Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So a pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerate running on the Republican Party ticket motivates pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerates to vote Libertarian?

Believe it or not, there are more than two issues to base a vote off of.

I understand that for you Libertarians, recreational drug legalization is the deciding factor when it comes to voting for any candidate. Regarding abortion and homosexuality:

If the respective candidate can't get the basics right (valuing innocent human life and acknowledging God's design for human sexuality: one man and one woman united in matrimony), what makes you think that the candidate can get other issues right?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll be spending a good portion the months leading up to the general election exposing the liberalism of Donald Trump and urging people not to vote for him.

Do your best to defend him.

The Libertarian faction of TOL speaks up for Donald Trump. Admit it, you love his LGBTQ social policies more than anything else SB.
Evidently, you do.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So a pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerate running on the Republican Party ticket motivates pro abortion, pro homosexual degenerates to vote Libertarian?

I understand that for you Libertarians, recreational drug legalization is the deciding factor when it comes to voting for any candidate. Regarding abortion and homosexuality:

If the respective candidate can't get the basics right (valuing innocent human life and acknowledging God's design for human sexuality: one man and one woman united in matrimony), what makes you think that the candidate can get other issues right?
It's about legalizing what narcotics [do]. Nicotine is good for people who have stunted brain growth. Marijuana is used to make anti-consultants. Opiates are used for pain; and a well-known addictive and illegal narcotic is used to make Ambien. You can live in your sugar coated world as long as you want. It is still sugar coated.
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It concerns me that a pro abortion, pro homosexual candidate like Donald Trump as the Republican Party nominee for President would effect the Republican Party pro life/pro traditional family platform. I'm glad that Ted Cruz is speaking out about it.

Cruz Vows to Fight Trump on Key ‘Judeo-Christian Principles’ in RNC Platform

May 27, 2016

Former Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) vowed Friday to make sure that the 2016 GOP platform will reflect “Judeo-Christian principles” by working to elect conservative delegates and to fight a proposed change to the platform by Republican nominee Donald Trump.

During an interview with Oklahoma radio host Pat Campbell, the talker asked Cruz if he would pledge to fight Republicans at the party’s convention in Cleveland who want to “screw around with the party platform and remove the abortion plank, or alter it.”

“You have my word,” the senator replied. “One of the reasons that we are continuing to work to elect conservatives to be delegates, even though Donald has the delegates to get the nomination, we intend to do everything we can to fight for conservative principles to prevent Washington forces from watering down the platform.”

“The platform is a manifestation of what we believe as a party, and I think it is important that it continue to reflect conservative values, free-market values, constitutional liberties, Judeo-Christian principles, the values that built this country, and that is exactly what I intend to fight for,” Cruz added.

Trump said in April that he would “absolutely” change the Republican Party’s “Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life” plank to broaden its exceptions.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said shortly after that such changes are “up to the delegates at the convention.”


BTW: Ted Cruz won 40 of 41 delegates here in WA State.
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Go Ted !! Good for him !!

I see that you're back to trolling this thread. Why don't you make yourself useful and bring some of your Donald Trump lemmings (Nick M, ok doser, etc.) into the thread and show me how the pro homosexual, pro abortion Trump will be good for America as President?

patrick jane

I see that you're back to trolling this thread. Why don't you make yourself useful and bring some of your Donald Trump lemmings (Nick M, ok doser, etc.) into the thread and show me how the pro homosexual, pro abortion Trump will be good for America as President?
What's the alternative to Trump ?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What is the alternative to the moral degenerate Trump?

If you don't vote for trump you're voting for Hitlery

You have made no attempt to refute my statement that Donald Trump is a moral degenerate. Are you acknowledging that he is?


For those of you that have joined the American Family Association's boycott of Target stores because they refuse to back down from allowing mentally ill/gender confused/sexual deviant males from using their women's restrooms, the boycott is working:

Target market cap now down $10.5 billion in wake of boycott

May 28, 2016

The American Family Association's pledge to boycott Target because of its policy to allow men into women's bathrooms, and vice versa, has reached 1.3 million signers, and Target's stock (TGT) continues to suffer compared to that of its natural competitors. At the close of trading on Tuesday, the boycott-induced direct decline in Target's market cap was $9.2 billion. By the end of this week, that exceeded $10 billion. Since April 19, the date the policy came into effect, Target's market cap has declined 19.4%. By comparison, the corresponding market cap of natural competitors such as Costco (COST), Walmart (WMT), Dollar General (DG), and Dollar Tree (DLTR) has displayed an entirely different behavior over this time frame.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog..._cap_now_down_105_billion_due_to_boycott.html


patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What is the alternative to the moral degenerate Trump?

I disagree, Trump tell it like it is and he's brutally honest. You will never wonder where he stands on any issue, he's the best candidate for POTUS. Trump is a family man and a business man who is now a politician

You have made no attempt to refute my statement that Donald Trump is a moral degenerate. Are you acknowledging that he is?

I disagree, Trump tells it like it is and he's brutally honest. You will never wonder where he stands on any issue, he's the best candidate for POTUS. Trump is a family man and a business man who is now a politician

patrick jane

I'm just waiting for this thread to get back on the subject of homos hitting on straight guys like me. I have a sordid gay past to tell


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You have made no attempt to refute my statement that Donald Trump is a moral degenerate. Are you acknowledging that he is?

I disagree, Trump tells it like it is and he's brutally honest.

Brutality and Donald Trump go hand in hand. I was just reviewing how Donald Trump gave accolades to the Chinese communists (in his SMUT magazine interview) for the way they sternly handled the freedom protesters in Tiananmen Square decades ago.

I think I'll start calling him Donald "T" Trump, the "T" standing for "tyrant".

You will never wonder where he stands on any issue,...

You mean like when he changed his position on abortion three times in a matter of hours? If you don't like Donald "T" Trump's policies, wait 15 minutes, as they could easily change.

he's the best candidate for POTUS. Trump is a family man

Has Donald "T" Trump ever repented for his adulterous affairs or for giving an interview to the pornographic magazine Playboy? How about his "New York values"?


and a business man...

Casino/strip club owner who has filed for bankruptcy and is currently being sued.

who is now a politician

Donald "T" Trump isn't new to politics, he's been friends with the left-wing establishment for years and considered running for President on the Reform Party ticket a few elections ago.

The Donald Trump Files


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm focusing on what America will get if Donald "T" Trump should become President of the United States.

We'll get strong leadership, debt reduction, better trade deals, strong SCOTUS appointees and a better America, that's what we'll get.

Make your case on each point, not just your typical generalities.

Who is Donald "T" Trump going to "lead", certainly not people who stand for decency.

He's been proven to be a very poor businessman, how would he go about getting "debt reduction"? Donald "T" Trump rarely if ever talks about the Constitution, do you believe that he admires that document and wants to put it to use once again?

"Better trade deals": What are his plans for that and was it cleared when he met with the king of the Republican Establishment Henry Kissinger?

"Strong SCOTUS appointees", you mean like the ones that gave us Roe v Wade?
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