The Wrap
on Sunday
Over in one of the Trump threads...
Then it was time for the "Moooooom, everyone is doing it" Jeff Sessions protection attempt, even if...
And file this under water finding its level...
Speaking of...
Then PJ said...
Tried to help Cruc with a little math problem...
While back on the nonsense as usual front...
But it did make the next funnier...
Found time for a couple of One Sentence Movie Reviews...
Came up with a game for Cruc et al...
Coming to a decent ending point as Cruc attempted to defend the indefensible...
Tomorrow? The insidious kudzu of racism and calling a spade a spade... :think:
on Sunday
Over in one of the Trump threads...
Winner of the "What title will never grace the cover of Trump's presidential memoirs?" contest. :first:You can't make this stuff up...
Then it was time for the "Moooooom, everyone is doing it" Jeff Sessions protection attempt, even if...
So must is suggesting that forgetting a meeting you had three years ago along with a number of other legislators is on par with evasion about a one on one while under oath within how many days of an actual meeting? :chuckle: And they say the right has no sense of humor.
And file this under water finding its level...
And that kids, is what someone does when reason fails them. Town Hole--and they said the right lacks humor, well score one for them.[omitted juvenile GIF] Reaction shot of Town Hole, Banana, et al.
Speaking of...
That's what honesty looks like on you? Thanks. I've been wondering.I honestly couldn't read past your second comment.
You finally get the perfect place for a comma and you don't use it.You see I get rather bored, easily.lain: So it's like reason and your posts then.
Then PJ said...
Does he have a certificate? Because the last president had a birth certificate and your guy kept asking the question.Trump's sanity is rock solid, beyond reproach.
Wait...didn't you vote for the guy who got around three million fewer votes than her weak campaign?Why don't we investigate who Hitlery met with and communicated with during her weak campaign, and investigate all of her staffers for the same thing -
Whatever you do, don't sink your money into that product. Turns out no one is buying.Hogwash
Tried to help Cruc with a little math problem...
If you're black and you throw darts into a room where 6 out of 10 people are white you're going to hit more white people. And if you're white and throw the same dart you're mostly going to hit white people.What's racially motivated is treating white people like they are stupid- black people kill us at a double rate than we kill them, and at that a lot of our motivation in killing them is in self preservation.
While back on the nonsense as usual front...
A man has to know his limits. :think: Maybe if you rested in between you could manage it.I don't read anything beyond one of your sentences.
But it did make the next funnier...
How would you know?The points you're "Trying" to make, don't have what it takes to restore any respect,
You are to objective judgement what Bela Lugosi was to slapstick.You're not displaying anything worthwhile.
The only thing more important than that to me is---everything else. So I can't thank you enough, unless I thank you. Then I've overdone it.However, I'll give you a point for attempting to earn my respect no matter how WEAK your comments are. Keep working hard, you might find someone to admire what you have to offer?lain:
Found time for a couple of One Sentence Movie Reviews...
Arrival: Abbot and Costello meet the aliens, in a surprisingly creative narrative.
The Great Wall: if you saw it, which was longer?
Came up with a game for Cruc et al...
Let's look at the clearer picture. I give you Woodrow Wilson.High IQ and antisemitism are very well correlated,
Born in Virginia.
Reared in Augusta, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina.
Earned his doctorate in political science at Johns Hopkins University.
President of Princeton University.
Governor of New Jersey.
President of the United States.
Now one of those descriptions is out of chronological order. When you understand which it is and where it fits you'll understand the want of causality between intellectualism and racism, and the tragic role of environment in stunting our humanity.
Coming to a decent ending point as Cruc attempted to defend the indefensible...
Because they're a lot smarter than you are? I'm kidding. I wasn't really asking.There's only one reason why these sort of arguments exist only in places like Mensa
You could as easily and errantly declare that Western civilization only works when it's run by white Europeans. And you'd be making a similar mistake that you won't catch.It is an historical fact that societies prosper far better without a multicultural agenda
Of course it wasn't. Now confuse your own point:Put your tin foil hat on if you think Brexit and the Trump election was out of some white nationalist uprising
That was funny. Do it again.- it was out of them desiring to free themselves from the stigma you all lay on white people.
No, but it's like you to go from false premise to false conclusion in a rush.It's just like liberals to make EVERYTHING racist.
Tomorrow? The insidious kudzu of racism and calling a spade a spade... :think: