Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Because my "act of violence" (i.e. righteous laws) are an act of love. I've mentioned many times throughout this 3 part thread that in many aspects government is an extension of a family unit.
A loving mother and father wouldn't let their children engage in any behavior that they wanted to, because they know that those destructive behaviors would end up killing them. Governments that legislate righteously (via God's Word) are no different.

and here is a fine example of your "acts of love"

If that assault is indeed true (see the table of contents where numerous posts show that those who proudly engage in homosexual behavior have made false reports to the police to gain sympathy), then the perpetrator needs to be punished. Remember, taking laws into your own hands is an act of anarchy (except for the dad that did some whoopin on the 18 year old homosexual pedophile).
Being that the victim of the assault was a teen, the mom should have sought therapy for her. But then maybe it's illegal in the state that they live in.

I'm sure you are disappointed with Magdo Haro, after all her daughter is still alive. Unlike the great parents of Zachary Dutro who showed that they really loved their son.

I see that you're still using little Zachary Dutro to promote your perverted cause (these people are pathetic, they use a murdered child to promote their own agenda).

The Dutro case was covered in the latter part of part 2. It showed that the mom and live-in boy friend severely beat 2 of Zachary's siblings as well.

While you're here Traci: What do you believe causes homosexual desires?


New member
We've found out that following one's own moral beliefs hasn't worked out too well for the 57 million unborn babies that have been murdered in the womb in the past 41 years Doper. (And yes, you can murder someone that hasn't been born).

Or maybe it has. After all they could have been born, raped by a homosexual, turned gay because of it and died of AIDS instead?

Legislating righteous laws doesn't necessarily make a government a "Big Brother". Keep in mind that when a teen leaves home and goes astray, mom and dad can't do a thing about it. That's where righteous laws come in.

The laws you want to pass equates to big brother.

No they don't

Yes they do


Do I need to drop some acid or just put my mouth over a dope vaporizer for a few decades to follow your attempt at logic?

It was your logic I used.

There's a huge difference between having a state church and having laws that come from the Bible.

No there isn't

Yes there is

no there isn't

Yes there is




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

We've found out that following one's own moral beliefs hasn't worked out too well for the 57 million unborn babies that have been murdered in the womb in the past 41 years Doper. (And yes, you can murder someone that hasn't been born).

Or maybe it has. After all they could have been born, raped by a homosexual, turned gay because of it and died of AIDS instead?

If I were a psychiatrist I'd say "Make yourself comfortable on the couch and tell us about your childhood", but since I'm not, I'll close with:

Just say NO! to drugs people.

Moving on....


Here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North:

Transgender pizza employee said she quit over discrimination


Dylan Paul, 24, said she was more than hurt when she complained that a customer mis-gendered her while she was working last Monday.

“I was working the salad station near the entrance to the restaurant of Broadway Paggliacci’s. Working there, your function is greeting customers, taking and making salad orders, and bidding customers farewell. It was in the evening on a shift I’d picked up from a coworker when I was saying goodbye to one of our regular customers. He returned the gesture, misgendering me as “man,” which isn’t something too unusual in my life.

I corrected him, “It’s ma’am actaully.” He didn’t hear me clearly the first time, and asked me to repeat myself.

"Ma’am, I’m not a man." He heard me clearly that time, and laughed at me before going about topping his pizza with the condiments we keep by the door. I had a few moments to say something, but I was too in shock to respond. On my way home I resolved to say something to him if I saw him in the restaurant again,” said Paul in her blog...


Click on the link and view the video. Not only are these people sick and desperately need spiritual and psychological help, but to watch the prostitute media defend these lost souls does a grave injustice to them and our society as a whole.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Sigh, once a nutcase conspiracy theorist, always a nutcase conspiracy theorist).

On occasion you post some pretty informative information Naz. As for posts like this one:

Take a chill pill before you sit down a the keyboard and start typing.
Buy a clue, first.


Since we're talking about transsexuals and violence amongst those that partake in homosexual behavior, I thought I'd post this story, as it's made national news because the victim is the brother of a NBA player.

Police say transgender woman was killed near Lake Ashburton

July 17, 2014

Black- and copper-colored beads lay around a puddle of blood in a Northwest Baltimore alley where police said a transgender woman was killed early Wednesday in a crime that bore similarities to the slaying of another transgender woman last month.

Baltimore police are investigating whether the death of Mia Henderson, 26, is connected to the killing of Kandy, whose body was found June 3 in a field in Northeast Baltimore.

Both were found during the early morning, and police have no suspects in either case.

