What is the Gospel?


I've learned more during my time here than any other time in my life.

Even so I was in no way implying that one can't be reborn while hangin' out in the brick and mortar.

Not to be a know it all, but... I knew that. And... I always appreciate your words. If I didn’t... you would receive my blunt rebuke.

Again... sorry m8... I’ll imbibe the Golden good over ice with you any day ... or... straight up... and appreciate your perspective on God at the same time.

I still think you’re pretty darn cool, [MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] ...

And yet... I offer no apology with my stance towards Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
Sharpening swords........

Sharpening swords........

That’s quite enough...

You deny the Incarnation and glorify the idea that you are a God of sorts and replicate Jesus Christ... you are confusion where clarity is well present..

I will be at every corner if you pick this thread to attempt to derail with self focused, new age, Jesus Christless psycho babble...

In other words... every word of Disunity you speak will be reported and every knock on Jesus being the revealed and Effectual unification of God and Mankind ... from my perspective or [MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] ‘s will also be reported.


Perhaps we are over-reacting? :)

Zeke is but sharing the inner esoteric meaning of the 'kingdom' or 'Christ', on a purely allegorical, symbolic level. The kingdom is within, and the Spirit of God is within, no? All types, shadows, figures, archetypes, forms are subjectively interepreted, let alone the fact all religious writings can be translated from multiple perspectives, both literally and figuratively.

(multi layered, multi dimensional)

Zeke was citing 'scripture' and sharing his views in a 'figurative' manner.

As I noted earlier for Sonnet and all to consider,...Jesus own words, if you can believe them in the gospel narratives, emphasize the 'kingdom of heaven', the kingdom of 'God'. The kingdom by reflection is a spiritual one in essence, and naturally so, no matter how one projects the kingdom concept,....it is still the soul that is 'born from above', or 'born of the Spirit' that perceives or comes to know the things of the Spirit ('God').

The 'kingdom' message is closely related to the 'gospel' IMO.



Perhaps we are over-reacting? :)

Zeke is but sharing the inner esoteric meaning of the 'kingdom' or 'Christ', on a purely allegorical, symbolic level. The kingdom is within, and the Spirit of God is within, no? All types, shadows, figures, archetypes, forms are subjectively interepreted, let alone the fact all religious writings can be translated from multiple perspectives, both literally and figuratively.

(multi layered, multi dimensional)

Zeke was citing 'scripture' and sharing his views in a 'figurative' manner.

As I noted earlier for Sonnet and all to consider,...Jesus own words, if you can believe them in the gospel narratives, emphasize the 'kingdom of heaven', the kingdom of 'God'. The kingdom by reflection is a spiritual one in essence, and naturally so, no matter how one projects the kingdom concept,....it is still the soul that is 'born from above', or 'born of the Spirit' that perceives or comes to know the things of the Spirit ('God').

The 'kingdom' message is closely related to the 'gospel' IMO.

No Freelight...

Zeke “was” sewing discord and Disunity while accusing others of being with a spirit of Division. My shotgun is loaded and both barrels are itching to fire.

I would leave this one alone FL.

Zeke knew what he was saying and he got called on it.

All my best...



Warning in Spoiler...


Well-known member
Right... Spirit of Division... got it.. duplicity noted and rejection of John 5:39 observed...

That explains the confused nature of your words.


confusion is disregarding the substance of the spirit for flesh and blood symbology Galatians 4:24 used to teach concerning the building of the one and only temple of God, that has never dwelt in temples (OT patterns) made with hands that you would certainly object to even though unavoidable hints are buried in the dead letter Acts 17:24 1Cor 3:16 symbology is part of the creed you proclaim as historical and observable facts which is time based and finite truth which is the division between mortal and immortal minds we all are, except for the persona ruled by the mind that invented mans fear based exoteric god of reward and punishment, contrary to unconditional love that is made void by such egocentric confusion from mentally eating from the tree of good and evil where separation is the king and lord over both sides of that tree, truth has no owners nor does it respect persons and their version of some gospel that rode into time a few years back which denies the ever present now before time ever became involved in eternity a real gordian knot you have tied by teaching shadows as spiritual substance, its called chasing the wind when one searches for something they already have as a divine off spring Galatians 4:1.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
The observable theologian still drags the dead literal interpretation of the letter in his theories 2 Cor 3:6, John 1:17 a divisional separation that transcends duality is ignored in their half dead and awake creed which is a dead weight and yoke they can't mentally leave dead because fear honed to perfection by religious thorns that prey upon babes Galatians 4:1 are embedded in the fleshly minded world of outward based dogma Galatians 4:21-24 life and death is the only divide in scripture 2Cor 3:6 Hagar's sons Matt 11:11 John 1:17 whose mind is their god and is a stern task master and demanding teacher with severe condemnation for those who dare step inside the realm of liberty and freedom and listen to the still small voice Luke 17:20-21 that is invisible to the carnal worlds religions that are perversions of their intent which was about the inward trek visualized by story and type yet brought to life by the shadow keepers with no substance other than a god of the tree of good and evil a duality lesson until the sleeper awakes from the dead Luke 15:17 and dines on the spiritual manna embedded/asleep in all, those things are one in you Christ being a pattern like the tabernacle in the wilderness along with every temple made by hands, the gospel being a part of each divine seed lost in "observable" time/death Luke 15:32 Gen 33:4.
There is no tree of good and evil in the timeless now only you're awareness and the finite creations you mentally create by be lie eveing in them.


