What is the Gospel?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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It will take me a while to respond to your posts - just wondering where my sarcasm was? All I said was, 'This is the real Gospel according to you AMR,' which refers to your asserts that:

1. Post-fall-- able to sin -- not able to not sin
2...God's warrant to dispose of His creatures justly and pour out His mercy on a great amount no man can number...

I apologise if it seemed sarcastic. It certainly was not meant to be. Looking back over our previous encounters, then I will apologise for my rather hotheaded language.
You misunderstand the meaning of "gospel" if you think my clear statement of the moral condition of post-fall mankind is "the real gospel". This is nonsense and baiting. Why are you even asking about the gospel if you have such a flippant view of the topic?

Moral condition.

Apples and oranges.



Well-known member
Beyond the law and grace issues within the context of the NT, I would refer Sonnet to consider the teachings of Jesus himself first, then he can compare that with the teachings of Paul, and put together the narratives also in the book of Acts to discover for himself what the 'gospel' (good news) really is (it is a compound, not any one singular thing), and you will still find that the 'kingdom of God' is still foundational as that 'realm' or 'communion' of souls with God in community, whether in this world or any other world.

Do note as well, that when Jesus taught in the gospel of John of being 'born of the Spirit',...this was a teaching his disciples would have known, concerning the 'new birth' or being 'born from above',...so it would be a reality each recipient of the 'gospel' could accept AT THAT TIME of ministry, where souls awaken in the spirit and recognize they are sons and daughters of God, by spiritual regeneration or illumination (all the work of God's Spirit of course). This is the kingdom of God that all may enter into NOW, in the omnipresence of 'God'.

The good news includes our coming into sonship with God, realizing we are His offspring, then moving forward in that relationship and progressive evolution in the 'kingdom'.

Plus the kingdom being within Luke 17:20-21 and unobservable to the eyes of flesh shows the exoteric search is observable darkness like theology based in and on time which bypasses the eternal now that had no beginning. all dogma "choose one" and they all had a beginning and glean their creeds from times observable history be it scripture or the secular versions told by men they all have a past and future via ages/timepieces in the mortal minded, who read Acts 17:24 which shows the symbology in history/his story is symbolic Galatians 4:24 of every being with awareness of life which ends according to this world observational memes, more gleaning from the flesh instead of going within overriding the mortal mind/the god on mt sinai that accuses day and night a false mantra that bore the sin nature fallacy like eternal hell and other religious burdens that claim grace/DEVINE love they have yet to encounter, if so the divisional spirit they are programmed with would submit to truth instead of mental pride trying to rationalize absurdity that has trapped them in a lie concerning the nature of the One who loves all diversity that comes from that One source and called all of it good Gen 1:31 which makes it all what man calls God Luke 18:19


Plus the kingdom being within Luke 17:20-21 and unobservable to the eyes of flesh shows the exoteric search is observable darkness like theology based in and on time which bypasses the eternal now that had no beginning. all dogma "choose one" and they all had a beginning and glean their creeds from times observable history be it scripture or the secular versions told by men they all have a past and future via ages/timepieces in the mortal minded, who read Acts 17:24 which shows the symbology in history/his story is symbolic Galatians 4:24 of every being with awareness of life which ends according to this world observational memes, more gleaning from the flesh instead of going within overriding the mortal mind/the god on mt sinai that accuses day and night a false mantra that bore the sin nature fallacy like eternal hell and other religious burdens that claim grace/DEVINE love they have yet to encounter, if so the divisional spirit they are programmed with would submit to truth instead of mental pride trying to rationalize absurdity that has trapped them in a lie concerning the nature of the One who loves all diversity that comes from that One source and called all of it good Gen 1:31 which makes it all what man calls God Luke 18:19


Instead of being difficult with you... I’ll try to see what you are attempting to convey... without assuming I know. Could you please attach direct reference to the “they” you speak of that makes it clear who you are saying is “in darkness”?

You turn quite a paragraph... but it’s difficult to see past your generalizations and assumptions that the gospel isn’t for children.

In other words...


Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the sinless, bore our sin... out of Love and satisfied the penalty of our guilt by dying, being buried and rising from the grave?

What does John 5:39 mean to you?

