...separately created...The kinds God created *always remain the same kind. *Dogs are dogs...humans are humans.... bacteria always remains bacteria etc.
...separately created...The kinds God created *always remain the same kind. *Dogs are dogs...humans are humans.... bacteria always remains bacteria etc.
Also.... what I meant when I said I don't believe in seperatly created species is that God created distinct kinds... not species. 'Species' is a bit of a rubbery evolutionist word, Seperate 'species' often results during adaptation when genetic info is LOST. The various species of finches for example may be descendants of just one created parent population.
Like the kangaroos that hopped 7,000+ miles to the ark, then hopped 7,000+ miles back to Australia after the flood. And some swimming, they are known for being strong swimmers.
Caino said:*Oldest Homo Sapien Skulls PROVES Neanderthals Had No Role In Human Evolution
Can you pinpoint the time and location of this 'Adam and Eve' on the diagram below?Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve.
Can you pinpoint the time and location of this 'Adam and Eve' on the diagram below?
That is correct. Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve. *Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word.*
That is correct. Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve. *Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word.*
There are many 'Adam's towards the narrow blue neck below the words Homo sapiens. And there are also many 'Eve's in there too. That is, there are men who are ancestors of all humans alive today, and women who are ancestors of all humans alive today. If you go down from the words Homo sapiens about the height of two more Hs, so not very far, you will get to Mitochondrial Eve, the most recent common matrilinear mother of all humanity, following just the female line to everyone. The identity of Mitochondrial Eve changes over time, depending on which descendant groups are still alive.No.
Therefore... something. :idunno:
That's obviously wrong, no matter who you think Adam and Eve were.Neanderthals predate the arrival of Adam and Eve on our previously fallen world, by 800,000 years.
There is only one logical answer, but most have been taught one thing or another, but rarely is it "I don't know".
What date exactly do you mean?Science keeps moving the date of Neanderthals back further and further.
I don't think you know what the church is CainoCaino said:Science helps confirm that the church's claim...
Caino said:*that God wrote the books... is incorrect.
Lets check if its logical to trust evolutionist claims about Neandertals...Caino said:Neanderthals predate the arrival of Adam and Eve on our previously fallen world, by 800,000 years.
I don't think you know what the church is Caino
Science helps confirm that scripture is divinely inspired.
Lets check if its logical to trust evolutionist claims about Neandertals...
* Evolutionists were WRONG in portraying Neandertals covered in body hair.
* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming Neandertals were dimwitted
* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming that Neandertals were inarticulate.
* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were a different species and incapable of mating with humans.
* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were carnivores.
* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals didn't bury their dead.
* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals in a stooped over position / not fully erect.
* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals with ape like faces.
* Evolutionists were WRONG about tool making capabilties of Neandertals.
* And, like your recent link suggests, Neandertals were WRONG about Neandertals having a role in "evolution".
So Caino... why do you still trust in false evolutionary beliefs about Neandertals? *Science proves they were our ancestors... and helps confirm they were descendants of Adam and Eve.
What date exactly do you mean?
Alright, well I don't think you have answered my question, but tell us how you think that discovery changes the information in this diagram:They keep finding earlier remains of Neanderthals.
Neanderthals are almost TWICE as old as first thought: DNA suggests extinct human species emerged 700,000 years ago
Alright, well I don't think you have answered my question, but tell us how you think that discovery changes the information in this diagram: