Who will answer my questions?


New member
The verses are all directed at redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners. Anyone else can only pay lip-service to them rather than benefit from the full doctrinal value. Only the heirs can benefit from a will and only the heirs can benefit from the evangelism which is the ultimate revelation of the Father's will.
And is it the will of the Christ that all be heirs of the promises of GOD?


New member
Obviously the honour of The Father and Son are not on your list. You'd happily call the sons of Satan brother, but then again you'd be right.
I generally call them friend, not brother or sister.

We are all sinners.

The difference is between those who seek to do the Will of GOD in their own life in accordance with the two commands of the Christ of GOD for the sake of others, and those who simply throw His teachings away as if they are not for them, or not significant. There is another division to be made; it has to do with the likes of those who make our gracious Lord and GOD out to be evil, by assuming they are safe while in sin, but others are damned in their sin. We ate to build one another up in edification and kind direction and guidance, not repaying harshness with more of the same; but being long suffering and forgiving for their sake, and not the sake of placement of self.


New member
I generally call them friend, not brother or sister.

We are all sinners.

The difference is between those who seek to do the Will of GOD in their own life in accordance with the two commands of the Christ of GOD for the sake of others, and those who simply throw His teachings away as if they are not for them, or not significant. There is another division to be made; it has to do with the likes of those who make our gracious Lord and GOD out to be evil, by assuming they are safe while in sin, but others are damned in their sin. We ate to build one another up in edification and kind direction and guidance, not repaying harshness with more of the same; but being long suffering and forgiving for their sake, and not the sake of placement of self.

I am a repentant sinner and therein is the difference.


Well-known member
The "false gospel" (as you call it) that I believe in is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe the truth and the true gospel which is the gospel that Jesus Christ received from God and was sent to preach, the gospel that Jesus himself preached, that was to go to every creature in all the nation's, the same gospel that Paul himself believed in, followed and preached.

What I don't do is see the gospel that Jesus preached as for others and not for me, and only believe in what is said by one of his apostles, I believe in the teachings of Paul. But Jesus comes first, I believe him first and foremost and I follow him, not Paul.

And even Paul himself said "follow me as I follow Christ"

And Jesus said, deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me, and he said that those who don't take up their cross and follow me, are not worthy of me. And I believe that is the truth and I follow him, not the doctrine of any denomination!

You see me as unteachable, but I see your doctrine as not being the truth.

Yeah, I've found those who are stuck on the wrong side of the cross don't know our RISEN LORD. :carryon:


Well-known member
Here's a question for you all.

27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

What are you doing to live these verses in your life?

What more could you do that you have learned from scripture?

I see you think all those who claim to be believers are members of the body of Christ. Clearly, that is not the case. I see many false brethren on here who would love to bring us back into bondage...they can't stand the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. This is a spiritual warfare we're engaged in...not a Sunday social.

Galatians 2:4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:​


Well-known member
I see you think all those who claim to be believers are members of the body of Christ. Clearly, that is not the case. I see many false brethren on here who would love to bring us back into bondage...they can't stand the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. This is a spiritual warfare we're engaged in...not a Sunday social.

Galatians 2:4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:​


False brethren are false brethren

If they are not born again,they are not brethren though they pretend to be.

There are spiritual brethren, that is born again of God's spirit, who are yet carnal, who have not renewed their minds to become spiritually minded.

They are brethren in Christ, but immature.

Paul and other believers, including apostles and prophets, had to deal with those who were still pushing the law

Were the legalists that Paul speaks of here born again who were yet carnal or simply Judeans, brethren by nationality or heritage but not spiritual brothers.

I dont know at this time.

It is clear that there were many Judeans who even though became born again/saved.. were still zealous for the law.

Is that whom Paul was speaking of?

I don't know. Either way both groups needed to turn to the truth of God's word and either renew their minds or receive salvation and then get busy renewing their minds.


Well-known member
Until you are converted you are no brother of mine.

How interesting!

If you were spiritually minded, you would have no problem recognixing that I have received salvation and have made progress in becoming spiritually minded.

I am born again of God's spirit.

That you do not see that is disappointing

Perhaps you could learn more about what being spiritually minded is all about


Well-known member
I think there was a typo friend.
("because we were so good,")

Your repeated attempts to bring about profitable conversation between the limbs of the body is both noteworthy and appreciated.

I agree with much of what you said and will try to actually comment on it later.


I see the typo in this sentence "Is there a growing sense of humility towards God and our fellow believers when we realize that God did send His son for us because we were so good, but because we were so bad?"

Thanks I will correct it to convey the intended meaning.


New member
That is not what I said, and so it doesn't apply.
Yet you speak against just that when speaking against her for being honest and doing out of fear of GOD, and spreading what she knows to be true.

Why can we not conversate without attaching speculation and accusation?


New member
No, all is not work. The fact that you don't have a clue what I'm saying in no way assumes what I'm saying is wrong.
How is all not work? Me attempting to type is work. Using ones mind is work. Walking is work. Eating is work. Breathing is work. Fighting is work. Sinning is work.

To be clear; work= the exertion of energy.

Efficiency and direction one works towards are wholly different matters though.