Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Boy, as quiet as it is in this thread, the article about condoms must have had quite an impact on TOL's homosexualists (they all must be out getting "tested").


Men with mental health issues more at risk of HIV

A study reports that gay and bisexual men are more at risk of contracting HIV if they have mental health problems.

Past studies have shown that gay men with HIV were more likely to have mental health issues, but not whether poor mental health was a factor in how likely someone was to contract HIV. Over 4000 gay and bisexual men in the US were studied over a number of years. They were all HIV negative to begin with.

They were asked about mental health in relation to drug and alcohol use, depression and exposure to childhood sexual violence. The men were then tested for HIV every six months and asked about sexual behavior.

The study found that those with mental health issues were more likely to become HIV positive, and the more mental health problems a person had, the more likely they were.

Men were also more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors such as unprotected anal sex if they had more mental health issues.
Study leader Matthew Mimiaga told Reuters: “We need to think about the fact that men who have sex with men in the US have a high prevalence of these syndemic factors which for the most part get in the way of traditional HIV messaging or traditional HIV interventions.
“These factors are driving a lot of the risk and really need to be addressed in a comprehensive approach.”




Being that homosexuality was considered a mental illness up until the time that homosexual pioneer Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his band of thugs intimidated the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders, it's pretty obvious that those who engage in homosex have a screw loose upstairs.

What's your point?


New member
Being that homosexuality was considered a mental illness up until the time that homosexual pioneer Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his band of thugs intimidated the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders, it's pretty obvious that those who engage in homosex have a screw loose upstairs.

What's your point?
Just adding info: Pink News published the article on that study today. It is talking about gay men with mental problems as opposed to gay men without mental problems, in relation to rates of HIV.


Homos are untouchable.
Homos are vermin.
Homos are not fully human.

So are Jews. So are the strangers. So are the immigrants.

There is a marked equivalence between the facists, the National Socialists, the tyrannical and the bigoted and the homophobic believers of Islam and Christianity.


Can ye tell me what the article says, you big dummy? :think:

This one goes into more detail (sorry Bruth, but there are no pictures of half nekked boyz for you to look at in this article).

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that some 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV. About one case in six is undiagnosed. While the CDC says only about 4 percent of U.S. males have sex with other men, they represent about two-thirds of the country’s new infections.

Additionally, it’s known that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community also suffers from an increased burden of mental health problems.

When two health conditions tend to occur together in one population, researchers call them "syndemic."

For the new study in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, the researchers looked at how five conditions - depression, alcohol abuse, stimulant use, multi-drug abuse and exposure to childhood sexual violence - affect men's risk of acquiring HIV


Same ole, same ole. Those who engage in homosex are depressed because Christians and others who acknowledge that homosexuality is a deviant sexual behavior won't accept their lifestyle.

And can you factor in the condom use for us, dear? :think:

Save the "dear" for your friends that you meet in public restroom toilet stalls and park bushes.

Regarding condom use: You tell us, as you're the expert on homosex and the culture that goes with it.


Speaking of mentally ill:

Homos are untouchable.
Homos are vermin.
Homos are not fully human.

So are Jews. So are the strangers. So are the immigrants.

There is a marked equivalence between the facists, the National Socialists, the tyrannical and the bigoted and the homophobic believers of Islam and Christianity.


New member
Save the "dear" for your friends that you meet in public restroom toilet stalls and park bushes.

Regarding condom use: You tell us, as you're the expert on homosex and the culture that goes with it.
I will NOT. You are my dear friend, and I will address you as such, silly. :AMR1:

Hmmm, I haven't used a condom, seriously, since 1986. :think:


I will NOT. You are my dear friend, and I will address you as such, silly. :AMR1:

I suppose you could call me a "friend" because I'm a person that wants to help you leave this immoral lifestyle that you're living behind. Note the part that I put in bold above:

"For the new study in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, the researchers looked at how five conditions - depression, alcohol abuse, stimulant use, multi-drug abuse and exposure to childhood sexual violence - affect men's risk of acquiring HIV..."

Hmmm, I haven't used a condom, seriously, since 1986. :think:

Sorry, but this thread isn't all about you. You made reference to "factoring in condom use", what did you mean by that?


New member
I suppose you could call me a "friend" because I'm a person that wants to help you leave this immoral lifestyle that you're living behind. Note the part that I put in bold above:

"For the new study in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, the researchers looked at how five conditions - depression, alcohol abuse, stimulant use, multi-drug abuse and exposure to childhood sexual violence - affect men's risk of acquiring HIV..."

