ECT What's MAD?


New member
Good one-asking me a question, after you've punted my last 100+.

What is the difference/"distinction," between a saved person, and a lost/blinded person?

Answer: the difference between heaven/myself, and hell/you.

So there.

Get saved, you vile perverter.

Wow, are you telling someone they are going to hell without giving them the gospel?... Hope that same judgment is not cast on you..

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Hope that same judgment is not cast on you..

It already has been. He was found guilty, and the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and raised up, in his place. He has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ. That means he is immersed into Christ.

There we are seen as crucified and raised up. Unlike you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No answer yet.



My last 100+ questions to Christ rejector

Her "response:"


So there.

2. Chapter and verse, that requires me to answer any and all questions, from anyone, especially a Christ rejector, such as yourself, a question I've asked you for over 50 times?

You: not a peep.

I thought so-fraud/actress/com "lady."


New member
Stumped me there, with that "I'm sorry you don't like Christianity," and stuff your "the truth to me seems that you are proud and you think you are a teacher on here or something," as I have clout on TOL, vs. you do not. Poor you.

"So believe that a get some help."-you

You need some "hep" with English, or you need to not be drunk, when you "post."

Have a seat, little one.

Whats up with the "little" comments? are you trying to make yourself feel big? And it was a typo, I'm sure that happens a lot on here..


New member
You would think if you thought someone was going to hell you would love them or pray for them. Most of all share the gospel.


TOL Subscriber
Whats up with the "little" comments? are you trying to make yourself feel big? And it was a typo, I'm sure that happens a lot on here..

This is a sample of routine MADist/Open Theist response to all views that do not accord with theirs.

It never gets any better than this . . .

Only worse.

Prepare yourself, for terrible spiritual abuse, if you cannot agree with the powers that rule TOL!


Well-known member
Another case of someone who has zero understanding of both what MAD believes and what the Bible teaches.

I'm going off of what MAD proponents have put forth. Perhaps they misrepresent MAD. Do you, as a MADist, accept Christ's teachings as applicable to you as a Christian? Do you accept the Gospel of his disciples that he trained for the purpose of carrying on his ministry as being applicable to you? Do you accept that faith without works is dead, that you must persevere in doing God's will to receive the promises of God? Do you recognize that salvation is of the Jews, and that gentiles have been grafted onto Israel - thereby becoming fellow members of the Body and fellow heirs and partakers of the promises of God?


TOL Subscriber
You would think if you thought someone was going to hell you would love them or pray for them. Most of all share the gospel.

Nah . . . they consider such attitude a sin.

They only feel righteous, when they are condemning others to hell. To them, cursing others to hell is a virtue.

I do not exaggerate.

Wait until you begin receiving their neg reps. It is ugly.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They choose to read their KJV bibles in waffle houses, over bacon and eggs, and pretend to be most religious representation of righteous (non-works) believers . . . hoping their greatest witness would be to the next waitress, who might be impressed with such piety, shown by an opened KJV Bible!

Baptisms? Communion? What's the need, when grace covers the sacrifice of paying for gravy and coffee?

Or simply posting on Internet sites regarding fake dogma (pre-invented), of which they label "saving grace" without warrant or historical scrutiny.

Vs. your "witness" of baptism, being "soaked in water," eh nasty? You are clueless, as to the meaning of "baptism." My evidence? Your "posts."

For the babes/sheep, to protect them from nast wolf-ette Nag:

Post #63, #65

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
This is where you are blinded . . .

How could anyone deny that any of the Apostles failed to testify to the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Such claims simply blows my mind . . .

Peter tried to prevent the Lord Jesus Christ's death, twice, clueless one. Your saint Judas preached "the gospel."


TOL Subscriber
I feel so sorry for newbies, who discover they have stumbled upon a vipers' den.

TOL is a very wicked and ungodly site . . .


I feel so sorry for newbies, who discover they have stumbled upon a vipers' den.

TOL is a very wicked and ungodly site . . .

Little Johnny W is Exhibit A for what happens to followers of John Nelson Darby.

I say, let Little Johnny W post as often as possible.

Do you really think Little Johnny W has ever convinced even one person to believe what he believes?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Whats up with the "little" comments? are you trying to make yourself feel big? And it was a typo, I'm sure that happens a lot on here..

"Thank you that's much better I'm sorry you don't like Christianity. The truth to me seems that you are proud and you think you are a teacher on here or something. So believe that a get some help."-you

Thanks for checking in. Be seated.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You would think if you thought someone was going to hell you would love them or pray for them. Most of all share the gospel.

That isn't the scenario. This is. People are given the good news and reject it. Then they try and pull people from the faith.

Galatians 1

8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.