What is the Gospel?


That assumes God exists. It could be doublespeak if the true author behind scripture is fallible mankind.

Sure... this assumes you exist... it could be doublespeak because mankind is excellent at division and mistakes that bring about tomato... tamata ... fights... Do we call the whole thing off?

Couldn't just one of the forty scribes have pre-empted the issue? And said something to the effect that, 'no, God did not predetermine who would be regenerated'?

Why? Maybe... God... in His infinite Wisdom saw that some needed to feel predestined... while others needed to fixate on His limitless provision for all. Perhaps God knows He didn’t make a cookie cutter humanity... thus possible understandings are available to choose... but all are valuable... and understood by God as important to us...



I already pray to a nebulous figure whom I call Jesus - but I actually don't know if He is real. I know that sounds bizarre, but it's a reality. I already ask for forgiveness...in the same disbelieving manner.

Perhaps expressing a disappointment about scripture isn't such a big deal. Perhaps, if Jesus is a reality - then He too might say, 'Yeh, Scripture isn't the total truth.'

Perhaps the Bible has some error.

John 5:39 brings comfort to your doubts... Jesus told the very people who memorized the Torah... that it was useless... compared to Him... which it all... pointed to... beyond the Torah...

It’s all about Him... and though scripture is our framework... Jesus Saves... and the Bible tells us so...

It’s about turning to Jesus... not memorizing words...

Jesus loves me this I know... for the Bible tells me so... little ones to Him belong... They are weak, but He is Strong...


New member
That the language permits the interpretation that Calvinists impute to it means we have seeming doublespeak. That doesn't encourage faith.

Scripture will always fulfill a purpose in whom it is sent and will not return void. It either enlightens or blinds. It either finds softened soil of the heart or hardens it. The evangel is not sent nor empowered for any reason except the glory of Elohim. It is not set for you to accept, deny or for your critique. All I have read of you is utter contempt for the structure and the wording of the revealed will of the Almighty. You criticise the only person that can save you. You seem to have the attitude of entitlement and that in itself excludes you.
You are experimenting and finding fault with that which is holy and no doubt you have and will cause many babes to stumble at your nonsense. Should that be the case you will be needing a mill-stone and a boat.

The Bible is the revealed last will and testament of Elohim. Anyone can read the will but only the heirs can partake of the inheritance and benefits. If you have an inheritance in Fathers will, one of the appointed executors will inform you. You can't add yourself to the Fathers will as it is the privilege of the testator to choose or elect heirs and to do so without any influence whatsoever.

You have encountered many people who have tried to demand or steal a portion of the Father's estate, but they have not been successful. They pretend to have entered into an agreement of sorts, but the tell is, they have no peace and react with hatred at the truth and those that do have an inheritance.
They will try and fool others into thinking that anyone can have a portion and all you need to do is follow them. Abide by their statements, creeds and read the words of dead men. The scripture calls them blind guides.

The fact of the matter is this: "Unless a man is born above he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim". When a man is born above then he will be certain of the experience and never, ever forget where he was when that happened.
The hypocrites call it life changing but its life-giving and unmistakable.


New member
All I have read of you is utter contempt for the structure and the wording of the revealed will of the Almighty.

That assumes God exists and He authored the Bible.

You criticise the only person that can save you. You seem to have the attitude of entitlement and that in itself excludes you.

No, I express a disappointment over the language and seeming double speak of scripture.

You are experimenting and finding fault with that which is holy and no doubt you have and will cause many babes to stumble at your nonsense. Should that be the case you will be needing a mill-stone and a boat.

It's also possible that you are the subject of Galatians 1:8,9.


That makes two Gospels.

The Bible is the revealed last will and testament of Elohim. Anyone can read the will but only the heirs can partake of the inheritance and benefits. If you have an inheritance in Fathers will, one of the appointed executors will inform you. You can't add yourself to the Fathers will as it is the privilege of the testator to choose or elect heirs and to do so without any influence whatsoever.

Matthew 7:21

You have encountered many people who have tried to demand or steal a portion of the Father's estate, but they have not been successful. They pretend to have entered into an agreement of sorts, but the tell is, they have no peace and react with hatred at the truth and those that do have an inheritance.
They will try and fool others into thinking that anyone can have a portion and all you need to do is follow them. Abide by their statements, creeds and read the words of dead men. The scripture calls them blind guides.

