TOL Subscriber
they are not church attenders?
wow, this is something new.
Ask any MADists yourself, what church they attend . . .
they are not church attenders?
wow, this is something new.
And Johnny does not preach the true, scriptural Gospel of Jesus Christ.
But he preaches the devils' lies, and I have no doubt many remain deceived because of that message that issues forth from his posts.
they are not church attenders?
wow, this is something new.
Not two gospels, two kinds of people.
Acts 21 disagrees
One gospel, two different people.
Because you choose to follow men, you are deceived.
heir and STP make fun of churches, pastors, and people who attend churches.
Neither of them go to church.
They are both followers of Darby and Bullinger, and think they are "too smart" for a church and/or pastor.
Meshack will probably embrace MAD beliefs, now that she knows they are not " church mainstreamers!"
He is not only bitter, but he is an unrepentant, ungodly, unregenerate smart-*** . . .
Show us a verse in Acts 21 that proves otherwise?
You are a follower of John Nelson Darby and E.W. Bullinger.
Oh, man . . . where did you copy and paste this from?
Serial Plagiarist, you.
So MAD is not organized denomination?
How do they serve God?
Wow, Wimpy!!!! We are stunned!!!
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
So MAD is not organized denomination?
How do they serve God?
You deny Jesus Christ is God by promoting your god satan.