Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So in your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA world, "committed parents" (like Terry Miller and his 'wife' Dan Savage) have ménage a trois' and write columns in newspapers that talk about "good pedophiles"?

What you seem to have a problem with aCW is in accepting that some people just are innately paedophiles.
But maybe you think that paedophilia is an option we could all choose at will? :rolleyes:

Ah yes, that yet undiscovered "pedophile gene".

In reality Al, those who were molested as a child often times become the molester.

"Most sexual offenders were sexually abused as children; 40% to 80% of pedophiles were raped as a child,.."

"... Further analysis demonstrated, however, that pedophiles who admitted having an erotic interest in children significantly more often claimed that they had been sexually abused as children than pedophiles who did not admit having such feelings...".

Personally I have nothing but respect for anyone who is unfortunately that way but knows it is wrong to act it out and thus doesn't, or at least leaves children well alone. A good paedophile.

Let's take a look at the column that Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage wrote:

In response to the "theoretical pedophile" question ole Danny boy writes:

“My heart goes out to people to whom nature has given something as powerful and as distracting as a sex drive and no healthy way to express it,” says Dr. James Cantor, a psychologist and the editor in chief of the research journal Sexual Abuse. “Pedophiles are not the only folks in this position, but they are by far the most demonized, regardless of whether they have ever actually caused anyone any kind of harm.”

My heart is going out to you, too, KIW. As I’ve written before, we should acknowledge the existence of “good pedophiles,” who are burdened with a sexual interest in children but who possess the moral sense to resist acting on that interest. It’s a lifelong struggle for “good pedophiles,” and most manage to succeed without any emotional support—to say nothing of credit—whatsoever.

Unfortunately, science doesn’t know much about pedophiles like you, pedophiles who haven’t done anything, because the social stigma is so great that most nonoffending pedophiles never seek treatment. And what research has been done, says Cantor, isn’t very encouraging if you’re looking to free yourself from your attraction to children.

“There is no known way of turning a pedophile into a nonpedophile,” says Cantor. “The best we can do is help a person maximize their self-control and to help them build an otherwise happy and productive life.”

Read more: http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/n...ay-Im-A-Pedophile-83404047.html#ixzz3ZtRQz0KZ

First of all: if the man is battling pedophile desires but hasn't acted on them, then that no more makes him a pedophile than someone who dreams about murdering the author of a wildly popular homosexuality recriminalization thread a murderer. Actions on desires defines whether or not someone is a pedophile, a murderer, an armed robbery or an arsonist.

The term "good pedophile" is an oxymoron as it means that someone has acted on those desires to molest children.

Secondly, being the God-hating atheist that Dan "U" Savage! is, he believes that people with pedophile desires, like those with homosexuals desires, were born that way and hence doesn't believe in the ability to change.

Is it "good" that someone with pedophile desires doesn't act of them?

Of course, but if "ménage a troi Dan" had an ounce of honesty and decency in his body, he'd attempt to show the "theoretic pedophile" why he has sexual desires for children and that through faith in God (and if necessary psychological therapy) that change is possible.

That being said: Is a "gentle pedophile" the same thing as a "good pedophile"?

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New member
First of all: if the man is battling pedophile desires but hasn't acted on them, then that no more makes him a pedophile than someone who dreams about murdering the author of a wildly popular homosexuality recriminalization thread a murderer. Actions on desires defines whether or not someone is a pedophile, a murderer, an armed robbery or an arsonist.
That may be your definition aCW but I think that anyone with paedophile desires is nevertheless mentally a paedophile, just as someone with homosexual desires is mentally a homosexual. Anyone who actually desires to murder is a mental murderer. Clearly it's only for when a paedophile or murderer acts out those desires is when the civil law can be invoked.
I once again rather suspect that you aCW have homosexual desires but cling to the forlorn hope that by not acting them out or indeed by attempting to present a heterosexual lifestyle that this somehow saves you from being a supposed "abomination", as you perhaps erroneously see it.

The term "good pedophile" is an oxymoron as it means that someone has acted on those desires to molest children.
Someone who desires children is a paedophile whether you like it or not aCW.
Someone who desires the same sex is a homosexual whether you like it or not.
We don't require a new name for those who resist acting on them.
A heterosexual who has remained a virgin is nevertheless a heterosexual. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
First of all: if the man is battling pedophile desires but hasn't acted on them, then that no more makes him a pedophile than someone who dreams about murdering the author of a wildly popular homosexuality recriminalization thread a murderer. Actions on desires defines whether or not someone is a pedophile, a murderer, an armed robbery or an arsonist.

