yiannopoulos and Randy Ross are against (traditional values). How can an anti LGBTQ bigot ever be in your "good favor"?

Believe it or not, I'm just like you aCW !!!

I can't think of a single thing that we have in common. Perhaps you could list a few?

How does that work if he's endorsed the guy?


Ted Cruz took quite a bit of heat from the moderate to liberal faction of the Republican Party for not coming out in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Word has it that if Cruz wants to continue his political career, he had to endorse Trump.

That being said: Ted Cruz's 'endorsement' of Donald Trump doesn't effect me in the least bit, as I'll continue to expose the fraud.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

But Ted Cruz stands for everything that rainbow Trump supporters like Peter Thiel, Milo Yiannopoulos and Randy Ross are against (traditional values). How can an anti LGBTQ bigot ever be in your "good favor"?

I can't think of a single thing that we have in common. Perhaps you could list a few?

Ted Cruz took quite a bit of heat from the moderate to liberal faction of the Republican Party for not coming out in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Word has it that if Cruz wants to continue his political career, he had to endorse Trump.

That being said: Ted Cruz's 'endorsement' of Donald Trump doesn't effect me in the least bit, as I'll continue to expose the fraud.

Doesn't say much for the principles of your guy then does it?

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

But Ted Cruz stands for everything that rainbow Trump supporters like Peter Thiel, Milo Yiannopoulos and Randy Ross are against (traditional values). How can an anti LGBTQ bigot ever be in your "good favor"?

I can't think of a single thing that we have in common. Perhaps you could list a few?

Ted Cruz took quite a bit of heat from the moderate to liberal faction of the Republican Party for not coming out in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Word has it that if Cruz wants to continue his political career, he had to endorse Trump.

That being said: Ted Cruz's 'endorsement' of Donald Trump doesn't effect me in the least bit, as I'll continue to expose the fraud.
You seem to overlook the bigger fraud and greater evil, being your girl Hellary !!


You seem to overlook the bigger fraud and greater evil, being your girl Hellary !!

I must have missed your answer when I asked what we have in common.

While you're working on that, I've shown that Donald Trump is pro LGBTQueer, pro Planned Parenthood (i.e. pro abortion), pro big government (i.e. a socialist), and one helluva sleazy liar (I won't mention the child rape civil case against him, as the 13 year old girl obviously...

..wanted it.

Now remind me again what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

When the LGBTQueer movement starts saying nice things about Ted Cruz, I'll be worried about his principles.

These 3 at Fox News pretty much back what I said earlier.

If he stuck to the principles you admire so much he wouldn't be endorsing him at all.

I wouldn't admire Ted Cruz if he sided with Donald Trump on Trump's pro LGBTQueer, Planned Parenthood and socialist policies. But since Ted Cruz hasn't, I'll acknowledge that it was probably a wise political move on Cruz's part.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I must have missed what we have in common. BTW, I removed the "compulsive liar" tag that you put at the bottom of the page.

I didn't "put" compulsive liar anywhere, liar. But that does describe Hellary.

Darn, I must have missed again what we have in common. So which is it: am I a "compulsive liar" or just a plain ole "liar" (I miss the days when you called me a "lying coward!").

Back to pro LGBTQ/pro Planned Parenthood/socialist (and accused child rapist) Donald Trump.

Tell me again what the major difference between he and Hillary Clinton are again, because I must have missed that answer as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wouldn't admire Ted Cruz if he sided with Donald Trump on Trump's pro LGBTQueer, Planned Parenthood and socialist policies. But since Ted Cruz hasn't, I'll acknowledge that it was probably a wise political move on Cruz's part.

Ah, so it's a 'wise political move' to sacrifice your principles and endorse a guy who's political stances on homosexuality et al you object to then. Got it.

Politically speaking it probably is a wise move on Cruz's part but considering politics generally involves machinations of a nefarious nature I'm surprised you're not giving him more grief for capitulating to career motives instead of sticking by his "moral standards".


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I wouldn't admire Ted Cruz if he sided with Donald Trump on Trump's pro LGBTQueer, Planned Parenthood and socialist policies. But since Ted Cruz hasn't, I'll acknowledge that it was probably a wise political move on Cruz's part.

Ah, so it's a 'wise political move' to sacrifice your principles and endorse a guy who's political stances on homosexuality et al you object to then. Got it.

We'll both "get it" when you show me where Ted Cruz sides with Donald Trump on LGBTQueer/Planned Parenthood and socialist issues. Since you won't find that he has, try again.

Politically speaking it probably is a wise move on Cruz's part but considering politics generally involves machinations of a nefarious nature I'm surprised you're not giving him more grief for capitulating to career motives instead of sticking by his "moral standards".

Since politics generally involve machinations of a nefarious nature and Ted Cruz hasn't sold out any "moral standards", I have no issue with his lackluster support of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

BTW, you've been dethroned of your Queen of Denial title, but without a doubt hold the Drama Queen title for life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We'll both "get it" when you show me where Ted Cruz sides with Donald Trump on LGBTQueer/Planned Parenthood and socialist issues. Since you won't find that he has, try again.

