Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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if gays and lesbians are as bad as you claim why do you rely on fake studies and lies?

Why are you afraid to admit that homosexuality is a "culture of death" TB?

Do you feel that you'll be selling out someone who you believe is a "responsible" homosexual? (i.e. only cruises public restroom toilet stalls on days that end with "y").

Why do you denounce every article that I've posted, many which were written by proud and unrepenant moral degenerates like yourself?


New member
Why are you afraid to admit that homosexuality is a "culture of death" TB?

Do you feel that you'll be selling out someone who you believe is a "responsible" homosexual? (i.e. only cruises public restroom toilet stalls on days that end with "y").

Why do you denounce every article that I've posted, many which were written by proud and unrepenant moral degenerates like yourself?

if gays and lesbians are as bad as you claim why do you rely on fake studies and lies?


if gays and lesbians are as bad as you claim why do you rely on fake studies and lies?

Those who engage in the behavior known as homosexuality and are proud and unrepentant about it (i.e. not struggling with homosexuality and wanting to change their desires and behavior) are lying to themselves.

That being said: Why do you tell the biggest lie of all by claiming to be a follower of Christ when in fact you're nothing but a God-hating atheist? (refer to my "3 tenets of atheism" posts to see why people can still be an atheist and HATE God).

Inquiring minds gottsta know.


Let's talk theonomy:


Perhaps Christian Liberty aka the Jr. Libertarian Theonomist could answer a few questions that concern me about theonomy.

7. We believe that there are two biblically prescribed punishments enforceable by the state: execution and restitution.

We do not believe in jail sentences. We believe in only the biblically prescribed punishments for violations of the moral law.


8. We want civil government to punish evil doers according to biblical sanctions.

We want all moral laws of the Old Testament to be enforced according to biblical standards.

Here's a question that needs to be asked: Since Libertarian Ron Paul is a good friend of theonomist Gary North (and I assume North's son- in- law Joel McDurmon as well) and Ron Paul helps promote homosexuality through civil government, would Ron Paul be stoned to death in a theonomist society?


Theonomist and Ron Paul disciple Gary North


New member
Those who engage in the behavior known as homosexuality and are proud and unrepentant about it (i.e. not struggling with homosexuality and wanting to change their desires and behavior) are lying to themselves.

That being said: Why do you tell the biggest lie of all by claiming to be a follower of Christ when in fact you're nothing but a God-hating atheist? (refer to my "3 tenets of atheism" posts to see why people can still be an atheist and HATE God).

Inquiring minds gottsta know.

if gays and lesbians are as bad as you claim why do you rely on fake studies and lies?


if gays and lesbians are as bad as you claim why do you rely on fake studies and lies?

While I usually don't attempt to reason with people whose wallet contains a membership card to the North American Man Boy Love Association, as I stated in the OP of Part 1:

"Numerous links will be attached throughout the thread, backing what has been written by various sources. If there is factual error, then I encourage anyone to refute it with their source."

How about we start with homosexual pederast and mass murderer Robert Sanchez:


Refute any factual error or go make yourself useful by prepping the NAMBLA float for the next 'gay' pride parade in a city near you.





Here's some good news for you progressive parents out there whose little cross dressing son had been denied membership to organizations that only allow females in them because of "transgenderphobia" :

Girl Scouts of America opening their tents to boys in skirts

May 14, 2015

Wasn’t it only yesterday when we generally knew where all the boys were? Standing like shy colts against one end of the school gymnasium, pretending to be oblivious to all the girls hoping not to be wallflowers waiting to be asked to dance, at the other.

It was the boys diving off rocks into the creek at the edge of town each summer, and the girls twittering like birds at pajama parties while their parents admonished them: “Go to sleep!”

Spats spawning the accusation, “That’s my sweater!” were between sister siblings and the only thing brothers stole from teenage sisters were their diaries.

Yesterday’s parents felt a little safer knowing where the boys were and where the girls were.

