Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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aCW: Have been trying to go to your many links you posted for Art,
and am getting "not available" for all pages, you first class idjut :madmad:

They were in response to your fellow homosexualist alwight's post.


Here are the direct links about what 'gay' youth have to look forward to via Peter LaBarbera's Americans For Truth About Homosexuality website.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Surprise! Surprise! Art Brain uses the 'research' of a proud and unrepentant homosexual by the name of "Christian Jessen" to discredit reparative therapy.

BTW Art, have Christian and his "partner" (i.e. current boyfriend until something better comes along or one of them dies from AIDS or is murdered, etc.) Rogerio Barreto been 'tested' lately for HIV/AIDS?

Back later with articles by Linda Harvey and Matt Barber that tell the truth about 'gay' teen suicide (I highly doubt that they checked with Dr. Christian Jessen before they wrote their respective articles).



From what I saw in the program the centres discredited themselves, though it's no surprise you'd sidestep the issue...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As I'd shown in Part 1, the modern day sexual revolution started back in the late 1940's/early 1950's with the homosexual pedophile Alfred Kinsey and his fraudulent scientific research.
it matters what we adults that have an ounce of decency in our body are doing about it right now.

I was too mature by that time, read here, what do you make of this?

I was always decent, always right towards that concern.


From what I saw in the program the centres discredited themselves, though it's no surprise you'd sidestep the issue...

Your article is about as valid as a study done by wolves who are looking into why sheep are disappearing in massive numbers late at night.


Thanks for revealing a little more about yourself Art.

On that note:

Moving on...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your article is about as valid as a study done by wolves who are looking into why sheep are disappearing in massive numbers late at night.


Thanks for revealing a little more about yourself Art.

On that note:

Moving on...

Yeah, I'm not surprised you wouldn't want to delve deeper onto the subject. Your beloved 'reparative therapy' would almost be a joke if it were actually funny instead of appalling.


Yeah, I'm not surprised you wouldn't want to delve deeper onto the subject. Your beloved 'reparative therapy' would almost be a joke if it were actually funny instead of appalling.

Oh but Art, I don't consider defenders of pedophilia and pederasty like Christian Jessen a "joke", I take them very seriously (hence the reason behind this thread).

You can trust me (a proud and unrepentant homosexual)


Arthur Brain

Well-known member


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As shown in Part 2's most important thread:


there are environmental factors that play into why someone has homosexual desires and engages in homosexual behavior.

Again: no one is too old to do their part in fighting this evil sexual anarchist agenda.
You do not understand. At my age, doing what you are doing would mean I was duplicitous in that dubious, debased, twisted ideology, pertinent to acts, not seen as no longer unpardonable. I would have to be a cracker, or a civilian. I was not a cracker in the 1950s, or 1960s, and in the measure of things, the same attitude must prevail today, as one has to be consistent, if one does not take to ideological change. I am consistent, and not being a cracker, I would have to leave it alone.

You still don’t get it do you? Maybe you eventually understand some can only leave the inevitable alone, or fall into the abyss.


Er, where does he defend paedophilia exactly? He doesn't even make a big deal of his being homosexual although it was obvious that you would...

Gee Art, I wonder if proud and unrepentant homosexual Dr. Christian Jessen says things in his book like

"Homosexuality is always wrong, no matter what you're feeling towards someone of your own gender".


"You should always wait until you're married to have sex, as bad things will happen when you don't".

Quit playing naïve Art. Jessen is playing the same old pedophile/pederast/moral relativist song and dance that we've heard from the LGBTQueer movement throughout this 3 part thread.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Gee Art, I wonder if proud and unrepentant homosexual Dr. Christian Jessen says things in his book like

"Homosexuality is always wrong, no matter what you're feeling towards someone of your own gender".


"You should always wait until you're married to have sex, as bad things will happen when you don't".

Quit playing naïve Art. Jessen is playing the same old pedophile/pederast/moral relativist song and dance that we've heard from the LGBTQueer movement throughout this 3 part thread.

So in other words he hasn't actually defended child molestation as you accused him of then. Got it. I highly doubt he'd support child assault either but yet you've no problem with it...


You do not understand. At my age, doing what you are doing would mean I was duplicitous in that dubious, debased, twisted ideology, pertinent to acts, not seen as no longer unpardonable. I would have to be a cracker, or a civilian. I was not a cracker in the 1950s, or 1960s, and in the measure of things, the same attitude must prevail today, as one has to be consistent, if one does not take to ideological change. I am consistent, and not being a cracker, I would have to leave it alone.

You still don’t get it do you? Maybe you eventually understand some can only leave the inevitable alone, or fall into the abyss.

At your age you're still able to post in internet forums to share the truth about the sexual anarchy movement and to vote for men and women into public office that stand for decency.

If you're not sure how to do so, follow this 3 part thread closely.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...So what you two boyz are saying that God is ok with adulterous, incestuous and homosexual desires, just as long as you don't act on them?...