If he's endorsing a guy who stands for things he apparently finds reprehensible then vicariously, he's doing just that. If he's doing it for personal motives such as career prospects etc then he's 'selling out'. If he stuck by his principles he wouldn't be backing Trump no matter what the pressure.

Since politics generally involve machinations of a nefarious nature and Ted Cruz hasn't sold out any "moral standards", I have no issue with his lackluster support of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

BTW, you've been dethroned of your Queen of Denial title, but without a doubt hold the Drama Queen title for life.

Course he has, and dude, you're the drama queen around these parts. When can we next expect a cry of 'persecution' from you?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

We'll both "get it" when you show me where Ted Cruz sides with Donald Trump on LGBTQueer/Planned Parenthood and socialist issues. Since you won't find that he has, try again.

If he's endorsing a guy who stands for things he apparently finds reprehensible then vicariously, he's doing just that. If he's doing it for personal motives such as career prospects etc then he's 'selling out'. If he stuck by his principles he wouldn't be backing Trump no matter what the pressure.

Politics is a...ahem....queer game Art (pun intended). Ted Cruz won't be any good to his fellow conservatives if he's not holding public office and legislating Godly laws like he's done throughout his career. I have no issue with Ted Cruz's lackluster support of Donald Trump, obviously you do. It hurts me so to know that you're no longer a Ted Cruz supporter Art (but I'll get over it).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since politics generally involve machinations of a nefarious nature and Ted Cruz hasn't sold out any "moral standards", I have no issue with his lackluster support of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

BTW, you've been dethroned of your Queen of Denial title, but without a doubt hold the Drama Queen title for life.

Course he has, and dude, you're the drama queen around these parts. When can we next expect a cry of 'persecution' from you?


Now now Art, I see that you're taking your dethronement pretty hard. TracerBullet worked hard for his new title, be happy for him.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Politics is a...ahem....queer game Art (pun intended). Ted Cruz won't be any good to his fellow conservatives if he's not holding public office and legislating Godly laws like he's done throughout his career. I have no issue with Ted Cruz's lackluster support of Donald Trump, obviously you do. It hurts me so to know that you're no longer a Ted Cruz supporter Art (but I'll get over it).

Oh, don't get ya panties all in a bunch Connie. Ted Cruz was hardly any good to his 'fellow conservatives' or his nearest rock to begin with. He's just another politician who's sold out whatever principles he held to start with. The fact that you downplay his support for a candidate who you despise (and so apparently did he on your favourite issues) only shows how gullible and duped you really are. You're like a reflection of Catholic Crusader where it comes to venerating a guy who would sell you down the river if his bank balance went up.

Now now Art, I see that you're taking your dethronement pretty hard. TracerBullet worked hard for his new title, be happy for him.

Eh, that plastic tiara was superglued to your head since the original OP in part one of this epic borefest. Get a grip, a clue and a life dude...seriously.


Oh, don't get ya panties all in a bunch Connie. Ted Cruz was hardly any good to his 'fellow conservatives' or his nearest rock to begin with. He's just another politician who's sold out whatever principles he held to start with. The fact that you downplay his support for a candidate who you despise (and so apparently did he on your favourite issues) only shows how gullible and duped you really are. You're like a reflection of Catholic Crusader where it comes to venerating a guy who would sell you down the river if his bank balance went up.

Eh, that plastic tiara was superglued to your head since the original OP in part one of this epic borefest. Get a grip, a clue and a life dude...seriously.

Now that you've completed yet another Art Brain Drama Queen rant:

A 14 year old sexually confused youth approaches his uncle Art asking for advice...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that you've completed yet another Art Brain Drama Queen rant:

A 14 year old sexually confused youth approaches his uncle Art asking for advice...

Rant? In all the years you've been here you still don't even know what one is do you? Nobody rants on your thread dude, why would they? You're just some gay obsessed joke on the internet who might well be in the closet himself.

To answer your latter I'd tell him/her to worship Ted Cruz as you so obviously do...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Now that you've completed yet another Art Brain Drama Queen rant:

A 14 year old sexually confused youth approaches his uncle Art asking for advice...

Rant? In all the years you've been here you still don't even know what one is do you?

"Limp wristed hissy fit" is too long to write.

Nobody rants on your thread dude, why would they? You're just some gay obsessed joke on the internet who might well be in the closet himself.

Poor Art, I can't imagine the pain that you're going through in your sexually confused life. Jesus is the answer you know.

Moving on...

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I must have missed what we have in common. BTW, I removed the "compulsive liar" tag that you put at the bottom of the page.

Darn, I must have missed again what we have in common. So which is it: am I a "compulsive liar" or just a plain ole "liar" (I miss the days when you called me a "lying coward!").
Well, you're black and I'm white but we are both honest and proud red blooded Americans. We both have a fence to fix. We both love Donald J. Trump (you're just putting on a show), and we both detest homosexuality. I'm a little better than you, but otherwise, we are like two peas in pod.
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