Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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:yawn: I have never defended *perversion*. I defend freedom.

Yet ex lesbian Robin Beck has a different view of "freedom" than you do Sandy:

Robin Teresa Beck, 59, is not afraid to tell anyone, even Pope Francis himself, that homosexuality turned her life into a living hell of suffering, darkness, smashed dreams, and lasting regret. And after 35 years of homosexual behavior over the course of 12 relationships, Robin knows exactly what she’s talking about.

“From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be,” she told LifeSiteNews, calling it “cruel” for any religious leader to look favorable upon such a relationship.


Of course we all know how much those ex-homosexuals LIE! LIE! LIE!, so why don't you tell us from your first hand experience the true definition of freedom when it comes to homosexuality Sandy?

EOS. As a matter of fact, I defend YOUR freedom to behave like an obsessed nutter who goes around saving graphics which you *claim* are perverted for the sole purpose of playing "let's shock the readers".

(Because the LGBTQueer movement is known for it's 'tolerance' when it comes to opposing viewpoints).

Do you have any other collections you would like to share with the class, Officer?

It just say happens that I do Sandy. I posted this video in the OP of Part 3 showing how 'tolerant' your fellow LGBTQ's/sexual anarchists are when it came to a Christian pastor having the audacity to fire a proud and unrepentant homosexual who worked as an organist at his church.

While I know that you don't like to open links (because the truth is painful to see), you really need to hear the pastor's wife (at the 2:35 minute mark) talk about how those 'tolerant' homosexuals that you defend called and threatened to do 'sexual deviant things to our children before they murdered them.'



Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco


New member
aCW: Really just wondering as you posted the NYCPD with rainbow flag (certainly unimaginable in the '80s or even '90s):

How do you deal in your own police division with lgbtq rights, agenda, etc.? Are there gay or pro-gay police under you? (My brother-in-law had a strict '60s-'70s rural Christian upbringing, and has had to deal with diversity-training and even complaints).......:think:


aCW: Really just wondering as you posted the NYCPD with rainbow flag (certainly unimaginable in the '80s or even '90s before homosexuality was decriminalized):

There, that's better
How do you deal in your own police division with lgbtq rights, agenda, etc.? Are there gay or pro-gay police under you? (My brother-in-law had a strict '60s-'70s rural Christian upbringing, and has had to deal with diversity-training and even complaints).......:think:

While there are many many good men and women that work in the Seattle Police Department and other metropolitan police and sheriff departments , there is a reason I call Seattle "Sodomy and Gonorrhea North", as the citizens of this fine sewer pit elected this as mayor.


Lil Eddie Murray is just a reflection of city government and the attitude it has towards the LGBTQueer movement.

BTW, did your brother in law even catch you in a 'compromising situation'?



New member
aCultureWarrior said:
]There, that's better.
It was still pretty much unthinkable in the '80s and '90s.

While there are many many good men and women that work in the Seattle Police Department and other metropolitan police and sheriff departments , there is a reason I call Seattle "Sodomy and Gonorrhea North", as the citizens of this fine sewer pit elected this as mayor.
I know this, but how do you deal with it practically? On the daily level? I am asking because my b-in-l did in fact encounter a problem.

BTW, did your brother in law even catch you in a 'compromising situation'?
He could not have if he tried, as I was faithful in my marriage and have never engaged in gay sex. He did, however, catch my sister, but that's another story......


Hall of Fame
“From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be,” she told LifeSiteNews, calling it “cruel” for any religious leader to look favorable upon such a relationship.

From her experience ... which is religiously based. Unfortunately for you, freedom of religion does not include making laws that would impose your beliefs on others by taking away their rights.

You are on the losing end of this battle. Officer. Just thought I would mention that.