That may be your definition aCW but I think that anyone with paedophile desires is nevertheless mentally a paedophile,...

It's your's as well:

Clearly it's only for when a paedophile or murderer acts out those desires is when the civil law can be invoked.

No child was ever raped because of "thoughts". No one with same sex desires ever contracted AIDS solely on his "desires".

Once again for the morally impaired: Man was made in God's Image with natural sexual desires. As shown time after time in this 3 part thread: When someone is severely damaged (usually in childhood) those natural desires become corrupt and lead to desires and behaviors (acting on those desires) such as homosexuality and pedophilia/pederasty.

The beautiful thing about it is that God gave us free will to change, and many have.

I once again rather suspect that you aCW have homosexual desires but cling to the forlorn hope that by not acting them out or indeed by attempting to present a heterosexual lifestyle that this somehow saves you from being a supposed "abomination", as you perhaps erroneously see it.

One can't help but notice how the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends pedophilia/pederasty, as you're doing here by suggesting that people ware born with those desires. But then the vast majority of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement's icons were practicing pedophiles or pederasts, so it's of no surprise that you and Dan "Google Santorum" Savage feel that way as well.


New member
That may be your definition aCW but I think that anyone with paedophile desires is nevertheless mentally a paedophile,...
It's your's as well:
My definition includes anyone who has sexual desires for children, yours seems to be only those who decide to act on them. Given that specific sexual desires are innate not chosen, I, and Dan Savage I noticed, have human pity for "good paedophiles" because unlike homosexuals they have no legitimate outlet for them.

Clearly it's only for when a paedophile or murderer acts out those desires is when the civil law can be invoked.
No child was ever raped because of "thoughts". No one with same sex desires ever contracted AIDS solely on his "desires".
Rubbish, there wouldn't be any rapists if nobody ever had rapist's thoughts, such actions first require an intent. It's the "intent" that makes the perpetrators culpable of the action rather than the actual action itself. Having gay or straight sex knowing it could well be unsafe is what increases the risk of disease.

Once again for the morally impaired: Man was made in God's Image with natural sexual desires. As shown time after time in this 3 part thread: When someone is severely damaged (usually in childhood) those natural desires become corrupt and lead to desires and behaviors (acting on those desires) such as homosexuality and pedophilia/pederasty.

The beautiful thing about it is that God gave us free will to change, and many have.
Sorry aCW but if you still really do think that you can choose your own sexuality then your struggle is against reality and the hand you were dealt in life. If you weren't such a dyed in the wool fundie Christian then you may have gone through life without having to struggle against your own nature.

I once again rather suspect that you aCW have homosexual desires but cling to the forlorn hope that by not acting them out or indeed by attempting to present a heterosexual lifestyle that this somehow saves you from being a supposed "abomination", as you perhaps erroneously see it.
One can't help but notice how the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends pedophilia/pederasty, as you're doing here by suggesting that people ware born with those desires. But then the vast majority of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement's icons were practicing pedophiles or pederasts, so it's of no surprise that you and Dan "Google Santorum" Savage feel that way as well.
Personally I can easily not notice what "LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends", since I'm not nearly as interested in them as you clearly are.
Dan Savage otoh seems like a really decent guy to me who enjoys life, is happily married with a son. He also rather enjoys poking fun at homophobic bigots, his life seems to be going along much better than yours aCW, jealous? :sherlock:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's your's as well:

My definition includes anyone who has sexual desires for children, yours seems to be only those who decide to act on them.

If someone is struggling with pedophile or homosexual desires and keeps those thoughts to themselves, you nor I would have no way of knowing unless that person acted on them (advocacy, such as what your fellow atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an earlier post fits into that definition).

Given that specific sexual desires are innate not chosen,

Ah yes, the desire to rape children "just happens", right Al?

I, and Dan Savage I noticed, have human pity for "good paedophiles" because unlike homosexuals they have no legitimate outlet for them.

Again, if you and that Thavage they call Dan truly cared about these people, you would help them understand why they have those unnatural desires (most likely because they too were raped as a child) as well as find a way to rid them of those unnatural desires.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No child was ever raped because of "thoughts". No one with same sex desires ever contracted AIDS solely on his "desires".

