A few pages back I posted 3 articles dealing with suicide by children and teens who have been tricked into believing by the perverts of the LGBTQueer movement that they're homosexual or transgender.
The first article was by a woman named Krista West who talked about a left wing Huffington Post blogger who puts the blame of these tragic events on Christians who condemn homosexuality.
The next article was by our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality which talked about LGBTQueer activist and pervert extraordinaire Dan Savage and his "It Gets Better Project" that deals with the bullying of 'gay' children and teens. LaBarbera's article shows the reality of homosexuality and how the homosexual lifestyle only get's worse.
The 3rd article was written in a wonderful Christian website called "Gay Christian Movement Watch" and talks about Christian evangelist Bill Keller who points out who really is to blame for these tragic deaths of our nations morally and sexually confused children and teens (LGBTQueer activists and it's allies in the mainstream media).
The next article was written by Mission America's Linda Harvey back in 2010 and is entitled:
Is 'gay' agenda to blame for teen suicides?
Exclusive: Linda Harvey points finger at 'child-corruption advocates' in schools
Details are sketchy in the recent rash of homosexual-related teen suicides throughout the nation, but already the “gay” lobby is ready to exploit our children one more time.
In Minnesota, seven students committed suicide in recent months, three said to be involved in homosexuality. A college student at Rutgers jumped off the George Washington Bridge after his homosexual rendezvous was secretly filmed by his roommate and then broadcast over the Internet. The roommate and another student face criminal charges.
A 13-year-old in California and another in Texas killed themselves following student taunts about homosexuality. A 15-year-old in Indiana hanged himself over homosexual-related harassment.
And now we hear that another young man, 19-year-old Rhode Island college student Raymond Chase, hanged himself. He, too, believed he was “gay.”
How do families and school communities cope with such tragedy? As a parent, I cannot even imagine the heartbreak. In trying to prevent such devastating events in the future, emotional manipulation can lead schools and communities to implement wrongheaded, harmful plans of action. That’s what is being attempted now. But it’s nothing new. It’s been the modus operandi of homosexual activism for the past 20 years.
It’s time to stop it, now.
Would widespread community embrace of homosexuality and gender-switching prevent some of these suicides? Or is misinformation actually a contributor to the despair embedded in these tragedies?
The homosexual lobby has gone into full demand mode, particularly
GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) and the Human Rights Campaign. Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan hosted a national summit on bullying with homosexual activists present and featuring former GLSEN president and “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. There’s a renewed press for passage of H.R. 4530, national legislation that goes beyond stronger anti-bullying measures to incorporate mandatory pro-”gay” propaganda...
Recent trends in public schools might provide some clues [as to why these youth are committing suicide]. “Gay” advocacy is growing, now aimed at kids at younger and younger ages.
Over 4,000 homosexual clubs have been formed in the past decade, some now at the middle-school level. New, often sexually graphic fiction urges children to explore alternate sexual behavior and gender norms. GLSEN’s explicit book recommendations come to mind. And the Human Rights Campaign’s “Welcoming Schools” program reaches down to grade schoolers to normalize aberrant lifestyles.
Kids are urged to “come out” early. That’s exactly what several of these young victims did, and such actions are often associated with subsequent early suicide attempts.
As the supporters of homosexuality nudge kids into a known risky behavior, one associated with much higher rates of HIV and other STDs, they simultaneously suppress, marginalize or mischaracterize traditional views that discourage homosexuality...