Are you unity incarnate now to enunciate division?

When many here are stepping beyond their theological understanding and encouraging Sonnet towards Christ... Alone... why are you enunciating “division”?

Also, you speak of truth... Do you acknowledge that Truth has a Name and is personified as the “Only” Truth?

Is there anything higher than “The Truth”... Zeke?


Active member
This is the Gospel:

Ro 10:9 Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation.

1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. {keep...: or, hold fast} {what: Gr. by what speech}
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.
8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. {one...: or, an abortive}


I occasionally have this nagging suspicion you have been born anew, but are just struggling with what exactly happened to explain how you got to the place you are now. If so, take up your cross, feed your faith and starve your doubts by not neglecting daily Scripture study, rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:12), fellowship with other believers, keeping good stewardship of the secular and spiritual gifts God has given you—including how and where your time is being spent—and with regular assembly with others to worship God, receive instruction, access the ordinary means of grace, and be subject to discipline. In time it may all just start to fall together and make sense to you.


And why wouldn’t you... (Big Grin)


For me, the Gospel becomes powerful, arresting and attention grabbing when it claims that someone (Jesus) died for me (and, of course, everyone else); my (our, everyone's) greatest fear (death) defeated by a man/God through love (Romans 5:8). The idea of Jesus rising in victory over death does resonant deeply...

That “arresting” statement sure seems revealing...

In the end... God will have the final say about how it all wraps up... so... the added ponderings based on the ology of it all... are inferior to the response I agree with you that Sonnet is being drawn towards...

- EE :e4e:


Well-known member
The observable theologian still drags the dead literal interpretation of the letter in his theories 2 Cor 3:6, John 1:17 a divisional separation that transcends duality is ignored in their half dead and awake creed which is a dead weight and yoke they can't mentally leave dead because fear honed to perfection by religious thorns that prey upon babes Galatians 4:1 are embedded in the fleshly minded world of outward based dogma Galatians 4:21-24 life and death is the only divide in scripture 2Cor 3:6 Hagar's sons Matt 11:11 John 1:17 whose mind is their god and is a stern task master and demanding teacher with severe condemnation for those who dare step inside the realm of liberty and freedom and listen to the still small voice Luke 17:20-21 that is invisible to the carnal worlds religions that are perversions of their intent which was about the inward trek visualized by story and type yet brought to life by the shadow keepers with no substance other than a god of the tree of good and evil a duality lesson until the sleeper awakes from the dead Luke 15:17 and dines on the spiritual manna embedded/asleep in all, those things are one in you Christ being a pattern like the tabernacle in the wilderness along with every temple made by hands, the gospel being a part of each divine seed lost in "observable" time/death Luke 15:32 Gen 33:4.
There is no tree of good and evil in the timeless now only you're awareness and the finite creations you mentally create by be lie eveing in them.


Well-known member

Instead of being difficult with you... I’ll try to see what you are attempting to convey... without assuming I know. Could you please attach direct reference to the “they” you speak of that makes it clear who you are saying is “in darkness”?

You turn quite a paragraph... but it’s difficult to see past your generalizations and assumptions that the gospel isn’t for children.

In other words...


Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the sinless, bore our sin... out of Love and satisfied the penalty of our guilt by dying, being buried and rising from the grave?

What does John 5:39 mean to you?

Are you unity incarnate now to enunciate division?

When many here are stepping beyond their theological understanding and encouraging Sonnet towards Christ... Alone... why are you enunciating “division”?

Also, you speak of truth... Do you acknowledge that Truth has a Name and is personified as the “Only” Truth?

Is there anything higher than “The Truth”... Zeke?

From our past interactions and the kingdom within mantra that is weaved through out my post, the they are obviously those who look for another to come outwardly which is based on a visible search in tme which is the realm of death, so it would include you so now you can do what ever you're observable creed deems you need to re-spawned with.


