Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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And now, a stroll down "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3" memory lane (over 1 year and 588 pages ago).

San Francisco’s Gay Icon Larry Brinkin Guilty of Felony Child Porn Possession

January 28, 2014

WARNING: Some of the language in this story is graphic and disturbing.

(CNSNews.com) – Larry Brinkin, who worked at the Human Rights Commission for the City of San Francisco for 22 years and was a prominent homosexual rights activist for more than 40 years, pleaded guilty to felony child pornography possession last week.

Brinkin is expected to serve six months in jail, five years of probation, and register as a sex offender for the rest of his life when he is sentenced on Mar. 5. But he likely will get to keep his city pension because possessing and viewing child porn apparently is not considered a crime of “moral turpitude” under San Francisco’s retirement/pension rules.

According to police, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle and SF Weekly, Brinkin had photographic images of children between the ages of 1 and 3 who were being sodomized and forced to perform oral sex on adult men...
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Larry should be out of jail in time for this years San Fransicko gay pride parade. I wonder if Larry will be the Grand Marshal or just march with the rest of the pedophiles and pederasts?


Larry Brinkin, convicted of felony child pornography possession on Jan. 21, had served on the San Francisco Human Rights Commission for 22 years and was a prominent homosexual activist for over 40 years.


In fashion news:

I guess I should share what wardrobe I'll be wearing for the weekend.

Yesterday, the day the historic SCOTUS decision allowing sodomites to destroy God's institution of marriage nationwide was handed down, I was in downtown Sodomy and Gonorrhea North Seattle wearing this nice looking pull over t-shirt from Phil Robertson's Duck Dynasty collection:


(You should have seen the look a couple of bull dykes gave me).

Today I thought that I'd wear a shirt from Chick Fil A, as all of the sodomites in town for the march of the moral degenerates parade tomorrow still have a sour taste in their mouths from when CEO Dan Cathy spoke up defending traditional marriage.


And tomorrow, I thought I'd go back to wearing Duck Dynasty apparel (I sure hope it doesn't bother any of the hundreds of thousands of sodomites celebrating the historic SCOTUS marriage decision, after all, they still are a tad bit upset over Phil Robertson's anus/vagina comment).


And since I haven't seen GFR7 in this thread since the decision was handed down, I'll share here what I said in another thread this morning:

Congratulations GFR7 on your historic victory! I know that you and your comrades in places like Provincetown MA worked very hard for decades to achieve this victory that will continue to bring disease, misery and death to the people of a once great Christian nation.

Oh and GFR7: The culture war is far from being over <wink>.


New member
And since I haven't seen GFR7 in this thread since the decision was handed down, I'll share here what I said in another thread this morning:

Congratulations GFR7 on your historic victory! I know that you and your comrades in places like Provincetown MA worked very hard for decades to achieve this victory that will continue to bring disease, misery and death to the people of a once great Christian nation.

Oh and GFR7: The culture war is far from being over <wink>.
Um, I know, and I am glad it is only beginning. I understand you cannot rid yourself of the delusion that I'm pro-gay, but I have most of my family against me this morning because I don't want to go celebrate on Fifth Avenue this weekend. I prayed Justice Kennedy would be a man but he was a mouse. Uh, I don't have comrades in P-town. And thanks for getting my posts slashed in half: I was almost at 7,000 until they deleted your crappy threads. :madmad:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Congratulations GFR7 on your historic victory! I know that you and your comrades in places like Provincetown MA worked very hard for decades to achieve this victory that will continue to bring disease, misery and death to the people of a once great Christian nation.

Oh and GFR7: The culture war is far from being over <wink>.

Um, I know, and I am glad it is only beginning.

Yes, the misery that you and your sexual anarchist movement has brought upon decent God-fearing Christian's is only beginning.

I understand you cannot rid yourself of the delusion that I'm pro-gay,...

Have I mentioned that the table of contents tells no lies?

but I have most of my family against me this morning because I don't want to go celebrate on Fifth Avenue this weekend.

You're obviously tired from yesterday's celebration.


I prayed Justice Kennedy would be a man but he was a mouse.

Please don't continue to SPIT in the Face of God by saying that you pray to Him.

... And thanks for getting my posts slashed in half: I was almost at 7,000 until they deleted your crappy threads. :madmad:

Being that you didn't post in Part 1 or 2 (at least not under the name of GFR7, I don't see how that is possible.


