What is the Gospel?


I said you were preaching untruth. If you want to consider yourself a liar, then that's your call.

I don't happen to think your intent is to deceive, so I'll stick with my statement.

I don't believe your "testimony", however, if that's what that was. You're fixing your story to match your false claims. If your intent on that is to deceive, then I guess you are a liar.

I sincerely hope you realize how rediculous your voicing your opinion of my testimony is... when I only hinted at a greater fact that is only marginally referenced.

And Glorydaz... if you were getting into divination... don’t... when I say I was furthest from scripture... that was an understatement...

Keep your day efforts and give up the divination.


I said you were preaching untruth. If you want to consider yourself a liar, then that's your call.

I don't happen to think your intent is to deceive, so I'll stick with my statement.

I don't believe your "testimony", however, if that's what that was. You're fixing your story to match your false claims. If your intent on that is to deceive, then I guess you are a liar.

You know what... I cave in... I’ll let go and share what I think... I think people are so entrenched in theology, religion and religious text that they forget that God still communes with all mankind that will listen.

I get sick and tired of the premise that someone has to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to be saved!

I believe in it! But even if Sonnet never does... Jesus’ Blood is still more than sufficient to bring him all the way home.

If you disagree with my last sentance... then you need to rethink your biblical stance... because the King of All stepped from Eternity and walked among us sinners to show His Love! The least we could do is step out of our camps and do the same for all that we can!

If Sonnets proclaimation of unbelief, but willingness to believe doesn’t make him top priority on this site... then all who try to indoctrinate him or push biblical inerrancy on him need to shut up and clique up with all closed loops of self defeating societies that think witnessing and aiding the seeking involves anything more than Love and assuring them of the effectiveness of Jesus Christ’s DBR and desire to personally have a relationship with them!

The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is alive, well and quite capable of bringing a person home with or without scripture!


Well-known member
I sincerely hope you realize how rediculous your voicing your opinion of my testimony is... when I only hinted at a greater fact that is only marginally referenced.

And Glorydaz... if you were getting into divination... don’t... when I say I was furthest from scripture... that was an understatement...

Keep your day efforts and give up the divination.

Golly, now your pride really is injured.

I'm simply believing what the word of God makes clear, and not what YOU, in your vanity, claim.


Well-known member
You know what... I cave in... I’ll let go and share what I think... I think people are so entrenched in theology, religion and religious text that they forget that God still communes with all mankind that will listen.

I get sick and tired of the premise that someone has to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to be saved!

I believe in it! But even if Sonnet never does... Jesus’ Blood is still more than sufficient to bring him all the way home.

If you disagree with my last sentance... then you need to rethink your biblical stance... because the King of All stepped from Eternity and walked among us sinners to show His Love! The least we could do is step out of our camps and do the same for all that we can!

If Sonnets proclaimation of unbelief, but willingness to believe doesn’t make him top priority on this site... then all who try to indoctrinate him or push biblical inerrancy on him need to shut up and clique up with all closed loops of self defeating societies that think witnessing and aiding the seeking involves anything more than Love and assuring them of the effectiveness of Jesus Christ’s DBR and desire to personally have a relationship with them!

The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is alive, well and quite capable of bringing a person home with or without scripture!

Oh dear Lord, now he's preaching from his high horse.

You are simply in ERROR, and you're too high, at the moment, to see it. :sigh:


Lord knows I should have Marry Poppinsed out of here! I can’t begin to express how sick it makes me when Sonnet expressed the gospel arrested him when he understood All meant all and then AMR and Crew went on to try to disprove his faith!

Sonnet has doubts about scripture! Oh well! Jesus saves!

Little Sussie is a whore! Oh well! Jesus saves!

Little Johnny likes Cocaine... oh well... Jesus Saves!

Scientist Bob can’t believe in a young earth but is seeking Christ!

Oh well! Jesus Saves!

As Christians... Jesus armed us with the most powerful weapon against unbelief!

God authored ALL! God proved His Love for us with His LIFE... at our hands...

That’s nuclear TRUTH that cuts through all doubt!

Bring them HOME to Jesus and let theology screw them up later! Don’t drive them away before they can even taste the sweetness of Christ’s Love!