Heading off in the same direction as society’s new right and wrong, identity is not a sure thing anymore—and not just for transgenders in transition.

That young lad pumping his bicycle pedals demon-like through the streets of your quiet neighborhood is now transitioning to girlhood—right in the tent of Girl Scouts of America, and the American Family Association is hoping you won’t let it go down without trying to do something about it.

“A new Girl Scouts of America (GSA) policy states it will extend membership to boys who identify as girls. (American Family Association, May 14, 2015)

“This means girls in the organization will be forced to recognize and accept transgenderism as a normal lifestyle. Boys in skirts, boys in make-up and boys in tents will become a part of the program. This change will put young innocent girls at risk.

The group says on its website,

“If the child is recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe.”

Read more: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/71961

I talked about the pro abortion, pro homosexuality Girl Scouts of America in a previous thread. If you haven't already pulled your child from this godless organization, now is the time to do so and join the American Heritage Girls.


The Horn

The tragic Amstrak accident had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Sanchez is gay . It could just as easily have happened with a straight man driving the train .

The Horn

Why are you assuming I'm gay just because I speak out against anti-gay bigotry here and elsewhere on the internet ? I'm not gay .
I'm 100 % heterosexual , have never had gay sex , nor do I have any desire to . I just believe that gay people should be treated decently by society and have the same rights as straight people .
Did supporting civil rights for blacks back in the 1960s make you black even though your skin color was white ?
Does being for humane treatment of animals make you a cat or a dog ? Come on now !


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why are you assuming I'm gay just because I speak out against anti-gay bigotry here and elsewhere on the internet ? I'm not gay .
I'm 100 % heterosexual , have never had gay sex , nor do I have any desire to . I just believe that gay people should be treated decently by society and have the same rights as straight people .
Did supporting civil rights for blacks back in the 1960s make you black even though your skin color was white ?
Does being for humane treatment of animals make you a cat or a dog ? Come on now !

Any stage equivalent, it time, it was mainly blacks and a few whites. This issue was based on an ingrained assumption, the who of one determined the worth, not the act of one. Homosexuals are defined by the act, any identity is secondary to their aberrant behaviour,

I personally believe you are heterosexual; however, I think you are one of those 'metrosexuals', not a traditional masculine man.


New member
Any stage equivalent, it time, it was mainly blacks and a few whites. This issue was based on an ingrained assumption, the who of one determined the worth, not the act of one. Homosexuals are defined by the act, any identity is secondary to their aberrant behaviour,

I personally believe you are heterosexual; however, I think you are one of those 'metrosexuals', not a traditional masculine man.
On this thread we are all gay apparently.
On this thread Fred we all have "a gay old time".


The Horn

Kids in schools aren't being "indoctrinated " to accept homosexuality . On the contrary , it is preachers and parents all over America who have been brainwashing them into believing that homosexuality is an "abomination " that will send them to hell if they are gay , and that gays are dangerous perverts out to get them , etc .
Schools are trying to undo the terrible damage to the minds of young people which has been done to them by homophobic bigots .
They are doing THE RIGHT THING . Teaching children to hate and fear gay people as well as condoning them for bullying gay kids in school is CHILD ABUSE . Not physical , but mental .
When I was growing up in the 1960s , homosexuality was never discussed in my family . Nor in schools . It just wasnt an issue .
Nobody brainwashed me into being a homophobic bigot , or into
believing anything . I was taught to think for myself .


For those of you that have been following this 3 part thread, I've shown that the LGBTQueer movement has been strong arming the Food and Drug Adminstration to lift the ban that prohibits those who engage in homosexual behavior from donating their disease infected blood for sometime now. As with everything that the LGBTQueer movement has pursued, it appears that they have been successful in this endeavor too.

There is one minor detail to all of this:

If you're a homosexual that wants to donate blood, you can't be a homosexual:

FDA proposes lifting lifetime ban on gay, bisexual men donating blood...

as long as they abstain from sex for a year.

May 13, 2015

Gay and bisexual men may soon be allowed to donate blood under a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposal.

The proposed policy, announced Tuesday, would end a near three-decade-long ban on gay blood donation. The FDA will collect public comments for 60 days before moving forward.

The new guidelines would allow gay and bisexual men to donate blood so long as they have abstained from sex with men for a year. Currently, men who have had sex with other men at any time since 1977 may not ever donate blood in the U.S.

The FDA first recommended the policy change in November but did not formally move to overrule the ban until Tuesday. In recent years, an increasing number of medical organizations, including the American Red Cross and the American Medical Association, have supported ending the ban, calling it scientifically unwarranted.

Critics have long slammed the ban, which was implemented in 1983 over concern that the AIDS virus could be transmitted through blood transfusions, calling it discriminatory.

Even the new policy — while a “step in the right direction” — does not go far enough to end the prohibition, because it calls for a one-year wait period, David Stacey, the government affairs director of the Human Rights Campaign, told ABC News

"(The new policy) still falls far short of a fully acceptable solution because it continues to stigmatize gay and bisexual men,” said Stacy. “This policy prevents men from donating life-saving blood based solely on their sexual orientation rather than actual risk to the blood supply.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-sty...time-ban-gay-blood-donation-article-1.2220349

(Sorry fellas, but that means buggerizing underage boys, like HRC founder Terry Bean was arrested for, is a no-no as well)..

Here's only 3 of the many innocent human beings that died because of AIDS infected blood transfusions which was without a doubt donated by diseased homosexuals:


Elizabeth and Ariel Glazer


Ryan White

After being told by numerous homosexualists that heterosexuality is as much of a risk as homosexuality is, frankly I'm shocked that those who engage in the sexual behavior that God designed for mankind aren't told by the politically correct FDA that they should abstain from making babies for a year if they want to donate blood.

On that note: Stay healthy, because if our lives depend on whether or not a proud and unrepentant sodomite is honest, the body count of innocent lives will once again increase substantially.

The window period

After you've been infected, it can take 2 weeks to 6 months for your body to start making HIV antibodies.

This means that during this time you could have a negative HIV test, even though you have been infected and can spread the virus to others.

This is commonly called the "window period," or seroconversion period.




New member
The tragic Amstrak accident had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Sanchez is gay . It could just as easily have happened with a straight man driving the train .

Straight men don't spend their working hours showing off for teen boys,
while operating dangerous heavy machinery and putting the public at risk.


This is just the kind of jackarsery that flamboyant homos pull.

And yeah Hulk Hogan and Mr. T are of the jockstrap homo type.


Your gym teacher is the most dangerous predator for teen boys.



Straight men don't spend their working hours showing off for teen boys,
while operating dangerous heavy machinery and putting the public at risk.

Your gym teacher is the most dangerous predator for teen boys.

Um okay I guess. But it's far more likely that a gym teacher, or any other male, will set their sights on teenage girls, not boys. But I guess you're good with some random thirty year old hitting on your 14 year old daughter


Straight men don't spend their working hours showing off for teen boys,
while operating dangerous heavy machinery and putting the public at risk.

Um okay I guess. But it's far more likely that a gym teacher, or any other male, will set their sights on teenage girls, not boys. But I guess you're good with some random thirty year old hitting on your 14 year old daughter

I'm not sure how gym teachers got involved in this discussion, but here is a fact (that was covered up by the liberal lamestream media) :

A 46 year old homosexual/pederast who was texting a 14 year old boy while driving a passenger train, was responsible for the death of 20+ people.



I'm not sure how gym teachers got involved in this discussion, but here is a fact (that was covered up by the liberal lamestream media) :

A 46 year old homosexual/pederast who was texting a 14 year old boy while driving a passenger train, was responsible for the death of 20+ people.


And I guess that you think that a disaster never happened with a straight guy at the helm doing something similar?
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