Literal lunatic
The observable theologian still drags the dead literal interpretation of the letter in his theories 2 Cor 3:6, John 1:17 a divisional separation that transcends duality is ignored in their half dead and awake creed which is a dead weight and yoke they can't mentally leave dead because fear honed to perfection by religious thorns that prey upon babes Galatians 4:1 are embedded in the fleshly minded world of outward based dogma Galatians 4:21-24 life and death is the only divide in scripture 2Cor 3:6 Hagar's sons Matt 11:11 John 1:17 whose mind is their god and is a stern task master and demanding teacher with severe condemnation for those who dare step inside the realm of liberty and freedom and listen to the still small voice Luke 17:20-21 that is invisible to the carnal worlds religions that are perversions of their intent which was about the inward trek visualized by story and type yet brought to life by the shadow keepers with no substance other than a god of the tree of good and evil a duality lesson until the sleeper awakes from the dead Luke 15:17 and dines on the spiritual manna embedded/asleep in all, those things are one in you Christ being a pattern like the tabernacle in the wilderness along with every temple made by hands, the gospel being a part of each divine seed lost in "observable" time/death Luke 15:32 Gen 3:4.
There is no tree of good and evil in the timeless now only you're awareness and the finite creations you mentally create by be lie eveing in them.

Yeah, I'm not buying in to AMR's idea Sonnet needs to get into a church either.


From our past interactions and the kingdom within mantra that is weaved through out my post, the they are obviously those who look for another to come outwardly which is based on a visible search in tme which is the realm of death, so it would include you so now you can do what ever you're observable creed deems you need to re-spawned with.

Right... Spirit of Division... got it.. duplicity noted and rejection of John 5:39 observed...

That explains the confused nature of your words.



Yeah, I'm not buying in to AMR's idea Sonnet needs to get into a church either.

AMR is making a suggestion. I haven’t been to the brick and mortar for years now... but it is a viable offering and it’s not like Sonnet is one to be forced into anything.

Be weary those that point out division and thus bring it where unity is present.

1mind1spirit is present... do we now divide by the words of Zeke that are laced with discord and judgment?


From our past interactions and the kingdom within mantra that is weaved through out my post, the they are obviously those who look for another to come outwardly which is based on a visible search in tme which is the realm of death, so it would include you so now you can do what ever you're observable creed deems you need to re-spawned with.

Sincerely... I’m not hiding this... I reported your presence here and cited this...

“Denying the physical Incarnation of God and bringing about Disunity on a thread many are seeking to focus on Jesus... Beyond their theological Understandings...”

You are free to verify it in the wood shed.

And... cloaking your bringing of Division by claiming to see the divided is well exposed as your spirit of Division.

No punches pulled Zeke. That’s the facts.


Literal lunatic
AMR is making a suggestion. I haven’t been to the brick and mortar for years now... but it is a viable offering and it’s not like Sonnet is one to be forced into anything.

Be weary those that point out division and thus bring it where unity is present.

1mind1spirit is present... do we now divide by the words of Zeke that are laced with discord and judgment?


But AMR did advance his suggestion as the next most logical step.

I don't agree.


The observable theologian still drags the dead literal interpretation of the letter in his theories 2 Cor 3:6, John 1:17 a divisional separation that transcends duality is ignored in their half dead and awake creed which is a dead weight and yoke they can't mentally leave dead because fear honed to perfection by religious thorns that prey upon babes Galatians 4:1 are embedded in the fleshly minded world of outward based dogma Galatians 4:21-24 life and death is the only divide in scripture 2Cor 3:6 Hagar's sons Matt 11:11 John 1:17 whose mind is their god and is a stern task master and demanding teacher with severe condemnation for those who dare step inside the realm of liberty and freedom and listen to the still small voice Luke 17:20-21 that is invisible to the carnal worlds religions that are perversions of their intent which was about the inward trek visualized by story and type yet brought to life by the shadow keepers with no substance other than a god of the tree of good and evil a duality lesson until the sleeper awakes from the dead Luke 15:17 and dines on the spiritual manna embedded/asleep in all, those things are one in you Christ being a pattern like the tabernacle in the wilderness along with every temple made by hands, the gospel being a part of each divine seed lost in "observable" time/death Luke 15:32 Gen 33:4.
There is no tree of good and evil in the timeless now only you're awareness and the finite creations you mentally create by be lie eveing in them.

That’s quite enough...

You deny the Incarnation and glorify the idea that you are a God of sorts and replicate Jesus Christ... you are confusion where clarity is well present..

