Where did the races come from? Evolutiion, Creation or Other.


New member
Caino said:
The Urantia revelation debunks the claims in your list that you credit to evolutionists.

Haha... So now you abandon the science, you stated this with, and revert to your religion.*

Caino said:
Unlike the errors of the Bible, Science corrects itself when new facts are discovered.
Unlike the errors of evolutionism and your religion...Science has helped confirm the humanity of Neandertals...and the truth of God's Word. *

Caino said:
UB readers knew in the early 1900's that Neandeethals and more advanced humans had mixed.
And science proved your religion was false. Science has shown Neandertals are us. You have a false, and arrogant belief that you are more advanced. Science has shown Neandertals were more robust than we are....and possibly more intelligent, although we don't have their IQ results.*


Haha... So now you abandon the science, you stated this with, and revert to your religion.*

Unlike the errors of evolutionism and your religion...Science has helped confirm the humanity of Neandertals...and the truth of God's Word. *

And science proved your religion was false. Science has shown Neandertals are us. You have a false, and arrogant belief that you are more advanced. Science has shown Neandertals were more robust than we are....and possibly more intelligent, although we don't have their IQ results.*

I never did belive the things you listed, never!

We've known in the UB community that the Neanderthals had a form of religion, they buried their dead, they used advanced tools, mixed with superior humans but were destroyed by the advancing colored races. You need to fit them into your YEC nonsense so you need to make them equals.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
There are many 'Adam's towards the narrow blue neck below the words Homo sapiens. And there are also many 'Eve's in there too. That is, there are men who are ancestors of all humans alive today, and women who are ancestors of all humans alive today. If you go down from the words Homo sapiens about the height of two more Hs, so not very far, you will get to Mitochondrial Eve, the most recent common matrilinear mother of all humanity, following just the female line to everyone. The identity of Mitochondrial Eve changes over time, depending on which descendant groups are still alive.

Y-chromosomal Adam, the most recent common ancestor of all humanity through the male line, is probably found within the range located about three Hs down into the blue neck from the words Homo sapiens. This definition of an Adam won't suit 6 days because it only includes known groups of humans, and since Neanderthals are considered extinct, Y-chromosomal Adam does not have to be an ancestor of Neanderthals. Of course that does not mean there are not Adams who are ancestors of both Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis, there are very many of those higher up the diagram, starting about the word rhodesiensis. The exact male who is Y-chromosomal Adam also changes over time depending on which groups are still extant.Stuart

Your cartoon has no basis in reality.

There is no timeline for the rise and fall of Neanderthals; they were just people.

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New member
Your cartoon has no basis in reality.

There is no timeline for the rise and fall off Neanderthals; they were just people.

Sent from my SM-G9250 using TOL mobile app
Maybe you prefer a different expert who knows what he is talking about. This is Chris Stringer's model of divergence in human evolution, as you might have seen displayed on the Wikipedia page on Neanderthals:


Note that H.heidelbergensis and H.rhodesiensis are alternative names for the same extinct species.

Of course you are welcome to provide an alternative cartoon. Usually the one provided by YECs is the following cartoon:


The grass model is just the tree model plus some denial of reality.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Maybe you prefer a different expert who knows what he is talking about. This is Chris Stringer's model of divergence in human evolution, as you might have seen displayed on the Wikipedia page on Neanderthals: Note that H.heidelbergensis and H.rhodesiensis are alternative names for the same extinct species. Of course you are welcome to provide an alternative cartoon. Usually the one provided by YECs is the following cartoon: The grass model is just the tree model plus some denial of reality. Stuart

Your cartoons have no basis in reality.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Therefore... something?

You've presented a bunch of cartoons as if they should be just swallowed whole. When challenged on their legitimacy, your response is: "They're not mine."

Darwinists hate a rational conversation.


What do you mean by that? Not based on real world evidence? Please explain how reality would provide different information.

When we experience how dence and anti-science scripture worshippers can be, it gives us a glimpse into the kind of thinking that rejected the prophets and even the Son of God. Preachers speculated, created theories, wrote guide books which became sacred, the written word, and then the Word of God!


"During the following interglacial period this new Neanderthal race extended from England to India. The remnant of the blue race left in the old Persian peninsula later amalgamated with certain others, primarily the yellow; and the resultant blend, subsequently somewhat upstepped by the violet race of Adam, has persisted as the swarthy nomadic tribes of modern Arabs." UB 55


New member
Caino said:
(Neandertals)*were destroyed by the advancing colored races. You need to fit them into your YEC nonsense so you need to make them equals.

You, and your religion are racist. (Google 'scientific racism'). *Science has shown that we are all one race (or, one blood as the Bible says). Science has shown Neandertals are us...our ancestors; they were not destroyed. Neandertals blended in with other people groups and lost their unique identity. Contrary to Urantia...science shows Modern humans may be less advanced than Neandertals. We are not as robust, and have smaller brains. Neandertals may have been faster, stronger and possibly more intelligent.


Is English your second language?

Is there evidence that is not "real-world"?

Lots of things can have evidence for them and not be real.

Well, for a start, reality rules out evolution.

Ah, Stripey, you continue to avoid straight answers to simple questions. Your own reality, I suspect.



You, and your religion are racist. (Google 'scientific racism'). *Science has shown that we are all one race (or, one blood as the Bible says). Science has shown Neandertals are us...our ancestors; they were not destroyed. Neandertals blended in with other people groups and lost their unique identity. Contrary to Urantia...science shows Modern humans may be less advanced than Neandertals. We are not as robust, and have smaller brains. Neandertals may have been faster, stronger and possibly more intelligent.
Please provide a time frame for the Neanderthals. When did they first appear? when did they blend in? Please be as specific as your data allows. Thanks


New member
It was a genuine question Stuu, how old do you think the distinct Neanaderthal group is? It looks like it's in the .2-.4 blob?
It looks to me like the distinct branching is happening around the 0.5mya mark. The physical movement of earliest Neanderthals Europewards looks like it takes about 100,000 years. That seems consistent with everything I have read elsewhere. Evolutionary change is more or less continuous, and the point at which you start calling an allopatrically separate group a new species is fairly arbitrary.



New member
You've presented a bunch of cartoons as if they should be just swallowed whole. When challenged on their legitimacy, your response is: "They're not mine."

Darwinists hate a rational conversation.
Please say exactly how my presentation of current theory of human evolution requires you to swallow anything. If you knew anything about science you would know that this is a cue for you to present a disproof.

Please tell me how you have challenged the legitimacy of the diagrams. "Your cartoons have no basis in reality" is not a challenge, it is a denial. Science never says swallow this, it says put up or shut up. Do you have a challenge, or just a cartoonish response?
