What is the Gospel?


Well-known member
Yes, as you put it earlier, there are those who believe everything before the Cross yet they don't believe exactly what The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross. They also do not believe what happened AFTER the Cross. :noway:
And there are those who don't see that the cross is the cross that Christ bore, and it is the same cross that we have to take up to truly follow him.


Well-known member
wow, you are agreeing with the one who have been belittleintg and insulting me with the help of others.

Just amazing. Here I thought you were much more mature than me, and go down to that level.

Was that so hurtful for me to disagree with you?

I didn't know you were so sensitive.

I apologize.

Meshak if you read it again, said that I agree with what daqq said regarding God's word and I do.

And I can't be sensitive, there's no room for that here, people have to understand that once we speak the truth, we will be verbally abused and treated as nothing, as Jesus said we would. But we are to forgive and leave it in God's hands. If we become too sensitive then we start to feel sorry for ourselves and bicker like children in school.

We are to partake in the sufferings of Christ, and part of that is to take abuse but still show the truth in love, mercy and forgiveness.

If we have faith, then God will give us the words we need to speak when we need them. And he will judge all of us including myself.


Well-known member
Galatians 2:7 But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;​

Paul refers to "my gospel". Have you ever noticed that?
That just means that Paul was to preach the gospel mainly to the gentiles and Peter was preaching the gospel to mainly the Jews, it doesn't mean they are different gospels. There is only one gospel, the gospel of God as preached by Jesus Christ.

Just one gospel, and Paul was a minister of that gospel that Jesus sent out all his apostles including at a later date Paul, for it to be preached to every creature.

First the gospel given to the 11 apostles

Mark 16

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

And then the same gospel given to Paul

Colossians 1

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister


Meshak if you read it again, said that I agree with what daqq said regarding God's word and I do.

Of course I know you and daqq both disagree with my point.

Have you been reading daqq and my bickering?

Have you noticed he is enjoying mocking and belittling me with others help?

Have you noticed his super sensitive attitude?

It seems clear to me daqq is showing the same kind of characteristic like GT.

I thought you were supersensitive too but I withheld my tongue because I haven't seen you joining the people who are having bashing party.

But you just lost my esteem for you. You just joined the worldly vengeful party.

I have been striving to be fair in my criticism of others. Even when I don't agree with everything they claim.

I have been giving all of them pos reps if they make sense.

You see, I have many difference of claims with LA and oatmeal, they voice them yet they don't join in bashing party.

But they don't go down to the level of those self righteous ones.

You, daqq and GT are showing the same kind of characteristic of supersencitiveness.

It is not such a mature Christian thing to do, IMO.

You already expressed the reasons why you don't agree with me and I accepted it.

But you wanted to go on and on with me. And you continued the same claim with daqq who has been vengeful to me.

You have been claiming that we can overcome our worldliness with God's help.

And you don't seem to believe no one can overcome our imperfection even with God's help.

We get hurt and easily offended like all of us exhibited.

I have been stating the same thing over and over yet you sill claiming we can overcome our worldliness.

In the forum like this there is going to be nasty exchange of mud slinging.

You wont join directly by what you are doing is passive aggressiveness because your pride got hurt by disagreement with you. and indirectly you are joining the bashing party.

If our criticism is not fair and being hypocritical, Jesus will not miss it and we will be in deep trouble with Him. Just remember, I said "we".

I never claim to be faithful, sinless nor saved. It is because our criticism can be easily subjective.

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All of us are imperfect, that's why I say we can't be perfect and sinless even with God's help.

But I believe God is merciful. I am hoping God be merciful to me so He wipe away my sinfulness.

I believe if we don't admit we cannot overcome imperfection which is worldliness by ourselves, we will be in trouble with God.

I know you don't agree with this either and you want go on and on.

I will not rehash what we already discussed.

thanks and blessings.


New member
Why won't you believe what Jesus says?

Jesus isn't going to say it is okay for his kingdom to be divided.

If you haven't learned that much from your videos, then why would I watch them?

Here, a shorter, much more to the point video study on the Three-Fold Bible Study Principle followed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2.

That right there is exactly why you and I see things so differently.


In memory of Rom. 5:6-8.


Well-known member
Of course I know you and daqq both disagree with my point.

Have you been reading daqq and my bickering?

Have you noticed he is enjoying mocking and belittling me with others help?

Have you noticed his super sensitive attitude?

It seems clear to me daqq is showing the same kind of characteristic like GT.

I thought you were supersensitive too but I withheld my tongue because I haven't seen you joining the people who are having bashing party.

