Who will answer my questions?


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You are the opposite. You disregard His word and focusing on others.

You don't honor Him as Lord.
Except I do. I honor Him as Lord and God, because He is. You, on the other hand, deny his deity.


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Why is logos translated "word"?

If logos means God why isn't it translated "God"?
No one made that claim.

Logos means word. It doesn't mean God.

John 1:1 says "the Word was with God and God was the Word."

The Word is God.

That's not stating a definition, that's saying what something, or in this case, who Someone is.

God's Truth

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Except I do. I honor Him as Lord and God, because He is. You, on the other hand, deny his deity.

You messed up when you told Meshak that focusing ONLY on Jesus' words and not including the rest of scripture and only teaching that is deception based on willful ignorance.

You focus only on what Paul says.


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You messed up when you told Meshak that focusing ONLY on Jesus' words and not including the rest of scripture and only teaching that is deception based on willful ignorance.

You focus only on what Paul says.
My focus is the ENTIRE Bible, not just the words of Jesus. I include ALL Scripture in my spiritual arsenal.

Meshak thinks that the only relevant parts of Scripture are Jesus' words, and that is not true. The fact that she teaches that is deception based on willful ignorance.

God's Truth

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My focus is the ENTIRE Bible, not just the words of Jesus. I include ALL Scripture in my spiritual arsenal.

Meshak thinks that the only relevant parts of Scripture are Jesus' words, and that is not true. The fact that she teaches that is deception based on willful ignorance.

And you only focus on what Paul says.


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Then tell me how strong your focus is and tell me what Jesus says when he walked the earth that you have to obey.
Jesus came to minister to Israel. He explicitly states that He did not come to minister to Gentiles. Everything He said while on Earth was for Israel to follow, though there are obviously things we can take from His message.

God's Truth

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Jesus came to minister to Israel. He explicitly states that He did not come to minister to Gentiles. Everything He said while on Earth was for Israel to follow, though there are obviously things we can take from His message.

So you obey nothing that Jesus says. So you do not focus very hard on what he said.

By the way, Jesus said when he is lifted up all can come to him to be saved, so you better find out what he said to do before he was lifted up.


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So you obey nothing that Jesus says.

Not necessarily.

I follow the law of love, love God, and love your neighbor. Love fulfills the righteous requirement of law.

By the way, Jesus said when he is lifted up all can come to him to be saved,


so you better find out what he said to do before he was lifted up.

That's a non-sequitur.

Him being lifted up was for the salvation of every man, not just Israel. What He said during His earthly ministry was directed ONLY AT ISRAEL!

God's Truth

New member
Not necessarily.

I follow the law of love, love God, and love your neighbor. Love fulfills the righteous requirement of law.


That's a non-sequitur.

Him being lifted up was for the salvation of every man, not just Israel. What He said during His earthly ministry was directed ONLY AT ISRAEL!

The law of love is about obeying all of Jesus' teachings.


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The law of love is about obeying all of Jesus' teachings.
No, it's not. Love fulfills the righteous requirement of the law, meaning if we love God and neighbor, then the law, including Jesus' teachings, is fulfilled, the obligation is satisfied, even though there's no obligation to love. Your legalistic interpretation prohibits you from understanding that love is freely given, it is not coerced through the threat of punishment.


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The law of love is about obeying all of Jesus' teachings.

Nope, the law of love is fulfilled in us when the love of God is shed abroad on our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.​

It's the only way it can be, for God is love. Man can't muster up enough of his own love to fulfil any law.

God's Truth

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Nope, the law of love is fulfilled in us when the love of God is shed abroad on our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.​

It's the only way it can be, for God is love. Man can't muster up enough of his own love to fulfil any law.

Do you kill your neighbor? No? Then you have obeyed the law of love your neighbor.

Do you steal from your neighbor? No? Then you have obeyed the law of love your neighbor.

Do you lie about your neighbor? No? Then you have obeyed the law of love your neighbor.

Do you commit adultery with your neighbor's spouse? No? Then you have obeyed the law of love your neighbor.

If you disobeyed ANY of those commands, then you disobeyed the law of love your neighbor and do not love your neighbor.

God's Truth

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No, it's not. Love fulfills the righteous requirement of the law, meaning if we love God and neighbor, then the law, including Jesus' teachings, is fulfilled, the obligation is satisfied, even though there's no obligation to love. Your legalistic interpretation prohibits you from understanding that love is freely given, it is not coerced through the threat of punishment.

There is no obligation to love?

You are badly mistaken not knowing the scriptures.

We must love our neighbors.

Love means not harming your neighbor.

Do you obey the commands not to kill, steal, lie, and commit adultery? Yes? Then you love your neighbor and the law was obeyed by you.


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There is no obligation to love?

You are badly mistaken not knowing the scriptures.

We must love our neighbors.

Love means not harming your neighbor.

Do you obey the commands not to kill, steal, lie, and commit adultery? Yes? Then you love your neighbor and the law was obeyed by you.

Love is a choice. It must be freely given in order for it to be love.

The Law says if you murder, you will be put to death, if you steal, you will pay restitution, if you harm your neighbor, you will be beaten.

No, I do not obey "do not murder," "do not steal," (the law I believe you're trying to bring up is against perjury, not lying, btw) "do not commit adultery." I don't obey them, because by loving God and loving my neighbor, the righteous requirement of those four laws is fulfilled. My love for God and neighbor keeps me from harming my neighbor, from harming my wife (the wedding went well on Saturday, by the way, in case anyone was wondering).

I am not under those four laws, because I have been delivered from the law. The law brought me to Christ, but it could not make me righteous. Only Christ's blood can do that.

You cannot condemn me with those laws, because the law only speaks to those who are under it.

God's Truth

New member
Love is a choice. It must be freely given in order for it to be love.

The Law says if you murder, you will be put to death, if you steal, you will pay restitution, if you harm your neighbor, you will be beaten.

No, I do not obey "do not murder," "do not steal," (the law I believe you're trying to bring up is against perjury, not lying, btw) "do not commit adultery." I don't obey them, because by loving God and loving my neighbor, the righteous requirement of those four laws is fulfilled. My love for God and neighbor keeps me from harming my neighbor, from harming my wife (the wedding went well on Saturday, by the way, in case anyone was wondering).

I am not under those four laws, because I have been delivered from the law. The law brought me to Christ, but it could not make me righteous. Only Christ's blood can do that.

You cannot condemn me with those laws, because the law only speaks to those who are under it.

What don't you get about the whole Bible being a teaching on how to love?

If you obey the law, then you are loving your neighbor.

Jesus says the WHOLE LAW is summed up by loving your neighbor.

You go against the Word.


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What don't you get about the whole Bible being a teaching on how to love?

If you obey the law, then you are loving your neighbor.

Jesus says the WHOLE LAW is summed up by loving your neighbor.

You go against the Word.

Your legalism prevents you from understanding what I'm saying.