The death of Henderson, who was known previously as Kevin Long, drew a roomful of leaders from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community to a meeting with Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts. Batts tried to assure them that detectives were working hard on both cases.

"We want to be strong partners with our LGBT community," he sad. "Not by talk but by action."

The killings of Henderson and Kandy, who was known previously as Ricky Carlos Hall, have shaken many in the local transgender community. Advocates say some feel targeted by violence but are reluctant to cooperate with police because they're afraid of being profiled or investigated as prostitutes.

"It's clear the community is concerned about the continued violence against transgender women, and we need to see action," said Keith Thirion, director of advocacy and programs for Equality Maryland.

Henderson's killing was the third in a span of about 12 hours Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning, ending what had been a quiet week in the city. Jamal Ross, 32, was shot to death at North Bentalou Street and Windsor Avenue near Coppin State University at about 5 p.m. Tuesday, police said Thursday. Darnell Mitchell, 28, was fatally shot in the chest in the 2200 block of Cedley St. in the Westport neighborhood of South Baltimore at about 4 a.m. Wednesday.

Reggie Bullock, a player for the Los Angeles Clippers who grew up in Baltimore, called Henderson his "brother" in tweets Wednesday evening.

He wrote that Henderson "lived his own life" and "loved me and his immediate family to death."

"Never cared what others thought," Bullock said. "Always tried to keep people smiling and would do anything for me."

Police officers from the Baltimore-area Warrant Apprehension Task Force were attempting to serve a warrant in the Hanlon-Longwood neighborhood about 6 a.m. Wednesday when they found Henderson's body in an alley in the 3400 block of Piedmont Ave.

The alley off Garrison Boulevard, which police says is a hot spot for prostitution, is shielded from the view of busy streets. Neighbors say it has served as a rendezvous for drug users, prostitutes and johns attempting to buy sex with small amounts of cash or drugs.

Read more: http://touch.baltimoresun.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-80820121/


Suicide, drug abuse, prostitution, murder, life isn't easy for the lost souls that think that they're a woman trapped inside a man's body (and vice versa).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Rant: "to speak or say something in a very loud, aggressive, or bombastic way, usually at length and repetitively."

Pervert: "somebody whose sexual behaviour is considered unacceptably deviant"

Deviant: "diverging sharply from a customary, traditional, or generally accepted standard, or displaying such divergent behaviour"

aCultureWarrior: "see "Homophobia" also "Bigot""

It would seem that aCW is rather uncomfortable discussing one of the most commonplace heterosexual male fantasies, perhaps because it doesn't concern talking about homosexual men or even straight ones...


Rant: "to speak or say something in a very loud, aggressive, or bombastic way, usually at length and repetitively."

It would seem that aCW is rather uncomfortable discussing one of the most commonplace heterosexual male fantasies, perhaps because it doesn't concern talking about homosexual men or even straight ones...

As shown, Art is quite repetitive when it comes to talking about lesbo sex, but we don't know if he's sitting at his keyboard lisping in a loud, aggressive or bombastic way.

Perhaps I should use another word, one that I use when describing his...ahem...'guy friend' WizardofOz (aka Aaron) :


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As shown, Art is quite repetitive when it comes to talking about lesbo sex, but we don't know if he's sitting at his keyboard lisping in a loud, aggressive or bombastic way.

Hmm, but it's not repetitive where it comes to your constant pics of gay pride pics and men in a state of undress? It's rather telling that the rather recent mention of what happens to be a common theme among heterosexual men is causing you such consternation and an obvious discomfort to address? Perhaps it's your own monitor that's dripping with spittle? :think:

Perhaps I should use another word, one that I use when describing his...ahem...'guy friend' WizardofOz (aka Aaron) :


Ah, it's been a while since you've resorted to that little 'gem' Connie. It would seem that you're more interested in imagining male posters in homosexual trysts, which is very odd behaviour for a supposedly heterosexual man...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown, Art is quite repetitive when it comes to talking about lesbo sex, but we don't know if he's sitting at his keyboard lisping in a loud, aggressive or bombastic way.

Hmm, but it's not repetitive where it comes to your constant pics of gay pride pics and men in a state of undress?

That's pretty cruel of me isn't it Art? I mean showing pictures of naked men exposing themselves to children to you is like showing a picture of a bag of dope to Shagster01. I can only imagine that it makes both of you salivate like a dog (I couldn't find a picture of one of those little yapping dogs that salivates, sorry).