Next time you come to a stop sign, try ignoring it's dead literal interpretation.


Well-known member
I do not believe you wrote this. :nono:
Instead, I think you copied it from some obscure New-Age forum, or blog written by a half educated transcendentalist. You want to know what else I think? It is baloney!:mmph:

Assumptions abound why should you be an exception, you either except Luke 17:20-21 along with 2Cor 3:6 or you don't and it looks like you don't. To new age i guess.


Well-known member
the thing that is humorous is i know all will awake from the sleep of death that is the mortal mind fed by fear that likes to condemn anyone who doesn't except their version of what the spirit vs the letter says about life which has no beginning nor end unless you fall prey to finite fables that breed separatist sects like these good ole boy religions always do under pre programming that thankfully is going away, and kids will ask their parents did they really be lie eve that way.


the thing that is humorous is i know all will awake from the sleep of death that is the mortal mind fed by fear that likes to condemn anyone who doesn't except their version of what the spirit vs the letter says about life which has no beginning nor end unless you fall prey to finite fables that breed separatist sects like these good ole boy religions always do under pre programming that thankfully is going away, and kids will ask their parents did they really be lie eve that way.

[MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] ...

I see Zeke showing Zekes backside to everyone here to make his points that detract from the thread topic. I have attempted to communicate he chill and stop with the confusion and discord... but it seems to be continuing. Your call... and I totally understand whatever it is... but Zeke is sincerely detracting from this thread and spamming it with nonsense... discord and his genuine spirit of Division...


I guess my line of arguing is the only one holding strong here with Sonnetsky

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Lazy afternoon

I am a non-believer interested in knowing what the good news is. I ask because, in my experience, Christians do not seem to agree on the specifics. One might point to the issue of the scope of Christ's salvific provision as being particularly relevant.

If the Gospel isn't clearly defined then, surely, the non-believer may legitimately ask, 'Believe in what?'

The gospel is the good news concerning Jesus and how he has provided salvation to those desiring it.

Christ is not divided by the theories of men.

The testimony is one.



The gospel is the good news concerning Jesus and how he has provided salvation to those desiring it.

Christ is not divided by the theories of men.

The testimony is one.


Yes, it is so weird that too many Christians make it as if it is complicated.

Good example is this thread; they made it so long and it is far from done.


New member
Regarding this inherited inability to turn to God - what part does a person play in such an inheritance? One would assume man plays no part. Is that so?


New member
To be a diligent student of the life of the Messiah one has to study the gospels by parallel. A harmony of the gospels by A T Robertson is a good one.
The reason that this is imperative is because not all of the four writers document the same details.

In John chapter 10 Yeshua is following up on His sermon on the mount where He taught the righteous requirements of the Law of Moses in contradistinction with the Pharisees. The house built upon the sand was First Century Pharisaic Judaism and the house built upon the rock was the teachings of Yeshua.

Yeshua sends out the disciples with strict directions not to go to the Gentiles. They are not to go to the Gentiles because it is the Messianic Kingdom that is being offered to Israel. At this point Yeshua is not offering the cross yet.

That is the context when we take scripture literally. For the Calvinist this does not make sense because they are the spiritual Israel.

For the Mad group it fits but they are weak in their understanding of Messianic Christology and therefore can't argue this point as clearly as I can.

You will find it easiest to argue your reasoning against the reformed brothers. However, your premise here for your line of reasoning is based upon ignorance of the literal fulfillment of the Messianic Kingdom offer to Israel. Only when this is acknowledged can we move onto another line of objections.

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John 3:16 etc isn't an offer of salvation? Paul has the Gospel announced in advance:

Galatians 3
7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

I'm not quite following your reasoning intojoy.


New member
It's your OP, so you can follow whatever trail you'd like to, but your question was What is the Gospel? and that the Lord Jesus Christ is risen, is that.
1st Corinthians 15:4 (KJV) and 2nd Timothy 2:8 (KJV) .. Romans 10:9 (KJV) .. 1st Corinthians 15:14 (KJV)
"What is the Gospel?" is your question. And, why any Christian would fail to preach that He is risen, would be beyond me, but I don't see anybody not preaching that He is risen, no matter their theological persuasion, do you?

May I ask why you pass over verse 3 (of 1 Corinthians 15)?
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New member
I believe that some Calvinist believers are unable to admit that the elect were ever unsaved or lost. That is a theological inconsistency that weakens their line argument against you.
Bring it on home son, I'm waiting.

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Not sure I'd be able to make such a case.