New member
Please don't continue to SPIT in the Face of God by saying that you pray to Him.

Being that you didn't post in Part 1 or 2 (at least not under the name of GFR7, I don't see how that is possible.
I prayed to Him, but He apparently was on Justice Kennedy's side.
(for now, part of His plan Pre-Tribulation as the all-wise Musterion so aptly states) :think:

Then why the freak did my posts go from the 6900s down to 3000s????? Idiot. Your table of contents is lying drek, and you've ruined my standing you. first. class. idiot.
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New member
Thankfully, I have not been fired*, harassed, threatened with death, assaulted or had my children's lives threatened for standing up for God's Word by the ever so "tolerant" LGBTQueer movement. Other Christians haven't been so lucky.

*But any more emails to the HR Dept. from me asking them not to flaunt the LGBT/rainbow flag in the faces of Christians, Buddhists and Muslims that work at my place of employment could change that.
Perhaps you and yours should get out more aCW? Go into areas where gay people tend to gather or live to get away from homophobic bigotry. Start preaching your hellfire gospel to them and tell them that they should be locked up. I'm sure it would be much appreciated.
I really hope however that you don't get arrested for incitement or anything, that really would be too bad. :plain:

Let me to put this way Al: these institutions (be it marriage, the traditional family, the righteous role of civil government, the Church) have been around for thousands of years for a reason :

Because they work.
Having slaves in the cotton fields worked too aCW, it rather depends on how you define "worked".

Oh my, I do believe talking about homosexual icons raping little boys "man-boy love" has struck a sour chord with Al (note to self: Be more sensitive and talk less about the NAMBLA faction of the LGBTQueer movement, as it appears to be stressing Al out, and the last thing Al needs is stress, being that he's surpassed that 46.6 year mark and is living on borrowed time).
Actually I was rather thinking that by using your standards of evidence and proof I could just as easily imply that you too were a molester of children, just as many supposedly God-fearing wind-bags have turned out to be in the past.
God "worked" for them.:plain:

Here is a flock of rainbow colored sheep who think that they can do their own "thing" without any physical, psychological or spiritual repercussions:
The combined IQ of a crowd is always considerably less than the sum of the parts aCW, but yes many humans as individuals seem to like using the brain, that some say their god gave them, rather than behave like mindless sheep.
I recall somewhere in some old scripture that a good shepherd would lay down his life for his sheep or something, which if you think about it really would be rather stupid. :think:

Yes, history has shown that the traditional family unit worked best it when "revolved around a man a woman" (what a coincidence, God spoke about that in Genesis).
Genesis arrived rather too late on the scene to claim any copyright to that idea aCW.

I've shown how messed up (to put it mildly) LGBTQueer families are on a small scale in the short period of time that adoption and marriage has been legal for sodomites; we'll see how that works out on a large scale here in the US in the next few years.
When it comes to who is demonstrably messed up then people in glass houses...:think:

Needless to say Al, I will have plenty to write about in the upcoming months and years.

Next up: How the homosexual icons of the LGBTQueer movement rape little boys.
Speaking of supposedly God-fearing wind bags.....



1. Denial

An individual may perceive an imaginary, preferred reality to protect them from realizing the intensity of their loss. A grieving homophobe might witness two men publicly exchanging rings and say something like, "Oh, they must be reenacting the scene from The Lord of the Rings in which Gandalf bestows the ring and a great quest onto Frodo Baggins." One might even overhear a woman talking about her spouse, only to assume that when she referenced "my wife," she was quoting Borat.


This feeling arrives when the individual is feeling helpless and powerless. Expect to see adversaries of same-sex marriage participating on Facebook at an unusually high rate. They will toss around words like, "outrage," "evil," and "Pennsylvania should secede!" Online communities will be overrun with non sequitur comments like "GAY OBAMA IZ RUINING MY AMERICA" on a funny picture of a Corgi puppy wearing Yeezys.

3. Lunch

It takes a lot of energy to protest inevitable and beautiful progress. Grab a sandwich.


This stage occurs when the full extent of the loss has been realized. For some, denying equal rights to others is all they have. Don't be surprised to see a despondent Mitch McConnell glued to his couch for days on end, surrounded by empty bottles of Skinnygirl Moscato, watching "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" on repeat.

5. Acceptance

In time, the healing process may lead to the individual coming to terms with their loss. For many Americans, however, this cycle will begin anew in 2016 if a woman is elected as president of the United States. Brace yourself for a Facebook timeline engulfed in “GAY HILLARY IZ RUINING MY AMERICA."