It’s that simple! God gave up everything and we need to turn the modern money changing tables over, grab the whips and leave nothing but a person’s own rejection of Jesus Christ’s Love to keep them away! Any other action on our part is a diagrace to Our Dear Jesus Christ who bled and died, was mocked and scourged, shamed and spat on... to show that He LOVES us!

How hard is that! That’s the Gospel!



New member
You believe that God has some degree of 'communication' with all men irrespective of Scripture?
I think that you have also implied that scripture isn't flawless. Is that correct?

Men are created in God's image and likeness; they are also His offspring. Every man has a void and it doesn't take scripture to understand that. Men don't need scripture to understand gravity and the consequences thereof. Since men have a void they are aware of a need to fill that void. If that awareness is communication from the Creator, I believe that God communicates to fallen men.

I do think that God's Word is flawless and is Truth; however, all truth agrees with all other Truth. When men disagree about what Truth is, somebody is definitely wrong. There is a reason men disagree; it goes back to their preconceived ideas about the character of God. Every man interprets scripture based upon his view of what God really is. The flaw is not in the Truth, but rather in preconceived ideas about God.
Last edited:


Oh dear Lord, now he's preaching from his high horse.

You are simply in ERROR, and you're too high, at the moment, to see it. :sigh:

I am a SINNER... AND JESUS saves me. A worthless wretch like me! He is perfect Love and I need Him! I don’t deserve His Love, but He Died for me to show me I Matter to Him!

If that’s a high hoarse... then look up and deal with it.

Happy hunting on that humility you’re spouting!


Well-known member
Whether scripture is flawed or not is unclear. Certainly, though, I remain baffled by many verses.

Well, you'd do well to ask someone other than Evil Eye for advice.

He is too invested to offer you much of anything at this time.

I heard a brother say the other day that God's revelation is a matter of progression...or something like that. I'll have to look back, and see the exact word he used, because it was so true.

The word of God (Scripture) is living...truly living. A text I read forty years ago has taken on a fuller meaning over time. Many times over, in fact. We don't automatically have the whole of God's word revealed to us, any more than we grow to full height or age all at one time. We feed on the word daily, and the Holy Spirit is faithful to give us many "aha" moments.

Don't let the boys try to cram their ideas down your throat. Stick with what is written.

Ask Mr. Religion

&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If mankind must have scripture to be saved... then Jesus flat out lied when He spoke the words of John 5:39-40

Did Jesus Lie?

People thought scripture Saved! But Jesus said He Saved and many who “knew scripture” were damned because they refused to turn to Him.
You are missing the point of what is being taught here.

The Jews' tragic failure to grasp God’s truth was nowhere more clearly manifest than in their approach to the Scriptures. It was not that they were negligent of this magnificent deposit. Jesus himself acknowledges, You diligently study the Scriptures. The form of the verb for the translated diligently and the context demands the indicative. The Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day were undoubtedly diligent students of the Scriptures; they needed no exhortation along these lines.

But Jesus points out that their primary motivation in such diligent study was the hope of final acceptance by God: you think that by them you possess eternal life. The Jewish motivation was that the more study of the law, the more life, and that if a man gains for himself words of the law he has gained for himself life in the world to come.

By contrast, Our Lord insists that there is nothing intrinsically life-giving about studying the Scriptures, if one fails to discern their true content and purpose. These are the Scriptures, Jesus says, that testify about me. This is one of six passages in John’s Gospel where Scripture or some writer of Old Testament Scripture is said to speak or write of Christ (John 1:45; 2:22; 3:10; 5:45–46; 20:9). What is at stake is a comprehensive hermeneutical key. By predictive prophecy, by type, by revelatory event and by anticipatory statute, what we call the Old Testament is understood to point to Christ, his ministry, his teaching, his death and resurrection.

If therefore some of the Jews refuse to come to Jesus for life, that refusal constitutes evidence that they are not reading their Scriptures as they were meant to be read. Their “searching” in the Scriptures makes them deaf to Jesus’ word.

Jesus' message here in paraphrase is clear:

You are disciplined students of the Scriptures, because you think that in studying the Scriptures you have eternal life. Yes, the Scriptures do lead to eternal life. But they do so by leading people to Me. The Scriptures point to Me. How can you read these Scriptures and not believe in Me?

It is only from Scripture (not general revelation) that eternal life is possible for they all testify to the object of our faith: Jesus Christ.



