Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
I'd even venture to say that Kelly Ripa left her young son in the custody of homosexuals on many occasions. What are the chances that this little guy was sexually molested?

What if he wasn't? Would that bum you out? I mean, it wouldn't help your crusade at all.

Why is it that some women just love being surrounded by perverts?

Are you implying that women can't be perverts themselves?


Regarding post #2399:

BRAINWASHED: Kelly Ripa’s Son Was So Over-Exposed to Homosexuals Getting ‘Married’ that He Thought Normal, Heterosexual Marriage Might Be Illegal — She Tells GLAAD

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd even venture to say that Kelly Ripa left her young son in the custody of homosexuals on many occasions. What are the chances that this little guy was sexually molested?

What if he wasn't? Would that bum you out? I mean, it wouldn't help your crusade at all

I see that you're not at all bothered by parents exposing their children to homosexuals.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Why is it that some women just love being surrounded by perverts?

Are you implying that women can't be perverts themselves?

On a related note: Based on numerous discussions with you on the subject of cross dressing/transvestitism, I want to know what you thoughts are on males, whether they cross dress or have their genitals mutilated or not, going into women's restrooms. As you may recall, I've speculated that you belong to a cross-dressing rock band out in CO., something that you haven't denied, so this subject is right up your proverbial alley.


New member
On a related note: Based on numerous discussions with you on the subject of cross dressing/transvestitism, I want to know what you thoughts are on males, whether they cross dress or have their genitals mutilated or not, going into women's restrooms.

I am not against cross dressing. People are free to wear whatever they want. Who decided that high heals were woman's shies anyway?

I've outlined my position on the bathroom issue in several other threads. Peeing is a biological process and I'm ok with biological rules as to where you can do it. If you have a penis you are a man, regardless of what your feelings tell you and you need to stay out of the ladies room.

As you may recall, I've speculated that you belong to a cross-dressing rock band out in CO., something that you haven't denied, so this subject is right up your proverbial alley.

Yes. My synth-pop band Trixie and the Trannies is releasing our hit song 'Making Your Kids Gay' next month. Get it on iTunes.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

On a related note: Based on numerous discussions with you on the subject of cross dressing/transvestitism, I want to know what you thoughts are on males, whether they cross dress or have their genitals mutilated or not, going into women's restrooms.

I am not against cross dressing. People are free to wear whatever they want. Who decided that high heals were woman's shies anyway?

So in your moral relativist mind, this man is mentally stable and doesn't need spiritual and psychological help?


I've outlined my position on the bathroom issue in several other threads.

For those (including me) who don't follow your godless Libertarian beliefs in other threads, please share them here.

Peeing is a biological process and I'm ok with biological rules as to where you can do it. If you have a penis you are a man, regardless of what your feelings tell you and you need to stay out of the ladies room.

Many state laws say that one's "gender identity" (if you feel like a member of the opposite sex at any given moment) is all that is necessary to access the restroom/locker room of your choice. Surely you're not going to go against your beloved LGBTQ agenda and say that is wrong?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As you may recall, I've speculated that you belong to a cross-dressing rock band out in CO., something that you haven't denied, so this subject is right up your proverbial alley.

Yes. My synth-pop band Trixie and the Trannies is releasing our hit song 'Making Your Kids Gay' next month. Get it on iTunes.

Does getting high off of your sissy dope vaporizer make it easier for you to put on the mascara and pantyhose Trixie, or does it just come natural now?


New member
So in your moral relativist mind, this man is mentally stable and doesn't need spiritual and psychological help?


I don't think he is mentally stable.

I don't think you are either.

You both need the Tao.

Many state laws say that one's "gender identity" (if you feel like a member of the opposite sex at any given moment) is all that is necessary to access the restroom/locker room of your choice. Surely you're not going to go against your beloved LGBTQ agenda and say that is wrong?

The only agenda I have is my own.

Does getting high off of your sissy dope vaporizer make it easier for you to put on the mascara and pantyhose Trixie, or does it just come natural now?

I'm not Trixie. I'm just the maraca shaker.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So in your moral relativist mind, this man [Bruce Jenner] is mentally stable and doesn't need spiritual and psychological help?

I don't think he is mentally stable.

So you would recommend spiritual and psychological help for Bruce? (When I say spiritual, I'm not talking about some fake religion that doesn't have any set moral code, I'm talking about Christianity, which amongst other things helps morally confused people overcome their immoral thoughts and behaviors).

I don't think you are either. You both need the Tao.

As a follower of Christ I'm here to help people like you and Bruce Jenner, not harm you.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Many state laws say that one's "gender identity" (if you feel like a member of the opposite sex at any given moment) is all that is necessary to access the restroom/locker room of your choice. Surely you're not going to go against your beloved LGBTQ agenda and say that is wrong?

The only agenda I have is my own.

Keep in mind that there is much more to this issue than a guy going into a woman's restroom and using a enclosed stall to urinate or defecate in. The LGBTQ movement wants to allow males to undress and shower with women and girls if they so desire. What should be done about that?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Does getting high off of your sissy dope vaporizer make it easier for you to put on the mascara and pantyhose Trixie, or does it just come natural now?

I'm not Trixie. I'm just the maraca shaker.

If you are in a drag queen band, why not show that LGBTQ pride and admit it?


New member
So you would recommend spiritual and psychological help for Bruce?

Recommend, yes. Not force, like you want to though.

(When I say spiritual, I'm not talking about some fake religion that doesn't have any set moral code, I'm talking about Christianity, which amongst other things helps morally confused people overcome their immoral thoughts and behaviors).

I would not recommend Christianity.

Nor is there such thing as a fake religion. You believe one way, or you don't.

