Whiny Atheists


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Hall of Fame
No but bringing students to a church to engage in a secular activity is not a breach of the establishment clause.
Think it thru WoZ, Mana boxes?
Besides the obvious connotation it does bring up the question of why their god dosn't simply make Mana rain down like he did before and needs first graders to stuff boxes number one.
And number two why do the Catholic kids for example have to stuff boxes for a rebel church that denies the authority of the Pope?
Maybe that want all that box stuffing karma for their own church.
The list goes on and on.

Let's refer to it as "whining" ;)

And, I'd mock them for it too if they did so because unless the Muslims are proselytizing there is no harm in students engaging in a secular charitable activity taking place in a mosque.

“We believe that this activity was a service learning activity,” she told me. “There was absolutely no evangelizing or religious activity in the event.”

Then stuff the boxes at school and call them something else.


New member
Think it thru WoZ, Mana boxes?

Meh. That is what they named their care package going to the kids. This doesn't equate proselytizing nor does it violate the establishment clause.

The kids might not have any idea what it means and unless the church staff is telling bible stories it's a rather non-issue as far as separation goes.

They also walked into a building with crosses in and on it. Does that mean that the kids were pressured to become Christian?


Besides the obvious connotation it does bring up the question of why their god dosn't simply make Mana rain down like he did before and needs first graders to stuff boxes number one.

If asked, I would recommend the church officials shut their trap for fear of a lawsuit by groups like AHA.

And number two why do the Catholic kids for example have to stuff boxes for a rebel church that denies the authority of the Pope?
Maybe that want all that box stuffing karma for their own church.
The list goes on and on.

They are not stuffing boxes for a rebel church. They are stuffing boxes for impoverished children in Haiti.

Then stuff the boxes at school and call them something else.

The Church works with those who run this particular charity program. What differences does it make what building they use to stuff the boxes?

"Secular sustenance boxes"?

:crackup: That's better!


New member
From an old thread that is my next to be squeezed out:


A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed against Gov. Rick Perry of Texas by a national group of atheists seeking to block his participation in and promotion of a Christian-centered prayer rally next weekend.

The lawsuit, filed this month by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, asked the judge to declare Mr. Perry’s involvement in the event unconstitutional. In a separate motion filed earlier this week, the group’s lawyers sought immediately to stop Mr. Perry, who is contemplating a presidential bid, from either taking part in the rally or promoting it in his official capacity as governor, arguing that doing so violates the First Amendment’s requirement of separation of church and state.

Judge Gray H. Miller, of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas, ruled that the plaintiffs — the foundation and five of its Houston-area members — had suffered no concrete injury and that the governor’s invitations for Texans to join him in a day of prayer were “requests, not commands.” People offended by the governor’s prayer rally can either not attend, not pray or express their disapproval using their First Amendment rights, the judge said. He dismissed the lawsuit and the motion to stop the governor’s official participation.

Freedom From Religion Foundation: Atheism or anti-theism?

The nonprofit Freedom From Religion Foundation works to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism, and to promote the constitutional principle of separation between church and state. The Foundation is the nation's largest association of freethinkers (atheists, agnostics and skeptics) with over 16,400 members.



New member
Humanists demand that roadside memorial cross be removed

Humanists demand that roadside memorial cross be removed

Thank you Angel4Truth

Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after group’s protest, more appear

LAKE ELSINORE: Controversial roadside cross removed, but more appear



How pathetic. People put crosses of the locations that people are killed in traffic accidents all the time, on the sides of roads and sites.

Sad to know that many humanists think the crosses offending them are more important than the grief of family and friends who put them up to remember their loved ones.


Pathetic :down:

These losers really need to get a life and find something more productive and positive to do with their time.


Well-known member
I've never heard of anyone complaining about those roadside crosses. I think you all are hating a boogeyman of your own making.


from the op:

angel said:
The American Humanist Association in Washington, D.C., caught wind of the cross and sent her a demand letter dated March 4 calling for her to remove it. The association said that its placement on city property violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

from our resident retard:
I've never heard of anyone complaining about those roadside crosses. I think you all are hating a boogeyman of your own making.



New member
I've never heard of anyone complaining about those roadside crosses. I think you all are hating a boogeyman of your own making.

What? :confused:

Are you incredulous because it is so blatantly ridiculous and offensive to do this to a grieving mother and family?

They are complaining.

Mother Removes Cross Memorial After Dispute With Atheist Rights Group

Ann Marie Devaney placed the cross near where her son was struck and killed. She plans to remove it after demands from a resident who complained it violates the Constitution



New member
its even worse now, since others put some up the humanists are threatening lawsuits.

:mock: American Humanist Association

Near where I live, there’s a stretch of road where a horrible accident happened a couple years ago around the fourth of July. Every time I drive by the area, I can see the crosses that the family put up on the side of the road. And I have no desire to take that away. No one should. It’s the family’s way to grieve.

- friendlyatheist (Hemant Mehta) from 2006



New member
American Atheists still whining about the 9/11 WTC t-beam cross memorial

March 6, 2014

Today, American Atheists Will Argue Before an Appeals Court Against the ‘World Trade Center Cross’ Display

Later today, lawyers for American Atheists will appear before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to make one last bid to stop the National September 11 Memorial & Museum from including a Christian cross display.

