What is the Gospel?


New member
You are a liar and the truth is not in you.

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I'm a liar because you told me you would answer and now you won't?
The truth is not in me because it contradicts what you believe?
I feel very, very badly for you for but this is an opportunity to repent and turn from your unrighteousness
and seek God.
I do not blame you for feeling the way you do; I would feel much the same way, were I in your shoes. God helping me, I would continue to seek Truth.

Again, I more than welcome a rebuttal to my charge, "that you serve a God that is not good". If indeed I am wrong, I would acknowledge such in a heartbeat.

Right Divider

Body part
My apologies for not being more verbally clear.
I meant to say;
The Bible is not worth a tinkers damn to somebody who doesn't believe there is Someone behind it. They won't even bother to read it. If a man seeks God, God will lead him into truth whether it be the Bible or some other means of revelation. You really think God doesn't reveal Himself today? You better think again.
Don't try to put words in my mouth. I did NOT say that God does not reveal Himself today. I said that God is NOT speaking DIRECTLY to people today. God speaks TODAY through His WORD, the BIBLE.

When a man seeks God he will inadvertently be drawn to the Bible. The church has tried cramming the Bible down the throats of unbelievers and it hasn't worked. Maybe if those unbelievers saw the light shining they would glorify God who is in heaven.
You cannot find the gospel that can save you without first finding the God that can save.

Go back and read the entire thread and put into context my post that you first responded to. I was writing to someone who acknowledged that he didn't even know if God existed.

Many disagreements about scripture and the character of God occur for this same reason. Men read what they want to see, rather than striving to know the character of the author.
So you now agree that "staring into the heavens" will not teach you the gospel that saves?


I'm a liar because you told me you would answer and now you won't?
The truth is not in me because it contradicts what you believe?
I feel very, very badly for you for but this is an opportunity to repent and turn from your unrighteousness
and seek God.
I do not blame you for feeling the way you do; I would feel much the same way, were I in your shoes. God helping me, I would continue to seek Truth.

Again, I more than welcome a rebuttal to my charge, "that you serve a God that is not good". If indeed I am wrong, I would acknowledge such in a heartbeat.


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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Sonnet needs Jesus! Not scriptural understanding. I initially foresaw this, and wanted to avoid this fight...

Please understand that God, in His wisdom, has organized the plan of redemption so that we cannot even know about Jesus let alone meet Him unto salvation apart from meeting Him on the pages of Holy Scripture. If the Bible did not exist, we would be left with a handful of references to an unknown historical figure. He would be less well known to the world than your great grandfather. Those who did not have the written Word encountered God's words; in the garden, from the heavens, in dreams, in a fiery bush or by being struck blind by His brightness. But God has finished His Word and we have it. 1 Cor 13:10KJV

God aligns the living Word with the written Word. (John 1:14KJV) Jesus is the Word of God. It is the life of Jesus' within us. (Luke 4:4KJV) It was supernaturally produced and is, likewise, supernaturally recognized by those who have the Spirit of Christ, the Comforter, the paraclete that Jesus promised to send.

But if you missed John 21:25... read it again. And... I always need sharpening! I’m a broken vessel in the potters hands. I welcome all challenge, rebuttal and counter perspective.

Sonnet needs to take notice that the differences between true believers are very small. Glorydaz and I, for example, differ on finer points of how God gets sinners to heaven. Big deal! But we agree that all are sinners and in need of forgiveness. The gospel (good news) is that Jesus provides that forgiveness and justifies us before God by faith. He is the only answer.

I care more about Sonnets Eternal fate than the BIBLE! You can take that to the bank!

We are all beggars and we want our fellow beggars to know that we have found bread. Sometimes they listen.


Well-known member
My pride couldn’t be more gone. My life is shambles at this moment and I want Sonnet to trust Christ more than I need your approval or opinions...

If you want to call me prideful... have at it.

I know the direction I’m coming from and I saw this writing on the wall. I’m sorry you desire to step on BBK’s point or mine and you're full of hoarse hocky that Jesus needs scripture to speak to mankind!

He’s not dead, but alive and in Spirit... to all that will receive Him!

So, other than the quote from Psalms about heaven declaring the glory of God, I've seen no proof of Jesus speaking to mankind outside of Scripture.

Tongues? That's not Jesus. Someone claiming a "word from the Lord"? Not if it didn't come directly from Scripture.

I've watched a meltdown over this topic, and that's a shame. The Bible has survived for all this time BECAUSE God has kept it...as the only means we have to hear God's word. Whatever a man says, not based and supported by God's word, is not from God. We'd best beware, because as the end times approach, we will see more and more of these claims of, "We don't need the Bible".

Memorize Scripture....hide it in your heart. Preach the word without handling it deceitfully.

Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Psalm 119:114 Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

2 Corinthians 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.​


Well-known member
I'm a liar because you told me you would answer and now you won't?

He did answer, but you didn't get it.

The truth is not in me because it contradicts what you believe?

That's got nothing to do with why he said the truth is not in you.

I feel very, very badly for you for but this is an opportunity to repent and turn from your unrighteousness
and seek God.

Right, fall back on the old, 'I feel sorry for you....you need to seek God.' Lame. :nono:

I do not blame you for feeling the way you do; I would feel much the same way, were I in your shoes. God helping me, I would continue to seek Truth.

Aren't you the good and caring one. :chuckle:

Again, I more than welcome a rebuttal to my charge, "that you serve a God that is not good". If indeed I am wrong, I would acknowledge such in a heartbeat.

Surely you must know that anyone who worships God knows He is good. It's your seeming claim that He is only Good that one might argue with. Is God only good? No, He is also Righteous, and He is also a God of Wrath.

That's why your question was met with scripture. It was exactly the same kind of deceptive question satan asked in the garden.


New member
So now I am having a very dark feeling about you; you told me you would answer and you won't. You are definitely afraid of the truth; why?

Apparently you know down deep in your heart that a God who condemns men without a choice to be uncondemned, is not good.

Just seek God and you will find Him!

Choice, the battle cry of the Arminian gospel. All your choices are worthless and wrong and motivated by sin. The bible commands sinners to believe in Christ not choose him. Choice is the old covenant understanding where Joshua boldly proclaims that he and his house will choose to serve the Lord. There are millions of Christians that have chosen Jesus and go to church every week but are in a lost state because they have never come to repentance and seen themselves the way God does as miserable and worthless sinners who have never done one good thing in their whole life.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Choice, the battle cry of the Arminian gospel. All your choices are worthless and wrong and motivated by sin. The bible commands sinners to believe in Christ not choose him. Choice is the old covenant understanding where Joshua boldly proclaims that he and his house will choose to serve the Lord. There are millions of Christians that have chosen Jesus and go to church every week but are in a lost state because they have never come to repentance and seen themselves the way God does as miserable and worthless sinners who have never done one good thing in their whole life.

Try not to sugar-coat it...


New member
Choice, the battle cry of the Arminian gospel. All your choices are worthless and wrong and motivated by sin. The bible commands sinners to believe in Christ not choose him. Choice is the old covenant understanding where Joshua boldly proclaims that he and his house will choose to serve the Lord. There are millions of Christians that have chosen Jesus and go to church every week but are in a lost state because they have never come to repentance and seen themselves the way God does as miserable and worthless sinners who have never done one good thing in their whole life.

I don't understand this Epoisses.


New member
As for me and my house we will choose to never choose unless chosen by the choosy chooser who chooses wisely.

John 3:14-16 enjoins belief in the crucified Jesus leading to salvation. I don't know how clearer Jesus could have been.


New member
Sonnet needs to take notice that the differences between true believers are very small. Glorydaz and I, for example, differ on finer points of how God gets sinners to heaven. Big deal! But we agree that all are sinners and in need of forgiveness. The gospel (good news) is that Jesus provides that forgiveness and justifies us before God by faith. He is the only answer.

Jesus dying for a chosen limited number of people isn't a small difference.


New member
Not when you compare it with the real issue which is whether or not you will spend eternity in hell because you can't get past the fact that Christians don't agree on everything.

Not agreeing on the most fundamental issue - whether Jesus died for all or not - is a catastrophe if Jesus is the truth.

The schism justifies the sceptic. bbk put it well.


New member
Not when you compare it with the real issue which is whether or not you will spend eternity in hell because you can't get past the fact that Christians don't agree on everything.

I was born able to sin and not able to not sin. Born guilty with no recourse otherwise.

This is what the unbeliever is told.