Thanks for stopping by Jed. I believe I hear little Mattie Vines calling your name.
Vines thinks that he was made LGBTQ (fatalism), just like how pagan idolaters were made that way. :rolleyes: You know? how idolaters were made that way ?

I don't think so, Matthew. :nono:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
At your age you're still able to post in internet forums to share the truth about the sexual anarchy movement and to vote for men and women into public office that stand for decency.

If you're not sure how to do so, follow this 3 part thread closely.

Yes, I can do that; however, that is not being as active as I may have been years past, and my point is, if I was one, or two generations younger, I may use a different strategy (Stratégie). As it stands, being overly concerned with the subject is tantamount to being a part of it, as the thinking of my generation considers it. A less educated mind of my generation might say, “ I do not believe in it”, as they do with influenza vaccines.

P.S. I am the only one I know personally, my age, who does post on the net.


A few pages back I posted 3 articles dealing with suicide by children and teens who have been tricked into believing by the perverts of the LGBTQueer movement that they're homosexual or transgender.

The first article was by a woman named Krista West who talked about a left wing Huffington Post blogger who puts the blame of these tragic events on Christians who condemn homosexuality.


The next article was by our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality which talked about LGBTQueer activist and pervert extraordinaire Dan Savage and his "It Gets Better Project" that deals with the bullying of 'gay' children and teens. LaBarbera's article shows the reality of homosexuality and how the homosexual lifestyle only get's worse.


The 3rd article was written in a wonderful Christian website called "Gay Christian Movement Watch" and talks about Christian evangelist Bill Keller who points out who really is to blame for these tragic deaths of our nations morally and sexually confused children and teens (LGBTQueer activists and it's allies in the mainstream media).


The next article was written by Mission America's Linda Harvey back in 2010 and is entitled:

Is 'gay' agenda to blame for teen suicides?

Exclusive: Linda Harvey points finger at 'child-corruption advocates' in schools


Details are sketchy in the recent rash of homosexual-related teen suicides throughout the nation, but already the “gay” lobby is ready to exploit our children one more time.

In Minnesota, seven students committed suicide in recent months, three said to be involved in homosexuality. A college student at Rutgers jumped off the George Washington Bridge after his homosexual rendezvous was secretly filmed by his roommate and then broadcast over the Internet. The roommate and another student face criminal charges.

A 13-year-old in California and another in Texas killed themselves following student taunts about homosexuality. A 15-year-old in Indiana hanged himself over homosexual-related harassment.

And now we hear that another young man, 19-year-old Rhode Island college student Raymond Chase, hanged himself. He, too, believed he was “gay.”

How do families and school communities cope with such tragedy? As a parent, I cannot even imagine the heartbreak. In trying to prevent such devastating events in the future, emotional manipulation can lead schools and communities to implement wrongheaded, harmful plans of action. That’s what is being attempted now. But it’s nothing new. It’s been the modus operandi of homosexual activism for the past 20 years.

It’s time to stop it, now.

Would widespread community embrace of homosexuality and gender-switching prevent some of these suicides? Or is misinformation actually a contributor to the despair embedded in these tragedies?

The homosexual lobby has gone into full demand mode, particularly GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) and the Human Rights Campaign. Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan hosted a national summit on bullying with homosexual activists present and featuring former GLSEN president and “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. There’s a renewed press for passage of H.R. 4530, national legislation that goes beyond stronger anti-bullying measures to incorporate mandatory pro-”gay” propaganda...

Recent trends in public schools might provide some clues [as to why these youth are committing suicide]. “Gay” advocacy is growing, now aimed at kids at younger and younger ages. Over 4,000 homosexual clubs have been formed in the past decade, some now at the middle-school level. New, often sexually graphic fiction urges children to explore alternate sexual behavior and gender norms. GLSEN’s explicit book recommendations come to mind. And the Human Rights Campaign’s “Welcoming Schools” program reaches down to grade schoolers to normalize aberrant lifestyles.

Kids are urged to “come out” early. That’s exactly what several of these young victims did, and such actions are often associated with subsequent early suicide attempts.

As the supporters of homosexuality nudge kids into a known risky behavior, one associated with much higher rates of HIV and other STDs, they simultaneously suppress, marginalize or mischaracterize traditional views that discourage homosexuality...

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2010/10/211837/#SGA3T3zA5RhPMf0l.99



The 5th and last article that I'm posting about 'gay' child/teen bullying and suicide is from AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera, who interviewed Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel awhile back. Here is excerpts from the very informative interview:

Exclusive: AFTAH Interview with Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber (Truth Academy Speaker)

Folks, please read the interview I recently did with Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action and AFTAH board member. This helps to underscore why now, more than ever, the Americans for Truth Academies are an indispensable tool to help freedom-loving, morality-supporting Americans become equipped to push back against the homosexualist juggernaut.

PL: In the past couple of days you’ve been under tremendous assault from homosexual activists and other liberals for some comments you made on Liberty Counsel’s Faith & Freedom talk radio program about bullying, the tragedy of teen suicide and homosexual sin. Tell our readers about that.