Rubbish, there wouldn't be any rapists if nobody ever had rapist's thoughts, such actions first require an intent. It's the "intent" that makes the perpetrators culpable of the action rather than the actual action itself.

Proving intent surely is helpful in a criminal case, but an act of pedophilia doesn't take place until some kind of physical action is done.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Once again for the morally impaired: Man was made in God's Image with natural sexual desires. As shown time after time in this 3 part thread: When someone is severely damaged (usually in childhood) those natural desires become corrupt and lead to desires and behaviors (acting on those desires) such as homosexuality and pedophilia/pederasty.

Hence my use of the term "morally impaired".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The beautiful thing about it is that God gave us free will to change, and many have.

Sorry aCW but if you still really do think that you can choose your own sexuality then your struggle is against reality and the hand you were dealt in life. If you weren't such a dyed in the wool fundie Christian then you may have gone through life without having to struggle against your own nature.

Once again for the morally impaired: God chose our natural sexual desires when we were conceived. Somewhere during life those desires were corrupted, leading people to have unnatural desires such as homosexuality and pedophilia.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One can't help but notice how the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends pedophilia/pederasty, as you're doing here by suggesting that people ware born with those desires. But then the vast majority of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement's icons were practicing pedophiles or pederasts, so it's of no surprise that you and Dan "Google Santorum" Savage feel that way as well.

Personally I can easily not notice what "LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends", since I'm not nearly as interested in them as you clearly are.

Yet you defend one of the biggest perverts of them all Al.

Dan Savage otoh seems like a really decent guy to me who enjoys life, is happily married with a son. He also rather enjoys poking fun at homophobic bigots, his life seems to be going along much better than yours aCW, jealous?


New member
My definition includes anyone who has sexual desires for children, yours seems to be only those who decide to act on them. Given that specific sexual desires are innate not chosen, I, and Dan Savage I noticed, have human pity for "good paedophiles" because unlike homosexuals they have no legitimate outlet for them.
pedophilia is not an orientation and it is not inborn. Pedophilia is directly linked to lesions in the white matter in specific brain sections of the amygdala, lesions that form postnatal. Further studies show that the greater the damage the younger the preferred victim of the pedophile

Ref: Poeppi, T.B. et al 2013 Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia J of Psychiatric Research
Garcia J.A.B. 2009 Etiology of pedophilia from a neurodevelopmental perspective: markers and brain alterations Revista de Pisquiatria y Salud Mental
Schiffer, B. et al 2007 Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia J of Psychiatric Research
Mohnke S. Et al 2014 Brain alterations in pedophilia. Proses in Neurobiology


New member
My definition includes anyone who has sexual desires for children, yours seems to be only those who decide to act on them.
If someone is struggling with pedophile or homosexual desires and keeps those thoughts to themselves, you nor I would have no way of knowing unless that person acted on them (advocacy, such as what your fellow atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an earlier post fits into that definition).
In the perhaps more open and understanding society we enjoy today anyone having paedophile feelings can and many do admit it to professionals and seek help before any children are abused.
Admitting to any such feelings in your theocratic regime would likely only get them strung up drawn and quartered. Many with paedophile tendencies today know it is wrong to harm children and will ask for help and may use the internet to do it. Not all of course since many may join nefarious internet groups or become priests instead it seems, but then I wouldn't call them "good paedophiles".

Given that specific sexual desires are innate not chosen,
Ah yes, the desire to rape children "just happens", right Al?
Yes we are apparently godless imperfect naturally evolved creatures after all aCW.

I, and Dan Savage I noticed, have human pity for "good paedophiles" because unlike homosexuals they have no legitimate outlet for them.
Again, if you and that Thavage they call Dan truly cared about these people, you would help them understand why they have those unnatural desires (most likely because they too were raped as a child) as well as find a way to rid them of those unnatural desires.
Most likely you are simply envious of someone like Dan Savage who is these days able to be open and honest about his sexuality and the lifestyle he wants to lead, even if not everyone approves.

Rubbish, there wouldn't be any rapists if nobody ever had rapist's thoughts, such actions first require an intent. It's the "intent" that makes the perpetrators culpable of the action rather than the actual action itself.
Proving intent surely is helpful in a criminal case, but an act of pedophilia doesn't take place until some kind of physical action is done.
But it must surely take a paedophile to initiate the abuse, it clearly isn't the act that makes them that way, they already are that way inclined before they abused any child.