New member
You are on the losing end of this battle. Officer.
As aCW must be at least my brother-in'law's age, he must surely have risen through the ranks above a uniformed Officer. I would imagine he is "Detective", or as my bil is, "Lieutenant Detective" or at least a "Sergeant". He must tell us which...... :think:


New member
It just say happens that I do Sandy. I posted this video in the OP of Part 3 showing how 'tolerant' your fellow LGBTQ's/sexual anarchists are when it came to a Christian pastor having the audacity to fire a proud and unrepentant homosexual who worked as an organist at his church.
Of course it would be utterly ridiculous to fire a "proud unrepentant" left-handed organist. :rolleyes:

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
aCW: Really just wondering as you posted the NYCPD with rainbow flag (certainly unimaginable in the '80s or even '90s):

How do you deal in your own police division with lgbtq rights, agenda, etc.? Are there gay or pro-gay police under you? (My brother-in-law had a strict '60s-'70s rural Christian upbringing, and has had to deal with diversity-training and even complaints).......:think:

Is it really a surprise? Police more than pretty much any other group of people in America, are bound by secular laws. Is it really any wonder that their set of morality would shift with the shifting sand of secular legislation?


New member
Is it really a surprise? Police more than pretty much any other group of people in America, are bound by secular laws. Is it really any wonder that their set of morality would shift with the shifting sand of secular legislation?
You're right. It was the inevitable and necessary outcome, that they would end up backing the Left once counter-culture became mainstream culture. Whatever is status quo rules.


Is it really a surprise? Police more than pretty much any other group of people in America, are bound by secular laws. Is it really any wonder that their set of morality would shift with the shifting sand of secular legislation?

Welcome back Jr. I believe we left off here:


(Since we last talked, my partner and I dealt with a heroin OD. Nothing like seeing someone about to die come back to life due to Christian compassion).


Originally Posted by Rusha
I have never defended *perversion*. I defend freedom.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Robin Teresa Beck, 59, is not afraid to tell anyone, even Pope Francis himself, that homosexuality turned her life into a living hell of suffering, darkness, smashed dreams, and lasting regret. And after 35 years of homosexual behavior over the course of 12 relationships, Robin knows exactly what she’s talking about.

“From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be,” she told LifeSiteNews, calling it “cruel” for any religious leader to look favorable upon such a relationship.

From her experience ... which is religiously based. Unfortunately for you, freedom of religion does not include making laws that would impose your beliefs on others by taking away their rights.

I shared an ex lesbians story of what you call "freedom", I was hoping that you could give us some details of what a really really good lesbian relationship is like.

You are on the losing end of this battle. Officer. Just thought I would mention that.

No comment on your LGBTQueer allies threatening a Christian pastor and his family with rape and murder?

Are you sure you're cut out for the culture war Sandy?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it my imagination, or is the Jr. Libertarian ignoring this post?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
I'll say this much. My idea of "real freedom" does not entail letting grown men/women sleep with children. But of course, aCW will never understand this.

Originally Posted by GFR7
He doesn't want to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know exactly what godless Libertarians mean when they bastardize the words "freedom" and "liberty", but others might not.

Go ahead and tell us Jr. when it comes to things like homosexuality, adultery, incest, pornography, prostitution and recreational drug use what the Libertarian definition of "real freedom" is.

Regarding age of consent laws: You do realize that Judeo-Christianized western civilization is responsible for them don't you Jr.?

I will say that again for the Libertarian impaired:

Age of consent laws came about because of Judeo-Christianized western civilization (as shown in earlier posts, your beloved Islam marries off prepubescent little girls and molest little boys if the adult male muzzie so desires).

So without borrowing off Judeo-Christian doctrine, tell us why lowering and eventually abolishing age of consent laws (as seen in the 1972 'Gay Agenda') is wrong.

No victim here:


or here:


or here: WARNING...realities of pornography


I think I'm beginning to understand what Libertarian "freedom" really means Jr.:

The "freedom" to kill yourself, family and marital relationships and society in general (aCW slaps himself on the forehead and says: "And here I thought that was slavery...silly me.").

