Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you wouldn't recommend something you know nothing about?
How about we applaud those "some [who] say it helped" in their conversion from homosexuality to a normal healthy lifestyle and treat them as we do all other unbelievers and share the gospel with them?
I can see how happy you are for those who successfully went through
secular reparative therapy Pete.
If they die without Christ, they will still go to hell and it was all in vain. They need Christ first, as without Him they have nothing. What is more important to you; that they come to know Christ or that they attend 'therapy' to 'become straight'?
If it was their goal to overcome homosexual desires and at that particular time in their life they had no desire to seek a spiritual awakening, what business is it of yours?
Are you, someone who claims to be a Christian, telling me that Christians have no business telling others about Christ?
What is more important to you, repentance or 'conversion therapy'?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wouldn't it be nice if it were up to the parents of children who are struggling with same sex desires and gender identity confusion in states like CA and New Jersey? Unfortunately parental rights have been taken away in those and other states and as I mentioned in a previous post, it may very well become a federal ban.
I think you'll find that when you marry and father children Pete that 12 year old children rarely know what's best for them.
Define "such therapy". If you're going with the lie that Christian Jessen and the LGBTQueer movement is using as a scare tactic, you should read this link that I posted a couple of pages ago.
Cure Me I'm Gay - The Truth About The Latest Anti-ex-gay Pseudo-documentary
I have absolutely no interest in Christian Jessen or his documentary. I haven't seen it and have no desire to see it.
I can only speak of the testimonies I've heard from people who have gone to such therapy. Some claim it helped them, some don't. Now, if those who desperately wish to seek such change but that change eludes them, what does that say about such 'therapy'?
To answer your question: Why would two loving parents send their 12 year old boy to therapy to help him overcome same sex desires?
Maybe they want him to live?
I am full aware of the health issues surrounding homosexuality, I don't need to be told what I am already aware of.
The results of the 'therapy' on adults is questionable. The results of the 'therapy' of children even more so. Taking a sexually confused child to such therapy will likely do more harm than good in my opinion.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet there are court ordered therapies for alcoholics and drug addicts who don't want to change.
Righteous laws frequently help people who are morally confused find a way to change. Again, death is not an alternative.
Yet if they do not want to change, they will not change. It's as simple as that. I smoke, I want change and I've struggled to change and stop smoking. Even with the desire to overcome, breaking away from this addiction is hard.
But if I did not have this desire, you could send me to a thousand stop smoking classes and give me all of the nicotine replacement therapy you wanted - I would still smoke.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The alternative is death. Which is better, to fail at something and try again until you succeed, or give into immoral thoughts and behaviors?
And deny someone the joy of marital relations and a family? Remember that with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26
For some people, that may be the very thing they have to deny. Let me reiterate what the scriptures plainly say on this matter. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 clearly states that it is better for a man not to marry. It could even be considered a blessing, and believe me right now I see single life a huge blessing!
Now back to that glass of water:
Back to your silly little irrelevant games that have no bearing on the subject at hand