What is the Gospel?


I honestly see that God is far beyond scripture and I believe He put eternity into the hearts of men. But I’m usually so busy trying to stay grounded in connecting with as many as possible that I forget that scripture is so limited next to scriptures Author.

I can prove this in ONE verse!

John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.


New member
Now hear that; a cart pulling a horse.
How can anyone believe a Gospel without believing in a Gospel Giver firstly.

How can a man believe a sent Gospel if he believes it came from nowhere? Your own words refute your statement.

A man must believe in the one who sent the message before he can accept the message as truth.

You believe that God has some degree of 'communication' with all men irrespective of Scripture?
I think that you have also implied that scripture isn't flawless. Is that correct?

Ask Mr. Religion

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Interesting that you think that God is nowhere to be found except hidden in scripture. It's not my call to tell you where to find Him; however, if you don't seek Him, you will never find Him in scripture either.
No one is brought into the Kingdom from natural revelation. Romans 1:21–32 shows what people do with natural revelation when left with no other word of God. They repress it, disobey it, exchange it for a lie, disvalue it, and honor those who rebel against it.

All fallen men need special revelation, Scripture, to correct their misinterperations of natural revelation. The existence of nonsense such as Isalm, Buddhism, New Age moonbeams, etc. testifies to man's misunderstandings of natrural revelation. Man needs of a saving promise, a promise that could never be deduced from natural revelation alone requires special revelation. Further, no fallen man is seeking after God, for they have all gone astray and are morally incapable (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 2:2; Eph. 2:4-5; Titus 3:5; John 3:19; Rom. 3:10-12; 5:6; 6:16-20; Eph. 2:1,3;1 Cor. 2:14).



No one is brought into the Kingdom from natural revelation. Romans 1:21–32 shows what people do with natural revelation when left with no other word of God. They repress it, disobey it, exchange it for a lie, disvalue it, and honor those who rebel against it.

All fallen men need special revelation, Scripture, to correct their misinterperations of natural revelation. The existence of nonsense such as Isalm, Buddhism, New Age moonbeams, etc. testifies to man's misunderstandings of natrural revelation. Man needs of a saving promise, a promise that could never be deduced from natural revelation alone requires special revelation. Further, no fallen man is seeking after God, for they have all gone astray and are morally incapable (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 2:2; Eph. 2:4-5; Titus 3:5; John 3:19; Rom. 3:10-12; 5:6; 6:16-20; Eph. 2:1,3;1 Cor. 2:14).


If mankind must have scripture to be saved... then Jesus flat out lied when He spoke the words of John 5:39-40

Did Jesus Lie?

People thought scripture Saved! But Jesus said He Saved and many who “knew scripture” were damned because they refused to turn to Him.


Well-known member
John 5:39 ... God is before Scripture... not the other way around.

Seriously? That's how you interpret that verse?

You don't think it's important to see who the Lord is addressing, and what He is actually saying to them? What a shame. :nono:

Jesus was speaking to those who had perverted the word of God by their traditions...so intent on that were they that they missed seeing the scriptures spoke of Jesus Christ.

No, Evil Eye, you are preaching untruth right there, and you're doing so in order to prove yourself right. You need to rethink this stance you've taken. It's error.


Well-known member
I honestly see that God is far beyond scripture and I believe He put eternity into the hearts of men. But I’m usually so busy trying to stay grounded in connecting with as many as possible that I forget that scripture is so limited next to scriptures Author.

I can prove this in ONE verse!

John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

That verse does NOT claim we will hear of those things from some source outside the Scripture.


Seriously? That's how you interpret that verse?

You don't think it's important to see who the Lord is addressing, and what He is actually saying to them? What a shame. :nono:

Jesus was speaking to those who had perverted the word of God by their traditions...so intent on that were they that they missed seeing the scriptures spoke of Jesus Christ.

No, Evil Eye, you are preaching untruth right there, and you're doing so in order to prove yourself right. You need to rethink this stance you've taken. It's error.

Then why have me here if I’m a liar? If God needs a book to be known... then He isn’t that active is He?

If you seriously think people must have scripture to know God... then curse me a herritic and cast me down.

I Love Jesus Christ and only met Him when I was the furthest from scripture. Only after meeting Him did scripture make sense.


Well-known member
Now hear that; a cart pulling a horse.
How can anyone believe a Gospel without believing in a Gospel Giver firstly.

How can a man believe a sent Gospel if he believes it came from nowhere? Your own words refute your statement.

A man must believe in the one who sent the message before he can accept the message as truth.

Nonsense. When we preach the Gospel, we preach Jesus Christ. That's where a person hears about Him.

He is lifted up by the preaching of the CROSS.

I now dub thee, Fruit Loop of the Year. :first:


You're wrong, so I don't expect you to slap my back. It's you that needs sharpened. :)

Sonnet needs Jesus! Not scriptural understanding. I initially foresaw this, and wanted to avoid this fight...

But if you missed John 21:25... read it again. And... I always need sharpening! I’m a broken vessel in the potters hands. I welcome all challenge, rebuttal and counter perspective.

I care more about Sonnets Eternal fate than the BIBLE! You can take that to the bank!


Well-known member
Sonnet needs Jesus! Not scriptural understanding. I initially foresaw this, and wanted to avoid this fight...

But if you missed John 21:25... read it again. And... I always need sharpening! I’m a broken vessel in the potters hands. I welcome all challenge, rebuttal and counter perspective.

I care more about Sonnets Eternal fate than the BIBLE! You can take that to the bank!

Bull Crap. You care more about your own pride than you do Sonnet. You stuck your neck out, and now it needs to be overhauled.


Nonsense. When we preach the Gospel, we preach Jesus Christ. That's where a person hears about Him.

He is lifted up by the preaching of the CROSS.

I now dub thee, Fruit Loop of the Year. :first:

Really? So... BBK is ill for proclaiming Christ... beyond scripture?

BBK is a fruit loop for telling Sonnet He needs Jesus before scripture?

Do tell?!?


New member
Sonnet needs Jesus! Not scriptural understanding. I initially foresaw this, and wanted to avoid this fight...

But if you missed John 21:25... read it again. And... I always need sharpening! I’m a broken vessel in the potters hands. I welcome all challenge, rebuttal and counter perspective.

I care more about Sonnets Eternal fate than the BIBLE! You can take that to the bank!

Thanks 4ur concern.


Bull Crap. You care more about your own pride than you do Sonnet. You stuck your neck out, and now it needs to be overhauled.

My pride couldn’t be more gone. My life is shambles at this moment and I want Sonnet to trust Christ more than I need your approval or opinions...

If you want to call me prideful... have at it.

I know the direction I’m coming from and I saw this writing on the wall. I’m sorry you desire to step on BBK’s point or mine and you're full of hoarse hocky that Jesus needs scripture to speak to mankind!

He’s not dead, but alive and in Spirit... to all that will receive Him!


Well-known member
Then why have me here if I’m a liar? If God needs a book to be known... then He isn’t that active is He?

If you seriously think people must have scripture to know God... then curse me a herritic and cast me down.

I Love Jesus Christ and only met Him when I was the furthest from scripture. Only after meeting Him did scripture make sense.

I said you were preaching untruth. If you want to consider yourself a liar, then that's your call.

I don't happen to think your intent is to deceive, so I'll stick with my statement.

I don't believe your "testimony", however, if that's what that was. You're fixing your story to match your false claims. If your intent on that is to deceive, then I guess you are a liar.