Hence my use of the term "morally impaired".
You are entitled to your opinion aCW.

Sorry aCW but if you still really do think that you can choose your own sexuality then your struggle is against reality and the hand you were dealt in life. If you weren't such a dyed in the wool fundie Christian then you may have gone through life without having to struggle against your own nature.
Once again for the morally impaired: God chose our natural sexual desires when we were conceived. Somewhere during life those desires were corrupted, leading people to have unnatural desires such as homosexuality and pedophilia.
Homosexuality is entirely natural for those born that way.
Are you not saying then that all of us naturally have been given innate (genetic?) desires for the opposite sex? Or is it for you always a matter for choices made and events happening during life?

Personally I can easily not notice what "LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement incessantly defends", since I'm not nearly as interested in them as you clearly are.
Yet you defend one of the biggest perverts of them all Al.
I do?

Dan Savage otoh seems like a really decent guy to me who enjoys life, is happily married with a son. He also rather enjoys poking fun at homophobic bigots, his life seems to be going along much better than yours aCW, jealous?
Dan doesn't seem to need my help aCW. I'll just assume you are at least rather envious of him, his lifestyle and his fair minded wit. :)


New member
pedophilia is not an orientation and it is not inborn. Pedophilia is directly linked to lesions in the white matter in specific brain sections of the amygdala, lesions that form postnatal. Further studies show that the greater the damage the younger the preferred victim of the pedophile

Ref: Poeppi, T.B. et al 2013 Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia J of Psychiatric Research
Garcia J.A.B. 2009 Etiology of pedophilia from a neurodevelopmental perspective: markers and brain alterations Revista de Pisquiatria y Salud Mental
Schiffer, B. et al 2007 Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia J of Psychiatric Research
Mohnke S. Et al 2014 Brain alterations in pedophilia. Proses in Neurobiology
Interesting, what causes the damage?


Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition — limited almost entirely to men — that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.



(Knowing that it was just a matter of time before TracerBullet came up with bogus studies paid for by the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement showing that "man boy love", i.e. child rape is something that can't be helped, TB delivers as expected) :

pedophilia is not an orientation and it is not inborn. Pedophilia is directly linked to lesions in the white matter in specific brain sections of the amygdala, lesions that form postnatal...

But are they "good lesions" TB? (The lesions made him do it).

One openly homosexual supposed "researcher" thought it was height that was responsible for pedophilic attractions in men.

"Cantor studied 1,200 men who were assessed for sexual disorders between 1995 and 2006. He found that pedophiles were 2 centimeters than the average Canadian man who stands 178 centimeters (5' 10")."

But wait, there's more!

It's those darned left handers that are the pedophiles!

"He also noted: "Pedophiles are (also) about three times more likely to be left-handed and that's something that really only happens with brain organization before birth..."

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Many with paedophile tendencies today know it is wrong to harm children and will ask for help and may use the internet to do it...

In your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA/PIE movement, "harm" is a subjective term.


(If you look closely at the right side of Peter the pedophile Tatchell's head, you can see white lesions).


If any of you were suspicious like I was about "Christian"? Pastor Rick Warren when he buddied it up with proud and unrepentant baby killer/sodomite B. Hussein Obama back in 2007 (Warren also spoke at B. Hussein's coronation inauguration in 2008)


this disgusting display in front of the United States Congress should confirm those suspicions.

Pastor Rick Warren And Elton John Hold Hands In Congress, Joke About Kissing Each Other

May 11, 015

If you were on the fence about whether or not Saddleback “pastor” Rick Warren is going apostasy, then here is the final bit of evidence. Last week Warren addressed the United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee alongside open sodomite singer Elton John. The two held hands and even joked about kissing each other.

Warren was to speak about funding of global health initiatives, something our Constitution knows nothing of. Both men seemed to push for more help regarding AIDS research and help in other countries. You’ll recall that AIDS was first called GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome) because it largely manifested itself in the sodomite community in the early 1980s. Later the name was changed to protect the guilty as the disease spread across genders...

As blogger Geoffrey Grider wrote, “Here was his perfect opportunity to lovingly and graciously tell not only Elton John, but all of Congress that without being born again they will die and go to … Hell. But instead, he holds hands with a gay man, and jokes about kissing him. It was a joke, right?”