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's pretty cruel of me isn't it Art? I mean showing pictures of naked men exposing themselves to children to you is like showing a picture of a bag of dope to Shagster01. I can only imagine that it makes both of you salivate like a dog (I couldn't find a picture of one of those little yapping dogs that salivates, sorry).


It seems the highlighted is all you can do Connie, and feverishly at that. Mind you, it is quite amusing that the pic has 'lonelyconservative.com' as it's prob your own website....:p


Yep, it is true. For once we agree on something.

Welcome back to the thread GFR7 Jr. For those of you wondering where our little pretend culture warrior went, he's posting brilliant ideas like this in other threads (note how the the pro abortion, pro homosexuality, pro recreational drug addict shagster01 is giving him accolades).

Originally Posted by shagster01
I think you raise good points here GFR7.

So what do you propose to combat it?

Well, after encountering a certain extremist mindset of a particular poster here -whose explosion terrified me and taught me a lesson - I am now convinced that a gradual counter-educational movement is the answer.

1.. There can be LGBTQ taught in schools, but there must be a counter-teaching just as available and just as strong.

2. People have a right to ban reparative therapy, but a counter-movement has a right to promote it and to fight to repeal those bans.

3. Some Christian Churches want to accept gays, but there must be prominent groups who refuse to do so.

4. Media and entertainment can promote gays, but there must be strong media and film venues which are allowed to show the opposing side.

5. Rules to protect minors must be enforced (vis a vis certain displays at Pride displays) without ruling out the parades altogether.

6. Scholars such as Brian Brown and Peter LeBarbera - truly educated men who do not explode at you or harass you when you disagree with them, such as a certain extremist I know - should not be labeled as "haters", but simply as traditionalists who do not celebrate homosexuality or promote gay culture.

7. The physiological and psychological health risks of the gay lifestyle must be made public (as they are at present).

A new, fresh perspective would begin to emerge (we can certainly NEVER return to the past. EVER.) History follows the Hegelian trajectory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis; it has been forever so and will continue on.

Every attempt to simply return to "the way things used to be" has been and will continue to be doomed to failure, because it always leads right back to the point at which we have now arrived, following the same trajectory. Both movements on either side have arrived at the same historical juncture, and owe their origins to the same causes.

As our founding father James Madison has said, "Ambition will counteract ambition."

It is like promoting an alternative cure for cancer, such as certain IV herbal concoctions. Yes, we can have them, and we should be made aware of them, and allowed to use them. But the traditional therapies must be allowed to strongly assert their case, as well.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. For those of you that are anti abortion and want to do something about the 57 million unborn babies murdered in the womb in the past 41 years:

"we can certainly NEVER return to the past. EVER.) History follows the Hegelian trajectory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis; it has been forever so and will continue on."

(So that's what they're talking about in gay bathhouses these days: the Hegelian trajectory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis).


New member
Welcome back to the thread GFR7 Jr. For those of you wondering where our little pretend culture warrior went, he's posting brilliant ideas like this in other threads (note how the the pro abortion, pro homosexuality, pro recreational drug addict shagster01 is giving him accolades).

Anyone challenging your asinine ideas is a friend of mine.


You've been here for years...


Speaking of lipstick lesbians Art (I only gave in because I found noguru's original post):

Perhaps noguru could return to the thread and explain to us why he didn't write this post in the past tense (i.e. when he was younger).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There is something terribly terribly wrong with someone who compares the filthy disease ridden behavior known as homosexuality with that of a recreation such as skydiving.

Quote: Originally posted by noguru

Sex can be risky, whether hetero or homo. Any aware educated person knows this. My comparison was about "risk" only. A promiscuous heterosexual is engaging in risky behavior as well.

I do agree with one point you have made. Homosexuals do tend (males in general) to be more promiscuous than either heterosexuals of both gender, and female homosexuals. But that is anecdotal evidence strictly based on what I witnessed living in Miami/Dade for 11 years.

I have to be honest about my personal preferences as well. I find male/male sexual activity to be repulsive. However, I do not feel the same about female/female sexual activity. I think most male heteros feel the same way. So I am careful not to let my personal bias dictate what I think criminal legislation should be.

I think it is absurd to expect society to police people's bedrooms. As long as they are not knowingly transmitting STDs, and it is between consenting adults. This does not mean that people cannot incorporate a more strict sexual moral code on them self if they chose to based on either their theology, other moral code, or their personal preference. People will still have the freedom to amend their morality above and beyond that which is enforced by law.

Deceit and lying is not illegal in many places/professions/, but people are free to incorporate their own standards in that regard that go above and beyond the law.


