You left a few *special rights* out Sandy
Your name is not Pete. It's really too bad that your arrogance will not allow you to read and observe him and actually LEARN something from him.
You left a few *special rights* out Sandy
On this we disagree. I know a number of people who are openly homosexual and not Christian.
The majority of them would agree with me on many of the things I've said. Not all homosexuals are militant or politically motivated.
Somehow I think that being arrogant and obnoxious like you gets peoples backs up far more than anything they may think about my past and the person I've become.
You are the stereotypical image of the angry raving Christian who hates everyone. There is nothing loving or kind in anything you say. I've never seen you say a kind word to anyone.
Your name is not Pete. It's really too bad that your arrogance will not allow you to read and observe him and actually LEARN something from him.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Show me one person who proudly and unrepenantly engages in homosexual behavior and I'll show you someone who is part of the homosexual political movement (i.e. he or she votes for political candidates that support his or her immoral values, never speaks badly about homosexual behavior, etc. etc.).
Then you must know a number of people who are openly homosexual and are Christian.
Please tell us how that is possible Pete.
Try to take away their supposed 'rights' that their fore-faires fought hard for and you'r find out just how militant they are Pete.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And all of these things have happened since homosexuality was decriminalized.
Here's your opportunity to make even more enemies than you already have Pete (with you being an ex-homosexual, you're HATED a million times more than someone like me could ever be HATED, as you have proved that change is possible) : tell the followers of the thread that righteous laws need to be legislated once again to stop the insanity that you just acknolwedged is happening.
I could spend an entire year on the Ex-homosexual movement and show the out and out HATRED that proud and unrepentant homosexuals and the LGBTQueer movement has towards them. You changed Pete and you weren't supposed to, for that they HATE you like nobody else.
(Same ole Pete: He talks a pretty line but when it comes to using God's institution of goverment to rule righteously, he goes AWOL).
Tell me about these "Gay Christians" that you know. I can't wait to hear about them.
(After that, we'll talk about "Adulterous Christians", "Incestuous Christians" and my favorite "Bestial Christians").
I didn't say that. The people I know who are openly homosexual are not Christian. As far as I'm concerned, if someone is openly and proudly homosexual they cannot be a Christian. One has to repent to come to Christ.
Your problem is that you think if someone calls themselves homosexual it means they are like every other homosexual.
While indeed all homosexuals are sinners, the same as all unsaved people there are different and varied beliefs and viewpoints on issues within the homosexual community. Not everyone subscribes to the new totalitarian orthodoxy - as evidenced by the video in one of my previous posts.
Of course you could. You're so blinded by your own arrogance and self righteous attitude that you can't see just what a nasty, mean and rude person you are. Maybe things are different where you come from, but in my country arrogance and rudeness are not considered desirable traits. Indeed, there is no quicker way to get people to dislike you. So stop with this whole I'm disliked more than you rubbish. You don't seem have a clue how to evangelise or get alongside people, love them and share your faith with them. Oh I'm sure you would say that you are loving people with what you are doing, but if that were true we would see that in your speech. I see no love in you, only hatred and bitterness.
Welcome back Morphie.
In case you don't understand the meaning:
Now by chance did you attend "The Art Brain School of Boycott"? (not to be confused with The Art Brain Schools of Floral Design and Hair Styling). Art's boycott of the thread lasted all of about 3 days. Or was it "The GFR7 School of Boycott"? (GFR7's boycott lasted almost a week, but then GFR7 was probably busy cruising the bars, public toilets and parks of Provincetown and didn't have time to blog).
Anyway, it's good to have you back. I believe you left off comparing me to child molesters and murderers.
Please continue with your brilliant 'logic' as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized.
As for Gary Johnson, I think I'm at the point now where I can't really justify voting for a pro-choice candidate like Johnson even if he wanted to let states ban it and was better on all issues. His national SSM position is also dangerous and not pro-liberty. I've gotten a bit more conservative in my mindset since 2012/2013 and at this point I wouldn't support someone like Johnson. I'd still prefer him over the guy you supported, however.
As aCW must be at least my brother-in'law's age, he must surely have risen through the ranks above a uniformed Officer. I would imagine he is "Detective", or as my bil is, "Lieutenant Detective" or at least a "Sergeant". He must tell us which...... :think:
Hmm, I didn't actually 'boycott' your thread Connie, I just had better and more interesting things to do at the time than post in it. As I've said before I drop in and out of this car wreck when I feel like it. I do seem to recall you rather wanting me to leave it but it's good to see your insults are as over par than ever.