As a follower of Christ I'm here to help people like you and Bruce Jenner, not harm you.

I appreciate your effort, but you aren't helping.

Keep in mind that there is much more to this issue than a guy going into a woman's restroom and using a enclosed stall to urinate or defecate in. The LGBTQ movement wants to allow males to undress and shower with women and girls if they so desire. What should be done about that?

It should not be allowed of course.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you would recommend spiritual and psychological help for Bruce [Jenner]?

Recommend, yes. Not force, like you want to though.

But you said just a few posts ago:

I am not against cross dressing. People are free to wear whatever they want.

Does Bruce Jenner need help or not?

Regarding "force": That's why God created righteous laws, so that civil governments would help those who won't help themselves.

Back to the therapy that you'd recommend for drag queens/cross dressers/transvestites and genital mutilators:

Any organizations or fake religions that you'd recommend for those following the thread who are struggling with gender identity disorder? I've linked numerous sources (most are Judeo-Christian backed) on page 1's index, do you have something that is better?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you would recommend spiritual and psychological help for Bruce [Jenner]?

But you said just a few posts ago:

Does Bruce Jenner need help or not?

Regarding "force": That's why God created righteous laws, so that civil governments would help those who won't help themselves.

Back to the therapy that you'd recommend for drag queens/cross dressers/transvestites and genital mutilators:

Any organizations or fake religions that you'd recommend for those following the thread who are struggling with gender identity disorder? I've linked numerous sources (most are Judeo-Christian backed) on page 1's index, do you have something that is better?
I'd recommend a teacher of the Tao Te Ching or Qi Gong.

My wife was a victim of molestation as a child and she wasn't able to find healing and peace until she quit the religious places and found a true teacher. Having tried both, we know what works.

But you can't help people who don't want it. Not even the government can.

And if he doesn't want help, that's fine.

I don't find cross dressing to be a problem though. Where in the Bible does it establish that high heels are are a woman's shoe?


I'd recommend a teacher of the Tao Te Ching or Qi Gong.

I assume that you were taught by the same pagan "teachers" which resulted in your acceptance of amongst other things: homosexuality, transvestitism and recreational drug use?

The idea is to help these confused people, not to send them deeper into the abyss.

My wife was a victim of molestation as a child and she wasn't able to find healing and peace until she quit the religious places and found a true teacher. Having tried both, we know what works.

Hopefully you'll both come around before it's too late and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only way.

But you can't help people who don't want it. Not even the government can.

Righteous laws have helped many a morally confused people from hurting themselves and countless others. Do you have any idea how many gender confused youth Bruce Jenner has influenced?

And if he doesn't want help, that's fine.

I see that your pagan religion doesn't teach "Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself" (Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment).

I don't find cross dressing to be a problem though.

But in an earlier post you said that Bruce Jenner needed help.

Again, which is it?

Where in the Bible does it establish that high heels are are a woman's shoe?

As we'd discussed many tokes ago: The Bible speaks against dressing in clothes of the opposite sex for the purpose of presenting yourself as a different gender.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll be spending a good portion the months leading up to the general election exposing the liberalism of Donald Trump and urging people not to vote for him.

Do your best to defend him.

He isn't a "liberal" by any stretch of the word. He's an egotistical mogul who thinks nothing of riding roughshod over anyone who gets in the way of his hair, politically or otherwise.


I'll be spending a good portion the months leading up to the general election exposing the liberalism of Donald Trump and urging people not to vote for him.

Do your best to defend him.
I will. He has destroyed neocon liberal Ted Cruz, of whom whose wife was an architect and lobbyist for NAFTA. I will never regret voting for Trump, and never regret voting against Trump.


Here's my take (original), the gay homo lovin pastor was lusting after that whole foods homo in the bakery shop, his advances were rejected by that individual so he decided to pull a faggot move and accuse him of writing out the word fag on the cake!

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll be spending a good portion the months leading up to the general election exposing the liberalism of Donald Trump and urging people not to vote for him.

Do your best to defend him.

He isn't a "liberal" by any stretch of the word.

Says the guy who won't even admit that he promotes homosexuality and the 'gay' agenda. You don't follow politics Art, so don't go pretending to know anything about Donald Trump's liberalism.

He's an egotistical mogul who thinks nothing of riding roughshod over anyone who gets in the way of his hair, politically or otherwise.

Just because we have different reasons for loathing Donald Trump, don't think for a second that you or any of your fellow secular humanists are my allies Art. I'll spell it out in more detail in my soon to be posted "An open letter to Ted Cruz".


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll be spending a good portion the months leading up to the general election exposing the liberalism of Donald Trump and urging people not to vote for him.

Do your best to defend him.

I will. He has destroyed neocon liberal Ted Cruz, of whom whose wife was an architect and lobbyist for NAFTA. I will never regret voting for Trump, and never regret voting against Trump.

The Libertarian faction of TOL speaks up for Donald Trump. Admit it, you love his LGBTQ social policies more than anything else SB.


Regarding Sabbath Moon's claim that Heidi Cruz, wife of Senator Ted Cruz was an "architect and lobbyist for NAFTA":

Anatomy of a Smear: Heidi Cruz and the “North American Union”

Back to the drawing board SB. Surely you can dip into the bag of sleaze that Donald Trump has and continue to accuse Ted Cruz of being an adulterer?

How about Cruz's dad being part of the Kennedy assassination?

This is one of my favorites: While the king of sleaze (to my knowledge) didn't say this himself, one of his mindless lemmings accused Ted Cruz of being San Francisco's Zodiac killer.

If nothing else, the king of sleaze and his mindless lemmings are entertaining.
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