What is the Gospel?


New member
Easter is independent of that. Divine providence, as authoritatively taught by the authorized teachers of the one Church---the Body of Christ---the magisterium (all the bishops of the Church (cf. 1Ti3:1KJV)), answers every one of your expressed concerns ITT. Now I'm not asking you to just believe me, I'm prompting you to perform certain things, so that you'll quickly learn what there is to know yourself, by doing, and not just by listening. You have to think this all the way through, but it is soluble.

Authorized? Are you serious?

Seems to me everyone makes a claim to authority.


New member
"Impugning you?" Are you so easily offended? Why is that? Pray tell. :chew:

I'm not interesting in being "helpful". I'm not interested in feeling sorry for you. I'm not interested in holding your hand or scolding others who aren't nice enough to you. I'm interested in getting to the truth....the whole truth....and nothing but the truth. Minus the games.

Did you? Perhaps in a round-about blame all Christians sort of way.

Blame the Bible and imply you can't possibly to drawn to Jesus IF this and that or the other.

I'm certainly not asking for anyone too feel sorry for me.


Sure you tolerate Christians who push a different Gospel.


Well-known member
Wasn't evasion....I said 'specifically'.

Don't lie about it. It is evasion.

And you still haven't answered my question. Who were you before you were Sonnet? You know what I'm saying. Just answer.

Irrespective of what anyone else might say regarding scripture - I myself have a problem with such scriptures as Romans 9, 8:28-30, Acts 13:48 Ephesians 1:1ff etc.

Only because you hold onto those verses like they're gold. And why?
BECAUSE, they are the excuse you have to keep this game going on.

If scripture is a lie then who is the fool?

Since it isn't a lie, that leaves you holding the bag as the fool.

It would be better to avoid such inflammatory language GD.

Better for who? YOU.

It certainly isn't better for coming to the truth of the matter.


I'm not necessarily the one who needs to do anything Nihilo. Perhaps you have made a mistake in believing a lie.

Just saying.
Easter is a nonfiction fact of history. Easter happened, in the real world. And Easter scorched the world once it appeared in the world. It's a choice. Figure out how to "get your affairs in order," and then choose.


New member
Don't lie about it. It is evasion.

Now you are deliberately provoking.

And you still haven't answered my question. Who were you before you were Sonnet? You know what I'm saying. Just answer.

I've had one account here - 'Sonnet'. I am janxharris on Christianforums.com

How about you?

Only because you hold onto those verses like they're gold. And why?
BECAUSE, they are the excuse you have to keep this game going on.

Excuse? Not just these scriptures and not just this issue.
No one is asking you to get involved here.

Since it isn't a lie, that leaves you holding the bag as the fool.

And you might be right.

Better for who? YOU.

It certainly isn't better for coming to the truth of the matter.

Nobody likes being called a fool.


Well-known member
Now you are deliberately provoking.

Nope, nice try though. You were being evasive, and then you lied and said you weren't being evasive.

I've not falsely accused you of anything. You, on the other hand, are accusing me of being "deliberately provoking." :think:

I've had one account here - 'Sonnet'. I am janxharris on Christianforums.com

Then we have it on record, don't we? Either a lie or the truth....

How about you?

I told you the first time you asked. I had no reason to be evasive.

Excuse? Not just these scriptures and not just this issue.
No one is asking you to get involved here.

The nice thing about TOL is that we can post without being invited.

Nobody likes being called a fool.

Then you should try to avoid saying something foolish.


Well-known member
If you don't remove this I will report you.

I'm not removing anything. :rolleyes:

I always stand by what I say. I'm not the game player here.

So go right ahead and report me. The posts are there for all to see.... how many times you evaded my question. You do know what evasion is, don't you?


New member
I'm not removing anything. :rolleyes:

I always stand by what I say. I'm not the game player here.

So go right ahead and report me. The posts are there for all to see.... how many times you evaded my question. You do know what evasion is, don't you?

I evaded nothing. You posted 'Who were you before you were Sonnet?' - this doesn't specifically ask me if I have or had another account. That is why I said 'specifically'. And when you specified I answered.

I'm not on trial here. And if I am so are you.

You should apologies.


New member
After the first three or four times. And that was still being evasive. :nono:

Look GD - I don't want to be hard about this but you seem to be acting as some kind of umpire here. I could do just as you are and start questioning your motives...

I asked you to clarify a non-specific question.


Well-known member
I evaded nothing. You posted 'Who were you before you were Sonnet?' - this doesn't specifically ask me if I have or had another account. That is why I said 'specifically'. And when you specified I answered.

I'm not on trial here. And if I am so are you.

You should apologies.

You are sure protesting a lot. :think:
You know what they say about folks who feel the need to do that, don't you?

Actually, you are on trial. You have purported one thing, and have proven just the opposite. Your "mentor" is not here to scold us for not being nice to you, and "nice" is not the believers' calling.

NOPE, I should never apologize for standing up to false "seekers". So don't bother trying to work me...I can't be worked.


Well-known member
Look GD - I don't want to be hard about this but you seem to be acting as some kind of umpire here. I could do just as you are and start questioning your motives...

I asked you to clarify a non-specific question.

Dang, I do believe you are threatening me.

Please don't get hard about this. I don't know if I could stand it. :comeout:


New member
Easter is a nonfiction fact of history. Easter happened, in the real world. And Easter scorched the world once it appeared in the world. It's a choice. Figure out how to "get your affairs in order," and then choose.

What assures you that the Gospel of Jesus is truth?