Sorry, but this thread isn't all about you. You made reference to "factoring in condom use", what did yoiu mean by that?
Thank you for admitting we are friends. :BRAVO: :kiss: (and this thread is at least partly about me ;) )

Hmmm, now what do they mean, aCW, when they tell us,
"There is no safe sex" and
"Condoms won't prevent HIV; only abstinence will."
I have been pondering and pondering, and I can't make it out.
What are they on about there, hun?



Thank you for admitting we are friends. :BRAVO: :kiss: (and this thread is at least partly about me ;) )

Yes, recriminalizing homosexuality is a "friendly" thing to do, because it will get sick people like you the help that you so desperately need.

Hmmm, now what do they mean, aCW, when they tell us,
"There is no safe sex" and
"Condoms won't prevent HIV; only abstinence will."
I have been pondering and pondering, and I can't make it out.
What are they on about there, hun?:think::think:

(Someone's snockered already. He'll be passed out for the night in an hour or so).

"Just say NO! to homosex" sounds like "what they are on about there."


For His Royal Majesty's Recriminalization Plan:


Surprise surprise, I see that you're still hanging with tne Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network. (I can't emphasis enough about how Pastor Scot Lively was so right about the homosexual-Nazi connection both in the days of Adolf Hitler and with today's LGBTQueer "gaystapo").


If you can't laugh at the nutcases at liberal 'institutions of higher learning', who can you laugh at?

Here's the reason this all-women's college cancelled its yearly 'Vagina Monologues'

January 15, 2015

The “Vagina Monologues” was once a yearly tradition at Mount Holyoke College, an all-women’s school in Massachusetts. But not this year.

The reason? Apparently the show is no longer feminist enough and actually hurts women because it doesn’t include monologues from trans-women. Suddenly, the most feminist play in America is both transphobic and racist.

“At its core, the show offers an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman,” wrote Erin Murphy, a representative for the school’s Theatre Board, said in a campus-wide email obtained by Campus Reform. “Gender is a wide and varied experience, one that cannot simply be reduced to biological or anatomical distinctions, and many of us who have participated in the show have grown increasingly uncomfortable presenting material that is inherently reductionist and exclusive.”

Murphy also said the play has problems with class, race and “other identities.”

Campus Reform’s Yvonne Dean-Bailey reports the play will be replaced by a collection of student monologues — similar to those in “Vagina Monologues” — but that includes selections that are trans-inclusive.

For those keeping track, Mount Holyoke — again, an all-women's college — recently expanded its admissions policy to accept applications from transgender students."


What the article didn't mention is that the play that intellectuals go ga ga over, has an adult woman sexually abusing a 13 year old girl.

But then that's what homosexuals do.

"Eve Ensler seems to think that pedophilia can be a liberating experience. In her work the Vagina Monologues Ensler recounts the story of a 13 year old girl who is sexually abused by an adult female. After widespread public criticism she changed the age of the girl to 16.

Below is a direct quote from the play, where the sexual molestation of this young girl is presented as a liberating experience..."

Read more: http://misandry-away.blogspot.com/2007/09/vagina-monologues-lesbian-pedophilia.html



New member
This is why it was important to curtail the same sex marriage: Now that they have that securely in their pocket, the Transgender movement - the 'T' in LGBTQI - is growing apace, being pushed in schools, Universities, and media/entertainment.

So what is your plan here, aCW? :think:


This is why it was important to curtail the same sex marriage: Now that they have that securely in their pocket, the Transgender movement - the 'T' in LGBTQI - is growing apace, being pushed in schools, Universities, and media/entertainment.

(Sigh, he tries SO hard!). Once again: Faux marriage is only one of the things that has happened to our once great nation since homosexuality was decriminalized. The cancer must be cut out at it's core, putting a bandaid over one part of the disease ridden body will do nothing.

So what is your plan here, aCW? :think:

1. Get apathetic Christians to get involved in the political process and elect good men and women into public office that will help get this morally confused country of ours get turned around.

2. Get you the psychological and spiritual help that you so desperately need.


New member
Being that homosexuality was considered a mental illness up until the time that homosexual pioneer Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his band of thugs intimidated the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders, it's pretty obvious that those who engage in homosex have a screw loose upstairs.

What's your point?

Great quote. To bad Frank Kameny never said it


New member
This is why it was important to curtail the same sex marriage: Now that they have that securely in their pocket, the Transgender movement - the 'T' in LGBTQI - is growing apace, being pushed in schools, Universities, and media/entertainment.

So what is your plan here, aCW? :think:

and before you know it black people will be wanting equal rights too
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