Who is the Lord of the Sabbath

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Sabbath was Saturday, which began as the sun set on Friday afternoon, and finished as the sun set on Saturday afternoon, which was the evening that began the day of Sunday, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, who was the wife of Cleophas and mother of Jesus, Joseph and James, came to the tomb on Sunday morning, the day after the Saturday Sabbath.

Why did you just ignore the verse which I quoted?


New member
I don't believe they did...so does anyone believe they harvest on the Sabbath?

The wave sheaf was a harvested, that's how the priests got it. They harvested it.

After the wave sheaf was harvested and presented to the Father, then the grain harvest could begin, but not before.

Do you not believe Jesus fulfilled the wave offering being the first of the firstfruits?


New member
The wave sheaf was a harvested, that's how the priests got it. They harvested it.

After the wave sheaf was harvested and presented to the Father, then the grain harvest could begin, but not before.

Do you not believe Jesus fulfilled the wave offering being the first of the firstfruits?

Why does it go so far with you?

What from what I have said would indicate that I do not believe He fulfilled the wave offering? He even went and got approval from His Father...any error or unfulfillment or blemish would have disqualified His work His mission...

Obviously He was approved as He returned to earth to finish by presenting Himself to the new priests of the continuing church...

My posting history should indicate this continuance of the church in the wilderness not a brand new religion...it was all as designed...His Father's will on earth as it is in Heaven...


Why did you just ignore the verse which I quoted?

Which came first, darkness or Light?

The Jewish day began at sunset, and consisted of a 12 hour period of Darkness, followed by a 12 hour period of Light;

Jesus said; "A day has 12 hours does it not? So work while the light is with you."

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all reveal that Jesus died on the day of preparation.

John 19: 14; It was the 6th hour of the 12 hour period of darkness (Midnight) on the day of preparation to the Passover, that Pilate passed the sentence of death on Jesus.

Jesus was nailed to the cross at the 3rd hour (9 AM) of the 12 hour period of light on the day of preparation to the Passover.

At the 6th hour (Midday) Darkness covered the land on the day of preparation to the Passover.

At the 9th hour (3 PM) Jesus gave up his spirit, on the day of preparation to the Passover.

About the 12 hour (6 PM) Jesus was buried, on the day of preparation to the Passover.

As darkness descended the Passover day began, and the Jews sat down to eat of the Pascal Lambs that they had slaughtered.

Numbers 28: 16; The Passover festival in honour of the Lord, is to be held on the fourteenth of the first month.*

Exodus 12: 14; “You must celebrate ‘THIS DAY’*as a religious festival to remind you of what I, the Lord have done, Celebrate it (One day)*for all time to come.

Numbers 28:17; On the fifteenth day a religious festival begins which lasts seven days, during which, only unleavened bread is to be eaten. On the first and the last day of the seven day festival of unleavened bread, they were to gather for worship and no work was to be done on those days

Deuteronomy 16: 1; it was in the month of Abib that the lord brought you out of Egypt BY NIGHT.

When did they leave Egypt Jerry? They left in the “NIGHT” which was the beginning of the 15th day of Abib, which was after the NIGHT of the 14th day of the first month of the year, in which, at midnight, the Lord had passed over the land of Egypt and killed all the first born sons who were not protected by the blood of the sacrificial lambs that had been killed on the day of preparation to the Passover, between the two evenings.

Numbers 33: 3; the people of Israel left Egypt (BY NIGHT) on the 15th day of the first month of the year, the day AFTER the first Passover. Under the Lord’s protection they left the city of Rameses in full view of the Egyptians, who were burying the first born sons that the Lord had killed in the previous night.

Are you happy now Jerry?


New member
Why does it go so far with you?

What from what I have said would indicate that I do not believe He fulfilled the wave offering? He even went and got approval from His Father...any error or unfulfillment or blemish would have disqualified His work His mission...

You claim the Wave Sheaf was harvested on a Sabbath when everyone knows firstfruits were not harvested on a Sabbath.

I don't know where you got that idea that it was.


Under the Old Covenant, sacrifices were offered every Sabbath. There were special sacrifices offered on each of the Holy Days. Also, Jews circumcised their sons on the eighth day after they were born, even if the eighth day fell on a Sabbath or a Holy Day. Considering these facts, there is no biblical or practical prohibition against the waving of the wave sheaf on an annual Holy Day.