Good point nog: if our society "polices people's bedrooms", you wouldn't be able to get your perverted kicks by watching two lesbos getting it on.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sex can be risky, whether hetero or homo. Any aware educated person knows this. My comparison was about "risk" only. A promiscuous heterosexual is engaging in risky behavior as well.

I do agree with one point you have made. Homosexuals do tend (males in general) to be more promiscuous than either heterosexuals of both gender, and female homosexuals. But that is anecdotal evidence strictly based on what I witnessed living in Miami/Dade for 11 years.

I have to be honest about my personal preferences as well. I find male/male sexual activity to be repulsive. However, I do not feel the same about female/female sexual activity. I think most male heteros feel the same way. So I am careful not to let my personal bias dictate what I think criminal legislation should be.

I think it is absurd to expect society to police people's bedrooms. As long as they are not knowingly transmitting STDs, and it is between consenting adults. This does not mean that people cannot incorporate a more strict sexual moral code on them self if they chose to based on either their theology, other moral code, or their personal preference. People will still have the freedom to amend their morality above and beyond that which is enforced by law.

Deceit and lying is not illegal in many places/professions/, but people are free to incorporate their own standards in that regard that go above and beyond the law.


Good point nog: if our society "polices people's bedrooms", you wouldn't be able to get your perverted kicks by watching two lesbos getting it on.

Well frankly Connie, Nog is simply reflecting a great many if not most men's heterosexuality in one particular aspect. It's a fair bet that most straight blokes don't find anything particularly repulsive about two attractive women 'getting it on' as they would two men, in fact it's outright alluring to very many and once again there's a reason why the glamour industry reflects it. It's one of the biggest double standards going in 'topics' such as this as the biggest amount of vitriol is typically displayed by heterosexual men towards homosexual ones- hence the usual 'faggot' insults etc, yet they'll have little issue with women unless it's the 'butch' variety.

It's no wonder you can't comfortably address this or even take a half stab at it...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of lipstick lesbians Art (I only gave in because I found noguru's original post):

Perhaps noguru could return to the thread and explain to us why he wrote this post denouncing homosexual pornography on July 18th, 2014:

Quote: Originally posted by noguru

When I was younger I did get into porn, hetero and female on female. And I use to go to exotic dance clubs (female if you are still not sure). I have since realized that porn desensitizes me from real life and it has been almost 20 years since I found it enjoyable. My background has actually been beneficial because I helped a young lady who use to be an exotic dancer get sober last year. Since I was quite familiar with the whole scene, I could understand where she was coming from better than anyone else she met in recovery. I have no problem telling you the truth if you do not twist the things I say, and try to make it something it was not.


Yet noguru wrote this only 3 months earlier on April 13, 2014, where he admitted that he likes watching homosexual perversion.

Quote: Originally posted by noguru

Sex can be risky, whether hetero or homo. Any aware educated person knows this. My comparison was about "risk" only. A promiscuous heterosexual is engaging in risky behavior as well.

I do agree with one point you have made. Homosexuals do tend (males in general) to be more promiscuous than either heterosexuals of both gender, and female homosexuals. But that is anecdotal evidence strictly based on what I witnessed living in Miami/Dade for 11 years.

I have to be honest about my personal preferences as well. I find male/male sexual activity to be repulsive. However, I do not feel the same about female/female sexual activity. I think most male heteros feel the same way. So I am careful not to let my personal bias dictate what I think criminal legislation should be.

I think it is absurd to expect society to police people's bedrooms. As long as they are not knowingly transmitting STDs, and it is between consenting adults. This does not mean that people cannot incorporate a more strict sexual moral code on them self if they chose to based on either their theology, other moral code, or their personal preference. People will still have the freedom to amend their morality above and beyond that which is enforced by law.

Deceit and lying is not illegal in many places/professions/, but people are free to incorporate their own standards in that regard that go above and beyond the law.


Well frankly Connie, Nog is simply reflecting a great many if not most men's heterosexuality in one particular aspect. It's a fair bet that most straight blokes don't find anything particularly repulsive about two attractive women 'getting it on' as they would two men, in fact it's outright alluring to very many and once again there's a reason why the glamour industry reflects it. It's one of the biggest double standards going in 'topics' such as this as the biggest amount of vitriol is typically displayed by heterosexual men towards homosexual ones- hence the usual 'faggot' insults etc, yet they'll have little issue with women unless it's the 'butch' variety.

It's no wonder you can't comfortably address this or even take a half stab at it...

So which is it? Does noguru like watching two homosexuals having sex or doesn't he?
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