Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Good ole reliable Al: Downplaying the huge role that pedophilia and pederasty plays in the LGBTQueer movement by using popular songs and implying that they too promote sex with underage people.
This happens to be a thread about homosexuals in general not specific subgroups of drag queens, transvestites, gay activists or paedophiles or pigeon fanciers. I realise that you wanted to move the goalposts on this a long while back but tough luck, I for one won't be falling for it.:nono:

If you want to start another thread about nefarious or not LGBTKKK(whatever) organisations then by all means do so.
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This happens to be a thread about homosexuals in general not specific subgroups of drag queens, transvestites, gay activists or paedophiles or pigeon fanciers. I realise that you wanted to move the goalposts on this a long while back but tough luck, I for one won't be falingl for it.:nono:

If you want to start another thread about nefarious or not LGBTKKK(whatever) organisations then by all means do so.

Thank you for setting the ground rules for what I may and may not talk about in my soon to be 4 part thread. My team of advisors (me) will give your words serious consideration in future posts.

A quick question Al: How do you manage to pound your chest and type at the same time? (i.e. Al still has testosterone at his age and is letting it show).




New member

Looking ahead to the future of this very important subject.

As I'd mentioned a few posts ago, it appears that part's 1 and 2 of this 3 part thread have been deleted. I've contacted a couple of TOL moderators and stated that if space is an issue, that I could go back and delete many of the insignificant posts, as both threads have great points of reference to various topics that relate to the subject of homosexuality and the sexual anarchist movement in general.

If I need to start over, so be it. While the table of contents has been helpful for me, it's not nearly as organized (i.e. user friendly) as I would like it to be.

Look for a change in that with the upcoming Part 4.
If you go back and delete all those crazy gifs and pics I used to leave you, I'm sure ample room will be freed up. :idea: (Although I joined at Pt 3 so cannot be held responsible for the preceding Parts. :AMR1:)


New member
Can you really be this dim? I've tried to spell it out for you!
If a gay man talks about his "boyfriend" or about falling in love with a "boy" that doesn't mean he was a paedophile any more than John Lennon was in the song "Thank You Girl", get it?
After you first met your wife did you not become "boyfriend" and "girlfriend"?
What did you think "California Girls" was about?
A girl's school playground perhaps?
The Beach Boys were all paedophiles?

There really is no reasoning with a bigot and homophobe. He needs professional help.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Gasp! The next thing you'll be telling me is that conservative icon Ronald Reagan was responsible for defeating the Briggs Initiative.

The following day's issue of the newspaper above said absolutely nothing about what it had published the previous day.

Believe it or not, George W. Bush (like Reagan) was an ally to the LGBTQueer movement.

If you don't believe me, check out this website and see what he'd done for the homosexual movement.


I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do," the president stated. "tates ought to be able to have the right to pass ... laws that enable people to, you know, be able to have rights, like others."


On Aug. 15, in an interview with CNN's Larry King, the president was talking about his support for a federal marriage amendment when King asked him, "What about the union of gays?"

Mr. Bush said, "Well, that's up to the states, you know. If states choose to do that, in other words, if they want to provide legal protections for gays, that's great! That's fine!"


Pittsburgh, PA - President Bush gave Sen. Arlen Specter a much-needed boost Monday, urging GOP faithful to stick with the moderate incumbent over a conservative challenger in Pennsylvania's tightening Republican primary for the U.S. Senate.

"I'm here to say it as plainly as I can: Arlen Specter is the right man for the United States Senate," Bush told a whooping crowd of an estimated 2,000 supporters at the Steel City's downtown convention center.

Etc. etc. etc.


I'd shown in another post where Daddy Bush attended a lesbo wedding (after being out of office).



Look at my signature at the bottom of my post to see that we won't be getting anything different if we elect another Bush as President.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking ahead to the future of this very important subject.

As I'd mentioned a few posts ago, it appears that part's 1 and 2 of this 3 part thread have been deleted. I've contacted a couple of TOL moderators and stated that if space is an issue, that I could go back and delete many of the insignificant posts, as both threads have great points of reference to various topics that relate to the subject of homosexuality and the sexual anarchist movement in general.

If I need to start over, so be it. While the table of contents has been helpful for me, it's not nearly as organized (i.e. user friendly) as I would like it to be.

Look for a change in that with the upcoming Part 4.

If you go back and delete all those crazy gifs and pics I used to leave you, I'm sure ample room will be freed up. :idea: (Although I joined at Pt 3 so cannot be held responsible for the preceding Parts. :AMR1:)

LOL...and destroy the evidence?


New member
Thank you for setting the ground rules for what I may and may not talk about in my soon to be 4 part thread. My team of advisors (me) will give your words serious consideration in future posts.
Moving the goal posts, even in your own thread aCW, doesn't make you anything more than a discredited, dishonest and vacuous windbag. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you for setting the ground rules for what I may and may not talk about in my soon to be 4 part thread. My team of advisors (me) will give your words serious consideration in future posts.

Moving the goal posts, even in your own thread aCW, doesn't make you anything more than a discredited, dishonest and vacuous windbag. :plain:

If part 1's OP were available, I'd show you what was written in it was pretty much everything that I've covered (and have yet to cover). But since it's not, all I have to go by is part 3's OP.

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Gasp! The next thing you'll be telling me is that conservative icon Ronald Reagan was responsible for defeating the Briggs Initiative.

Believe it or not, George W. Bush (like Reagan) was an ally to the LGBTQueer movement.

If you don't believe me, check out this website and see what he'd done for the homosexual movement.


I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do," the president stated. "tates ought to be able to have the right to pass ... laws that enable people to, you know, be able to have rights, like others."