New member
No one is brought into the Kingdom from natural revelation. Romans 1:21–32 shows what people do with natural revelation when left with no other word of God. They repress it, disobey it, exchange it for a lie, disvalue it, and honor those who rebel against it.

All fallen men need special revelation, Scripture, to correct their misinterperations of natural revelation. The existence of nonsense such as Isalm, Buddhism, New Age moonbeams, etc. testifies to man's misunderstandings of natrural revelation. Man needs of a saving promise, a promise that could never be deduced from natural revelation alone requires special revelation. Further, no fallen man is seeking after God, for they have all gone astray and are morally incapable (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 2:2; Eph. 2:4-5; Titus 3:5; John 3:19; Rom. 3:10-12; 5:6; 6:16-20; Eph. 2:1,3;1 Cor. 2:14).


Sure, I get your point but I'm not gonna argue scripture until we settle the character of God issue; is God good? By that I mean is He good for me?


Well-known member
I am a SINNER... AND JESUS saves me. A worthless wretch like me! He is perfect Love and I need Him! I don’t deserve His Love, but He Died for me to show me I Matter to Him!

If that’s a high hoarse... then look up and deal with it.

Happy hunting on that humility you’re spouting!

And where did you hear that particular truth?

I'll tell you, since you seem to have forgotten.

From the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD.....not from the trees whispering in your ear.


New member
Nonsense. When we preach the Gospel, we preach Jesus Christ. That's where a person hears about Him.

He is lifted up by the preaching of the CROSS.

I now dub thee, Fruit Loop of the Year. :first:

You sound like you sorta know scripture, so tell me; was there something before Christ?
Why would a man want the Gospel?


Well-known member
Lord knows I should have Marry Poppinsed out of here! I can’t begin to express how sick it makes me when Sonnet expressed the gospel arrested him when he understood All meant all and then AMR and Crew went on to try to disprove his faith!

Sonnet has doubts about scripture! Oh well! Jesus saves!

Little Sussie is a whore! Oh well! Jesus saves!

Little Johnny likes Cocaine... oh well... Jesus Saves!

Scientist Bob can’t believe in a young earth but is seeking Christ!

Oh well! Jesus Saves!

As Christians... Jesus armed us with the most powerful weapon against unbelief!

God authored ALL! God proved His Love for us with His LIFE... at our hands...

That’s nuclear TRUTH that cuts through all doubt!

Bring them HOME to Jesus and let theology screw them up later! Don’t drive them away before they can even taste the sweetness of Christ’s Love!

It’s that simple! God gave up everything and we need to turn the modern money changing tables over, grab the whips and leave nothing but a person’s own rejection of Jesus Christ’s Love to keep them away! Any other action on our part is a diagrace to Our Dear Jesus Christ who bled and died, was mocked and scourged, shamed and spat on... to show that He LOVES us!

How hard is that! That’s the Gospel!

And Evil Eye insists HE is the one to save Sonnet. Really? I'll give you that text again.

1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.​

Just what, in God's name, makes you think God won't use what Right Divider said, or what AMR says, or any of the other "crew"?

It's all YOU? You are the ONE with the word? :AMR:


You are missing the point of what is being taught here.

The Jews' tragic failure to grasp God’s truth was nowhere more clearly manifest than in their approach to the Scriptures. It was not that they were negligent of this magnificent deposit. Jesus himself acknowledges, You diligently study the Scriptures. The form of the verb for the translated diligently and the context demands the indicative. The Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day were undoubtedly diligent students of the Scriptures; they needed no exhortation along these lines.

But Jesus points out that their primary motivation in such diligent study was the hope of final acceptance by God: you think that by them you possess eternal life. The Jewish motivation was that the more study of the law, the more life, and that if a man gains for himself words of the law he has gained for himself life in the world to come.

By contrast, Our Lord insists that there is nothing intrinsically life-giving about studying the Scriptures, if one fails to discern their true content and purpose. These are the Scriptures, Jesus says, that testify about me. This is one of six passages in John’s Gospel where Scripture or some writer of Old Testament Scripture is said to speak or write of Christ (John 1:45; 2:22; 3:10; 5:45–46; 20:9). What is at stake is a comprehensive hermeneutical key. By predictive prophecy, by type, by revelatory event and by anticipatory statute, what we call the Old Testament is understood to point to Christ, his ministry, his teaching, his death and resurrection.

