TRUMP'S VERBAL BULLYING: 1. Why does he do it? 2. Why do we tolerate it?


Well-known member
"The goal of socialism is communism" - Lenin
Oh please.

Assuming Lenin said this, it represents his thinking and certainly does not support your implication that "socialism" leads to communism!

And although facts may not be something you wish to discuss, the simple fact is that a whole whack of western European nations - UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.... - have been "socialist" for decades.

How many of them have become "communist"?



"The goal of socialism is communism" - Lenin
Apparently all of Americas allies in NATO should be considered "socialist" by conservative standards!

America shares 5250 miles of common border with a country that has had an universal healthcare system for almost 50 years!

patrick jane

Apparently all of Americas allies in NATO should be considered "socialist" by conservative standards!

America shares 5250 miles of common border with a country that has had an universal healthcare system for almost 50 years!
Is that why they all trek to America for healthcare? Canada is in really bad shape, don't be fooled


Well-known member
You never answered my questions about Trump's tweet - what was so bad about it?
The President, by virtue of the power of his office, should not demean private citizens as this could materially interfere with their right to pursue "happiness". Example: if Mr. Trump calls me a moron publically, this would substantially interfere with my right to, for example, seek employment in the federal government - a hiring manager might fear that he would lose his job if she or he hired me.


Hall of Fame
Really? Please give us some numbers. I ama 60 year old Canadian and I know no one who has sought treatment in the USA.

That's because Canada has superior healthcare as compared to the United States. Several other countries do as well ... because they put human lives above tax cuts for the rich.

patrick jane

What we need are more kids going to college for 10 years, never entering the workforce, never contributing to Medicare