Whiny Atheists


New member
That isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about the supposed God-hating atheists fighting to have these roadside shrines taken down, which basically never happens.


Dude....it just happened.

Why are you having such a hard time believing this?

If I were an atheist objecting to these roadside shrines, I'd simply go take them down, myself. After all, they are nearly always put up without anyone's permission, so why shouldn't they be taken down the same way?

But no one ever really does this, because they empathize with the grieving families. So the inference that there's some such trend is just stirring up the bigotry on both sides. And it's usually the bigots doing the stirring.

Who is being a bigot? The American Humanist Association are rather intolerant of cross memorials, wouldn't you say? :think:

The "stirring" started with them.


New member
yes, i am combative about heartless morons telling others how and for how long they can greive because they are crybabies about a symbol they dont want to see.

I suppose youre right about one thing, whats normal and natural and right is completely foreign to everything anymore.

You can put up whatever symbol you like for however long you like, I couldn't care less. But if you stick it up on my property without asking then it will be taken down at my own convenience. If it goes up on public property without even asking, then I see no reason to leave it up for long.

Grief is a difficult thing, but it can't give you a free pass to do what you like with someone else's property.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
yes, i am combative about heartless morons telling others how and for how long they can greive because they are crybabies about a symbol they dont want to see.
I'm not telling you how or how long you should burden yourself with your son's death. You should, however, consider ending your grieving sometime soon.

I suppose youre right about one thing, whats normal and natural and right is completely foreign to everything anymore.
Well . . . not everyone.


New member
Hall of Fame
You can put up whatever symbol you like for however long you like, I couldn't care less. But if you stick it up on my property without asking then it will be taken down at my own convenience. If it goes up on public property without even asking, then I see no reason to leave it up for long.

Grief is a difficult thing, but it can't give you a free pass to do what you like with someone else's property.

Who is talking about putting anything on your private property? Wow you are demented and make things up.

The public includes those of us who choose symbols that you don't particularly like. We don't have to ask to freely express our beliefs, when we do have to ask then this will no longer be America.


New member
Who is talking about putting anything on your private property? Wow you are demented and make things up.

The public includes those of us who choose symbols that you don't particularly like. We don't have to ask to freely express our beliefs, when we do have to ask then this will no longer be America.

Public property is state property, owned by the nation on behalf of the public. It doesn't mean you own it yourself, A4T. It is run and managed by the authorities, not by you individually. Wow, do you really not understand this? You seem to be making up rights as you go without recourse to any understanding of property law.

And you are one angry person, to respond to politely presented points in such an aggressive and rude way. You need to get a grip.


New member
Hall of Fame
Public property is state property, owned by the nation on behalf of the public. It doesn't mean you own it yourself, A4T. It is run and managed by the authorities, not by you individually. Wow, do you really not understand this? You seem to be making up rights as you go without recourse to any understanding of property law.

And you are one angry person, to respond to politely presented points in such an aggressive and rude way. You need to get a grip.

No one said i owned it, you are quite nutty arent you.

Sorry - the consitutution doesnt give you the right not to be offended. Thank you for letting me know i offend you. Sense offends people who have none.


New member
I once thought you were naive . . . now I know you are.

. . . how many atheists have ever been judges?

The only one being naive is you. To insinuate that this case isn't going your way because the judges fear the religious right or because they themselves are not atheists is naive, especially in light of the reason federal judge Deborah Batts actually gave for allowing the inclusion of the t-beam cross.

...the cross and the museum helped "demonstrate how those at Ground Zero coped with the devastation they witnessed."

- federal judge Deborah Batts


New member
No one said i owned it, you are quite nutty arent you.

You are talking about taking control of a piece of land to do with as you wish - if you don't want to describe tat as acting as if you own it, then could we call it 'annexation'?

Sorry - the consitutution doesnt give you the right not to be offended.
How could I possibly get offended by an anonymous, hateful, internet poster? I have no idea who you are or even if you are making up the whole personality for fun.

Thank you for letting me know i offend you. Sense offends people who have none.

You seem to be over-reading what was written or just making stuff up on a whim. I does make you look rather silly, though.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The only one being naive is you. To insinuate that this case isn't going your way because the judges fear the religious right or because they themselves are not atheists is naive, especially in light of the reason federal judge Deborah Batts actually gave for allowing the inclusion of the t-beam cross.

...the cross and the museum helped "demonstrate how those at Ground Zero coped with the devastation they witnessed."

- federal judge Deborah Batts
Notice the judge said, "cross" and not, "t-beam". They were able to "cope" becase they viewed the "cross" as a religious symbol . . . else it was nothing but a piece of metal with no significance.

Get real Oz.


New member
Hall of Fame
You are talking about taking control of a piece of land to do with as you wish - if you don't want to describe tat as acting as if you own it, then could we call it 'annexation'?

How could I possibly get offended by an anonymous, hateful, internet poster? I have no idea who you are or even if you are making up the whole personality for fun.

You seem to be over-reading what was written or just making stuff up on a whim. I does make you look rather silly, though.

Now you have completely gone nutter and are talking about a whole different topic.


They were able to "cope" becase they viewed the "cross" as a religious symbol . . . else it was nothing but a piece of metal with no significance. Notice the judge said, "cross" and not, "t-beam".

Get real Oz.

so why not let those who wish to see religious symbolism in it, see that, and let those who wish to view it as a piece of metal with no significance view it that way?

:think: or are you whiny atheists afraid that you will be forced to bow before it and worship it?


New member
Notice the judge said, "cross" and not, "t-beam". They were able to "cope" becase they viewed the "cross" as a religious symbol . . . else it was nothing but a piece of metal with no significance.

Get real Oz.

I don't disagree. What should I "get real" about? I note that it is a t-beam because it wasn't fashioned into a cross as some seem to think.

I notice that you're not addressing what she said when she ruled that the cross could be included.

Changing the subject, hmm?


New member
Hall of Fame
so why not let those who wish to see religious symbolism in it, see that, and let those who wish to view it as a piece of metal with no significance view it that way?

:think: or are you whiny atheists afraid that you will be forced to bow before it and worship it?

I think they are more afraid of others seeing it and thinking about Jesus Christ.


New member
:sozo: No one is complaining about the amount of time the roadside cross memorial has been there.

They are complaining because it is a cross.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
so why not let those who wish to see religious symbolism in it, see that, and let those who wish to view it as a piece of metal with no significance view it that way?
Why not just remove it and save the ambiguity?

. . . or are you whiny atheists afraid that you will be forced to bow before it and worship it?
. . . won't be the first time a person (people) have been forced by christian zealots to kneel before a symbol abhorrent to them.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I don't disagree.

I note that it is a t-beam because it wasn't fashioned into a cross as some seem to think.
Perhaps your deity had something to do with it. Your dieity wouldn't have allowed such a disaster to happen in the first place . . . would he/she/it?

I notice that you're not addressing what she said when she ruled that the cross could be included.
Sure I did . . .

. . . the cross and the museum helped "demonstrate how those at Ground Zero coped with the devastation they witnessed." (just read the bold)

Changing the subject, hmm?
When? Where?