John Taylor Moss




Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Please don't continue to SPIT in the Face of God by saying that you pray to Him.

I prayed to Him, but He apparently was on Justice Kennedy's side.

So God takes the side of evil?

(for now, part of His plan Pre-Tribulation as the all-wise Musterion so aptly states) :think:

So that's why your good friend and comrade musterion sits back and allow 10's of millions of unborn babies to be murdered in the womb and little boys and girls to be physically, emotionally and spiritually molested, etc. etc. etc., because Jesus is coming soon to clean up the horrific mess that inactive Christians are responsible for?

(Gee, I wonder why all of those passages and verses about the righteous role of government are in the Old and New Testament if people of faith are just supposed to sit back on their lazy behinds and do nothing?).


Well-known member
Along with the White House, Empire State building, and a slew of other official buildings done up in rainbow lights last night, I find these global crowds deeply disturbing......This, for 1.5% of the population? :think:

That right there indicates this is truly a spiritual issue more than anything else.


That right there indicates this is truly a spiritual issue more than anything else.

I agree. It makes no practical sense, unless they are enthralled, somehow, with the spirit and the grandeur of it....

Brilliant fellas, absolutely brilliant. The sexual anarchist movement has something to do with lack of spirituality (these guys must have tons of college degrees to be able to figure that one out).

I've heard numerous versions of GFR7's answer to the problem that we're seeing in our society today (it will fade away like disco was one of my favorites), what's yours musterion?

Oh that's right, Jesus is coming back to clean up the mess that inactive Christians are responsible for.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thankfully, I have not been fired*, harassed, threatened with death, assaulted or had my children's lives threatened for standing up for God's Word by the ever so "tolerant" LGBTQueer movement. Other Christians haven't been so lucky.

*But any more emails to the HR Dept. from me asking them not to flaunt the LGBT/rainbow flag in the faces of Christians, Buddhists and Muslims that work at my place of employment could change that.

Perhaps you and yours should get out more aCW? Go into areas where gay people tend to gather or live to get away from homophobic bigotry.

Good point Al, maybe I should move to a city in the NW corner of the US where over 12% of the adult population identify as proud and unrepentant moral degenerates. A city where there are more AIDS clinics and 'gay' bars than there are churches.

Start preaching your hellfire gospel to them and tell them that they should be locked up. I'm sure it would be much appreciated.
I really hope however that you don't get arrested for incitement or anything, that really would be too bad.

Stay up with the times Al, I wouldn't have to say that. Words like "Due to my Christian faith, I cannot bake your 'wedding' cake/arrange your 'wedding' floral arrangement, etc. etc. etc." are good enough reasons to be fined or locked up.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me to put this way Al: these institutions (be it marriage, the traditional family, the righteous role of civil government, the Church) have been around for thousands of years for a reason :

Because they work.

Having slaves in the cotton fields worked too aCW, it rather depends on how you define "worked".

Now don't get started on BDSM again Al, it'll get the leather and whip faction of the LGBTQueer movement following this thread all worked up.

Regarding institutions: I could say that those who engage in homosexual behavior are "enslaved" to sin (but that would go to blind eyes), but I'd rather repeat saying that the institutions that I pointed out have been invaluable to civilization for a good reason:

Because they work.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh my, I do believe talking about homosexual icons raping little boys "man-boy love" has struck a sour chord with Al (note to self: Be more sensitive and talk less about the NAMBLA faction of the LGBTQueer movement, as it appears to be stressing Al out, and the last thing Al needs is stress, being that he's surpassed that 46.6 year mark and is living on borrowed time).

Actually I was rather thinking that by using your standards of evidence and proof I could just as easily imply that you too were a molester of children, just as many supposedly God-fearing wind-bags have turned out to be in the past.
God "worked" for them.

Then I'll once again I'll refer to Selwyn Duke's article entitled

"When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing".

"...it's ideal to have saintly leaders whose lives reflect the highest standards, but what is the next best thing? If a leader is lacking, will we really be better served if he translates his vice into policy than if he merely practices it while advocating the virtue that eludes him?"

Children are a huge part of the LGBTQueer movement, whether it be publically indoctrinating them, or physically raping them behind closed doors.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here is a flock of rainbow colored sheep who think that they can do their own "thing" without any physical, psychological or spiritual repercussions:

The combined IQ of a crowd is always considerably less than the sum of the parts aCW,...

One would think that if the flock of rainbow colored sheep would combine their collective IQ's, that they'd be able to figure out that their culture is a 'death style' (but then most of the adults already know that and want to share their pain and misery with others).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, history has shown that the traditional family unit worked best it when "revolved around a man a woman" (what a coincidence, God spoke about that in Genesis).

Genesis arrived rather too late on the scene to claim any copyright to that idea aCW.

While I normally look to brilliant theologian/history scholars like WizardofOz (aka Aaron) and Art Brain for answers, perhaps you can show what civilizations pre-dated what God said in Genesis?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've shown how messed up (to put it mildly) LGBTQueer families are on a small scale in the short period of time that adoption and marriage has been legal for sodomites; we'll see how that works out on a large scale here in the US in the next few years.

When it comes to who is demonstrably messed up then people in glass houses...

And what's the old saying Al?

"You don't throw fuel on an already out of control fire".



New member
Stay up with the times Al, I wouldn't have to say that. Words like "Due to my Christian faith, I cannot bake your 'wedding' cake/arrange your 'wedding' floral arrangement, etc. etc. etc." are good enough reasons to be fined or locked up.
I'd rather like to go into a Muslim cake shop and ask for a cake with a picture of Mohammed on it, but then I like to mess with people's daft notions.:devil:
However my own view on the great wedding cake standoff is that I personally have no problem at all with shop owners who politely refuse requests if they happen to disapprove for some reason, it's their shop.

Now don't get started on BDSM again Al, it'll get the leather and whip faction of the LGBTQueer movement following this thread all worked up.
Anyone would think that you've suddenly gone off whips and gimps aCW.:jawdrop:

While I normally look to brilliant theologian/history scholars like WizardofOz (aka Aaron) and Art Brain for answers, perhaps you can show what civilizations pre-dated what God said in Genesis?
It's more to do with how long have humans been around, not necessarily if they were actually living in civilised societies. Mind you the Egyptian civilisation pre-dated the penning of Genesis by a long way, but humans have been around for the better part of 200,000 years before your scripture was put down in writing.

And what's the old saying Al?

"You don't throw fuel on an already out of control fire".
Except your metaphorical fire really isn't really a fire or a problem if you just leave it alone and stop stoking it with hatred and bigotry, after a while you won't even know it's there.:juggle:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Stay up with the times Al, I wouldn't have to say that. Words like "Due to my Christian faith, I cannot bake your 'wedding' cake/arrange your 'wedding' floral arrangement, etc. etc. etc." are good enough reasons to be fined or locked up.

I'd rather like to go into a Muslim cake shop and ask for a cake with a picture of Mohammed on it, but then I like to mess with people's daft notions.
However my own view on the great wedding cake standoff is that I personally have no problem at all with shop owners who politely refuse requests if they happen to disapprove for some reason, it's their shop.

And their photography studio, and their wedding chapel, and their Bed and Breakfast, etc. etc. etc.

Careful Al, if you keep going in the direction that you're going, the next thing ya know you'll be working for the Liberty Counsel or the Thomas Moore Law Center.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now don't get started on BDSM again Al, it'll get the leather and whip faction of the LGBTQueer movement following this thread all worked up.

Anyone would think that you've suddenly gone off whips and gimps aCW.

You know how I oh so love to share 'gay' culture with others Al.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I normally look to brilliant theologian/history scholars like WizardofOz (aka Aaron) and Art Brain for answers, perhaps you can show what civilizations pre-dated what God said in Genesis?

It's more to do with how long have humans been around, not necessarily if they were actually living in civilised societies. Mind you the Egyptian civilisation pre-dated the penning of Genesis by a long way, but humans have been around for the better part of 200,000 years before your scripture was put down in writing.

(That's why I always look to pagan theologians/historians like WizardofOz (aka Aaron) and Art Brain for answers, at least they know that Genesis talks about Adam and Eve, the first people on earth. Them thar pagans are so much smarter than atheists).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And what's the old saying Al?

"You don't throw fuel on an already out of control fire".

Except your metaphorical fire really isn't really a fire or a problem if you just leave it alone and stop stoking it with hatred and bigotry, after a while you won't even know it's there.

You'll notice that the metaphorical fire also included other problems that our society is having: adultery and out of wedlock sex.

I guess we Christians should stop stoking the adultery and out of wedlock sex fire with bigotry and hatred as well?
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