The fact of the matter is this: "Unless a man is born above he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim".

'See' doesn't mean 'understand' does it?


New member
That assumes God exists and He authored the Bible.

No, I express a disappointment over the language and seeming double speak of scripture.

It's also possible that you are the subject of Galatians 1:8,9.


That makes two Gospels.

Matthew 7:21

'See' doesn't mean 'understand' does it?

To see means to understand and you obviously don't. The Bible calls you a fool because you deny Elohim. He has given you the knowledge of Himself in a general sense and you deny it. Your end is destruction unless you are granted repentance. My prayer is for your public destruction as a warning to others that touch The Ark.

patrick jane

To see means to understand and you obviously don't. The Bible calls you a fool because you deny Elohim. He has given you the knowledge of Himself in a general sense and you deny it. Your end is destruction unless you are granted repentance. My prayer is for your public destruction as a warning to others that touch The Ark.
My prayer is that you stop praying for the destruction of others, whether you judge them to be believers or not.


To see means to understand and you obviously don't. The Bible calls you a fool because you deny Elohim. He has given you the knowledge of Himself in a general sense and you deny it. Your end is destruction unless you are granted repentance. My prayer is for your public destruction as a warning to others that touch The Ark.

I had articulated a truth with strong words and this man you pray a curse on... asked me to forgive you...

Honestly!!! Praying a curse! Wishing public destruction!!! Seriously? [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION]... this guy is putting the ang in anger and evangelize...

I honestly can’t believe this post... I want to report it so badly!

Oh well... I’ll just chill and not hit report. This is me not reporting Truster...

patrick jane


I had articulated a truth with strong words and this man you pray a curse on... asked me to forgive you...

Honestly!!! Praying a curse! Wishing public destruction!!! Seriously? @Sherman... this guy is putting the ang in anger and evangelize...

I honestly can’t believe this post... I want to report it so badly!

Oh well... I’ll just chill and not hit report. This is me not reporting Truster...
He seems unstable


New member
This message is hidden because patrick jane is on your ignore list.

And I have no intention of opening the visitor message you sent me.


New member
To see means to understand and you obviously don't. The Bible calls you a fool because you deny Elohim. He has given you the knowledge of Himself in a general sense and you deny it. Your end is destruction unless you are granted repentance. My prayer is for your public destruction as a warning to others that touch The Ark.

As I implied, I have a beef with what I perceive as double speak in scripture. That is not necessarily the same as denying the Creator.

I really don't understand your anger Truster.


New member
As I implied, I have a beef with what I perceive as double speak in scripture. That is not necessarily the same as denying the Creator.

I really don't understand your anger Truster.

You deny the truth and so you have denied the personification of truth.

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters"


New member
You deny the truth and so you have denied the personification of truth.

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters"

Certainly, I have zero appetite for faith in a God who determined that all folk would be born with a total depravity such that they would need God to regenerate them else they would be hell bound.


New member
You deny the truth and so you have denied the personification of truth.

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters"

1 Cor 15:11
Whether, then, it is I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.

used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.
referring to a specific thing just mentioned.

In this case, 'this' refers to the Gospel Paul was discussing just previous to v.11:
3For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

Romans 15:20

Paul preached the gospel to unbelievers. That's what it says.


New member
Certainly, I have zero appetite for faith in a God who determined that all folk would be born with a total depravity such that they would need God to regenerate them else they would be hell bound.

Do what everyone else on here does. Just concoct an image, in the wicked imagination of your mind, as to how Elohim should act and be. Then worship and serve the image...simple.


New member
Do what everyone else on here does. Just concoct an image, in the wicked imagination of your mind, as to how Elohim should act and be. Then worship and serve the image...simple.

Are people born with the total inability to seek God such that the sine qua non for there salvation is God's regeneration?

If your answer is 'yes' then the God you worship isn't for me.


New member
Are people born with the total inability to seek God such that the sine qua non for there salvation is God's regeneration?

If your answer is 'yes' then the God you worship isn't for me.

Correction, He is not for you. You are atheist in the true meaning of the word.