Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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The Horn

You should never believe lifenews.com . It's rabidly anti-choice (not pro-life") , and run by right-wing extremist fanatics .
Obama has absolutely no power to stop women from having abortions .No politician does . Even if he were to turn anti-choice and officially declare abortion illegal, which would be totally unconstitutional and make him deserving of impeachment and removal from office , this
would do absolutely nothing to stop abortion in America .

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The lesions made him say it.

Hmm, something made him say it but he was fully aware of what he was advocating and you have no problem with 15 year old girls being targeted by adult men by association. You really are rather a creep aCW...

Do you think lesions are responsible for your mental illness Art?

No, I reckon any underlying neurological conditions can be assigned to a home made recipe of vodka and broccoli soup, not a good combo really...



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell that to Art Brain, alwight the atheist and TracerBullet, as they seem to think admitting to it is a big deal.

Why would you think that? If any of us were actually gay it would hardly be a big deal to admit it and certainly not to the likes of you for reasons already outlined a myriad times over. You really are as bizarre as you are creepy...


You should never believe lifenews.com . It's rabidly anti-choice (not pro-life") , and run by right-wing extremist fanatics.

Yeah, I should probably go to PlannedParenthood.org or NARAL.org (Pro Choice America) to get objective points of view ey?

Obama has absolutely no power to stop women from having abortions .No politician does . Even if he were to turn anti-choice and officially declare abortion illegal, which would be totally unconstitutional and make him deserving of impeachment and removal from office ,

As seen in my previous link (the one I shouldn't believe), the baby murderer B. Hussein used the power of his office to promote abortion.

would do absolutely nothing to stop abortion in America .

If laws didn't influence behavior (be it positive or negative behaviors), why even have them?


There have been rumors of him [B. Hussein Obama] being gay , but they are totally unsubstantiated and part of a partisan witch hunt against him by the right . And even if he is gay , so what ? Who cares ? Big deal .

Tell that to Art Brain, alwight the atheist and TracerBullet, as they seem to think admitting to it is a big deal.

Why would you think that?

Brain lesions makes one think the darndest things Art.

If any of us were actually gay it would hardly be a big deal to admit it

Yeah, it's "no big deal" to admit that you engage in behavior that was most likely brought on by sexual abuse in childhood and one that brings about disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

and certainly not to the likes of you for reasons already outlined a myriad times over. You really are as bizarre as you are creepy...

Surely you don't think that I'd mock you if you admitted that you were a proud and unrepentant sexual deviant who identifies with a movement that amongst other things molests the minds (and often times bodies) of innocent children.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Brain lesions makes one think the darndest things Art.

If only you had a brain where lesions could lead you to think at all..

Yeah, it's "no big deal" to admit that you engage in behavior that was most likely brought on by sexual abuse in childhood and one that brings about disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.

Your melodramatic projection notwithstanding, yes, it would be no big deal to admit to being a homosexual if that were the case. It simply isn't.

Surely you don't think that I'd mock you if you admitted that you were a proud and unrepentant sexual deviant who identifies with a movement that amongst other things molests the minds (and often times bodies) of innocent children.

Dude, your "mockery" is about as fearsome as a juggernaut being dive bombed by a pigeon. You have as much wit about you as the droppings of the aforementioned bird, and even that's being a bit too complimentary...


New member
Yeah, it's "no big deal" to admit that you engage in behavior that was most likely brought on by sexual abuse in childhood and one that brings about disease, misery and often times early death to those who engage in it.
What is rather clear imo is that you want everyone else to have the same homosexual desires as you do aCW.
Only that you seem to think that, in your delusion, you are keeping gay thoughts at bay while the rest of us, who are not fighting them, must therefore be participating in gay sex.
Well, unlike you apparently I don't fight with homoerotic thoughts because I don't have them, but if I did have such feelings then I would simply be a gay person, no reason to fight it nor be ashamed of it, or try to delude myself.:nono:


More from "the culture of death" :

At 4:22 PM on September 12, 2008, a Metrolink passenger train ran a red light at the CP Topanga signal near the Chatsworth section of Los Angeles and plowed head on into a Union Pacific freight train, causing the deaths of the engineer and over 20 passengers. It was the nation’s deadliest train wreck in 15 years. The train wreck occurred on a curve just after the freight train had emerged from a tunnel, which meant that the engineers of the two respective trains had four seconds to react from the time the trains became visible to each other. During those four seconds the engineer of the freight train and his assistant applied the train’s emergency break and jumped from the train. Both men survived. During those four seconds, the engineer of the passenger train did nothing, allowing his train to plow into the freight train at over 40 miles per hour.

Within hours of the wreck, the spokesman for Metrolink blamed the crash on human error, and from that moment on the investigation focused on Robert Sanchez, the 46-year-old engineer of the Metrolink train, but the post-mortem following the crash soon became a hermeneutical battle, in which determinations about what could be said and what could not be said got made with little if anything to do with the canons of railroad safety.

Four days after the crash, California Senator Diane Feinstein delivered her verdict. The problem, according to Feinstein, was Sanchez’s work schedule, which made him work “an ‘untenable’ schedule of 11-hour days, five days a week in split shifts.” By the time hearings on the crash got held, people were lining up to make sure that this cloud had a silver lining for whichever group they represented. Speaking at a United States Senate hearing on the crash, Metrolink Chairman Ron Roberts began his testimony by extending “sincerest regret for this situation” but then got down to the business at hand. “This collision is not just what the NTSB determines to be the cause,” Roberts hinted darkly. “It’s about our nation’s lack of investment in passenger rail as a whole.” Roberts, in other words, used the deaths of 25 people as an opportunity to ask for more money from the government. Labor wasn’t much better than management when it came to self-serving statements about the cause of the crash. Tim Smith, California Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, saw the Senate hearing as a way of doubling the members of his union, claiming that “the deadly crash is a good reminder why railroad companies should always place two engineers aboard a train.” Those familiar with railroading have questioned Smith’s claim because experience has shown that when trains have two engineers they tend to distract each other with their talking.

By the time the Senate held its hearings, there was plenty of evidence about the crash concerning human error, the biography of the engineer, distraction, and a host of other details. The main issue was not gathering information. The main issue was determining which information could be deemed relevant according to the canons of acceptable discourse.

One of the first details to emerge in the aftermath of the crash was that Robert Sanchez was a homosexual, a detail which emerged from an AP story on his “troubled personal life” along with stories about traffic violations and larceny convictions. It seems that Sanchez’s “partner” had committed suicide in 2003 and Sanchez had received only three days off with pay to deal with the grieving process. Some observers wondered whether the wreck had been caused by aborted grieving resulting from too few paid grieving days. Some railroad workers complained that their employers allowed them three days off work but without pay.

Carolann Peschell, the sister of Sanchez’s deceased “partner,” felt that Sanchez had murdered him, but she could never get anyone to take her claims seriously. Peschell described Sanchez as “very odd, very strange,” but the rest of the press accounts seemed determined to explain how normal he was once it became clear that he was a homosexual...

On October 1, 2008, the railroad workers began to discuss Sanchez’s penchant for “texting.”...

Robert Sanchez, it turns out, wasn’t “‘texting’ 22 seconds before the crash—regardless of his ‘orientation.’” He was texting 22 seconds before the crash because of his orientation. Sanchez, it turns out, “was something of a celebrity . . . among young train fans,” which was the main-stream media’s way of saying that he was in the habit of communicating with teen-age boys while he was running his train. It turns out that there was a link between Sanchez’s compulsive texting and his sexual compulsions after all, even if everyone from the main-stream media to the mainstream railroad establishment was determined to ignore it. Sanchez called these boys “his teenage train buffs,” according to his next-door neighbor Bud Amelsberg. “They would all yell at him as he rolled by.” And instead of ignoring them and keeping his eyes on the track in front of him, Sanchez would try to contact his fans and arrange to meet them. The last message Sanchez ever texted, the one he sent 20 seconds before his death, “apparently told the teen and his friends where Sanchez would be meeting another passenger train,” according to KCAL 9 and CBS 2 reporter Kristine Lazar. Or is this just another way of saying that Sanchez last act before he died was arranging a meeting with a 14-year old boy, a meeting so important to him that he was willing to risk the lives of hundreds of people to arrange it.

Read more: http://www.culturewars.com/2009/Train Wreck.htm



Pederasty and death: Two things that run rampant in the LGBTQueer lifestyle.

The Horn

Homosexuality brings "early death ?" Tell that to the many gay men in America who are in their 70s, 80s and even older who are in good health . No, homosexuality is not physically harmful . Unsafe sex is,
whether you are straight or gay .
Being sexually abused as a child does not make you gay . Homosexuality is inborn . Period, end of report .
Every year , an enormous number of people in America and elsewhere die premature deaths from smoking , alcoholism, using
heroin and cocaine , unhealthy diet and other things . Far more than from being gay . Alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs are infinitely more dangerous than homosexuality .
There are plenty of straight people who have serious health problems caused by unsafe heterosexual sex . And who die .
Worldwide, the vast majority of AIDS victims are now HETEROSEXUAL .


New member
More from "the culture of death" :

At 4:22 PM on September 12, 2008, a Metrolink passenger train ran a red light at the CP Topanga signal near the Chatsworth section of Los Angeles and plowed head on into a Union Pacific freight train, causing the deaths of the engineer and over 20 passengers. It was the nation’s deadliest train wreck in 15 years. The train wreck occurred on a curve just after the freight train had emerged from a tunnel, which meant that the engineers of the two respective trains had four seconds to react from the time the trains became visible to each other. During those four seconds the engineer of the freight train and his assistant applied the train’s emergency break and jumped from the train. Both men survived. During those four seconds, the engineer of the passenger train did nothing, allowing his train to plow into the freight train at over 40 miles per hour.

Within hours of the wreck, the spokesman for Metrolink blamed the crash on human error, and from that moment on the investigation focused on Robert Sanchez, the 46-year-old engineer of the Metrolink train, but the post-mortem following the crash soon became a hermeneutical battle, in which determinations about what could be said and what could not be said got made with little if anything to do with the canons of railroad safety.

Four days after the crash, California Senator Diane Feinstein delivered her verdict. The problem, according to Feinstein, was Sanchez’s work schedule, which made him work “an ‘untenable’ schedule of 11-hour days, five days a week in split shifts.” By the time hearings on the crash got held, people were lining up to make sure that this cloud had a silver lining for whichever group they represented. Speaking at a United States Senate hearing on the crash, Metrolink Chairman Ron Roberts began his testimony by extending “sincerest regret for this situation” but then got down to the business at hand. “This collision is not just what the NTSB determines to be the cause,” Roberts hinted darkly. “It’s about our nation’s lack of investment in passenger rail as a whole.” Roberts, in other words, used the deaths of 25 people as an opportunity to ask for more money from the government. Labor wasn’t much better than management when it came to self-serving statements about the cause of the crash. Tim Smith, California Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, saw the Senate hearing as a way of doubling the members of his union, claiming that “the deadly crash is a good reminder why railroad companies should always place two engineers aboard a train.” Those familiar with railroading have questioned Smith’s claim because experience has shown that when trains have two engineers they tend to distract each other with their talking.

By the time the Senate held its hearings, there was plenty of evidence about the crash concerning human error, the biography of the engineer, distraction, and a host of other details. The main issue was not gathering information. The main issue was determining which information could be deemed relevant according to the canons of acceptable discourse.

One of the first details to emerge in the aftermath of the crash was that Robert Sanchez was a homosexual, a detail which emerged from an AP story on his “troubled personal life” along with stories about traffic violations and larceny convictions. It seems that Sanchez’s “partner” had committed suicide in 2003 and Sanchez had received only three days off with pay to deal with the grieving process. Some observers wondered whether the wreck had been caused by aborted grieving resulting from too few paid grieving days. Some railroad workers complained that their employers allowed them three days off work but without pay.

Carolann Peschell, the sister of Sanchez’s deceased “partner,” felt that Sanchez had murdered him, but she could never get anyone to take her claims seriously. Peschell described Sanchez as “very odd, very strange,” but the rest of the press accounts seemed determined to explain how normal he was once it became clear that he was a homosexual...

On October 1, 2008, the railroad workers began to discuss Sanchez’s penchant for “texting.”...

