ECT True or False question (Billy Graham)

True or False question (Billy Graham)

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Well-known member
Did I say I do not obey Him?

You're a slanderer like your father the Devil. You can't stand before Scripture cited correctly so you flee to slanderous questions that are supported by NOTHING I have said.

The olive tree is not figurative of Israel. It is figurative of the place of God's blessing. The Gentile nations have obtained the blessing of God's grace DESPITE Israel's failure, since going all the way back to Moses, Israel was intended to be the channel of God's blessing to the rest of the world (the nation of priests). But God's grace bypassed blinded Israel and negated all national distinctions...Israel was cut off for unbelief, as will unbelieving Gentile nations when this dispensation of grace ends. That's what Romans ch. 9-11 is about...nations, not individuals.
I only asked you that because many don't believe that they are to obey God. And because you said this

"not because they keep themselves safe and attached through obedience."

So I was wondering if you believe that we should obey God. Because if we don't obey God, then he won't stay with us, regardless of what many think. He won't stay in an unrepentant heart and he won't leave his Spirit in heart that chooses the world before him.

And those whose father is the devil, are those who live by the will of Satan, tossed too and fro by him, loving the treasures of this world and the pleasures of this life and falling for his temptations, those who love the lusts of their flesh and this world before God and are not willing to let go and live by the will of the father, those who know God, but rather put themselves and their lives before him, those who when they hear the truth, hate it because it goes against the life they love in the flesh. They are the children of disobedience, being held by the Prince of this world he who is full of darkness and he is keeping many in chains of darkness away from God through their own lust.


Well-known member
You're right, Glorydaz, as usual. Jesus didn't come to earth, just to be a good example,' He came to shed His blood for the sins of a world of lost sinners.' Someone once said; "Christ is the ONLY one who was ever was born into this world, whose reason for being born, was to die."

John 18

Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

God's Truth

New member
Your lack of understanding is embarrassing considering how many times you've been told.

The obedience of faith is believing in the obedience unto death of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is more action there than you'll ever be able to muster up.

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:​

How many times do you have to be told that faith alone is dead and it is not the secret key to salvation?


I only asked you that because many don't believe that they are to obey God. And because you said this

"not because they keep themselves safe and attached through obedience."

So I was wondering if you believe that we should obey God. Because if we don't obey God, then he won't stay with us, regardless of what many think. He won't stay in an unrepentant heart and he won't leave his Spirit in heart that chooses the world before him.

And those whose father is the devil, are those who live by the will of Satan, tossed too and fro by him, loving the treasures of this world and the pleasures of this life and falling for his temptations, those who love the lusts of their flesh and this world before God and are not willing to let go and live by the will of the father, those who know God, but rather put themselves and their lives before him, those who when they hear the truth, hate it because it goes against the life they love in the flesh. They are the children of disobedience, being held by the Prince of this world he who is full of darkness and he is keeping many in chains of darkness away from God through their own lust.

Excellent as usual:)


New member
Jesus states in Matthew 15:24; "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
How do you divide the believer when there is no division between them any longer?

Why do you think St. Paul got some third testament and additional gospel if the Christ had already came with the truth?

The truth doesn't change?

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New member
James 1: 25. But he who looks closely into the perfect Law--the Law of freedom--and continues looking, he, being not a hearer who forgets, but an obedient doer, will as the result of his obedience be blessed. 26. If a man thinks that he is scrupulously religious, although he is not curbing his tongue but is deceiving himself, his religious service is worthless. 27. The religious service which is pure and stainless in the sight of our God and Father is to visit fatherless children and widowed women in their time of trouble, and to keep one's own self unspotted from the world.

(Who was that written to?)

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New member
Who keeps saying Israel isn't synonymous with the boC?

Exodus 4: 22. And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:

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New member
Do you know what earnest money is?
Yes, earnest money is given to show an intention to pursue a deal that can be cancelled by either party.

God gave us the earnest of the Spirit. Are you saying God will renege on the deal?
No, I am saying that God allows you to cancel the deal before it has been finalized.

That He is NOT able to perform the work He began in us?
You ask a deceiving question.
Whether God chooses to continue the work He began in us is not the same of whether God is capable of performing the work.

God has every right to stop working in us.
God gives us the right to reject His offer of eternal life, even after we have accepted it and received the spirit of promise.