MB: Yeah, this has given us a teachable moment. You know, scripture says ‘woe to those who call evil good and good evil.’ When homosexual activists and other ‘progressives’ in the pro-sin movement are exposed to biblical truth, their reaction is invariably visceral and loud. There’s ‘nothing new under the sun.’ This ‘kill the messenger’ strategy is age-old and knee-jerk. These folks, as a matter of course, call evil good and good evil. Of course their gripe isn’t with me. I’m nothing. I’m nobody. Their problem is with their Creator, the natural order and the fallen state of mankind. They’re just lost.

PL: What specifically did you say to bring down such hate?

I merely repeated what God’s objective truth about sexual sin has always held: That heterosexual fornication, to include adultery, is sin and that homosexual behavior is always immoral and unnatural. Scripture is unequivocal on these points throughout both the Old and New Testaments. So, essentially I said nothing new.

Here’s where they lost their collective noodle: I also pointed out how the pro-sin movement is cynically manipulating the very real problem of childhood and teen bullying – something anyone with a heart is opposed to – in order to push, with a ‘Trojan horse strategy,’ a radical pro-homosexual, anti-Christian agenda. On this, there’s no debate. This is evil. When you shine light on evil those who love darkness will scurry for the shadows and blindly shoot arrows into the light.

These ‘anti-Christ’ activists seek segregationist legislation that exploits bullying, which can and unfortunately sometimes does occur against kids who self-identify as ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.’ They promote these propagandist ‘LGBT’ laws to the exclusion and detriment of other classes of kids who are perhaps even more frequently bullied and in larger numbers: Overweight kids and racial minorities come to mind. This blatant discrimination betrays the true agenda: pro-homosexual indoctrination, pure and simple...

PL: Tell us about the hate-mail and death threats.

MB: Yeah, there’s been quite a bit of that too – a lot of hate mail; calls for my assassination; people saying they hope my children die, etc. Listen, this stuff is par for the course with the ever-‘tolerant’ secular-left. Of course the death threats have to be taken seriously, but with the rest of it; you just have to let it roll-off like water off a duck’s back. I don’t take it personally because I’m not really the target. They’re not so much angry with me. Really, they’re just angry at God...

We just need to press ahead, faithful and bold, speaking God’s truth in love. I can think of nothing less compassionate than affirming and encouraging sexual sin and pigeonholing kids into a ‘gay’ identity. This leads sexually confused kids into a lifestyle that, according to the CDC, promises boys, for instance, a one-in-five chance of contracting HIV/AIDS. This isn’t love. This is a kind of false ‘love’ – devoid of God’s truth. It’s deceptive. It’s evil. It’s the worse kind of hate.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2011/0...y-counsels-matt-barber-truth-academy-speaker/



New member
If Barber has been receiving emails wishing death upon his children and calling for his assassination, he ought to publish them along with the IP addresses and call for hate speech charges and terroristic threats. Otherwise, people might think he is making this up.


Oh my, this is not good news for all of you gay boyz and the LGBTQueer movement who thought you could fool God by using a condom.

AIDS Seminar Highlights Dangers of Condoms

Jan. 9, 2015

Tagbilaran City, Philippines — In observance of World AIDS Week, 200 graduating maritime students at the Philippines Maritime Institute recently attended a pro-life seminar given by HLI Philippines country director Rene Bullecer, MD.

Dr. Bullecer focused on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. He highlighted the untold dangers of condoms, which are less effective than most people think in preventing the spread of HIV — especially when used by those who engage in high-risk behaviors.

According to Bullecer, who has been an AIDS prevention advocate since 1992 and has treated many AIDS victims, many NGOs promote condom usage instead of abstinence.

“Sadly, many NGOs are profiting from the AIDS epidemic,” he said. “Worldwide promotion for condom usage results in hundreds of millions of dollars both for those who produce them and those who promote them in the developing world.”

The public knows very little about the truth about the harmful effects of contraceptive usage, especially condoms.

The reality is that condoms cannot guarantee protection from HIV/AIDS, despite what their promoters say. There is no such thing as ‘safe sex,’ especially when one engages in behavior that is known to spread the disease. If condoms really are the solution, how is it that HIV cases worldwide are still on the rise — especially among active homosexuals?”

Read more: http://www.hli.org/2015/01/aids-seminar-highlights-dangers-condoms/


Sorry boyz, but you just can't fool God.


If Barber has been receiving emails wishing death upon his children and calling for his assassination, he ought to publish them along with the IP addresses and call for hate speech charges and terroristic threats. Otherwise, people might think he is making this up.

I'll review shortly the segment entitled

"Silencing the Christians" (dedicated to Libertarian WizardofOz) showing that your fellow LGBTQueer activists use all kinds of terror (pushing around little old ladies and pregnant women who were promoting traditional marriage) in attempts to silence anyone that speaks out about this immoral and abhorrent behavior and the agenda that goes with it.


Boy, as quiet as it is in this thread, the article about condoms must have had quite an impact on TOL's homosexualists (they all must be out getting "tested").

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