Oh, why were you there?
"I happened to be downtown", doesn't mean that I was there. I have yet to attend a exhibitionist parade (also known as a "gay pride parade"), as I know that I couldn't stand by while children are being exposed to all kinds of perversion.
Of course these parades are a passing phase like disco.
Oh, you happened to be downtown when this parade was going on, so just coincidence?
It's not a coincidence that you're not abhorred at what goes on at these parades and what little children and youth of all ages are exposed to.
"As long as people love each other..."
But you didn't actually see anything yourself?It's not a coincidence that you're not abhorred at what goes on at these parades and what little children and youth of all ages are exposed to.
"As long as people love each other..."
Over 1 Million Views!
in all 3 "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads since it's inception back in March of 2012!
The word is getting out, and now that faux marriage has been forced upon America and persecution is going to increase even more so, more people are going to realize that perversion and decency can't co-exist and that returning to righteous laws is part of the answer.
When we meet later this year, may I shake your hand and congratulate you in person? GianfrancoOver 1 Million Views!
in all 3 "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads since it's inception back in March of 2012!
The word is getting out, and now that faux marriage has been forced upon America and persecution is going to increase even more so, more people are going to realize that perversion and decency can't co-exist and that returning to righteous laws is part of the answer.
I happened to be downtown Sodomy and Gonorrhea North today, which happens to be the day of the annual "march of the moral degenerates parade".
You should have seen all of the children exposed to perversion.
"I happened to be downtown", doesn't mean that I was there. I have yet to attend a exhibitionist parade (also known as a "gay pride parade"), as I know that I couldn't stand by while children are being exposed to all kinds of perversion.
Of course these parades are a passing phase like disco.
How many of those one million views do you suppose happen to agree with your "proposed plans" aCW?...
After three years what have you accomplished exactly?
When we meet later this year, may I shake your hand and congratulate you in person? Gianfranco
People are beginning to see through their own eyes that this social experiment with perversion isn't working.
Countries like Russia, Uganda and India have recriminalized homosexuality (to varying degrees) and others like Nepal are considering doing so.
India's Supreme Court Reinstates Sodomy Ban
Dec. 2013
The nation's highest court declared that sex acts between consenting adults of the same sex are once again illegal in India.
Nepal To Consider Re-Criminalizing Homosexuality
August 4, 2014
Nepal Justice Minister Narahari Acharya is seeking to enact new anti-gay laws re-criminalizing homosexuality
AcharyaNepal Justice Minister Narahari Acharya [pictured right] is seeking to enact new anti-gay laws re-criminalizing homosexuality, reports the Nepal Times.
In 2007, Nepal decriminalized homosexuality and ruled in favor of protections for the equal rights of LGBTI people. However, the law ministry is currently preparing to push anti-gay laws that will punish gay sex with three years imprisonment. The law would also prohibit same-sex unions.
Here in the US Christians like the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer talks about it, as do other pro family leaders and organizations.
AFA’s Bryan Fischer Wants Homosexuality Recriminalized Again in all 50 States
God's laws are an act of love, and as you've graciously pointed out with your sermons on 1 Corinthians 13...
we Christians have to be "patient" when it comes to love.
Just as mean as ever.Can you give me a date when this supposed meeting is going to take place, as I'll need some time to get a restraining order.
Ah, Uganda, the nation that's a bastion for human rights in general right? They execute gays don't they, and all done in the spirit of love? And Russia, a haven for free speech and democracy? Some 'fine' examples you're picking out here aCW...
Hopefully Nepal won't go backwards and trample on the same freedoms and liberties we have here in the West eh?
Bryan Fischer can want what he wants, he ain't gonna get it and neither are you. Maybe you should move to one of these countries elsewhere where you might feel more at home?
I hate to break the bad news to you Art, but raping little boys (and girls if that's someone's "thing") is not a "human right". These countries have seen that the LGBTQueer experiment didn't work primarily because of the devastating effect that it's had on children (did I mention that the homosexual movement loves to indoctrinate and often times RAPE innocent children?).
Love is patient, you've taught me that Art. We who believe in God and decency will "patiently" work to get righteous laws reinstated so that those who truly need to be protected (children) will be protected, and those who truly need spiritual and psychological help (homosexuals) will get it.
Coming up tomorrow: Photos of the Seattle Pride Parade.