What is the Gospel?




New member
Well? What is stopping you?


Is anyone's faith genuine? Is it not merely guessing in hope?

As I have posted before - I, paradoxically, sometimes pray to, and speak to, the very Jesus whom I doubt. With the image of His death on the cross (for everyone) and resurrection in mind - such praying is possible. With the confusion evidenced by this thread and elsewhere then it's not possible.

I'm sure my experience isn't unique.


Well-known member
Ah ha.... Who were you before you were Sonnet?

Why ask questions when you already think you know the answers?

Is this a test?

I have no idea at all why you are writing this GD.

I wrote that because I'd like an answer from you about who you are.

That there is confusion amongst Christians regarding this issue is incontrovertible and hardly engenders faith.

That there is confusion among professing Christians has nothing to do with faith. One's faith is not supposed to be in people, but in God. So why focus on what you call their "confusion".

I don't have any answers GD. I'm just asking questions in the hope that someone might clear things up.

Really? It seems to be more than that. :think:


I wrote that because I'd like an answer from you about who you are.

That there is confusion among professing Christians has nothing to do with faith. One's faith is not supposed to be in people, but in God. So why focus on what you call their "confusion".

Really? It seems to be more than that. :think:

None of your business

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patrick jane

Is anyone's faith genuine? Is it not merely guessing in hope?

As I have posted before - I, paradoxically, sometimes pray to, and speak to, the very Jesus whom I doubt. With the image of His death on the cross (for everyone) and resurrection in mind - such praying is possible. With the confusion evidenced by this thread and elsewhere then it's not possible.

I'm sure my experience isn't unique.
14 [FONT=&quot]Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.[/FONT]


New member
I wrote that because I'd like an answer from you about who you are.


And I might ask the same of yourself.

That there is confusion among professing Christians has nothing to do with faith. One's faith is not supposed to be in people, but in God. So why focus on what you call their "confusion".

You assume the scriptures are flawless. I infer otherwise when such total confusion amongst professing Christians is evinced.

Really? It seems to be more than that. :think:



Well-known member
I certainly don't feel drawn to the Jesus who died for an elect - which IS being 'proffered' here.

What kind of a fool statement is that?

The Lord doesn't need you critiquing HIM according to what some people "proffer".

Just come right out and admit it. You know darn well you are working at discrediting Calvinists.

Just, PLEASE, be honest enough to come clean. These games are filled with deceptive intent. :nono:

patrick jane

Hey... you’re right. Nothing in God’s Name makes what I have to say valuable.

I know I am nothing before God and men, other than Jesus Loves me enough to die for me. I’m sorry if it looked like I thought anything I had to say was valuable. You know... I’m well aware that you’ll keep berating my every word I say that doesn’t agree with yours and I’m well aware you’ll have something sh1tty to say about this... but Honestly... I’ll do you all a favor and go forward with my initial plan...

Honestly... all my best to all of you and sorry I let you all down...

@Knight and @Sherman ...

Please delete Evil Eye and all associated accounts of my ISP origin...

Dark Matter
7 Spirits
James Dalton
Nameless in Grace

That should do it.

Honestly... I’m begging you to delete me from this site. I’m a burden here... and not a blessing. I appreciate all that this site is and wish all the very best.

This is for me and no one else... It is time I go for good...

Please delete my accounts... I’m begging you. All gratitude.

- Me



New member
What kind of a fool statement is that?

The Lord doesn't need you critiquing HIM according to what some people "proffer".

Just come right out and admit it. You know darn well you are working at discrediting Calvinists.

Just, PLEASE, be honest enough to come clean. These games are filled with deceptive intent. :nono:

Games? Where are you getting this from? Impugning me isn't helpful GD.

Sure - Calvinism is repugnant to me. Already said so.


Is anyone's faith genuine? Is it not merely guessing in hope?

As I have posted before - I, paradoxically, sometimes pray to, and speak to, the very Jesus whom I doubt. With the image of His death on the cross (for everyone) and resurrection in mind - such praying is possible. With the confusion evidenced by this thread and elsewhere then it's not possible.

I'm sure my experience isn't unique.
Easter (the Good News and Gospel, Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV; The Lord Jesus Christ "is risen") is either nonfiction, or it's fiction. No other option.