Robert Sanchez, it turns out, wasn’t “‘texting’ 22 seconds before the crash—regardless of his ‘orientation.’” He was texting 22 seconds before the crash because of his orientation. Sanchez, it turns out, “was something of a celebrity . . . among young train fans,” which was the main-stream media’s way of saying that he was in the habit of communicating with teen-age boys while he was running his train. It turns out that there was a link between Sanchez’s compulsive texting and his sexual compulsions after all, even if everyone from the main-stream media to the mainstream railroad establishment was determined to ignore it. Sanchez called these boys “his teenage train buffs,” according to his next-door neighbor Bud Amelsberg. “They would all yell at him as he rolled by.” And instead of ignoring them and keeping his eyes on the track in front of him, Sanchez would try to contact his fans and arrange to meet them. The last message Sanchez ever texted, the one he sent 20 seconds before his death, “apparently told the teen and his friends where Sanchez would be meeting another passenger train,” according to KCAL 9 and CBS 2 reporter Kristine Lazar. Or is this just another way of saying that Sanchez last act before he died was arranging a meeting with a 14-year old boy, a meeting so important to him that he was willing to risk the lives of hundreds of people to arrange it.

Read more: http://www.culturewars.com/2009/Train Wreck.htm



Pederasty and death: Two things that run rampant in the LGBTQueer lifestyle.

Isn't it amazing how fast child abusing perverts like the E. Michael Jones latch onto a tragedy to to advance their anti-gay lies


(Me thinkz that De Horn needs to spend a little less time looking at semi nude pictures in The Advocate and spend more time paying attention to what's been written in the 3 part "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads so that he doesn't look like a total ignoramus when he writes posts like the one below).

Homosexuality brings "early death ?"

Right around the age of 46.6 (what a coincidence, train engineer, pederast and killer of 20+ innocent human beings Robert Sanchez was 46 when he died).

Tell that to the many gay men in America who are in their 70s, 80s and even older who are in good health .

Many of those are on AIDS medications like HAART, ART, etc. Either that or they abstained from homosex for decades or they haven't yet become sick from their 14 year old lover.

No, homosexuality is not physically harmful . Unsafe sex is,
whether you are straight or gay .

Few if any (the drag queen Persephone 66, aka Chuck did, but he was shy when he it came to talking about he and his soon to be genitally mutilated boyfriend's love life) have been bold enough to admit that they are a practicing sodomite in this thread; using discretion, would you be the first?

Being sexually abused as a child does not make you gay . Homosexuality is inborn . Period, end of report .

Well allllllrighty then.

Every year , an enormous number of people in America and elsewhere die premature deaths from smoking , alcoholism, using
heroin and cocaine , unhealthy diet and other things . Far more than from being gay . Alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs are infinitely more dangerous than homosexuality .

As shown numerous times in the 3 part thread: those who engage in homosex disproportionately partake in those unhealthy behaviors (i.e. if AIDS doesn't get em, cigarettes, booze or drugs will).

There are plenty of straight people who have serious health problems caused by unsafe heterosexual sex . And who die .

According to the CDC, those "straight people" are predominately prostitutes or black women who had sex with someone "on the down low" (a bisexual, the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym).

Worldwide, the vast majority of AIDS victims are now HETEROSEXUAL .

Which brings me to ask again: If AIDS is a heterosexual disease elsewhere, why is it for the most part a homosexual disease in westernized countries such as the US, UK and other supposed civilized nations?

Oh and De Horn...

"Get tested".
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Isn't it amazing how fast child abusing perverts like the E. Michael Jones latch onto a tragedy to to advance their anti-gay lies

What's amazing is that you won't denounce homosexual Robert Sanchez for not only murdering 20+ innocent human beings, but also for being a pederast.

But then you LGBTQueerer's are as thick as thieves aren't you TB?
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And the body count keeps on rising:

GotNews IDs Gay Activist Train Engineer Who Caused Amtrak Crash

May 13, 2015

Gotnews.com has independently identified the engineer at the center of the Amtrak crash that has killed at least seven.

Brandon Bostian is the 32-year-old gay man who lawyered up after a deadly derailment in Philadelphia. The train was reportedly going twice the speed limit.

ABC 6 previously reported that “Brandon Boshan,” not Brandon Bostian, was to blame for the deadly crash. (They have since taken down the link.)

Bostian is a gay activist who previously worked at Target as a cashier before joining Amtrak, according to his LinkedIn.

Bostian was also involved in a gay marriage protest in 2012, according to this Midtown Gazette story.

