Where did the races come from? Evolutiion, Creation or Other.


Also.... what I meant when I said I don't believe in seperatly created species is that God created distinct kinds... not species. 'Species' is a bit of a rubbery evolutionist word, Seperate 'species' often results during adaptation when genetic info is LOST. The various species of finches for example may be descendants of just one created parent population.

Like the kangaroos that hopped 7,000+ miles to the ark, then hopped 7,000+ miles back to Australia after the flood. And some swimming, they are known for being strong swimmers.


New member
Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve.
Can you pinpoint the time and location of this 'Adam and Eve' on the diagram below?




That is correct. Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve. *Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word.*

Science helps confirm that the church's claim that God wrote the books that they wrote, is incorrect.

Neanderthals predate the arrival of Adam and Eve on our previously fallen world, by 800,000 years. Adam and Eve came from another world, they were to be the worlds new rulers.


76:4.1Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race of men, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his offspring had blue eyes, and the violet peoples were characterized by fair complexions and light hair color—yellow, red, and brown.

76:4.2 Eve did not suffer pain in childbirth; neither did the early evolutionary races. Only the mixed races produced by the union of evolutionary man with the Nodites and later with the Adamites suffered the severe pangs of childbirth.

76:4.3Adam and Eve, like their brethren on Jerusem, were energized by dual nutrition, subsisting on both food and light, supplemented by certain superphysical energies unrevealed on Urantia. Their Urantia offspring did not inherit the parental endowment of energy intake and light circulation. They had a single circulation, the human type of blood sustenance. They were designedly mortal though long-lived, albeit longevity gravitated toward the human norm with each succeeding generation.

76:4.4Adam and Eve and their first generation of children did not use the flesh of animals for food. They subsisted wholly upon "the fruits of the trees." After the first generation all of the descendants of Adam began to partake of dairy products, but many of them continued to follow a nonflesh diet. Many of the southern tribes with whom they later united were also nonflesh eaters. Later on, most of these vegetarian tribes migrated to the east and survived as now admixed in the peoples of India.

76:4.5 Both the physical and spiritual visions of Adam and Eve were far superior to those of the present-day peoples. Their special senses were much more acute, and they were able to see the midwayers and the angelic hosts, the Melchizedeks, and the fallen Prince Caligastia, who several times came to confer with his noble successor. They retained the ability to see these celestial beings for over one hundred years after the default. These special senses were not so acutely present in their children and tended to diminish with each succeeding generation.

76:4.6 The Adamic children were usually Adjuster indwelt since they all possessed undoubted survival capacity. These superior offspring were not so subject to fear as the children of evolution. So much of fear persists in the present-day races of Urantia because your ancestors received so little of Adam's life plasm, owing to the early miscarriage of the plans for racial physical uplift.

76:4.7 The body cells of the Material Sons and their progeny are far more resistant to disease than are those of the evolutionary beings indigenous to the planet. The body cells of the native races are akin to the living disease-producing microscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms of the realm. These facts explain why the Urantia peoples must do so much by way of scientific effort to withstand so many physical disorders. You would be far more disease resistant if your races carried more of the Adamic life.

76:4.8 After becoming established in the second garden on the Euphrates, Adam elected to leave behind as much of his life plasm as possible to benefit the world after his death. Accordingly, Eve was made the head of a commission of twelve on race improvement, and before Adam died this commission had selected 1,682 of the highest type of women on Urantia, and these women were impregnated with the Adamic life plasm. Their children all grew up to maturity except 112, so that the world, in this way, was benefited by the addition of 1,570 superior men and women. Though these candidate mothers were selected from all the surrounding tribes and represented most of the races on earth, the majority were chosen from the highest strains of the Nodites, and they constituted the early beginnings of the mighty Andite race. These children were born and reared in the tribal surroundings of their respective mothers." UB 1955


BTW, its true, the Israelites were a more concentrated remnant of the submerged Violet race, of the Adamic blood, as evidenced by the intelligence and enormous contributions that the Jews have made in so many areas of intellectual pursuit. However the Hebrew priests attempt at a genealogical account in the flood story was absurdly wrong.


New member

Therefore... something. :idunno:
There are many 'Adam's towards the narrow blue neck below the words Homo sapiens. And there are also many 'Eve's in there too. That is, there are men who are ancestors of all humans alive today, and women who are ancestors of all humans alive today. If you go down from the words Homo sapiens about the height of two more Hs, so not very far, you will get to Mitochondrial Eve, the most recent common matrilinear mother of all humanity, following just the female line to everyone. The identity of Mitochondrial Eve changes over time, depending on which descendant groups are still alive.

