Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can see how happy you are for those who successfully went through secular reparative therapy Pete [sarcastically said].

If they die without Christ, they will still go to hell and it was all in vain. They need Christ first, as without Him they have nothing. What is more important to you; that they come to know Christ or that they attend 'therapy' to 'become straight'?

"It's all black and white with you isn't it?" Why would you deny someone leaving homosexual desires behind if they didn't first accept Jesus into their life?

If it was their goal to overcome homosexual desires and at that particular time in their life they had no desire to seek a spiritual awakening, what business is it of yours?

Are you, someone who claims to be a Christian, telling me that Christians have no business telling others about Christ?

I'm telling you that you can't force Jesus on anyone, and denying people secular therapy would be doing just that.

What is more important to you, repentance or 'conversion therapy'?

Ask someone who has homosexual desires and wants to overcome them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Define "such therapy". If you're going with the lie that Christian Jessen and the LGBTQueer movement is using as a scare tactic, you should read this link that I posted a couple of pages ago.

Cure Me I'm Gay - The Truth About The Latest Anti-ex-gay Pseudo-documentary


I have absolutely no interest in Christian Jessen or his documentary. I haven't seen it and have no desire to see it.

The article points out how LGBTQueer activists lie about therapy for those wanting to overcome homosexual desires.

I can only speak of the testimonies I've heard from people who have gone to such therapy. Some claim it helped them, some don't. Now, if those who desperately wish to seek such change but that change eludes them, what does that say about such 'therapy'?

And how about those like Joshua Alcorn who killed himself because the therapy he received from his pastor didn't work? (Refer to the recent table of contents for the sad story of Joshua Alcorn).


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
To answer your question: Why would two loving parents send their 12 year old boy to therapy to help him overcome same sex desires?

Maybe they want him to live?

I am full aware of the health issues surrounding homosexuality, I don't need to be told what I am already aware of.

I think that you need a constant reminder about how deadly the homosexual lifestyle really is.

The results of the 'therapy' on adults is questionable. The results of the 'therapy' of children even more so. Taking a sexually confused child to such therapy will likely do more harm than good in my opinion.

There you go using the lies that you've been lead to believe are true put out by the LGBTQueer movement.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet there are court ordered therapies for alcoholics and drug addicts who don't want to change.

Righteous laws frequently help people who are morally confused find a way to change. Again, death is not an alternative.

Yet if they do not want to change, they will not change. It's as simple as that. I smoke, I want change and I've struggled to change and stop smoking. Even with the desire to overcome, breaking away from this addiction is hard.

But if I did not have this desire, you could send me to a thousand stop smoking classes and give me all of the nicotine replacement therapy you wanted - I would still smoke.

Please don't compare tobacco use with homosexuality; as I told homosexualists WizardofOz and Art Brain: it's disrespectful to God for me to even talk about the two in a conversation.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The alternative is death. Which is better, to fail at something and try again until you succeed, or give into immoral thoughts and behaviors?

And deny someone the joy of marital relations and a family? Remember that with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26

For some people, that may be the very thing they have to deny. Let me reiterate what the scriptures plainly say on this matter. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 clearly states that it is better for a man not to marry. It could even be considered a blessing, and believe me right now I see single life a huge blessing!

Taken out of context. Care to see what the Apostle Paul says about homosexuality?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now back to that glass of water:

Back to your silly little irrelevant games that have no bearing on the subject at hand.

The glass is half full Pete. Every time you hear about someone not succeeding after going through therapy to overcome homosexual desires, think of that half glass full of water and those who have.


Well-known member
I'm telling you that you can't force Jesus on anyone, and denying people secular therapy would be doing just that.

Wow! I am impressed, I found a diamond in the rough. This is very accurate. Which is why the founding fathers, who were mostly Christian, allowed for a pluralistic society. But I am pretty sure you are just playing lip service here, so that you can force your theological believes into the secular circle.

No one is denying them secular therapy. And you want to force secular therapy under this guise, and force your theological ideals upon them.


Well-known member
I predict ACW is going to use another "Moving on." and avoid the pertinent issues we have raised regarding his errors here.


And I understand you well.


You really do need to stay in touch with the lifestyle that you so adamantly defend Sandy.

The American Cancer Society reports that “each year about 438,000 people in the United States die from illnesses related to smoking. Cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined.”

