Where did the races come from? Evolutiion, Creation or Other.


Active member
I believe that it may start with this,

Genesis 6:1-2 (NIV2011)
1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

Though the above was before Noah, at some point, men may have interbred with other homo erectus to have our genome messed up. I heard that scientists actually found Neanderthal genes inside humans.


New member
Hawkins said:
*I heard that scientists actually found Neanderthal genes inside humans.
What they found is that most people of European descent are also descendants of Neandertals. So, Neandertals would also be descendants of 'first Adam'...and people the 'Last Adam' went to Calvary for. They simply were a distinct people group, like Pygmies or aboriginees.*
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What they found is that most people of European descent are also descendants of Neandertals. So, Neandertals would also be descendants of 'first Adam'...and people the 'Last Adam' went to Calvary for. They simply were a distinct people group, like Pygmies or aboriginees.*

By Homo-Stammbaum, Version Stringer.jpg: Chris Stringerderivative work: Conquistador - This file was derived from Homo-Stammbaum, Version Stringer.jpg:, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36416828

Does the above diagram agree with whatever you were claiming? The left hand side shows millions of years ago.



The different colored races came naturally from evolution with the exception of the violet race of Adam and Eve which entered the gene pool 40,000 years ago.

The Bible says they all came from Noahs kids.


New member
Does the above diagram agree with whatever you were claiming? The left hand side shows millions of years ago.
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal intelligence
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal culture
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal diet
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal posture
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal language capabilities
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal genetics
And...you still want to trust evolutionists imaginary Neandertal evolutionary tree?


New member
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal intelligence
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal culture
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal diet
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal posture
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal language capabilities
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal genetics
And...you still want to trust evolutionists imaginary Neandertal evolutionary tree?
That's six literature citations you owe everyone.



New member
I didn't say that, the Neanderthals were destroyed long before the timeline of the fictional flood story.

What you said was "The Bible says (Neandertals) all came from Noahs kids"...and I said you are correct!


New member
Pick one to start with that you want more info on.
Well, it was you who gave us a Gish Gallop!

Alright, show us how science corrected itself on "Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal genetics".

While you are at it, you could give an example of how a YEC corrected himself on anything. I know there are examples of this, but that kind of honesty is rare in YECs.



New member
There were different races characterized by color in real life. If the Hebrews flood story was real then all the different races that exist around the world today would have had to come from Noah.
There are not different 'races' of humanity. That idea has been proved wrong by science. (Google...scientific racism). Yes, all humanity descended from Noah including, Pygmies, Neandertals, Inuit, Aborigines, Asians, Africans, and you and me. We all are 98.8% identical (Our DNA)


New member
Stuu said:
Well, it was you who gave us a Gish Gallop!
Ha...Not meant as a compliment but I will take it as such.
Stuu said:
Alright, show us how science corrected itself on "Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal genetics".
Evolutionists original portrayed Neandertals as stooped over dimwits and said they would have been incapable of breeding with modern humans... that they were an evolutionary dead end. Genetics proved that wrong. AncestralDNA.com tells me I am 9% Irish and 4% Neadertal... All people of European descent are descendants of Neandertals...We are them...they are us. BTW...I didn't do ancestral DNA but some of us are as much as 4% Neandertal ancestry...and within .1% or .2% identical DNA
Some evolutionists were reluctant (Some still are) to admit the humanity of Neandertals.*


Stuu said:
While you are at it, you could give an example of how a YEC corrected himself on anything. I know there are examples of this, but that kind of honesty is rare in YECs.
It happens quite often in paleontology actually. It even happened with Neandertals. Some Biblical creationists said very early on that Neanderals were fully human.* There is disagreement and creationists sometimes change their opinions on other fossil evidence where they are uncertain looking at a skull, or fragments, if it represents a human or a extinct ape.


New member
Ha...Not meant as a compliment but I will take it as such.
Alright then, by all means. Don't forget that the Gish Gallop involves a torrent of 'individually-weak arguments in order to prevent rebuttal of the whole argument collection without great effort"!

Evolutionists original portrayed Neandertals as stooped over dimwits and said they would have been incapable of breeding with modern humans... that they were an evolutionary dead end. Genetics proved that wrong. AncestralDNA.com tells me I am 9% Irish and 4% Neadertal... All people of European descent are descendants of Neandertals...We are them...they are us. BTW...I didn't do ancestral DNA but some of us are as much as 4% Neandertal ancestry...and within .1% or .2% identical DNA
Some evolutionists were reluctant (Some still are) to admit the humanity of Neandertals.*


All I see in your cited references is the common theme that there is debate about the genetics and interbreeding of Neanderthals and humans. One of the problems is whether Neanderthals are a sub-species of Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis or a separate species, Homo neanderthalensis. The problem here is usually with the definition of the term species, which is often tested on whether the two types of homo can interbreed. Evidence could support interbreeding but it is not clear whether both the male neanderthal-female sapiens breeding and the female neanderthal-male sapiens breeding both produced fertile offspring. It is also possible that similarities in the two genomes are left over from common ancestry 500,000 or so years ago, before the emergence out of Africa.

While it is not true that Neanderthals are the ancestor species that gave rise to of modern humans, or vice-versa, you are welcome to open your embrace to H. neandethalensis / H. sapiens neandethalensis as fellow humans. I see no problem with that in principle. If you had decided to go the xenophobic route, and reject neanderthals as a foreign species, I could see the arguments for that, too. But to accuse 'evolutionists' (I'm going to assume you mean scientists) of some kind of dithering is to mock the basic process that has given you the data you use in your argument.

It happens quite often in paleontology actually. It even happened with Neandertals. Some Biblical creationists said very early on that Neanderals were fully human.* There is disagreement and creationists sometimes change their opinions on other fossil evidence where they are uncertain looking at a skull, or fragments, if it represents a human or a extinct ape.
But always the correction is made when a YEC perceives that a fossil doesn't seem to agree with Genesis, right? Evidence bends to suit dogma. That's the stated working principle of Answers in Genesis, and that's not science.



There are not different 'races' of humanity. That idea has been proved wrong by science. (Google...scientific racism). Yes, all humanity descended from Noah including, Pygmies, Neandertals, Inuit, Aborigines, Asians, Africans, and you and me. We all are 98.8% identical (Our DNA)

It's both sad and fascinating to see otherwise intelligent people convert reality into the mostly fictional accounts of the creation stories of various religions. Noah should have asked Mrs Noah how they had Neannderthal and Pigmee children? Shareing DNA doesn't mean we are the same color, however you are partly correct, the Urantia revelation reveals that all the colors did come from one family in the area of India. Subsequently those dominant colored offspring developed characteristics that we would call "race". Among their own they continued to produce the same colored children. When they began to mix with other colored tribes then the colors dilute. Eventually, the world will be one color. Had Eve and Adam not sinned, the world would already be homogenous.

*** The Neanderthals were a retrograde branch from the human tree that dominated Europe for 500,000 years until the were destroyed by waves of superior lines of more intelligent humans.
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New member
Yes, all humanity descended from Noah including, Pygmies, Neandertals, Inuit, Aborigines, Asians, Africans, and you and me. We all are 98.8% identical (Our DNA)
Neanderthals did not descend from a common modern human ancestor.