Y-chromosomal Adam, the most recent common ancestor of all humanity through the male line, is probably found within the range located about three Hs down into the blue neck from the words Homo sapiens. This definition of an Adam won't suit 6 days because it only includes known groups of humans, and since Neanderthals are considered extinct, Y-chromosomal Adam does not have to be an ancestor of Neanderthals. Of course that does not mean there are not Adams who are ancestors of both Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis, there are very many of those higher up the diagram, starting about the word rhodesiensis. The exact male who is Y-chromosomal Adam also changes over time depending on which groups are still extant.




Well-known member
There is only one logical answer, but most have been taught one thing or another, but rarely is it "I don't know".

People who liked each other hung around together. They hung around closely enough to have children. Noah's three sons and their wives had children that differed from each other. The progeny eventually separated from each other and produced children that were different than the more further relatives.


New member
Caino said:
Science helps confirm that the church's claim...
I don't think you know what the church is Caino

Caino said:
*that God wrote the books... is incorrect.

Science helps confirm that scripture is divinely inspired.
Caino said:
Neanderthals predate the arrival of Adam and Eve on our previously fallen world, by 800,000 years.
Lets check if its logical to trust evolutionist claims about Neandertals...

* Evolutionists were WRONG in portraying Neandertals covered in body hair.

* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming Neandertals were dimwitted

* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming that Neandertals were inarticulate.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were a different species and incapable of mating with humans.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were carnivores.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals didn't bury their dead.

* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals in a stooped over position / not fully erect.

* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals with ape like faces.

* Evolutionists were WRONG about tool making capabilties of Neandertals.

* And, like your recent link suggests, Neandertals were WRONG about Neandertals having a role in "evolution".

So Caino... why do you still trust in false evolutionary beliefs about Neandertals? *Science proves they were our ancestors... and helps confirm they were descendants of Adam and Eve.


I don't think you know what the church is Caino

Science helps confirm that scripture is divinely inspired.

Lets check if its logical to trust evolutionist claims about Neandertals...

* Evolutionists were WRONG in portraying Neandertals covered in body hair.

* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming Neandertals were dimwitted

* Evolutionists were WRONG claiming that Neandertals were inarticulate.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were a different species and incapable of mating with humans.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals were carnivores.

* Evolutionists were WRONG in claiming Neandertals didn't bury their dead.

* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals in a stooped over position / not fully erect.

* Evolutionists were WRONG portraying Neandertals with ape like faces.

* Evolutionists were WRONG about tool making capabilties of Neandertals.

* And, like your recent link suggests, Neandertals were WRONG about Neandertals having a role in "evolution".

So Caino... why do you still trust in false evolutionary beliefs about Neandertals? *Science proves they were our ancestors... and helps confirm they were descendants of Adam and Eve.

The Urantia revelation debunks the claims in your list that you credit to evolutionists. Unlike the errors of the Bible, Science corrects itself when new facts are discovered. Neanderthals came off of the same branch of the human tree earlier, some of the superior human strains mixed with that older branch or their retarded cousins which produced the Neanderthals. This was looooong before the Violate race came to earth in Adam and Eve.

The bible is wrong about a lot of things despite your self hypnotism. It's like you are constantly trying to convince yourself in spite of the mountain of evidence for evolution using real science.

1934: The Neanderthals were excellent fighters, and they traveled extensively. They gradually spread from the highland centers in northwest India to France on the west, China on the east, and even down into northern Africa. They dominated the world for almost half a million years until the times of the migration of the evolutionary races of color.

800,000 years ago game was abundant; many species of deer, as well as elephants and hippopotamuses, roamed over Europe. Cattle were plentiful; horses and wolves were everywhere. The Neanderthalers were great hunters, and the tribes in France were the first to adopt the practice of giving the most successful hunters the choice of women for wives.

64:4.3 The reindeer was highly useful to these Neanderthal peoples, serving as food, clothing, and for tools, since they made various uses of the horns and bones. They had little culture, but they greatly improved the work in flint until it almost reached the levels of the days of Andon. Large flints attached to wooden handles came back into use and served as axes and picks.

UB readers knew in the early 1900's that Neandeethals and more advanced humans had mixed. This has recently been substantiated by DNA testing.

. These two races largely escaped that admixture with the debased Neanderthal strain which so greatly retarded the blue man in Europe, thus preserving the superior potential of the primary Sangik type.


New member
They keep finding earlier remains of Neanderthals.

Neanderthals are almost TWICE as old as first thought: DNA suggests extinct human species emerged 700,000 years ago

Alright, well I don't think you have answered my question, but tell us how you think that discovery changes the information in this diagram:




Alright, well I don't think you have answered my question, but tell us how you think that discovery changes the information in this diagram:



Is your chart saying that Neanderthals emerged 200,000 years ago?