If therefore some of the Jews refuse to come to Jesus for life, that refusal constitutes evidence that they are not reading their Scriptures as they were meant to be read. Their “searching” in the Scriptures makes them deaf to Jesus’ word.

Jesus' message here in paraphrase is clear:

You are disciplined students of the Scriptures, because you think that in studying the Scriptures you have eternal life. Yes, the Scriptures do lead to eternal life. But they do so by leading people to Me. The Scriptures point to Me. How can you read these Scriptures and not believe in Me?

It is only from Scripture (not general revelation) that eternal life is possible for they all testify to the object of our faith: Jesus Christ.


I’m missing the point? Jesus is greater than Scripture and doesn’t need scripture to save and exist?!?

I’m missing the point?

We aren’t muslims that see God bound to a Book!

I’m missing the point!

This is the reason I flamed out!

This disgusts me!

Jesus DBR SAVES and is intended for ALL! Not all respond. End of story.

Salvation is in belief in Jesus and His finished work of Salvation!

To the Jews... it is acknowledging WHO HE IS.

Simple. No book needed!

Jesus Loves me this I know... thee freaking end! I would trash all my learning and cling to that simple song.

For the Bible tells me so... I could simply trust those words and they are apot on.

While all of you cram religion and textual proofing down Sonnet’s throat... He’s drowning in Doubt that Jesus specifically died for!

The worlds sin is “Unbelief”. The gospel is so simple! No degree needed! Jesus spoke in the common tongue to the common folk! He didn’t cram complexity down their throat!

What happened to these words???

1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel--not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Empty the cross of its power!

Ponder on that!

No simplicity is emptying the Cross of its POWER!


Interesting that you think that God is nowhere to be found except hidden in scripture. It's not my call to tell you where to find Him; however, if you don't seek Him, you will never find Him in scripture either.

The knowledge of God revealed in creation is sufficient to condemn but not sufficient to save.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
You sound like you sorta know scripture, so tell me; was there something before Christ?
Why would a man want the Gospel?

Before Christ came, man had the Law. But the Law couldn't give life, it could only condemn.

The wages of sin is death.

All men want eternal life. The Gift of God is eternal life. How do men receive that Gift?

Through the preaching of the Cross (Gospel). That's what all men desire. Do they not?


New member
Well, you'd do well to ask someone other than Evil Eye for advice.

He is too invested to offer you much of anything at this time.

I heard a brother say the other day that God's revelation is a matter of progression...or something like that. I'll have to look back, and see the exact word he used, because it was so true.

The word of God (Scripture) is living...truly living. A text I read forty years ago has taken on a fuller meaning over time. Many times over, in fact. We don't automatically have the whole of God's word revealed to us, any more than we grow to full height or age all at one time. We feed on the word daily, and the Holy Spirit is faithful to give us many "aha" moments.

Don't let the boys try to cram their ideas down your throat. Stick with what is written.

I don't understand why you are at issue with EE.

For those that never hear of or read scripture then, I presume, they would rely on direct communication with Godd...else, they are by, definition, non-elect.


And Evil Eye insists HE is the one to save Sonnet. Really? I'll give you that text again.

1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.​

Just what, in God's name, makes you think God won't use what Right Divider said, or what AMR says, or any of the other "crew"?

It's all YOU? You are the ONE with the word? :AMR:

Hey... you’re right. Nothing in God’s Name makes what I have to say valuable.

I know I am nothing before God and men, other than Jesus Loves me enough to die for me. I’m sorry if it looked like I thought anything I had to say was valuable. You know... I’m well aware that you’ll keep berating my every word I say that doesn’t agree with yours and I’m well aware you’ll have something sh1tty to say about this... but Honestly... I’ll do you all a favor and go forward with my initial plan...

Honestly... all my best to all of you and sorry I let you all down...

[MENTION=595]Knight[/MENTION] and [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] ...

Please delete Evil Eye and all associated accounts of my ISP origin...

Dark Matter
7 Spirits
James Dalton
Nameless in Grace

That should do it.

Honestly... I’m begging you to delete me from this site. I’m a burden here... and not a blessing. I appreciate all that this site is and wish all the very best.

This is for me and no one else... It is time I go for good...

Please delete my accounts... I’m begging you. All gratitude.

- Me
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