Now that I understand what "Libertarian freedom" really means, can we talk about those pesky age of consent laws, as children have every right to be "free" as well.


Children are not adults and so certain restrictions that wouldn't be OK for adults are OK for kids, because they aren't ready to consent to potentially life-destroying choices.

I'm not so sure adultery qualifies as a victimless crime, but at any rate, libertarianism says that for an action to be illegal, someone's rights should have been violated. If that is not the case, there should be no crime. Thus, actions like consensual prostitution, homosexuality, and recreational drug use, while immoral and things that should be discouraged in society, would be outside the realm of things that government should use the sword to prevent.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As aCW must be at least my brother-in'law's age, he must surely have risen through the ranks above a uniformed Officer. I would imagine he is "Detective", or as my bil is, "Lieutenant Detective" or at least a "Sergeant". He must tell us which...... :think:

Oh c'mon. Here he is in action, severely taking to task a telephone operative in Abu Dhabi for not wearing the colour blue and possibly hoarding stray cats...


The guy is obviously an officer and no such besmirching should be tolerated further...



Hall of Fame
I shared an ex lesbians story of what you call "freedom", I was hoping that you could give us some details of what a really really good lesbian relationship is like.

Share your own details about a really good lesbian relationship. Obviously the details are important to you.

No comment on your LGBTQueer allies threatening a Christian pastor and his family with rape and murder?

You are making things up again. They are not my allies. Murder and rape is bad. Therefore, threats of rape and murder are bad.

Are you sure you're cut out for the culture war Sandy?

:plain: You seem to be confusing me for someone who would waste their time *fighting* in your imaginary war.


New member
Watched Inherit The Wind today and was reminded of aCW. Not so much the bloviating prosecutor, although his ignoring difficult questions and prideful desire to play God's prophet did bear some resemblance; but the overzealous, hate-spewing preacher who repeatedly cursed those nearest to him to Hell and prayed that fire fall from the skies to destroy them.

I mentioned once, in another thread, my grandfather on my father's side. He was a Nazarene minister, and the president of two colleges. I wrote of how he died during the depression while skipping meals so that his family could feed hungry strangers. What I didn't mention was that he was a strict, harsh father, beating the children for small infractions. The boys were compelled to always sit in the front row during his sermons, lined up in birth order, and they made one wrong move he would publicly humiliate them. This man who had some very admirable qualities ended up with all but one of his 13 children dying having turned their backs on God. He was the image they grew up with of a Christian and a father. Is it any wonder that they wanted nothing to do with Christianity, or a Heavenly Father, with such an example?

Now aCW draws this bitter, hate-spewing image of Christianity. He also, elsewhere, screams that Muslims should speak out against the evil Islamist terrorists if they really don't want Islam associated with their actions. Yet he doesn't get it when other Christians want to dissociate Christianity from his behaviors by calling him out. Instead, like the overzealous, self-righteous, Hellfire and brimstone preacher in Inherit The Wind, he calls down fire from Heaven on us and curses us to Hell, as if he had that power. And instead of ever reaching the lost, which is the great commission, he drives them away. Sheep / goats.


New member
Oh c'mon. Here he is in action, severely taking to task a telephone operative in Abu Dhabi for not wearing the colour blue and possibly hoarding stray cats...


The guy is obviously an officer and no such besmirching should be tolerated further...

Well then he hasn't been a very impressive cop :AMR1:


More like:

Welcome back Morphie.

In case you don't understand the meaning:


Now by chance did you attend "The Art Brain School of Boycott"? (not to be confused with The Art Brain Schools of Floral Design and Hair Styling). Art's boycott of the thread lasted all of about 3 days. Or was it "The GFR7 School of Boycott"? (GFR7's boycott lasted almost a week, but then GFR7 was probably busy cruising the bars, public toilets and parks of Provincetown and didn't have time to blog).

Anyway, it's good to have you back. I believe you left off comparing me to child molesters and murderers.

Please continue with your brilliant 'logic' as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized.
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