I am glad to see believers being thoughtful enough to define their terms
so why wouldn't you use the dictionary?
you are free to do that you know
Hi and who has " free will " no one !!
Buying a car , house , clothes IS NOT FREE WILL !!
#1 , The angels in heaven had Free Will !
#2 , Adam and Eve had Free Will !
#3, Lucifer had Free Will !!
All fell because they made BAD Choices !!
The reason we do not have so-called Free Will , is because we are dead in Trespasses and sin !!
dan p
How does a person learn to desire something?
Romans 1:20
so why wouldn't you use the dictionary?
you are free to do that you know
Experience and social maturity?
This verse can't be believed within the reality of world history that no one has ever been found to have discovered YHWH's (not: some random god) divinity and power by the study of nature.
In fact, the far largest religions have studied nature for eons and have concluded that they are god, not YHWH, that is, the Hindus and the Buddhists. Scientific materialism is famous for using the scientific study of all things natural to denigrate the belief in YHWH.
So this verse is proven by history to never have been fulfilled on earth.
But it has been fulfilled since no man has an excuse. The only way this verse can have been fulfilled is if For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, since means from the time that and the things that are made refers to the creation of the physical universe where we know people existed, saw the creation and praised GOD for HIS greatness, Job 38:7, proving that the spirits were created before the physical universe.
Since someone was there, it is a small step of faith to accept that we were all there and praised HIS glory but then repressed that memory because we loved sin more than the truth as the rest of Rom 1 tells us over and over.
Since there is no scriptural constraint against believing we saw the creation and absolutely no proof that there was any universal witness from nature to YHWH on earth, and never happened on earth any time, any where (unless the whole world is involved in the greatest conspiracy of silence ever imagined), I contend we all saw HIS divinity and power by watching the creation of the physical universe before our very eyes and every knee did bow and every voice did sing HIS praise so that all sinners are without excuse.
Peace, Ted
And therefore, will does not need to be examined further as free or not, there is simply 'will'.
We have will, the ability to choose. This however does not deflate predestination.
Predestination is the part which we cannot control- our will is guided by predestination from our inability to choose our disposition and surroundings we learn from.
Essentially, free will and predestination coexist- predestination is simply bigger because it is not something controlled by us individually, but rather by God with all humanity.
People choose to use drugs in most circumstances.
If they knew what the results of their choices were, they would have knowingly relinquished some of their freedom to choose.
Hence, God, who wants people to make right decisions, does not condone willful drunkenness and druggedness. Ephesians 4:18, Galatians 5:20, witchcraft is pharmekeia
The definition of freewill is in its exercise.
Men are bound internally. Their will is internal. It may be acted upon by outside agents, but when we speak of being in bondage to sin, we are talking about something that is already inborn.
That is not a true statement of the facts. We are bound to vanity, the venue for sin. Had Adam not transgressed, the venue, "vanity," would have been lifted from man thus eliminating the only path to the soul of man Satan was given. That was the hope of God for Adam (Rom. 8:20 KJV) for his overcoming-dying to self, was the only way to prove "sinless" Adam's allegiance.
That is not a true statement of the facts. We are bound to vanity, the venue for sin. Had Adam not transgressed, the venue, "vanity," would have been lifted from man thus eliminating the only path to the soul of man Satan was given. That was the hope of God for Adam (Rom. 8:20 KJV) for his overcoming-dying to self, was the only way to prove "sinless" Adam's allegiance.
I'm not sure what you mean. Vanity is not a venue, it's a characteristic - a state of affairs. It isn't a path, it is a result.
What do you mean? Your desire is shown by what you do?
I'm not sure what you mean. Vanity is not a venue, it's a characteristic - a state of affairs. It isn't a path, it is a result.
Gen.4:7 KJV speaks of it as the venue.
Gen.4:7 KJV speaks of it as the venue.
Sorry...don't see it.
Sorry...don't see it.
What do you see you disagree with? What is God saying to Cain?
What do you see you disagree with? What is God saying to Cain?
There's a tricky subject-object relationship there that has even many commentators disagreeing wildly. But I don't think it changes the original issue. That is, if Cain doesn't "do well", he has sinned. I think the seeming separation here is just a literary matter - or even has to do with the subject-object ambiguity. But if we agree that anything that is not of faith IS sin, then Cain sinned even before he killed his brother. Sin was already there. It may have been trying to take further dominion (and here may be a distinction between the thought and the action) but sin was already there. He hated his brother without a cause (I John 3:15). The seed of that was already there whether he knew it or not. Sin was already in his heart. The question is whether he could overcome it or not. There is at issue here, I think, the degree to which sin has flowered. Not whether it is there already or not. It is internal.
There's a tricky subject-object relationship there that has even many commentators disagreeing wildly. But I don't think it changes the original issue. That is, if Cain doesn't "do well", he has sinned.
Forget the commentators!
Why assume when you can't by the words spoken by God. Was God speaking of sin or acceptance? Cain's offering was not accepted __ but was it a sin? REMEMBER, as with Adam, is "deeds" the issue __ as in "doing well" and you will be accepted..