Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Says the guy who won't even admit that he promotes homosexuality and the 'gay' agenda. You don't follow politics Art, so don't go pretending to know anything about Donald Trump's liberalism.

I don't admit it because I don't, your silly delusions notwithstanding. I do happen to follow politics and as such find it laughable when folk like you call Trump a liberal. He isn't, not in any sense of the word.

Just because we have different reasons for loathing Donald Trump, don't think for a second that you or any of your fellow secular humanists are my allies Art. I'll spell it out in more detail in my soon to be posted "An open letter to Ted Cruz".

I've zero interest in being your 'ally' aCW, so don't worry yourself on that score...


shut up Clinton lover

First choice was Cruz when the other losers were attacking trump Cruz was quietly waiting. Loved that. But I think trump will be good for business people like myself. Either way God chooses not us.

I was tremendously blessed during obamas reign. Gotta love how the Lord works!

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Says the guy who won't even admit that he promotes homosexuality and the 'gay' agenda. You don't follow politics Art, so don't go pretending to know anything about Donald Trump's liberalism.

I don't admit it because I don't, your silly delusions notwithstanding. I do happen to follow politics and as such find it laughable when folk like you call Trump a liberal. He isn't, not in any sense of the word.

I haven't updated "The Donald Trump Files" in a while, but will be doing so soon. Perhaps you can tell me what is conservative about Trump's stance on things like homosexuality, abortion and government healthcare?


Since you do claim to follow politics, what are your thoughts on Donald Trump, who claims he is anti establishment, having a private meeting with Henry Kissinger? (Trump went to Kissinger's office, Kissinger didn't go to Trump's).

Donald Trump met Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state and long-time foreign policy guru on Wednesday.

Mr Kissinger is the latest in a string of policy experts sought out by Mr Trump as he looks to reassure the Republican establishment that he is not, as Hillary Clinton has described him, a "loose cannon".

Mr Trump's "America First" foreign policy aligns in part with Mr Kissinger's realist approach, with both men emphasising US self-interest in dealings with other countries.

But the meeting marks a concession of sorts from Mr Trump, who has long said that he trusts his own instincts on foreign affairs rather than the supposed wisdom of the foreign policy establishment.


What are your thoughts on Henry Kissinger and the fact that as Secretary of State under Richard Nixon Kissinger helped open up trade relations with the communist butchers in China?(i.e. he sold out the American worker).

Some "America first" politician ey Art?


Getting to Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip

Just because we have different reasons for loathing Donald Trump, don't think for a second that you or any of your fellow secular humanists are my allies Art. I'll spell it out in more detail in my soon to be posted "An open letter to Ted Cruz".

I've zero interest in being your 'ally' aCW, so don't worry yourself on that score...

I just wanted it noted here that I'm no ally of you, Rusha or an other secular humanists who for some odd reason don't like their fellow liberal Donald Trump.


Acw, who us the anti-gay candidate that you are voting for?

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I'll be revealing the strategy that I and anyone else who believes in traditional family values should be following in my soon to be released post entitled "An open letter to Ted Cruz".

That being said: As a devout defender of homosexuality, it must be a tough decision for you who to support:

Pro sodomite Donald Trump?

Pro sodomite Hillary Clinton?

Pro sodomite Gary Johnson? (the Libertarian Party candidate).

Since drug legalization is a big thing with the Libertarians, I figure you for a Gary Johnson fan.


New member
I'll be revealing the strategy that I and anyone else who believes in traditional family values should be following in my soon to be released post entitled "An open letter to Ted Cruz".

That being said: As a devout defender of homosexuality, it must be a tough decision for you who to support:

Pro sodomite Donald Trump?

Pro sodomite Hillary Clinton?

Pro sodomite Gary Johnson? (the Libertarian Party candidate).

Since drug legalization is a big thing with the Libertarians, I figure you for a Gary Johnson fan.
I don't like Johnson's immigration policy, but he's the most free market out of all of them.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll be revealing the strategy that I and anyone else who believes in traditional family values should be following in my soon to be released post entitled "An open letter to Ted Cruz".

That being said: As a devout defender of homosexuality, it must be a tough decision for you who to support:

Pro sodomite Donald Trump?

Pro sodomite Hillary Clinton?

Pro sodomite Gary Johnson? (the Libertarian Party candidate).

Since drug legalization is a big thing with the Libertarians, I figure you for a Gary Johnson fan.

I don't like Johnson's immigration policy, but he's the most free market out of all of them.

As a proud defender of the LGBTQueer movement and abortion, tell the followers of this thread what you like about Donald Trump and hence why you'd vote for him over the other secular humanist candidates.


New member
As a proud defender of the LGBTQueer movement and abortion, tell the followers of this thread what you like about Donald Trump and hence why you'd vote for him over the other secular humanist candidates.

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm sure you will though. Just like you did Romney the pro-choicer.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As a proud defender of the LGBTQueer movement and abortion, tell the followers of this thread what you like about Donald Trump and hence why you'd vote for him over the other secular humanist candidates.

I'm not voting for Trump.

Many of your fellow pro abortion, pro homosexual/cross dressing, dope smoking Libertarians crossed Party lines to help Donald the degenerate get where he is today in the Republican Party, why not you? (Maybe he'll win your heart over by making a pro dope statement; you never know what Donald holds up that sleazy sleeve of his).

I'm sure you will though. Just like you did Romney the pro-choicer.

Take a break from the dope and preserve what's left of that one living brain cell shag.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As a proud defender of the LGBTQueer movement and abortion, tell the followers of this thread what you like about Donald Trump and hence why you'd vote for him over the other secular humanist candidates.

Many of your fellow pro abortion, pro homosexual/cross dressing, dope smoking Libertarians crossed Party lines to help Donald the degenerate get where he is today in the Republican Party, why not you? (Maybe he'll win your heart over by making a pro dope statement; you never know what Donald holds up that sleazy sleeve of his).

Take a break from the dope and preserve what's left of that one living brain cell shag.
Trump being the nominee is the single greatest thing to happen to the libertarian party. Gary Johnson is surging and though he may not win (though the Koch Bros are reportedly setting up a 10 million dollar Super Pac for him which will help) Trump has made a lot of people switch to the libertarian party. Maybe that's why libertarians helped get him nominated?


Trump being the nominee is the single greatest thing to happen to the libertarian party. Gary Johnson is surging and though he may not win (though the Koch Bros are reportedly setting up a 10 million dollar Super Pac for him which will help) Trump has made a lot of people switch to the libertarian party. Maybe that's why libertarians helped get him nominated?

So a pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerate running on the Republican Party ticket motivates pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerates to vote Libertarian?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads intojoy. Out of curiosity, are you in the abortion business or do you have a large chain of 'gay' bathhouses and/or sodomite 'marriage' chapels?

Hail no!

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Based on your earlier remark of how well you're doing financially during these 8 past years under the Obama administration, I had to ask.

Isn't there a story in the Bible about a greedy man choking to death on his ill gotten wealth, or I am thinking of a story that I read elsewhere?
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