I’m not sure if it was a joke or not. Could there be a “coming out” moment in Rick Warren’s future? Frankly, I confess that for a man to do such a thing make me wonder.

Read more at http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2015/...n-in-congress-jokes-about-kissing-each-other/


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No zoo, the guy you're thinking about knows human anatomy very well.


It's rather a shame he doesn't seem to care very much about 15 year old girls being exploited by adult men then really...in fact he even endorses it...

What a roll model eh?

Anyway aWC, as you'll doubtless squirm and deflect around the above, isn't it about time for part IV of this "widely popular" thread?


It's rather a shame he doesn't seem to care very much about 15 year old girls being exploited by adult men then really...in fact he even endorses it...

What a roll model eh?

The lesions made him say it.


Anyway aWC, as you'll doubtless squirm and deflect around the above,

Do you think lesions are responsible for your mental illness Art?

isn't it about time for part IV of this "widely popular" thread?


The Horn

Obama is a "baby killer " and a "sodomite "? How many babies has he killed ? Zero . He's not trying to force women to have abortions and in fact, his administration has been striving to PREVENT as many abortions as possible by providing more help to poor pregnant women .
There have been rumors of him being gay , but they are totally unsubstantiated and part of a partisan witch hunt against him by the right . And even if he is gay , so what ? Who cares ? Big deal .


New member
(Knowing that it was just a matter of time before TracerBullet came up with bogus studies paid for by the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement showing that "man boy love", i.e. child rape is something that can't be helped, TB delivers as expected) :

But are they "good lesions" TB? (The lesions made him do it).

One openly homosexual supposed "researcher" thought it was height that was responsible for pedophilic attractions in men.

"Cantor studied 1,200 men who were assessed for sexual disorders between 1995 and 2006. He found that pedophiles were 2 centimeters than the average Canadian man who stands 178 centimeters (5' 10")."

But wait, there's more!

It's those darned left handers that are the pedophiles!

"He also noted: "Pedophiles are (also) about three times more likely to be left-handed and that's something that really only happens with brain organization before birth..."


narth - an organization that supports and advocates child abuse and facilitates that abuse by connecting perverts to impressionable young children.


New member
It's rather a shame he doesn't seem to care very much about 15 year old girls being exploited by adult men then really...in fact he even endorses it...

What a roll model eh?

Anyway aWC, as you'll doubtless squirm and deflect around the above, isn't it about time for part IV of this "widely popular" thread?

The gang rape of an 11 year old girl is OK because the men that assaulted her were healthy heterosexuals.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

If any of you were suspicious like I was about "Christian"? Pastor Rick Warren when he buddied it up with proud and unrepentant baby killer/sodomite B. Hussein Obama back in 2007 (Warren also spoke at B. Hussein's coronation inauguration in 2008)

Obama is a "baby killer " and a "sodomite "?

I realized now that there was a typo in my above post.

"... when he buddied it up with proud and unrepentant baby killer murderer/sodomite B. Hussein Obama back in 2007..."

While there are extremely rare cases where abortion is justified (to save the mother's life), any other time it would be murder.

How many babies has he killed ? Zero .

Using that line of logic one could say that Hitler, Stalin or Mao didn't murder anyone either.

He's not trying to force women to have abortions and in fact, his administration has been striving to PREVENT as many abortions as possible by providing more help to poor pregnant women .

I've shown what B. Hussein Obama has done for the abortion movement since becoming POTUS in 2008. (the lifenews.com article was written in 2010).

President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation


When it comes to homosexuality, note what I said almost 3 years ago:

Soon, I see B. Hussein Obama paying his debt to the Homosexual Collective/Abortion Movement by pushing for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Being that buggery and murdering one's baby in the womb would be a "Constitutional Right", I foresee something along the lines of the respective states not having the right to say that homosexuals can't 'marry'

Here is what B. Hussein has done for your LGBTQueer movement:


There have been rumors of him being gay , but they are totally unsubstantiated and part of a partisan witch hunt against him by the right .

Except for "the right" didn't state that B. Hussein was a regular in the Chicago 'gay' bar scene, proud and unrepentant homosexuals did.

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president

Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/claim-obama-hid-gay-life-to-become-president/#kvfVzdgPvB7stBgQ.99

And even if he is gay , so what ? Who cares ? Big deal .

Tell that to Art Brain, alwight the atheist and TracerBullet, as they seem to think admitting to it is a big deal.

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