Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Hall of Fame
Your LGBTQueer movement HATES Phil Robertson with a passion. They never could relate to someone who has principles and sticks to them.

“They got to where they're getting hard to find, mainly because these boys are waiting ‘til they get to be about 20 years old before they marry 'em,” Robertson said. “Look, you wait ‘til they get to be 20 years old the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks."

Phil Robertson

There is no principles in advising adult men to prey on teenage girls.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Whatsamatta nog, can't stomach that which you defend?


Hmmm, no. I think you are confused.

And here I thought it was those who defend an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that goes with a jack booted thug-child molesting agenda that are the ones who are confused.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Whatsamatta nog, can't stomach that which you defend?

And here I thought it was those who defend an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that goes with a jack booted thug-child molesting agenda that are the ones who are confused.

Typical ACW taking things out of context to support your irrational agenda. Here is the full context.

Whatsamatta nog, can't stomach that which you defend?


Hmmm, no. I think you are confused.

I'd be a skeleton if I allowed evil to regulate my appetite.

Then you have now answered your own quandary about me. I'm impressed you can understand yourself at least to some degree. Let's see if you can keep that going and then apply it to other people. And then of you really feel up to it, apply it to this pluralistic society in which we live.

Taking things out of context to defend an irrational view point is exactly what those faggot Nazis did. Welcome to the club. Hiding behind scripture with lip service does not change your actions.


Typical ACW taking things out of context to support your irrational agenda. Here is the full context.

So homosexuality should be recriminalized?

Taking things out of context to defend an irrational view point is exactly what those faggot Nazis did. Welcome to the club. Hiding behind scripture with lip service does not change your actions.

According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.


Well-known member
So homosexuality should be recriminalized?

Following the guidance of an avoidable point from legal positivism it would not be wise to legislate private issues such as this.

According Nazis, Adolf Hitler and his SS, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

Yes, and yet they pretended to be very harsh on other fags.

We have now stumbled on another parallel with you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Your LGBTQueer movement HATES Phil Robertson with a passion. They never could relate to someone who has principles and sticks to them.

“They got to where they're getting hard to find, mainly because these boys are waiting ‘til they get to be about 20 years old before they marry 'em,” Robertson said. “Look, you wait ‘til they get to be 20 years old the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks."

Phil Robertson

There is no principles in advising adult men to prey on teenage girls.

Poor Sandy, she too has Art Brain's obsession with Phil Robertson's taken out of context quote.

While I don't want to get Art all worked up so that he can talk about anything but homosexuality, Robertson (as I'd mentioned many times before) was saying that sexual promiscuity runs so rampant in today's society that if you want to find a pure wife, you'd have to find a 15 year old.

Thanks for stopping by Sandy, I believe I hear Hillary Clinton calling your name.



New member
According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.
Some of them surely would have been aCW, I suspect AB would agree, who knows perhaps Hitler was a repressed homosexual, something you'd know all about I suspect.
For you however either the whole SS was gay or they were not, there are never any in-betweens with you aCW, no shades of grey, no subtleties, just black and white.
Some gays are paedophiles therefore as a homophobic bigot for you it is reasonable to present all gays as being that while heterosexual paedophiles and child molesters can all be ignored. If it gets all gays criminalised then so what does being honest or reasonable matter, the end justifies the means, right? :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
Poor Sandy, she too has Art Brain's obsession with Phil Robertson's taken out of context quote.

Oh. The old *taken out of context* is the excuse you are willing to make for him.

While I don't want to get Art all worked up so that he can talk about anything but homosexuality, Robertson (as I'd mentioned many times before) was saying that sexual promiscuity runs so rampant in today's society that if you want to find a pure wife, you'd have to find a 15 year old.

THAT is not what he said. His quotes speak for themselves. Had that been the case, it would logically follow that he would speak of these husbands REMAINING pure themselves.

Apparently you find his words indefensible as well ... otherwise, you wouldn't need to make things up.


