Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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I forgot to congratulate you as well on your historical "victory"* yesterday.

*If you want to call even more pain, misery, disease and death "victory".

White House, buildings across the country light up in rainbow colors to celebrate gay rights

Er, it wasn't a historic victory and neither was it mine.

It was the end result of human dignity and rights and liberty and justice for all. And it was for your own children and grand-children.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I forgot to congratulate you as well on your historical "victory"* yesterday.

*If you want to call even more pain, misery, disease and death "victory".

White House, buildings across the country light up in rainbow colors to celebrate gay rights

Er, it wasn't a historic victory and neither was it mine.

It was the end result of human dignity and rights and liberty and justice for all. And it was for your own children and grand-children.

You must be overrun with 'wedding' invitations since yesterday's momentous decision.

Let's take a walk down sodomite memory lane and view some of the past 'weddings' (but first let me grab of a box of tissue, as I get all misty eyed when I see proud and unrepentant moral degenerates mocking God's institution of marriage).

Speaking of degenerates:

Here we have Ellen the degenerate and what'shername on their wedding day (uh Ellen, I think you're supposed to kiss the bride (or is she the groom?) and not your dogs. Maybe that's what lesbos call "foreplay").



I'm not sure what the 2 drag queens from The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have planned on their 'wedding' night (it's probably on Youtube somewhere, but I need to eat in the next week so I'll take a pass).



What's the saying? "Two old dykes that mock God's institution of marriage together spend eternity in damnation together."



I don't know what the story is behind this photo, but who knows, maybe he 'married' himself. (Not that there's anything wrong with that).



I've almost run out of tissue from all of the tears running down my homophobic bigoted cheeks, so I'll share just one more (for now) :

All I can say about this picture is without a doubt he's earned himself a First Class Ticket to Hell:




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I forgot to congratulate you as well on your historical "victory"* yesterday.

*If you want to call even more pain, misery, disease and death "victory".

White House, buildings across the country light up in rainbow colors to celebrate gay rights

You must be overrun with 'wedding' invitations since yesterday's momentous decision.

Let's take a walk down sodomite memory lane and view some of the past 'weddings' (but first let me grab of a box of tissue, as I get all misty eyed when I see proud and unrepentant moral degenerates mocking God's institution of marriage).

Speaking of degenerates:

Here we have Ellen the degenerate and what'shername on their wedding day (uh Ellen, I think you're supposed to kiss the bride (or is she the groom?) and not your dogs. Maybe that's what lesbos call "foreplay").



I'm not sure what the 2 drag queens from The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have planned on their 'wedding' night (it's probably on Youtube somewhere, but I need to eat in the next week so I'll take a pass).



What's the saying? "Two old dykes that mock God's institution of marriage together spend eternity in damnation together."



I don't know what the story is behind this photo, but who knows, maybe he 'married' himself. (Not that there's anything wrong with that).



I've almost run out of tissue from all of the tears running down my homophobic bigoted cheeks, so I'll share just one more (for now) :

All I can say about this picture is without a doubt he's earned himself a First Class Ticket to Hell:


I think you are truly out of control.

I and many others have to wonder about your hysterical fixation on homosexuals. I can imagine your toil and delight about your late night combing the Internet looking for choice quotes and juicy pictures.

You are more transparent to others than you realize.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think you are truly out of control.

I and many others have to wonder about your hysterical fixation on homosexuals. I can imagine your toil and delight about your late night combing the Internet looking for choice quotes and juicy pictures.

You are more transparent to others than you realize.

Quite. Why a supposedly straight bloke would spend so much time combing the net for such images and material is bizarre to say the least...


Did I mention that SCOTUS rulings can be overturned by Congress?

Congress can override Supreme Court rulings like Roe v Wade and Lawrence v Texas.

...All along, there has been a third strategy that has gotten precious little attention: the power granted to Congress in Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court:

The supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

It’s one of the numerous checks and balances in our Constitution. When any branch of our federal government strays from its constitutional authority, the other branches have the authority and responsibility to keep that branch within its bounds...


Now is the time to contact your Congressman regarding this great tool that our Founding Fathers gave us to override judicial activists in the Supreme Court.

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2


New member
aCW: This is why your table of contents often lies: Because you yourself twist words and apply your own meanings. I never said homosexuality would fade away like the disco craze: I said public celebration of homosexuality would fade away like all fads do.

In fact, now that they've gotten their "equality" and there's nothing left to fight for (the transgender craze is not going to fly with most people), I predict boredom and apathy will set in with the public. Especially as more pressing matters take precedent.


aCW: This is why your table of contents often lies: Because you yourself twist words and apply your own meanings. I never said homosexuality would fade away like the disco craze: I said public celebration of homosexuality would fade away like all fads do.

In fact, now that they've gotten their "equality" and there's nothing left to fight for (the transgender craze is not going to fly with most people), I predict boredom and apathy will set in with the public. Especially as more pressing matters take precedent.

LOL...GFR7 is in his "Nothing to see here folks, move along" phase.

