TRUMP'S VERBAL BULLYING: 1. Why does he do it? 2. Why do we tolerate it?


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"Lyin" Ted Cruz - a little baby, soft, weak

"Little" Marco Rubio - low life, nasty guy, choke rtist

"Low energy" Jeb Bush

"Crooked" Hillary Clinton

"Goofy" Elizabeth Warren - Pocahontas

"Crazy" Bernie Sanders

"Fake news" media

Loser, Stupid, Worst Lightweight, Moron , Dummy


1. Why does a 70 year old man who was elected as President resort to verbal bullying?

2. Why does a large segment of the American electorate tolerate Trump's outbursts - using language which they wouldn't tolerate from their own children?

The New York Times has compiled "The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List!"


Let me give you your own advice back, that you gave conservatives under obama. If you dont like what he says, dont listen, turn the channel, and dont read news articles about him, easy. Youre welcome.

Hes the president, youll have to suck it up for 3.5 or 7.5 more years.


New member
Hall of Fame
Let me give you your own advice back, that you gave conservatives under obama. If you dont like what he says, dont listen, turn the channel, and dont read news articles about him, easy. Youre welcome.

Hes the president, youll have to suck it up for 3.5 or 7.5 more years.

6th grade insults from a 6th grade mind.

What was insulting about what i said? (other than the truth)?

The crickets sound lovely tonight.


"The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List - D"


- “should be ashamed”, “PRETEND to be aggrieved”, “have been complaining for months”, “so sad!”, “Phony hypocrites!”, “want billions to go to Insurance Companies to bail out donors”, “want illegals to pour through our borders”, “jeopardizing the safety of our troops to bail out their donors”, “want to shut government”, “trying to bail out insurance companies”, “failed in Kansas and are now failing in Georgia”, “Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!”, “made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign”, “They lost the election, and now they have lost their grip on reality”, “overplaying their hand”, “so pathetic”, “Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems”, “discredited”, “had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA”, “a mess”, “nothing going but to obstruct”, “delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons”, “the loss by the Dems was so big”, “badly defeated & demoralized”, “making up phony polls in order to suppress the the Trump”, “corrupt political machine”, “cheating Bernie out of the nom”, “Crazy!”, “in a total meltdown”, “it's the Democrat's total weakness that is the greatest recruiting tool of ISIS!!!”

Democratic presidential candidates
- “very gentle and soft”, “no STAR”

Sopan Deb (Reporter, CBS News)
- “dishonest reporting”, “should be fired”, “lied”, “dishonest”

The Des Moines Register (Newspaper)
- “failing”, “I think something's going on w/them”, “ultra liberal”, “seriously failing”, “they lie”, “failing”, “ultra liberal”, “has no power in Iowa”

The Daily Beast (News website)
- “failing”, “money losing”

The Democratic debate
- “very boring”, “really boring”

“really dumb but record setting”

Leaked D.N.C. emails
- “BAD JUDGEMENT”, “really dumb”, “should never have been written”, “stupid”

Democratic National Convention
- “Pathetic”, “has paid ZERO respect to the great police and law enforcement professionals”, “SAD!”, “the Republican Convention was far more interesting (with a much more beautiful set)”, “total mess”

Donny Deutsch (Television personality)
- “a big failure in TV”, “Irrelevant!”

Rodrigo Duterte (President of the Philippines)
- “Terrible!”

Maureen Dowd (Columnist, The New York Times)
- “Crazy”, “wacky”, “pretends she knows me well--wrong!”, “Wacky”, “hardly knows me”, “makes up things that I never said”, “boring interviews and column”, “A neurotic dope!”

Brandon Victor Dixon (Actor portraying Aaron Burr in "Hamilton")
- “Very rude and insulting”, “Couldn't even memorize lines!”

Democratic National Committee
- “poorly defended”, “Gross negligence”, “why did they not have 'hacking defense' like the RNC has”, “so careless”



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Hall of Fame
"The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List - D"


<snip rant>



Well-known member
6th grade insults from a 6th grade mind.
1) Generally, I know a good many incredibly intelligent 6th graders. Rather, I go 2nd or 3rd simply because maturation isn't there. It helps make that sting. "6th" kinda takes the sting out of it imho.
2) It helps to quote who you are talking to...I was reasonably sure, with an above 6th grade intelligence, that it wasn't me, simply because I haven't posted in this thread.... :think:


1) Generally, I know a good many incredibly intelligent 6th graders. Rather, I go 2nd or 3rd simply because maturation isn't there. It helps make that sting. "6th" kinda takes the sting out of it imho.
2) It helps to quote who you are talking to...I was reasonably sure, with an above 6th grade intelligence, that it wasn't me, simply because I haven't posted in this thread.... :think:

No, The Donald. Yep, I know some bright 6th graders as well. Those are the ones who do not generally insult their class mates. And nope, not even smart 6th graders should be President of the US.
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jgarden has gone off the deep end. His obsession with the election loss is pitiful - :rotfl:

I suspect it is not his obsession with the election loss but with the small mind (and hands?) who won.

Agreed. It's not an obsession but a rational reaction from someone who is truly disgusted by the lack of morality and the valid realization that a maniacal, mentally ill person is running our country and has access to the nuclear codes. I feel the same way.


"The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List - E"


European leaders
- “weak leaders”

Erick Erickson (Conservative commentator)
- “got fired like a dog from RedState”, “ran Red State into the ground”, “no 'it' factor”, “total low life”, “will fade fast”, “fired like a dog”, “just doesn't have IT!”, “a major sleaze and buffoon”

Early voting in Florida
- “dishonest”, “very dishonest”

Electoral Process
“corrupt”, “Rigged”, “RIGGED!”, “Rigged”, “RIGGED”, “Rigged”, “rigged”, “rigged”, “rigged”, “rigged”, “rigged”, “allowed Crooked Hillary to get away with 'murder'”, “rigged”, “Rigged”, “Very very unfair!”, “rigged”, “totally rigged and corrupt!”, “totally rigged & corrupt!”

The 2016 election
- “media-rigged”, “absolutely being rigged”, “being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign”, “rigged”, “is being rigged”

Election pollsters
- “wrong big on election”, “fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election”, “did the phony election polls”, “were so wrong”, “rigged”

Election for chairman of the Democratic National Committee
- “totally 'rigged.'”


Obviously conservatives get nervous when confronted by a complete list of the People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Agreed. It's not an obsession but a rational reaction from someone who is truly disgusted by the lack of morality and the valid realization that a maniacal, mentally ill person is running our country and has access to the nuclear codes. I feel the same way.

Why did you vote for bill clinton then and support hillary? They have no morals. Why does morality matter to you now?