Who is the Lord of the Sabbath


Well-known member
Yes yes and thanks...the next text gives further clues

"18Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has 3not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,19 and not holding fast to wthe Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, xgrows with the increase that is from God."

Those puffed up like the leavening of Pharisees...they were wishing to cheat and rob and judge...

Not the Body of Christ...it maintained the right to preserve the traditions of that church begun in the wilderness...

Those Jews were all to willing to steal and rob goyim converts insisting on works FOR salvation...even circumcision...wrong on both counts...

And circumcision FOR salvation or merely even to assemble with them to hear, as James put it, Moses read to them every Sabbath...again wrong on both counts...

Many souls "knit together as one" as in the link and like the scroll in the video. ;)


New member
I am appreciative of much of what he has written...

Thank you. Dr. Thiel seems to be a very educated man.

One of the things I noted in the article you linked is that he said, "A major reason that I became part of the Church of God is that in addition to proving all things from the Bible, I truly believe that since "God is love" (1 John 4:16) that He has a plan of salvation that will ultimately result in everyone being called and nearly every one who ever lived being saved."

How strange, that is exactly what I promote. It's a small world after all.


Well-known member
Many souls "knit together as one" as in the link and like the scroll in the video. ;)

So one may see therein how that Meshiah is the kephalidi-header of the Sefer, "the head of the scroll", (in the right hand side), which scroll is the body and volume thereof: and Ruach Elohim, (Gen 1:2, in the right hand side and head-chapiter of the scroll), is the same Ruach Meshiah according to Paul, (Rom 8:9), which brooded over the waters in the beginning, (Gen 1:2, brooded like a dove). Shabbat shalom. :)


New member
So one may see therein how that Meshiah is the kephalidi-header of the Sefer, "the head of the scroll", (in the right hand side), which scroll is the body and volume thereof: and Ruach Elohim, (Gen 1:2, in the right hand side and head-chapiter of the scroll), is the same Ruach Meshiah according to Paul, (Rom 8:9), which brooded over the waters in the beginning, (Gen 1:2, brooded like a dove). Shabbat shalom. :)

Nice thanks...HalleluYah...

and like wise...rest indeed for His people


New member
Thank you. Dr. Thiel seems to be a very educated man.

One of the things I noted in the article you linked is that he said, "A major reason that I became part of the Church of God is that in addition to proving all things from the Bible, I truly believe that since "God is love" (1 John 4:16) that He has a plan of salvation that will ultimately result in everyone being called and nearly every one who ever lived being saved."

How strange, that is exactly what I promote. It's a small world after all.

He would indeed that all be saved...


So you wish to do away with the Law which points out sin and now the shadows which point to the good things to come...why?

S-word.....Now that we know that the fulfilment of the Sabbath law, is the great Sabbath of one thousand years in which the Lord shall judge the whole world with justice, the law is fulfilled in Christ.

clefty.....Yes let no one judge you...but the body of Christ...the church

S-word.....And definitely not the Roman church of Emperor Constantine, the worthless shepherd that God raised up after he was paid his majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver, nor any of her harlot denominational daughters who were spawned by her false teachings/spirit, before breaking away from their mother body to establish families of their own.


They were keeping the Sabbath and others were judging them for it...

S-word...... Let no one judge you, I repeat "NO ONE" in reference to the keeping of the weekly Sabbath.


New member
S-word...... Let no one judge you, I repeat "NO ONE" in reference to the keeping of the weekly Sabbath.

Yes...no one BUT the BOC...and in reference to its keeping not in its not keeping...

Not keeping the Sabbath or festivals et al was not the issue then...that is a modern issue

As with food...we must eat...no one is saying dont eat...judging its not eating but the eating...and only those of Him following the Head can insist that what we eat is clean as it is for His temple...and it is to those who wish to eat clean that it is determined how we define what is clean to eat...

Sabbath is to be kept...and determined how it is to be kept, is by those who believe in the Lord of the Sabbath...NO ONE else

But now some in the BOC determine it to be kept on Sunday or not at all...thus it remains an issue...

but not for any who reject the Head Jews and pagans have no say thus can not judge us...

Nor is it an issue for those who FOLLOW the Head His Way

And keep the Sabbath AS He did...

We dont let any one or NO ONE rob or cheat us...


New member
And I agree.

Is April 10 important to you?

Yes the festivals and new moons are also important...it is after all a calendar in scripture...His calendar

The Creator's Calendar. Unique distinct from man's traditions...

14 days from the beginning of the year for one...

But again it is as a symbolic memorial to the true sacrifice after which blood is no longer shed...

We do however benefit its celebration...

Its like a birthday for a dear one you love...if April 10 is the birthday of your grandmother...you remember her even more on that day...and even after she is long asleep we remember April 10 but there is no need to make a cake with candles for her to blow out...she sleeps...

Now is Passover really April 10 or some other date...there in lies further meaning and revelation...all a process of learning more about Him His Way...but NOT to earn or merit salvation...we are already...


Well-known member
S-word...... Let no one judge you, I repeat "NO ONE" in reference to the keeping of the weekly Sabbath.

That first portion is more dependent on the overall context. Can you stop someone else from judging you? Lol, look around this forum and see if you can stop others from judging you or anyone else. But that is the preferred reading for those who believe all those things listed in the statement are "abolished" or done away with; for essentially that reading implies, "Do not let anyone judge you for eating and drinking whatsoever you will, or for keeping pagan festivals and not observing Shabbat, or whatnot, or blah, blah, blah, just do what you will, it's all good!" :)rotfl:). But what if Paul is actually telling them not to judge others? It can be read that way; but which way of reading it is more likely, knowing the writings of Paul? Does Paul care about "the outsider" when it comes to judgement? He says judge yourselves and let Elohim judge those who are outside. Therefore let none of you, ("let not any of you"), judge concerning those things mentioned in the passage: for they are clearly not done away with or abolished because he says they are a shadow of what is about to come to pass, (each in his or her own appointed times, IN Messiah).


