What is the Gospel?


TOL Subscriber
I completely understand your confusion. You are like so many that prefer your religion over the Bible.

The term "Israel of God" in the Bible refers to faithful believers of the nation of Israel.
:up: physical, literal descendants of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, called Israel!

P.S. I don't need links to writings by people who also prefer their religion over the Bible.
He only engages so he can drop his religious, denominational links.


Well-known member
You are suggesting that such a person dying without ever hearing scripture can, nonetheless, inherit eternal life?

I would have thought this has to be the case (if one isn't a Calvinist).

Grace is a big tent. Does God overlook ignorance?

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:​

And what's the bar? "Righteous Lot"? 2 Peter 2:7

Genesis 18:25
25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

On the one hand, where there is no law there is no transgression.

Romans 4:15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

But on the other hand, when the Gentiles "do by nature" the things contained in the law, they are a law unto themselves....their CONSCIENCE bearing witness. Romans 2:14,15

Here's my understanding. Even the natives in deepest darkest Africa have a conscience. They were created to know right from wrong. God will do right. I'm not the judge, and I can't see into their heart as God can.


I guess that is possible - even so no scripture came to Abraham. If that was so then, why not now?

“because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”
**Genesis‬ *26:5‬ *ASV‬‬

Moses was not the author of Genesis, he merely edited the existing family documents called Toldohts. These Toldohlts were passed on from generation to generation and most likely were in the possession of Melchizedek and Noah’s Son Shem who lived contemporary with Abe.

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Note to all:
Anyone who encourages a moving away from God's Word in favour of seeking God on their own is working for Satan. His first action on earth was to encourage Eve to doubt God's words. And he has been doing it ever since.[/QUOTE]

Amen my son.

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New member
Grace is a big tent. Does God overlook ignorance?

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:​

And what's the bar? "Righteous Lot"? 2 Peter 2:7

Genesis 18:25
25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

On the one hand, where there is no law there is no transgression.

Romans 4:15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

But on the other hand, when the Gentiles "do by nature" the things contained in the law, they are a law unto themselves....their CONSCIENCE bearing witness. Romans 2:14,15

Here's my understanding. Even the natives in deepest darkest Africa have a conscience. They were created to know right from wrong. God will do right. I'm not the judge, and I can't see into their heart as God can.

Hmmmmmm, even without scripture? Then why all the fuss?


Well-known member
Exactly! And if they seek they shall find.

They'll find Him in Scripture. It's always the same.

The promise.

Jer. 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.​

The means.

Jer. 29:19 Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the Lord, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but ye would not hear, saith the Lord.​


John 5:39 ... God is before Scripture... not the other way around.

That verse needs to be understood in the context in which Jesus spoke.

When Jesus healed the Jewish leper He automatically was understood by the Sanhedrin to stake claim as the Jewish Messiah. The Pharisees had a policy to handle any Messianic claims. What they did was first send out an investigative party of observation. They were forbidden to speak, they could only observe then return to the Jewish leaders and report on whether this was a significant claim. The second part of their policy was sending out a party of interrogation. That’s why after the healing of the lame man let down through the roof, everywhere Jesus goes He’s followed by a Pharisee questioning Him. Remember when the man was being let down thru the roof? It says that the Jewish leaders came from all of the regions of Israel, this was not some small gathering but the whole group of leaders are there because they’ve been alerted that Jesus’ claim to the Messianic throne was a legitimate claim. Yet they are silent.

My point is that Jesus after performing Messianic miracles is criticizing the Jewish leaderships unbelief. He is pointing out that the OT scriptures do indeed point Him but they were not able to recognize them. They had gone beyond what was written so much that they equated the Jewish Mishna with the word of God. That’s why you will never find eating without washing hands in the law of Moses, it’s not there yet to these first century Pharisees doing that was equal to the sin of murder.

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Men are created in God's image and likeness; they are also His offspring. Every man has a void and it doesn't take scripture to understand that. Men don't need scripture to understand gravity and the consequences thereof. Since men have a void they are aware of a need to fill that void. If that awareness is communication from the Creator, I believe that God communicates to fallen men.

I do think that God's Word is flawless and is Truth; however, all truth agrees with all other Truth. When men disagree about what Truth is, somebody is definitely wrong. There is a reason men disagree; it goes back to their preconceived ideas about the character of God. Every man interprets scripture based upon his view of what God really is. The flaw is not in the Truth, but rather in preconceived ideas about God.


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New member
Do you see the origination of your question as first asked by the evil one? If you answer me I will answer you.
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No, I don't.
I asked you in response to your answer that man has no choice other than to be condemned, if you believe God is good or not good. You didn't answer what you believe.


No, I don't.
I asked you in response to your answer that man has no choice other than to be condemned, if you believe God is good or not good. You didn't answer what you believe.

How is it that when the evil one questioned the goodness of God by withholding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from eve, how is that not the very same question you ask of me? Either you lie or you are a simpleton I doubt the latter and assume the former!

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New member
How is it that when the evil one questioned the goodness of God by withholding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from eve, how is that not the very same question you ask of me? Either you lie or you are a simpleton I doubt the latter and assume the former!

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You told me you would answer my question and you didn't.
I didn't lie and I don't think I'm a simpleton; I didn't say that God wasn't good like the serpent did. I simply asked you if you believe God is good or not good and you still haven't answered. Why?

Do you believe God is good or not good?


You told me you would answer my question and you didn't.
I didn't lie and I don't think I'm a simpleton; I didn't say that God wasn't good like the serpent did. I simply asked you if you believe God is good or not good and you still haven't answered. Why?

Do you believe God is good or not good?

Denial? You’re asking if God is good. Same question asked 6000 years ago by Satan. Why would you question the goodness of God? Surely you sin.

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New member
Denial? You’re asking if God is good. Same question asked 6000 years ago by Satan. Why would you question the goodness of God? Surely you sin.
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So now I am having a very dark feeling about you; you told me you would answer and you won't. You are definitely afraid of the truth; why?

Apparently you know down deep in your heart that a God who condemns men without a choice to be uncondemned, is not good.

Just seek God and you will find Him!


So now I am having a very dark feeling about you; you told me you would answer and you won't. You are definitely afraid of the truth; why?

Apparently you know down deep in your heart that a God who condemns men without a choice to be uncondemned, is not good.

Just seek God and you will find Him!

You are a liar and the truth is not in you.

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