On Aug. 15, in an interview with CNN's Larry King, the president was talking about his support for a federal marriage amendment when King asked him, "What about the union of gays?"

Mr. Bush said, "Well, that's up to the states, you know. If states choose to do that, in other words, if they want to provide legal protections for gays, that's great! That's fine!"


Pittsburgh, PA - President Bush gave Sen. Arlen Specter a much-needed boost Monday, urging GOP faithful to stick with the moderate incumbent over a conservative challenger in Pennsylvania's tightening Republican primary for the U.S. Senate.

"I'm here to say it as plainly as I can: Arlen Specter is the right man for the United States Senate," Bush told a whooping crowd of an estimated 2,000 supporters at the Steel City's downtown convention center.

Etc. etc. etc.


I'd shown in another post where Daddy Bush attended a lesbo wedding (after being out of office).



Look at my signature at the bottom of my post to see that we won't be getting anything different if we elect another Bush as President.

I think you are on fire. You have already circled the wagons but the Indians are using lighted arrows.


New member
If part 1's OP were available, I'd show you what was written in it was pretty much everything that I've covered (and have yet to cover). But since it's not, all I have to go by is part 3's OP.
If that is true then the title of this thread certainly doesn't reflect that and is as misleading and bigoted as anything else you spout.:mmph:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If part 1's OP were available, I'd show you what was written in it was pretty much everything that I've covered (and have yet to cover). But since it's not, all I have to go by is part 3's OP.

If that is true then the title of this thread certainly doesn't reflect that and is as misleading and bigoted as anything else you spout.:mmph:

You seem angry Al, how about if I share a spot (I believe that's what the Brit's use instead of "a bit") of good LGBTQueer news with you?

Openly gay player making historic start for Sonoma Stompers

June 23, 2015

When pitcher Sean Conroy takes the mound in Thursday’s Sonoma Stompers game, he has two reasons to be a little nervous.

One, it will be the first start of his professional baseball career after serving as a reliever in the team’s first 18 games of the season.

And two, as the starting pitcher on Pride Night, Conroy will be acknowledging publicly that he is gay.

According to the Stompers, Conroy, 23, of Clifton Park, N.Y., is the first openly gay player to enter the professional baseball ranks.

His appearance, as part of gay pride celebrations this month throughout the Bay Area and the nation, is sure to generate headlines for the Stompers, who won attention last week with a visit from the controversial and always colorful Jose Canseco.

A few gay pro baseball players have come out after their careers ended, but none while playing Major League Baseball or in the minors, according to the Stompers, an independent minor league team unaffiliated with MLB or its farm system.

Conroy seems at ease with his milestone...

Read more: http://www.pressdemocrat.com/sports/4106229-181/openly-gay-player-making-historic

I'm so glad that Sean Conroy is announcing his homosexuality, because I would have never figured it out on my own.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Good ole reliable Al: Downplaying the huge role that pedophilia and pederasty plays in the LGBTQueer movement by using popular songs and implying that they too promote sex with underage people.

On a bright note: Al's smokescreen allows me to play DJ a bit more than I had been.

You really are as dim as a four watt bulb. He wasn't implying any such thing if you actually had any reading comprehension...

His point was rather the opposite dingbat.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Looking ahead to the future of this very important subject.

As I'd mentioned a few posts ago, it appears that part's 1 and 2 of this 3 part thread have been deleted. I've contacted a couple of TOL moderators and stated that if space is an issue, that I could go back and delete many of the insignificant posts, as both threads have great points of reference to various topics that relate to the subject of homosexuality and the sexual anarchist movement in general.

If I need to start over, so be it. While the table of contents has been helpful for me, it's not nearly as organized (i.e. user friendly) as I would like it to be.

Look for a change in that with the upcoming Part 4.

What? Parts one & two have been deleted?!?

Noooooooo, what a tragic loss!!


Oh, sorry, I meant:


Whoops, my bad, I really meant:



What? Parts one & two have been deleted?!?

Noooooooo, what a tragic loss!!


Oh, sorry, I meant:


Whoops, my bad, I really meant:


Don't shed another tear Art, (don't you people just hate it when a guy's mascara runs?)



I have all of the time in the world (I don't worry about expiring at the 46.6 year mark in my life like a certain group of people do).

I'll cover much of what I covered in Part's 1 and 2 again, but this time, I'll be much better organized.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Don't shed another tear Art, (don't you people just hate it when a guy's mascara runs?)

I have all of the time in the world (I don't worry about expiring at the 46.6 year mark in my life like a certain group of people do).

I'll cover much of what I covered in Part's 1 and 2 again, but this time, I'll be much better organized.

Hmm, never worn the stuff so I wouldn't know Connie, perhaps you can tell us why you hate it so much?


Anyhoo, I doubt anyone particularly worries about expiring at 46.6243875 or some such so rather a daft remark to make - though in keeping with most of yours to be fair.

Finally, I doubt you could organize a sock drawer with a single pair of socks in it but have fun anyway...


New member
You seem angry Al, how about if I share a spot (I believe that's what the Brit's use instead of "a bit") of good LGBTQueer news with you?
I realise that you have been ploughing a lonely furrow here for months, nay years aCW, so if anyone should be angry at losing all that time and effort spent on your, often imo undervalued, "Table of Contents" (much lamented of course) it's you, so I do understand.
If you want to let all that anger and frustration out on me then fire away, I can take it aCW.:)

However, if it's now not all homosexuals that you think should be criminalised just those in "push-back" LGBT type organisations because they are the ones that seem to get your goat so much, then the title of your new upcoming, much anticipated, bigotry thread really should reflect that, right?:thumb:

(Oh! And thank you for allowing me somewhere to practice typing and editing on this new mouseless iPad thingy I just got, I really appreciate it, thanks a lot.)
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