close enough to see all these people and read their minds in the process...
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Ha, this speaks loudly to the change in police culture. :jawdrop:Don't know if it's already posted, I have most here on ignore. If so, it needs reposted to show how far we're sliding.
Don't know if it's already posted, I have most here on ignore..
I must be one of them who you have on ignore, as I keep asking you:
What is your solution to this problem?
Simple. And I've already said it more than once. You just don't like my answer.
Humanly speaking, there isn't a solution. No society that has slid so far as to question its own foundational glue -- if not deliberately seek to remove it -- has ever pulled out of the death spiral once everything started to fly apart. No exceptions. We will prove to be no different. "IF you can keep it," as Mr. Franklin warned.
So "my" solution isn't really mine. The appearing of Christ to set all things right is all there is to look forward to but having read your schtick, it seems pretty clear you're not looking for that.
Christ is without a doubt Returning, but where in Scripture does it say to give up the fight between good and evil (be it re-legislating righteous laws or ministering the gospel to lost souls), thus allowing another 58 million unborn babies to be murdered in the womb and children to be physically, psychological and spiritually molested by perverts?
Yeah? It's all our fault? How?the mess that apathetic Christians like yourself are responsible for
Quick to judge others and to project one's own shortcomings onto others, yet quite dense when it comes to being accountable for one's own actions.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess you two boyz are so calloused from your own pain and misery that you can't (or just plain don't want to) see it in others.
(That's about as profound as Art Brain can get. Now back to sleazy innuendos, his specialty).
Highly queer isn't it Art?
One of these days (before all of the disco music has finally been destroyed and Gay Pride Parades are no more), I'll pop a handful of "be patient with these lost souls flaunting depravity in front of children" pills and with camera in hand, will attend a march of the moral degenerates parade and photograph the really good stuff that you and your fellow LGBTQ'ers don't want people to see.
Trust me Art, I'm gong to continue to share "gay culture" even though it seems to bother you so (and I just hate it when Art Brain is bothered by my thread).
Here are a few images from this past weekend's New York City
post-Supreme Court-ruling Pride that you missed, aCW; thought you'd appreciate them:
[content warning]
Just posting a few pics for aCW. Congratulations, and I still consider you a friend. I told you I'd congratulate you, and I have.I'd like to say I missed your gay bashing...But I didn't miss it at all
You do not obey 2 Tim 2:4, and do so at the expense of also disobeying Colossians 3:1.
You are completely ABSORBED in all this, which is your choice.
But for all your fighting (and of those like you), you've already lost even as you claim you can yet win. It's foolish. The whole thing is destined to burn.
Oh how could I have missed this gem of idiocy...
Yeah? It's all our fault? How?
For voting as conservative as we can?
For supporting law enforcement and giving cops the benefit of the doubt?
For speaking out against hypocrisy, corruption and sin?
For paying our fair share and not trying to screw over our neighbors or emburden our fellow citizens?
For going to work every day?
For trying to raise our kids according to the fading traditions we were raised with?
For praying?
For standing fast in the knowledge that despite all of the above, God Himself will have to fix it?
Explain how all this is OUR fault.
Maybe you and your good buddy GFR7 were so busy scouring the internet for pictures of naked men at gay pride parades that you missed it?
For not getting more involved in the 3rd institution that God ordained for the governance of men: civil government.
:think: ....................... :BRAVO:What part of "vote" do you not understand?
I have a job to do, bills to pay and a family to raise. I cannot afford to seek public office, if that's what you meant. Can you? If so, tell us who you are and where you serve. If not, shut up.