Regarding the public celebration of homosexuality fading away:

Does that mean that millions of males, females and "what the heck gender is that thing?" who drag along innocent children to dozens of "pride parades" throughout North America are going to cease and desist?

Does that mean that child indoctrinating centers like HRC, GLAAD and numerous other homosexual organizations are going to close up shop and go back to fulltime public restroom cruising?

Does that mean that the LGBTQueer movement will no longer pursue state and federal legislation prohibiting therapy for children with same sex desires?

The general public has been "apathetic" towards the LGBTQueer movement for sometime now; if they weren't, the drag queen, bull dykes and fairies wouldn't have gotten to where they are today.

If you think that Christians and conservatives are going to give up this fight, you better slap yourself hard because you were by no means awake when you wrote this post.


New member
If you think that Christians and conservatives are going to give up this fight, you better slap yourself hard because you were by no means awake when you wrote this post.
I meant the secular liberal public, you first class idjut. I was hoping for a reignition of the culture wars, and TEDDY JUST GAVE ME RENEWED HOPE !!!!!!!! :BRAVO: He has my vote now :D Love the guy :kiss:

Cruz seeks to harness conservative outrage after Supreme Court decisions



New member
...I wonder if his wife knows?

Or I wonder if he is even married to a woman.
Poor old aCW, nobody ever seems to believe anything he says. :plain:
If he said that he was a repressed ex-ex-gay who lived in his Mom's basement, scared of when his homophobic bigoted step-father would come home drunk, I might believe that. :idea:


...I wonder if his wife knows?

Or I wonder if he is even married to a woman.

Oh my, sleazy innuendos from such a fine upstanding Christian. Pasture* Art Brain definitely needs to do a sermon on 1 Corinthians 13 for you.

*If anyone doesn't get the connection, private message me and I'll splain it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh my, sleazy innuendos from such a fine upstanding Christian. Pasture* Art Brain definitely needs to do a sermon on 1 Corinthians 13 for you.

*If anyone doesn't get the connection, private message me and I'll splain it.

I think he could have said it a bit differently but you can hardly be surprised that people have a '?' over you as it's simply not normal for a heterosexual man to scour the net for homosexual material as you do, let alone the needless pics and your own bizarre innuendo.

In effect aikido is only returning what you've given out but with a bit of justified speculation on top.

Btw, why did you close your racism thread?




Vikings' Josh Robinson Compares Gay Marriage to Incest and Pedophilia, Calls Marriage Equality ''Sick''

June 26, 2015 3:36 PM PDT

Cue the backlash!

Following this morning's history-making Supreme Court Decision on marriage equality, Vikings cornerback Josh Robinson took to Twitter to condemn gay marriage in a series of homophobic tweets. He event compared marriage equality to incest and pedophilia.

"Love is love? So what will we say when the 30yr old loves YOUR 10 year old. When the dad loves HIS 6 year old? It's different? Yea okay!" the 24-year-old football star wrote Friday. "The day one person makes that stand, some may support, but many will say that's sick! That day I will say ‘hypocrites.'"

"When did we start defining a word by using that word? Smh. If you really want to know. Love is… 1Cor 13:1-13," added citing Bible verses.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/news/671070/...t-and-pedophilia-calls-marriage-equality-sick

Oh my, the 'gaystapo' does move fast:

Christian Vikings Cornerback Josh Robinson Apologizes for Tweets Comparing Homosexual Marriage to Incest, Pedophilia

June 26, 2015

Vikings cornerback Josh Robinson issued an apology Friday night for his comments earlier in the day that were critical of the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

“I apologize for any offense my tweets may have caused,” Robinson wrote in a text message. “In an attempt to express my beliefs, I created some confusion with my choice of words, and for that I apologize. I do not equate the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality with other social issues. There are obvious differences. However, I do believe that God’s laws will always supersede man’s laws. This belief is not from hate for anyone but from a love for my God and all those he created. Again, I’m sorry!”...


Robinson obviously needs some sensitivity training.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's quite straightforward what society would say in regards to child molestation, wouldn't be tolerated for pretty obvious reasons as outlined on this train wreck and other threads. The guys comments were plain dumb.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Whiiiiny racist liberals are annoying. I'll reopen it soon.

No idea who you're referring to, but being asked a question as to whether you would agree that a white supremacist outfit like 'Creativity Movement' is vile and pathetic is neither whiny or racist.

Your refusal to answer such a simple question however...


From the ministering aspect of Christianity, this looks like a pretty good movie (remember that God ordained civil government as a minister as well. Righteous laws often lead those who choose not to repent their unrighteous ways down the road of righteous living).



It's quite straightforward what society would say in regards to child molestation, wouldn't be tolerated for pretty obvious reasons as outlined on this train wreck and other threads. The guys comments were plain dumb.

I happened to be downtown Sodomy and Gonorrhea North today, which happens to be the day of the annual "march of the moral degenerates parade".

You should have seen all of the children exposed to perversion.
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