I will be at every corner if you pick this thread to attempt to derail with self focused, new age, Jesus Christless psycho babble...

In other words... every word of Disunity you speak will be reported and every knock on Jesus being the revealed and Effectual unification of God and Mankind ... from my perspective or [MENTION=15579]1Mind1Spirit[/MENTION] ‘s will also be reported.


Literal lunatic
Sincerely... I’m not hiding this... I reported your presence here and cited this...

“Denying the physical Incarnation of God and bringing about Disunity on a thread many are seeking to focus on Jesus... Beyond their theological Understandings...”

You are free to verify it in the wood shed.

And... cloaking your bringing of Division by claiming to see the divided is well exposed as your spirit of Division.

No punches pulled Zeke. That’s the facts.

Vanity bro.

I don't go along with every argument you present to make Jesus God either.

Might as well put me in the woodshed too.

OH OK.... I see yer a gunna. :chuckle:



But AMR did advance his suggestion as the next most logical step.

I don't agree.

Fair... I also see much brick and mortar as possibly ineffective and even spirituality stunting for Sonnet... thus I understand your stance.

I also see AMR’s stance and the validity in it as well. If God has a Spiritual gathering of fellowship in mind for Sonnet... He will lead him there... or... perhaps he’s found it here...

You are both my friends and I see wisdom in both of your stances...


Vanity bro.

I don't go along with every argument you present to make Jesus God either.

Might as well put me in the woodshed too.

Have I called you plunged in darkness or have you done so to me? No. You bring unity, where Zeke brings confusion and Division.

You are not Zeke and I understand you standing up for him... but Division in his words is my main reason... the other is Zekes mocking of Christ’s promised physical return.


Sorry m8... I’m still cool with you...

As for Zeke... 2nd Peter 3:4 They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”

And... is it all not “vanity” under the sun... according to Solomon... :chuckle:


From our past interactions and the kingdom within mantra that is weaved through out my post, the they are obviously those who look for another to come outwardly which is based on a visible search in tme which is the realm of death, so it would include you so now you can do what ever you're observable creed deems you need to re-spawned with.

To be direct... you talked of a Spirit of Division and I offered you a unity branch with John 5:39.

Seeing as you met your own charge... I’m comfortable that the duplicity in your words is apparent.

I’ll just say this once... This isn’t the thread for vauge snarkyness and hollow accusations. Find unity or fall under your own sword that you forged in red letters earlier.

You hath been “re-spawnded” to.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Plus the kingdom being within Luke 17:20-21 and unobservable to the eyes of flesh shows the exoteric search is observable darkness like theology based in and on time which bypasses the eternal now that had no beginning. all dogma "choose one" and they all had a beginning and glean their creeds from times observable history be it scripture or the secular versions told by men they all have a past and future via ages/timepieces in the mortal minded, who read Acts 17:24 which shows the symbology in history/his story is symbolic Galatians 4:24 of every being with awareness of life which ends according to this world observational memes, more gleaning from the flesh instead of going within overriding the mortal mind/the god on mt sinai that accuses day and night a false mantra that bore the sin nature fallacy like eternal hell and other religious burdens that claim grace/DEVINE love they have yet to encounter, if so the divisional spirit they are programmed with would submit to truth instead of mental pride trying to rationalize absurdity that has trapped them in a lie concerning the nature of the One who loves all diversity that comes from that One source and called all of it good Gen 1:31 which makes it all what man calls God Luke 18:19
I do not believe you wrote this. :nono:
Instead, I think you copied it from some obscure New-Age forum, or blog written by a half educated transcendentalist. You want to know what else I think? It is baloney!:mmph:


Literal lunatic
Fair... I also see much brick and mortar as possibly ineffective and even spirituality stunting for Sonnet... thus I understand your stance.

I also see AMR’s stance and the validity in it as well. If God has a Spiritual gathering of fellowship in mind for Sonnet... He will lead him there... or... perhaps he’s found it here...

You are both my friends and I see wisdom in both of your stances...

I've learned more during my time here than any other time in my life.

Even so I was in no way implying that one can't be reborn or learn while hangin' out in the brick and mortar.