Their main argument is that the cross isn’t part of 9/11 history. Rather, it was “created” after the fact (not hard to believe, since falling steel beams often form cross shapes) and it’s an example of Christian privilege at the exclusion of symbols from all other faiths.

This case has been in works since July of 2011. United States District Court Judge Deborah Batts ruled against AA last March and an appeal was filed last August. AA has offered to pay for the inclusion of their own display honoring all atheists who died in the 9/11 attacks.

:doh: What display?


New member
How long do these memorials stay for? This one had been there for two years already. Are there rules to govern this? Rules would be a sensible way to go, so the emotion is kept out of it.

'Round here, small memorials are left for a time, a couple of months maybe, then they are removed by the local council with responsibility for the road as a matter of course.

No-one gets upset. On the anniversaries new memorials often get put up for a couple of weeks to mark the occasion, smaller every year, then taken away after a couple of weeks. Any more seems mawkish, and everyone seems happy with the set up. Why would anyone want a permanent 5' roadside memorial to be put up?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
American Atheists still whining about the 9/11 WTC t-beam cross memorial

March 6, 2014

Today, American Atheists Will Argue Before an Appeals Court Against the ‘World Trade Center Cross’ Display

Later today, lawyers for American Atheists will appear before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to make one last bid to stop the National September 11 Memorial & Museum from including a Christian cross display.

Their main argument is that the cross isn’t part of 9/11 history. Rather, it was “created” after the fact (not hard to believe, since falling steel beams often form cross shapes) and it’s an example of Christian privilege at the exclusion of symbols from all other faiths.

This case has been in works since July of 2011. United States District Court Judge Deborah Batts ruled against AA last March and an appeal was filed last August. AA has offered to pay for the inclusion of their own display honoring all atheists who died in the 9/11 attacks.

What display?
Are you STILL crying about this valid complaint Oz?



New member
Hall of Fame
How long do these memorials stay for? This one had been there for two years already. Are there rules to govern this? Rules would be a sensible way to go, so the emotion is kept out of it.

'Round here, small memorials are left for a time, a couple of months maybe, then they are removed by the local council with responsibility for the road as a matter of course.

No-one gets upset. On the anniversaries new memorials often get put up for a couple of weeks to mark the occasion, smaller every year, then taken away after a couple of weeks. Any more seems mawkish, and everyone seems happy with the set up. Why would anyone want a permanent 5' roadside memorial to be put up?

Youre pathetic and do not get to tell others how and how long to greive. If you don't like the cross, don't look at it :loser:


American Atheists still whining about the 9/11 WTC t-beam cross memorial

March 6, 2014

Today, American Atheists Will Argue Before an Appeals Court Against the ‘World Trade Center Cross’ Display

Later today, lawyers for American Atheists will appear before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to make one last bid to stop the National September 11 Memorial & Museum from including a Christian cross display.

Their main argument is that the cross isn’t part of 9/11 history. Rather, it was “created” after the fact (not hard to believe, since falling steel beams often form cross shapes) and it’s an example of Christian privilege at the exclusion of symbols from all other faiths.

This case has been in works since July of 2011. United States District Court Judge Deborah Batts ruled against AA last March and an appeal was filed last August. AA has offered to pay for the inclusion of their own display honoring all atheists who died in the 9/11 attacks.

:doh: What display?

this is what it looked like after the attack:


whiny atheist said:
“This is neither artifact nor art — it is a Christian shrine, made to service Christians and place Christianity above others at the memorial,”

sounds ok to me :idunno:


New member
Youre pathetic and do not get to tell others how and how long to greive. If you don't like the cross, don't look at it :loser:

I didn't tell anyone how to grieve or how long to grieve. And I didn't say I dislike the cross, and i didn't say I don't like the idea of memorials and don't look at them.

But apart from that, your comment is accurate. ;)

I was saying how it is done here without littering the roadside with permanent, huge, mawkish displays, and, by application of common sense on all sides, without upsetting anyone.


Well-known member
What? :confused:

Are you incredulous because it is so blatantly ridiculous and offensive to do this to a grieving mother and family?

They are complaining.

Mother Removes Cross Memorial After Dispute With Atheist Rights Group

Ann Marie Devaney placed the cross near where her son was struck and killed. She plans to remove it after demands from a resident who complained it violates the Constitution

1. I think a lot of religious bigots search out these stories so they can use them as justification for their bigotry. And likewise, a lot of sensationalist phony "news" outlets dig this stuff up, or make it up, just to cater to their bigotry. Because as Rupert Murdock learned long ago, there's money to be made in catering to fools, idiots, and bigots.

2. As with any such pop phenomena, this particular 'ritual' has become somewhat meaningless, the more it proliferates.

3. Keep in mind that these crosses and other paraphernalia are often being placed on other people's private property, without permission. It's quite possible that not all the objections to them are coming from "God-hating atheists".

4. I very seriously doubt that I'm in the minority in saying that I personally have never heard of anyone objecting to these expressions of grief. I doubt that the vast majority of people have ever heard of such a thing. I feel pretty sure that this is a tempest that exists only in the religious bigot's teapot, who likes to paint himself as the victim while he slings any mud he can find at the targets of his bigotry.