TRUMP'S VERBAL BULLYING: 1. Why does he do it? 2. Why do we tolerate it?


Hall of Fame
Tell that to The Donald. He can't get past the election, loves those rallies with his base.

Ah, don't forget that tales of his hugggeee crowd size at his inauguration and how he really won the popular vote because 3 - 5 million voted illegal in California. What an imagination!


"The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List - F"


Fox News (News organization)
“How many times can the same people ask the same question?”, “totally biased and disgusting reporting”, “in the bag!”, “clown announcers”, “so biased it is disgusting”, “only puts negative people on”, “Biased - a total joke!”, “the only network that does not even mention my very successful event last night”, “childishly written & taunting PR statement”, “The statement put out yesterday by @FoxNews was a disgrace to good broadcasting and journalism”, “without me they'd have no ratings!”, “pathetic”, “treats me so badly”, “not fair”, “Why doesn't @FoxNews quote the new Iowa @CNN Poll where I have a 33% to 20% lead over Ted Cruz and all others. Think about it!”, “has been treating me very unfairly”, “other networks seem to treat me so much better than Fox News”, “only Fox News is consistantly fighting the Trump win”, “should be ashamed of yourself”, “not very good or professional”

Forbes Magazine
- “failed magazine”, “circulation way down”, “failing”, “failing”

Fortune Magazine
- “few people know that Fortune Magazine is still in business”

The Fox News debate (Republican presidential debate in wich Trump chose not to participate)
- “failed, poorly rated”, “The 'debate' tonight will be a total disaster”

Fox News polls (Polling group)
- “another phony hit job on me”

Carly Fiorina (Former business executive)
- “a V.P. candidate who failed badly”, “a running mate who was unable to catch on in her own failed campaign”, “campaign is dead”, “failing campaign”, “terrible at business”, “did such a horrible job”, “if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache”, “has zero chance”

Jeff Flake (United States senator)
- “Really sad”, “a very weak and ineffective Senator”, “Sad!”, “weak”

F.B.I. (Domestic intelligence agency and security service)
- “totally unable to stop the national security 'leakers'”

The Freedom Caucus (conservative House Republican caucus)
- “will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team”, “was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory”

The first 100 days of a presidency
- “ridiculous standard”


Trump supporters may think that tweeting personal insults at the media is acting presidential, but Republican politicians are decidedly uncomfortable when asked for their response and continue distancing themselves from a President whom they see as an total "embarrassment!"
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Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

I heard poorly rated [MENTION=229]morning[/MENTION]_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

5:52 AM - 29 Jun 2017

Donald J. Trump
✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!

8:58 AM - 29 Jun 2017

"The Donald's" sanity is steadily slipping over the edge and sooner, rather than later, the Vice President and the House Speaker will be forced to step in to save the country (not to mention the Republican Party and their political careers) before he spirals totally out of control!

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patrick jane

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

I heard poorly rated @morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

5:52 AM - 29 Jun 2017
"The Donald" is gradually slipping over the edge and sooner, rather than later, the Vice President and the House Speaker will be forced to step in to save America (not to mention their political careers) before this spirals totally out of control![/QUOTE]



Hall of Fame
"The Donald" is gradually slipping over the edge and sooner, rather than later, the Vice President and the House Speaker will be forced to step in to save the country (not to mention their political careers) before he spirals totally out of control!

Seriously, as long as the GOP doesn't fear they will lose control of the House and Senate, they will continue to support His Wretchedness no matter what he does.

patrick jane

Seriously, as long as the GOP doesn't fear they will lose control of the House and Senate, they will continue to support His Wretchedness no matter what he does.
It's better to separate Trump's previous life with his Presidential life, he's done nothing "wretched" since becoming President




Which Trump does "patrick jane" support - the one who opposed cuts to Medicaid and healthcare cuts


the Trump that supports the Republicans shifting the cost of Medicaid to he states, and cut $800 billion from heathcare, so the send richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, can receive an annual $680 000 tax cut (that he doesn't need nor want)?