Well-known member
Some of them surely would have been aCW, I suspect AB would agree, who knows perhaps Hitler was a repressed homosexual, something you'd know all about I suspect.
For you however either the whole SS was gay or they were not, there are never any in-betweens with you aCW, no shades of grey, no subtleties, just black and white.
Some gays are paedophiles therefore as a homophobic bigot for you it is reasonable to present all gays as being that. Heterosexual paedophiles and child molesters can all be ignored. If it gets all gays criminalised then so what does being honest or reasonable matter, the end justifies the means, right? :rolleyes:

Yes, ACW is perhaps none of the most irrational people I have witnessed. This why he tries to use emotional manipulation to try and compensate for his lack of reason. As you can see his goose is cooked, he is not even respected by others in his political camp. Because he is like a rabid dog with them when they bring up a reasonable objection to his claims.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Poor Sandy, she too has Art Brain's obsession with Phil Robertson's taken out of context quote

Oh. The old *taken out of context* is the excuse you are willing to make for him.

If Phil Robertson were a supporter of child sex, he'd be heralded by the LGBTQueer movement just like Harry Hay and other pedophiles are.

Now back to Hillary Clinton:


I bet you just get that Chris Matthews tingle up and down your leg Sandy when you see your candidate saying these sort of things.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread nog, I've missed your half way intelligent defense of drag queens, bull dykes and fairies.

To my recollection the only person here who constantly wants to talk about drag queens, "bull dykes", "fairies" and paedophiles is you aCW.

There ya go acting again like the LGBTQueer 'culture' is something to be ashamed of Al.

The rest of us don't seem to want to equate the activities of the perhaps more extraverted, often entertaining, of them or to conflate paedophiles alone with homosexuality.

Straight out of the LGBTQueer playbook:


Don't show the real LGBQueer movement, people just might see how disgusting it really is.

Most intelligent campaigners imo, not you then obviously, wouldn't even think twice that they could possibly get away without even trying to give a semblance of balance, reasonableness and fairness.
Claiming that the mere existence of drag queens, "bull dykes" and "fairies" is any kind of just cause to criminalise all homosexuals is such an obvious crock. But this is in addition to all your other obviously misleading propaganda and misinformation that you churn out that nobody buys into.

(Al loves playing the same old broken record).

It's all such pathetic and obvious nonsense from you aCW, which isn't fooling anyone while it even alienates you from those who might otherwise tend to agree with you.
You must be about the worst advocate for a controversial cause I've ever come across.
After four years (is it?) you are absolutely hopeless at it and a complete parody of what you claim to be.
I still retain some hope for you, that you may yet be a deliberate parody rather than a sad unwitting one.:plain:

And I still retain hope for you Al that you'll accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, find a wonderful woman and not spend the rest of your life in misery and die a lonely old man.


Well-known member
I haven't seen anything positive about homosexual behavior nor the LGBTQueer agenda. Care to share?

It figures you would distort that. Legal positivism is a political philosophy. It is one of the few we use here in the US to help decide legislation. But you seem to be ignorant of that factor. Why am I not surprised of your ignorance, real or feigned? :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.

Some of them surely would have been aCW, I suspect AB would agree, who knows perhaps Hitler was a repressed homosexual, something you'd know all about I suspect.
For you however either the whole SS was gay or they were not, there are never any in-betweens with you aCW, no shades of grey, no subtleties, just black and white.

The subject of Hitler and his SS was covered extensively in Part 1 and reviewed again in Part 3. Refer to the table of contents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.

The subject of Hitler and his SS was covered extensively in Part 1 and reviewed again in Part 3. Refer to the table of contents.

Since your coverage is incomplete and skewed in regard to reality we don't look at your table of contents. It is useless. Just because you think you have covered all the bases does not mean reasonable people can't see through your smokescreen and delusion.


ACW will now ask me to refute his claims. But will ignore that refutation when given.

ACW can only do the old soft shoe so long before everyone realizes his dance, which really is not even that good for a dance,


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.

Some of them surely would have been aCW, I suspect AB would agree, who knows perhaps Hitler was a repressed homosexual, something you'd know all about I suspect.
For you however either the whole SS was gay or they were not, there are never any in-betweens with you aCW, no shades of grey, no subtleties, just black and white.

The subject of Hitler and his SS was covered extensively in Part 1 and reviewed again in Part 3. Refer to the table of contents.
Only that wasn't really about Hitler aCW it was about you, a modern day wannabe version where gays are the new Jews. :plain:
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