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the United States continues to be disproportionately impacted by smoking. The LGBT community is among the populations most severely impacted by tobacco use. The most recent study suggests the LGBT community smokes at a rate almost 50% to 200% higher than the general population.


If AIDS doesn't get em, lung cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. etc. etc. will.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm telling you that you can't force Jesus on anyone, and denying people secular therapy would be doing just that.

Wow! I am impressed, I found a diamond in the rough. This is very accurate. Which is why the founding fathers, who were mostly Christian, allowed for a pluralistic society.

You know nothing about the Founding Fathers nor Christianity, so quit pretending that you do.

That being said, it's time for another riddle.

Question: How do you turn a liberal/Libertarian who gives accolades to the founders of our nation against them?

Answer: Show the liberal/Libertarian our forefathers stance on homosexuality.

"It can be safely said that the attitude of the Founders on the subject of homosexuality was precisely that given by William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws--the basis of legal jurisprudence in America and heartily endorsed by numbers of significant Founders. In addressing sodomy (homosexuality), he found the subject so reprehensible that he was ashamed even to discuss it. Nonetheless, he noted:

'What has been here observed . . . [the fact that the punishment fit the crime] ought to be the more clear in proportion as the crime is the more detestable, may be applied to another offence of a still deeper malignity; the infamous crime against nature committed either with man or beast. A crime which ought to be strictly and impartially proved and then as strictly and impartially punished. . . . I will not act so disagreeable part to my readers as well as myself as to dwell any longer upon a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature [sodomy]. It will be more eligible to imitate in this respect the delicacy of our English law which treats it in its very indictments as a crime not fit to be named; "peccatum illud horribile, inter christianos non nominandum" (that horrible crime not to be named among Christians..."

But I am pretty sure you are just playing lip service here, so that you can force your theological believes into the secular circle.

Man can't force anyone to believe in God, but righteous laws will either force those who engage in immoral behavior to abstain from doing so, or pay the penalty if caught.

No one is denying them secular therapy. And you want to force secular therapy under this guise, and force your theological ideals upon them.

Who is "no one"? If you'd paid attention in class nog you'd know that New Jersey and California amongst others have made it illegal for parents to seek professional therapy for their sexually confused/gender confused child.


Is this thread still a thing?

A thing? What's "a thing"?

I haven't been here in a while, but let me guess how it's been going. . .

Thinking might overstress that one living brain cell of yours Doper, so be careful.

aCW is claiming that homosexuals are pedophiles and rapists and are bringing this country, nay, world, to an end, and if you argue against that then you are a homosexualist.

aCW has pointed out throughout this 3 part thread (i.e. several thousand bong hits) that the LGBTQueer movement is an organized pedophile group.

Am I right? Or has the conversation actually gone somewhere after all these years?

Speaking of which: I need write that post that talks about how we can keep perverts away from children.

Remember these letters shag:



Well-known member
Who is "no one"? If you'd paid attention in class nog you'd know that New Jersey and California amongst others have made it illegal for parents to seek therapy for their sexually confused/gender confused child.

That is another issue. I would have to look in to the exact dynamic of that legislation.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Who is "no one"? If you'd paid attention in class nog you'd know that New Jersey and California amongst others have made it illegal for parents to seek therapy for their sexually confused/gender confused child.

That is another issue. I would have to look in to the exact dynamic of that legislation.

The issue is that the sexual anarchist movement, be it the NARAL/Planned Parenthood/abortion faction, or the LGBTQueer faction, have taken parental rights away so that they can indoctrinate/promote their godless ideology and behaviors on innocent youth.

I've covered anti reparative therapy legislation in the threads, do your own research if you wish.


Well-known member
You know nothing about the Founding Fathers nor Christianity, so quit pretending that you do.


Says you, the person who does not even know what Legal Positivism is or how it applies to legislation?

Face it ACW (A Crying Wimp is more like it), you are a fraud, and most reasonable people can see right through your charade. That is why on a far right site like this, a person who claims to be far right, has such low rep points relative to posts.

But you just keep pumping out the drivel.


New member
Your LGBTQueer movement HATES Phil Robertson with a passion. They never could relate to someone who has principles and sticks to them.
I dislike him for the same reason I dislike all other conservative fanatics. They stand against the social progress I believe in. Further, Roberson is not a theologian. He is a famous face with a microphone, so I do not take his "principles" seriously.