Why would you believe he's a cop? He makes things up all day long. He's created a weird fantasy world for himself at TOL where every guy here is a homosexual, there's a gay parade packed with leather-clad homosexual men on every block, and he's a vice cop assigned to patrol men's public restrooms.
You still prefer a pro abortionist Libertarian who was also in favor of giving proud and unrepentant homosexuals the supposed "right" to marry over a pro life candidate who stated during his Presidential run that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
(Once a Libertarian, always a Libertarian).
Why would you believe he's a cop? He makes things up all day long. He's created a weird fantasy world for himself at TOL where every guy here is a homosexual, there's a gay parade packed with leather-clad homosexual men on every block, and he's a vice cop assigned to patrol men's public restrooms.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you must know a number of people who are openly homosexual and are Christian.
Please tell us how that is possible Pete.
Thanks for clarifying, this threw me off:
Originally Posted by lovemeorhateme
...I know a number of people who are openly homosexual and not Christian.
It's a given that a person can't proudly engage in a sinful behavior and still say that they're a follower of Christ. I'm just wondering why you felt it necessary to say that you knew openly homosexual people who are not Christian.
No need to explain.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Try to take away their supposed 'rights' that their fore-faires fought hard for and you'r find out just how militant they are Pete.
The biggest common denominator that they have is that they proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that for 2,000 years, was considered a very serious criminal act in Judeo-Chrisitianized western civilization. If their behavior it threatened (by recriminalization), you can bet that they'll come together and fight those of us that truly love them and want to help them out of their bondage.
I see that your "historian" David Starkey is himself a proud and unrepentant homosexual. Am I supposed to be impresssed with someone is has bought a one way ticket to eternal damnation just because he (like GFR7) isn't for all of the things that the homosexual movement fought hard for?
(BTW Pete, you should tell "the rudest man in Britain" to be nice).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I could spend an entire year on the Ex-homosexual movement and show the out and out HATRED that proud and unrepentant homosexuals and the LGBTQueer movement has towards them. You changed Pete and you weren't supposed to, for that they HATE you like nobody else.
(A different day but the same ole Pete).
If you want to give me your address, I'll send you a Bible that has verses in it that talks about the righteous role of government (obviously your's doesn't have those verses).
Since you won't take me up on my offer, at least remember these words:
God laws are acts of love.
How is your mobile hair salon working out Art?
Well, if we want to isolate to two issues,...
I'd rather support the guy who admits to supporting abortion and same sex marriage than the guy who lies and claims that he does not, but actually does.
About as 'well' as any other fantasy you've concocted up about me I suppose...
Good luck with the 'criminalization' process, for like other 'witch hunts' such will dissipate in time....after the insanity dies down.
We also have to understand 'homosexuality' itself which is not 'criminal'. - and further differentiate/determine what behaviors stemming from such an orientation constitute as 'criminal', free from the bias of religious-assumption and bigotry.
There are many gay-christians and gay christian ministries, besides other spiritual-religious traditions that are all-inclusive, accepting some souls with such an orientation, as well as various forms of transgenderism.
I'm sure they would fight recriminalisation, most people would if doing nothing meant they could go to prison.
That's not the same thing as disagreeing with the orthodoxy of homosexual activists. Not every homosexual holds identical views on 'gay rights' issues. Indeed, a very vocal part of the homosexual community subscribes to this orthodoxy, but many quieter homosexuals hold to different views.
I was simply backing up my point that not all homosexuals subscribe to the same points of view, something which you deny.
As for him being rude, he doesn't claim to be a Christian. You do. This means that you should uphold higher standards than someone like him. As a Christian, the fruits of the spirit should be demonstrated in your life. "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control." I don't think any of us here can see evidence of any of these in anything you say.
What acts of love have you done lately?
Part 3 of this ole tirade? you cant be serious...........
I think my original address in Part 1 (so many moons ago, still holds)
I think ACW decked out in drag, would be fantabulous :crackup:
Sounds like someone needs to lighten up.
Yes, you as a Libertarian would rather support someone who proudly murders babies in the womb and mocks God's institution of marriage instead of someone who said what he did years before was wrong and has repented in his ways (and if he really didn't repent, those who voted him into office will just as quickly throw him out).