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Well-known member
Why do you (I am not an American) tolerate Mr. Trump's bullying? I suspect most of you don't, since most of you did not vote for him. But clearly a sizable fraction of American citizens like this sort of stuff. I politely suggests this does not speak well of their character - taking pleasure in seeing the President flame people they don't like, and in the process degrading the dignity of the office. As Mr. Trump himself has implied - he can do almost anything and his supporters will engage in the most awkward machinations and histrionics to justify his absurd behavior. This, not the man himself, is the frightening thing here: tens of millions of voting citizens with impaired faculties of judgement. And impaired they most certainly are - there is really no way to argue that Mr. Trump is not an embarrassing caricature. But take heart - he is more than 10 % of the way through his first, and hopefully last, term as your President.

patrick jane

[MENTION=7966]Rusha[/MENTION] quit talking to me, probably because I remind her of Trump. A total leftist move - If you can't win, ignore


Which Trump does "patrick jane" support - the one who opposed cuts to Medicaid and healthcare cuts


the Trump that supports the Republicans shifting the cost of Medicaid to he states, and cut $800 billion from heathcare, so the send richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, can receive an annual $680 000 tax cut (that he doesn't need nor want)?


Notice that "Patrick jane" choses to ignore my question because apparently he has no guiding principles of his own, beyond supporting whatever Trump happens to blurt out/tweet at any given time - conveniently ignoring the fact that they are often contradictory!

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patrick jane


Notice that "Patrick jane" choses to ignore my question because apparently he has no guiding principles of his own, beyond supporting whatever Trump happens to blurt out/tweet at any given time - conveniently ignoring the fact that they are often contradictory!

Trump opposed those things. He is not the legislature, so he can't write the laws. I like the Trump that's getting things done !!! :thumb:


Trump opposed those things. He is not the legislature, so he can't write the laws. I like the Trump that's getting things done !!! :thumb:

Trump opposed those things.

He is not the legislature, so he can't write the laws.

I like the Trump that's getting things done !!!


1. It was "The Donald" who invited House Republicans to the White House Rose Garden to celebrate passing healthcare legislation
- that was crafted in secret,
- held no public meetings,
- failed to consult the major stakeholders,
- had no Congressional Budget Office score and
- had the approval of only 17% of the public!

2 In his speech to House Republicans, President Trumup is on he record referring to it as a "great bill" and that the Senate could make it even better!

3. Later he referred to the bill as "mean" - a comment that House Republicans have not forgotten!

4. Mitch McConnell rebuked the White House as "beyond stupid" for encouraging one of its "PACs" to air negative ads targeting a Nevada Republican Senator who, after consulting with his governor, refused to support "Trumpcare!"

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seriously, as long as the GOP doesn't fear they will lose control of the House and Senate, they will continue to support His Wretchedness no matter what he does.

but they are not supporting him, in fact, many Republicans are sick of him. Too juvenile.

patrick jane

Why do you (I am not an American) tolerate Mr. Trump's bullying? I suspect most of you don't, since most of you did not vote for him. But clearly a sizable fraction of American citizens like this sort of stuff. I politely suggests this does not speak well of their character - taking pleasure in seeing the President flame people they don't like, and in the process degrading the dignity of the office. As Mr. Trump himself has implied - he can do almost anything and his supporters will engage in the most awkward machinations and histrionics to justify his absurd behavior. This, not the man himself, is the frightening thing here: tens of millions of voting citizens with impaired faculties of judgement. And impaired they most certainly are - there is really no way to argue that Mr. Trump is not an embarrassing caricature. But take heart - he is more than 10 % of the way through his first, and hopefully last, term as your President.
Trump Rules The World !!!


Well-known member
Trump Rules The World !!!
What option do you have except to respond with such a quip? After all, there is no space for Trump supporters to go on this - none. It is obvious that he is behaving like a child and embarrassing the United States in the eyes of the world.

patrick jane

What option do you have except to respond with such a quip? After all, there is no space for Trump supporters to go on this - none. It is obvious that he is behaving like a child and embarrassing the United States in the eyes of the world.
Trump supporters are fine with it


Trump supporters are fine with it

When the sorry history of the Trump Administration is finally written, supporters like "Patrick jane" who enjoy seeing "The Donald" bullying others, will lack the "intestinal fortitude" to stand up and admit that they were "fine with it!"


Hall of Fame
but they are not supporting him, in fact, many Republicans are sick of him. Too juvenile.

Oh, the GOP can't stand him ... however, he riles his base (because they show low moral standards regardless of what he does), and they fear his reaction. They would much rather work with Pence. While I don't necessarily care for Pence, unlike Trump, he isn't a dangerous headcase.

Regardless, their willingness to turn a blind-eye to the Russian interference into the election shows just how little they care about our country as well.

patrick jane

When the sorry history of the Trump Administration is finally written, supporters like "Patrick jane" who enjoy seeing "The Donald" bullying others, will lack the "intestinal fortitude" to stand up and admit that they were "fine with it!"
Nope. This is really shaping up to be a great Presidency, one for the ages.