But you just lost my esteem for you. You just joined the worldly vengeful party.

I have been striving to be fair in my criticism of others. Even when I don't agree with everything they claim.

I have been giving all of them pos reps if they make sense.

You see, I have many difference of claims with LA and oatmeal, they voice them yet they don't join in bashing party.

But they don't go down to the level of those self righteous ones.

You, daqq and GT are showing the same kind of characteristic of supersencitiveness.

It is not such a mature Christian thing to do, IMO.

You already expressed the reasons why you don't agree with me and I accepted it.

But you wanted to go on and on with me. And you continued the same claim with daqq who has been vengeful to me.

You have been claiming that we can overcome our worldliness with God's help.

And you don't seem to believe no one can overcome our imperfection even with God's help.

We get hurt and easily offended like all of us exhibited.

I have been stating the same thing over and over yet you sill claiming we can overcome our worldliness.

In the forum like this there is going to be nasty exchange of mud slinging.

You wont join directly by what you are doing is passive aggressiveness because your pride got hurt by disagreement with you. and indirectly you are joining the bashing party.

If our criticism is not fair and being hypocritical, Jesus will not miss it and we will be in deep trouble with Him. Just remember, I said "we".

I never claim to be faithful, sinless nor saved. It is because our criticism can be easily subjective.

To be honest Meshak, I haven't got a clue what you are talking about, I'm not sure what I've said to upset you, I was agreeing with daqq regarding the things he said about God, how that's against you I'll never know.

God's Truth

New member
Here, a shorter, much more to the point video study on the Three-Fold Bible Study Principle followed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2.

That right there is exactly why you and I see things so differently.


In memory of Rom. 5:6-8.

Why don't you just tell me the main points here, or have that guy in the video come here and debate?
You don't even know that the works that no longer save are the ceremonial works. You don't know Paul was not saying no longer do you have to obey. Paul was saying no longer do you have to clean yourself by doing the ceremonial works, like getting circumcised and sacrificing animals.

You don't know enough about the word of God and you do not rightly divide. If that man in the video has your beliefs, then he does not know how to rightly divide either. You both are followers of false teachers who did not rightly divide.


To be honest Meshak, I haven't got a clue what you are talking about, I'm not sure what I've said to upset you, I was agreeing with daqq regarding the things he said about God, how that's against you I'll never know.

never mind.


I just deleted recent worldly comments of mine. Boy it was tons.


Well-known member
never mind.


I just deleted recent worldly comments of mine. Boy it was tons.
Meshak if I offended you I'm sorry, i think sometimes I must come across differently to what I actually mean.

Always tell me so that I can either explain myself and what I mean or so that I can put it right.

I get a bit carried away too sometimes, I'll have to be careful not to go on too much too. :)


New member
Why don't you just tell me the main points here, or have that guy in the video come here and debate?
You don't even know that the works that no longer save are the ceremonial works. You don't know Paul was not saying no longer do you have to obey. Paul was saying no longer do you have to clean yourself by doing the ceremonial works, like getting circumcised and sacrificing animals.

You don't know enough about the word of God and you do not rightly divide. If that man in the video has your beliefs, then he does not know how to rightly divide either. You both are followers of false teachers who did not rightly divide.

If like Marhig, you are so dishonest that you are not willing to invest some time in hearing out another's study approach, all the while expecting them to hear you out, you'll have to find someone else to cater to your double-standard.

In short, good luck with that.

Rom. 5:6-8 (which you also screw up the understanding of).

God's Truth

New member
If like Marhig, you are so dishonest that you are not willing to invest some time in hearing out another's study approach, all the while expecting them to hear you out, you'll have to find someone else to cater to your double-standard.

In short, good luck with that.

Rom. 5:6-8 (which you also screw up the understanding of).

You are the one being dishonest.

Post the main points here or have that man come here to debate.


Well-known member
I assume you are speaking of 1Cor 15:11 where Paul says, "thus we preach"? (or "so we preach" or something along those lines). If so it is pretty clear that when he says "we" he speaks of himself and the other apostles. If in this passage, by his usage of graphe, he does not mean "Scriptures", (as in the Tanach), but rather simply means "writings", then the whole passage comes perfectly into view, (for those willing to see it), for he speaks not of prophecies in the Tanach concerning Messiah herein but rather speaks concerning the Good News or Gospel histories which were already being circulated, (I know that mainstream Christianity, and especially the hard-core grace minded Paulines, will fight what I say tooth and nail here: but he went up to learn the "historie(s)" from Kephas according to Gal 1:18 and yet only needed to spend fifteen days going over what he received, (because what he received were written documents, writings, "graphas", which he could take and walk through with Messiah on his own)). Look at what comes just before this section in the previous chapter:

1 Corinthians 14:36 - 15:11
36 What? was it from you that the Word of Elohim went forth? or unto you alone did he come?
37 If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let the same recognize the things I write to you, that they are the commandments of the Master.
38 But if anyone is ignorant,
[or ignores] let him be ignorant.
39 Wherefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and forbid not to speak in foreign tongues.
40 But let all things be done decently and in order.
01 Now I declare to you, brethren, the Good News which I preached to you, which also you received, in which you also stand:
02 By which you also are being delivered, if you hold firmly the word which I preached to you--unless you believed in vain.
03 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received:
[Gal 1:18] that Messiah died for our sins according to the writings:
04 And that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the writings:
05 And that he appeared to Kephas, then to the twelve.
06 Then he appeared to over five hundred brethren upon one occasion, most of whom remain until now, but some have also fallen asleep.
07 Then he appeared to Yakob, then to all the apostles:
08 And last of all, as if a miscarriage, he appeared to me also:
09 For I am the least of the apostles, who is not worthy to be called an apostle, for that I persecuted the congregation of Elohim.
10 But I am what I am by the grace of Elohim: His grace which was bestowed on me was not futile, but I labored the more-abundantly-so than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of Elohim which was together-with me.
11 Whether then it is I or they,
[the other apostles] thus we preach, and thus you believed.

This does seem to imply that the time of the resurrection (ie the third day) was revealed in the the OT...though, no doubt, not explicit.

Originally Posted by daqq
Yeah, but that does not say what Paul says in 1Cor 15:4 and you will not find anything that does....

What say you daqq?

I say that Paul says the same in the following passage as he says in 1Cor 15:3, "For I received of the Master that which I ALSO DELIVERED UNTO YOU", and in this passage he is quoting from the Gospel of Luke:

1 Corinthians 11:23-24 ASV
23 For I received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed took bread;
24 and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, This is my body, which is for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 In like manner also the cup, after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood: this do, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

So as I said, and have shown from internal evidence within Paul's own writings, (and there are many more evidences despite what Danoh, the MADists, and the hyper-Dispensationists would like us to believe), Paul had in his possession one or more of the Gospel accounts and was circulating what he had along with the Acts 15 letter to all the congregations where he went, and no doubt including the Galatians, as evidenced in what has already been posted from that epistle, (which evidence Danoh has now twice ignored). The above passage is irrefutable: Paul says he had already delivered this to the Corinthians and then quotes from the Gospel of Luke, (Luke 22:19,20). Moreover, as for what I said about parchments and lambskins, (and how expensive they would have been in those days), the parchments would have been the "master-copies" of whatever Paul was handing out to the congregations. The parchment-scroll, (the skins), would have likely been copied to papyrus and handed out to each congregation where Paul went. Thus Paul would likely need one such as Leukos "the White", (a "physician" or doctor of the law, as well as being a scribe), traveling with him to make copies from the parchment-lambskin-scrolls onto papyrus, (2Tim 4:13, "parchments" = "μεμβρανας" (plural) = "μεμβρανα" (singular), membrane, "a (written) sheepskin").


If like Marhig, you are so dishonest that you are not willing to invest some time in hearing out another's study approach,

Why is it dishonest just because they don't use your method of studying the Bible?

It seems you are offended because they don't take your advice.


New member
You sure are pushing that video. Are you getting a cut, or do you just want everyone to be like you? :think:

Would that all followed the Apostle Paul's Time Line approach to the Scripture described there in Ephesians 2's "Time Past" "But Now" "Ages to Come" turned into a study approach in that video.

"Wherefore remember that ye...Gentiles" - Paul's Three-Fold Time Line Principle there was laid out to us.

My intent by posting that video is a study much fuller in resulting overall picture than the soundbyte approach here and there often allows - one also not easily interrupted by all sorts of posters and ideas, unless one is simply inclined to with one's own.

How is that a bad thing?

I'm simply being instant in season, out of season in my repeated encouraging of others to at least consider hearing out the very Basis of Mid-Acts.

Thus far, there have been no takers.

Which just shows each time what Mid-Acts is up against, in so many on here who claim to go "by the Word" but apparently do not go by another Three-Fold Study Principle also crystal clear obvious in the Scripture - this one here...

Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that (1) they received the word with all readiness of mind, and (2) searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 17:12 (and 3) Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.

Still, whether some or none respond, it matters not; the doing of a right thing in the Lord, is ever its own reward.

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Rom. 14:5; Rom. 5:6-11.