Well-known member
The issue is that the sexual anarchist movement, be it the NARAL/Planned Parenthood/abortion faction, or the LGBTQueer faction, have taken parental rights away so that they can indoctrinate/promote their godless ideology and behaviors on innocent youth.

If that is truly the case I would oppose that.

But judging from your track record, I strongly suspect you are not telling the whole story. You see ACryingWimp, have you ever heard the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? Well you have cried "Wolf!", "Wolf!", "Wolf!", when there was no wolf, one too many times.


Well-known member
Question: How do you turn a liberal/Libertarian who gives accolades to the founders of our nation against them?

Answer: Show the liberal/Libertarian our forefathers stance on homosexuality.

I have corrected you on this many times, but because you are unable to see reality clearly, due to your excessively bloated ego being in the way, you continue repeating an error.

Our founding fathers came from a time that was less enlightened than ours and they (especially Jefferson) thought castration was better than hanging for homosexuals. Castration is a liberal take, considering the status quo was death by hanging. But as with any society, most people escaped that fate, especially the rich, precisely because trying to enforce it consistently and equitably would have been an exercise in futility. And this is where Legal Positivism comes in. But since you are ignorant of real history and the philosophy that our founding fathers had as the foundations of legislation (probably because you view those philosophies as too liberal) you would not understand any of this.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Your LGBTQueer movement HATES Phil Robertson with a passion. They never could relate to someone who has principles and sticks to them.

I dislike him for the same reason I dislike all other conservative fanatics. They stand against the social progress I believe in. Further, Roberson is not a theologian. He is a famous face with a microphone, so I do not take his "principles" seriously.

"Social progress":

Amongst other things a bunch of perverts convincing a little boy that he's really a girl trapped in a male's body.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You know nothing about the Founding Fathers nor Christianity, so quit pretending that you do.


Says you, the person who does not even know what Legal Positivism is or how it applies to legislation?

Face it ACW (A Crying Wimp is more like it), you are a fraud, and most reasonable people can see right through your charade. That is why on a far right site like this, a person who claims to be far right, has such low rep points relative to posts.

But you just keep pumping out the drivel.

What can I say nog but...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Question: How do you turn a liberal/Libertarian who gives accolades to the founders of our nation against them?

Answer: Show the liberal/Libertarian our forefathers stance on homosexuality.

I have corrected you on this many times, but because you are unable to see reality clearly, due to your excessively bloated ego being in the way, you continue repeating an error.

Our founding fathers came from a time that was less enlightened than ours

i.e. bull dykes, drag queens and fairies didn't parade themselves down city streets, sometimes in the nude.

Quite the "enlightened" society we have nog.

and they (especially Jefferson) thought castration was better than hanging for homosexuals. Castration is a liberal take, considering the status quo was death by hanging.

Actually it wasn't, it was a felony in every US State, but rarely was capital punishment used against those who engaged in homosexual behavior.

Review Part 1's table of contents to confirm.

But as with any society, most people escaped that fate, especially the rich, precisely because trying to enforce it consistently and equitably would have been an exercise in futility. And this is where Legal Positivism comes in. But since you are ignorant of real history and the philosophy that our founding fathers had as the foundations of legislation (probably because you view those philosophies as too liberal) you would not understand any of this.

Speaking of the rich escaping that fate:

Do you think HRC founder and accused pederast/child rapist Terry Bean will get off with a light sentence or possibly scot free because of his connections?


Obama’s ‘Chickenhawk’ Campaign Contributor? In better days, Portland homosexual activist and Democratic power-broker Terry Bean is shown posing for a photo with Barack Obama. Bean–who was arrested for sodomizing a 15-year-old boy–was a key behind-the-scenes “gay” activist who raised more campaign cash for Obama than anyone from Oregon. “Chickenhawk” is a “gay” slang term for homosexual men who pursue sex with minor and teenage boys (derisively called “chicken”)–as appears to be the predilection of the 66-year-old Bean. Kiah Lawson, the 25-year-old former boyfriend of Bean, was also arrested for sodomizing the minor boy...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Social progress":

Amongst other things a bunch of perverts convincing a little boy that he's really a girl trapped in a male's body.

Yeah... the fact you believe this happens illustrates how disconnected from reality you are.

Surely you're not denying that the LGBTQueer terms "gay and transgender youth" exist are you Que?
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