And then think about how Easter ripped through the pre-Christian world, how it burned like a fire and kept burning, it never ran out of fuel. Easter's either nonfiction, or it's fiction. And Easter is what spread the faith; the story, or message, or news, of the Lord Jesus's RESURRECTION. And it is a good story, a good message, and good news. Glad tidings. Easter.

There also is much more good news that goes along with Easter, that's very, very true; in fact, it's so true, that the sheer mass of good news that stems from, and is rooted in Easter, has rendered the Christian faith suspicious-sounding to the modern mind and modern ear. It's so wonderful, that this all by itself, is used against it! The facile thinking goes something like, "If Easter sounds too good to be true, it is." That's the entire extent of the "argument" against believing Easter. Too much good in it. Too much wonderful good news, thumbs down.

Completely ridiculous. But this is what you're doing. You're giving the Christian faith the white glove test, when it's fit for the highest Royalty (Gn14:18KJV & Gn14:19KJV & Gn14:20KJV + Ps110:4KJV cf. Ps110:1KJV).


New member
Easter (the Good News and Gospel, Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV; The Lord Jesus Christ "is risen") is either nonfiction, or it's fiction. No other option.

And then think about how Easter ripped through the pre-Christian world, how it burned like a fire and kept burning, it never ran out of fuel. Easter's either nonfiction, or it's fiction. And Easter is what spread the faith; the story, or message, or news, of the Lord Jesus's RESURRECTION. And it is a good story, a good message, and good news. Glad tidings. Easter.

There also is much more good news that goes along with Easter, that's very, very true; in fact, it's so true, that the sheer mass of good news that stems from, and is rooted in Easter, has rendered the Christian faith suspicious-sounding to the modern mind and modern ear. It's so wonderful, that this all by itself, is used against it! The facile thinking goes something like, "If Easter sounds too good to be true, it is." That's the entire extent of the "argument" against believing Easter. Too much good in it. Too much wonderful good news, thumbs down.

Completely ridiculous. But this is what you're doing. You're giving the Christian faith the white glove test, when it's fit for the highest Royalty (Gn14:18KJV & Gn14:19KJV & Gn14:20KJV + Ps110:4KJV cf. Ps110:1KJV).

? How this helps is beyond me.


Well-known member

And I might ask the same of yourself.

Evasion at it's finest.

I have always posted as glorydaz.

Your turn. :popcorn:

You assume the scriptures are flawless. I infer otherwise when such total confusion amongst professing Christians is evinced.

Again, a fool reason for not believing scripture. Do you have the same problem knowing the difference between the sexes just because so many other people do?


I certainly don't feel drawn to the Jesus who died for an elect - which IS being 'proffered' here.
Easter is independent of that. Divine providence, as authoritatively taught by the authorized teachers of the one Church---the Body of Christ---the magisterium (all the bishops of the Church (cf. 1Ti3:1KJV)), answers every one of your expressed concerns ITT. Now I'm not asking you to just believe me, I'm prompting you to perform certain things, so that you'll quickly learn what there is to know yourself, by doing, and not just by listening. You have to think this all the way through, but it is soluble.


New member
Evasion at it's finest.

I have always posted as glorydaz.

Your turn. :popcorn:

Wasn't evasion....I said 'specifically'.

Again, a fool reason for not believing scripture. Do you have the same problem knowing the difference between the sexes just because so many other people do?

Irrespective of what anyone else might say regarding scripture - I myself have a problem with such scriptures as Romans 9, 8:28-30, Acts 13:48 Ephesians 1:1ff etc.

If scripture is a lie then who is the fool? It would be better to avoid such inflammatory language GD.


Well-known member
Games? Where are you getting this from? Impugning me isn't helpful GD.

"Impugning you?" Are you so easily offended? Why is that? Pray tell. :chew:

I'm not interesting in being "helpful". I'm not interested in feeling sorry for you. I'm not interested in holding your hand or scolding others who aren't nice enough to you. I'm interested in getting to the truth....the whole truth....and nothing but the truth. Minus the games.

Sure - Calvinism is repugnant to me. Already said so.

Did you? Perhaps in a round-about blame all Christians sort of way.

Blame the Bible and imply you can't possibly to drawn to Jesus IF this and that or the other.