Brandon Bostian, a recent transplant to New York, attended the event. Bostian was active in the Proposition 8 fight, which defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman, in San Francisco. While he is still interested in working for marriage equality, Bostian admitted that he is less enthusiastic this time around. “It’s kind of insulting to have to beg people for my right to marry,” he said. “I feel like we shouldn’t even have to have this fight.”

Read more: http://gotnews.com/breaking-gotnews-ids-gay-activist-train-engineer-who-caused-amtrak-crash/



You said it was 42 before as I recall.:mmph:

You boyz just gotta love your government subsidized HAART medications, making the median lifespan of a homosexual 46.6 years.

BTW Al, the body count keeps on rising:

Report: Germanwings Co-Pilot Surfed Gay Porn and Suicide Websites Before Crash

March 30, 2015

The picture of Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz’ troubled state of mind grows more complex with the revelation, reported by International Business Times, that investigators have discovered that Lubitz “trawled the dark side of the web visiting, among other things, sites containing gay porn, suicide themes and sexual perversions.”
This sheds new light on a seemingly minor detail from early reports: other pilots teased Lubitz by calling him “Tomato Andy” because he worked as a flight attendant before becoming a pilot. According to IBT, this was not merely an insulting reference to the food and beverage duties of a flight attendant; “Tomato” is an anti-gay slur in Germany, “based on the fact that while a tomato is thought to be a vegetable, it is really a fruit.”


For those of you not familiar with Andreas Lubitz, 150 innocent people are dead because of this homosexual's (bisexual's?) mental problems.




New member
Right around the age of 46.6 (what a coincidence, train engineer, pederast and killer of 20+ innocent human beings Robert Sanchez was 46 when he died).
and you are back to Paul Cameron, a man expelled form the APA when he was discovered just making up research data.

This brings up the larger question: if gays and lesbians are as bad as the hate groups claim why do they rely on fake studies and lies to prove their point?


New member
What's amazing is that you won't denounce homosexual Robert Sanchez for not only murdering 20+ innocent human beings, but for being a pederast.

But then you LGBTQueerer's are as thick as thieves aren't you TB?
repeating bigoted lies doesn't make them true, it just shows you for who you are


New member
You boyz just gotta love your government subsidized HAART medications, making the median lifespan of a homosexual 46.6 years.

BTW Al, the body count keeps on rising:

Report: Germanwings Co-Pilot Surfed Gay Porn and Suicide Websites Before Crash

March 30, 2015

The picture of Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz’ troubled state of mind grows more complex with the revelation, reported by International Business Times, that investigators have discovered that Lubitz “trawled the dark side of the web visiting, among other things, sites containing gay porn, suicide themes and sexual perversions.”
This sheds new light on a seemingly minor detail from early reports: other pilots teased Lubitz by calling him “Tomato Andy” because he worked as a flight attendant before becoming a pilot. According to IBT, this was not merely an insulting reference to the food and beverage duties of a flight attendant; “Tomato” is an anti-gay slur in Germany, “based on the fact that while a tomato is thought to be a vegetable, it is really a fruit.”
So what is your point aCW?
Perhaps it's that mentally torturing someone vulnerable about their sexuality until they crack may sometimes have unexpected dire consequences?

Francisco Jose Garzon Amo is thought to be responsible for the Spanish rail crash in 2013, charged with reckless manslaughter.
But since he was 52 at the time he must be straight, right aCW? :rolleyes:


So what is your point aCW?

Being that you're a loyal follower of this 3 part thread, have you not noticed (the obvious) that homosexuality is a "culture of death"?

Perhaps it's that mentally torturing someone vulnerable about their sexuality until they crack may sometimes have unexpected dire consequences?

In reality it's the "all about me"-self centered-hedonistic-nihilistic, narcissistic libertine mentality that is the problem Al.

Martinez wasn't crying on some boyfriend's shoulder because of supposed homophobia, he was trying to pick up 14 year old boys.

Bostian was a homosexual activist who knew that he and his fellow sexual deviants were winning the culture war.

While Lubitz had a girfriend (who just left him, which would have possibly made him the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym), who knows what motivated him to murder 150 innocent people, (it certainly wasn't having a strong belief in God).


and you are back to Paul Cameron, a man expelled form the APA when he was discovered just making up research data.

This brings up the larger question: if gays and lesbians are as bad as the hate groups claim why do they rely on fake studies and lies to prove their point?

Refer to the table of contents. I used a study from the ultra homosexual friendly Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.
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