Little Johnny W is Exhibit A for what happens to followers of John Nelson Darby.
I say, let Little Johnny W post as often as possible.
Do you really think Little Johnny W has ever convinced even one person to believe what he believes?
"is Exhibit A for what happens to followers of John Nelson Darby."
Fat man Craigie really thinks that "ex. A" spam is so "cute.
Wow, Craigie-that Darby stumper again! Weighty, punk-ette.
Right, sweetie?
Fat, sodomite Craigie is Ex. A of what happens to a "man" who loses his job, and sponges of his wife, while spendinfg 10 hours/day on TOL, and Sports sites-he turnd into a wimp.
Right, sweet boy Craigie, the satanic Preterist?
Little Johnny? Real tough guy, aren't you wimp? Meet me, sweetie. in Dallas, like you offered me to meet your wife, you fat, balding punk.
I thought so, you creme puff. All big talk from you, to try and impress your wife, on how much of a "man" you are, eh Craigie? Lost your respect, eh, sweetie, after you lost your job, and that "company" you started, which failed, eh, loser?
Get a job, you leach, troll. And some spine, jelly fish.
Do you ever think people are convinced of what you "teach," you clown? Most of TOL laughs at you, Craigie.