New member
Psalm 68. :)


Isaiah 12:2New King James Version (NKJV)

2 "Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’"

Yah became my salvation when His only begotten became reborn into the flesh and obeyed His Father's will...

Yahushua, His Son, is Yah's salvation...Lord also of the Sabbath...


New member
You interest me. Why would Monday the 10th of April be important? We know that Jesus died on the following Thursday, but I see no significants in April the 10th.

Two calendars Gregorian and jewish...some years He resurrects before He is killed...

The Eastern Orthodox third calendar follows Jewish calendation and wait for their Passover to celebrate their easter and with leavened bread...hmmmm


New member
That first portion is more dependent on the overall context. Can you stop someone else from judging you? Lol, look around this forum and see if you can stop others from judging you or anyone else. But that is the preferred reading for those who believe all those things listed in the statement are "abolished" or done away with; for essentially that reading implies, "Do not let anyone judge you for eating and drinking whatsoever you will, or for keeping pagan festivals and not observing Shabbat, or whatnot, or blah, blah, blah, just do what you will, it's all good!" :)rotfl:). But what if Paul is actually telling them not to judge others? It can be read that way; but which way of reading it is more likely, knowing the writings of Paul? Does Paul care about "the outsider" when it comes to judgement? He says judge yourselves and let Elohim judge those who are outside. Therefore let none of you, ("let not any of you"), judge concerning those things mentioned in the passage: for they are clearly not done away with or abolished because he says they are a shadow of what is about to come to pass, (each in his or her own appointed times, IN Messiah).

Paul even instructs to celebrate the festival with the new unleavened bread of truth and spirit...


Well-known member

Isaiah 12:2New King James Version (NKJV)

2 "Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’"

Became my salvation when His only begotten became reborn into the flesh and obeyed His Father's will...

Yahushua is Yah is salvation...Lord of the Sabbath...

Exodus 15:1-2 TS2009 W/Footnotes
1 Then Mosheh and the children of Yisra’ĕl sang this song to יהוה, and spoke, saying, “I sing to יהוה, for He is highly exalted! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!
2 “Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance.
a He is my Ěl, and I praise Him – Elohim of my father, and I exalt Him. Footnote: aSee Psa 118:14 and Isa 12:2.



New member

Exodus 15:1-2 TS2009 W/Footnotes
1 Then Mosheh and the children of Yisra’ĕl sang this song to יהוה, and spoke, saying, “I sing to יהוה, for He is highly exalted! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!
2 “Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance.
a He is my Ěl, and I praise Him – Elohim of my father, and I exalt Him. Footnote: aSee Psa 118:14 and Isa 12:2.

I really do appreciate your contributions on the text...

I only wish more would be mindful to use these names...not take them for naught...

My study as to the Lord also of the Sabbath and all that it entails has only benefited my understanding and increased my desire to know and share more...and sing along to that first hymn of the that early church in the wilderness...



Isaiah 12:2New King James Version (NKJV)

2 "Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.’"

Became my salvation when His only begotten became reborn into the flesh and obeyed His Father's will...

Yahushua is Yah is salvation...Lord of the Sabbath...

5 Therefore, when Christ (The anointed one, not the man Jesus) came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; (And that body was the body of the man Jesus, who he filled with his spirit that descended upon him in the form of a dove) 6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. 7 Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, my God.’ ”

Hebrew 5: 7-10; “In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was A son of God, (Not God’s Son, or THE son of God, but A son of God, check it out in the Appendix of Strong’s Concordance, or The King James, Amplified, or The Revised Standard translations. all Israelites are sons of God according to God’s word, see Psalms 82: 6; ‘You are gods,’ I said; ‘all of you are sons of the Most High.’) he learned through suffering to be obedient, when he was made perfect (through his obedience, and could then be used as the host body through which our heavenly Father could then revealed himself, through the life, the miracles and the words that would be seen and heard through his obedient servant and earthy image, who did, nor spoke one word on his own authority other than that which he was commanded by the Lord our saviour.) The one who God had prepared for his heavenly anointed one, then became the source through whom salvation could be gained from our Lord God and saviour, who rose Jesus from death and will raise we, who are united to him also.


New member
5 Therefore, when Christ (The anointed one, not the man Jesus) came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; (And that body was the body of the man Jesus, who he filled with his spirit that descended upon him in the form of a dove) 6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. 7 Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, my God.’ ”

Hebrew 5: 7-10; “In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was A son of God, (Not God’s Son, or THE son of God, but A son of God, check it out in the Appendix of Strong’s Concordance, or The King James, Amplified, or The Revised Standard translations. all Israelites are sons of God according to God’s word, see Psalms 82: 6; ‘You are gods,’ I said; ‘all of you are sons of the Most High.’) he learned through suffering to be obedient, when he was made perfect (through his obedience, and could then be used as the host body through which our heavenly Father could then revealed himself, through the life, the miracles and the words that would be seen and heard through his obedient servant and earthy image, who did, nor spoke one word on his own authority other than that which he was commanded by the Lord our saviour.) The one who God had prepared for his heavenly anointed one, then became the source through whom salvation could be gained from our Lord God and saviour, who rose Jesus from death and will raise we, who are united to him also.

Ummm...and He kept the Sabbath...


New member
Now is Passover really April 10 or some other date...
there in lies further meaning and revelation...all a process of learning more about Him His Way...but NOT to earn or merit salvation...we are already...

Did the Hebrews leave Egypt on the morning of the fifteenth?