Town Quixote's


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
They really don't.
They really do.

Without respect, it is not a conversation.

Who's narrative do you think you're pushing?

You haven't thought this through at all, have you?

The key is respect. Everyone has their own narrative, but without respect, that's all you have.

I already gave you the last word.

I don't want the last word.

I want a sensible conversation.

No one who reads Quixote's is required to accept any part of it and is free to follow the link to where I walked away and left you the floor to say God knows what.
That's nice.

Are you really this insecure?


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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

Showing that you aren't willing to consider the explanations I have offered is no way to advance a conversation.

You know what I mean. Even if you do not like the way I am using the word, pretending I mean what I would not say shows only that you are determined to disagree with everything.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
They really do. Without respect, it is not a conversation.
I believe you believe that. I've told you what I believe. Nothing fruitful will come of repeating that sort of thing, which is one reason I left you to the censorship thread.

Mine.You haven't thought this through at all, have you?
I think you're talking to yourself there.

I don't want the last word.
And yet, given it, you come here to have it again (and again, apparently) since you continue to beat the same drum.

I want a sensible conversation.
No, you want agreement or capitulation. That's why you're here now.

Showing that you aren't willing to consider the explanations I have offered is no way to advance a conversation.
I believe I gave you more than ample consideration. What I didn't give you was agreement or capitulation.

You know what I mean. Even if you do not like the way I am using the word, pretending I mean what I would not say shows only that you are determined to disagree with everything.
I'm not pretending. I don't know, can't know precisely what you mean by anything given your tendency to insist on the right to alter a convention. It's one reason I left it to you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For those tuning in expecting your regularly scheduled programming:

[FONT=&quot]The Wrap
on Thursday

So GM said...
Don't you find yourself, something of a bore? I mean, in a tearing sort of way.
Do you find yourself bored? I mean in a torn sort of way. :eek:

Took up refugee issues with CS...

These refugees are not simply fleeing for their lives, else you would see other people besides young men.
Cite to any authority that the refugees fleeing into Europe entirely or even mostly young men.

I'll wait while that doesn't happen.

Your two western examples do not absolve any muslim problem.
There isn't a Muslim problem, only a refugee problem. The two countries that defy your attempt make that plain enough. [western nations with large Muslim populations noted among the most peaceful nations on earth]

A clear rebuttal of a semi formed idea that is not up to the microscopic chicanery of a lawyer.
It's a rebuttal of the point you made. How long are people supposed to wait until they know you've written something you actually stand behind?

As you helped me toward my final, finished product unwittingly, I will narrow my scope.
If you get any narrower you're going to disappear. And "scope" isn't how you spell escape.

Continued with Yor...
Throughout history the Jews never proselytized by the sword. The Muslims, OTOH, have open commands to murder unbelievers and apostates.
Either you or most of Islam doesn't understand something about Islam, because that's just not how it has worked under actual Islamic control outside of a sliver of rabid and largely rejected extremists. I'm going to bet against you on that.

You don't have to mention that muslims do most of the dieing when muslims are out killing.
That almost sounds reasonable, but then it really sounds like stepping over a point because it's not aligned with the picture you mean to paint. Again, Muslims are largely opposing the fanatics you seem determined to paint as the rule. But the opposition by Islam to them speaks against your efforts.

That doesn't prove your point. It only shows that muslims have an easier time getting to apostates than unbelievers.
A point utterly undone by the absence of those efforts within any of the nations opposing ISIS.

If you tell me Stalinist Russia was a good place, I'll respond by confirming your position with "sure, it was a workers paradise."
That would be an inaccurate stretch, but more than a great stone's throw from taking this:

"Islam once controlled a great deal of southern Europe and the Christians and Jews living there were not killed or converted."

And claiming I equated it with a "paradise". :plain:

Lamented the state of commercial tv...
Saw a quick ad for the CBS show Scorpion. Maybe a ten second promo, if that, and one of the characters mentions the lead is a "genius". So I turned to my wife and said, "You know why they have to keep telling you that the show is filled with geniuses? Because the writer's room isn't."

Wrapped up my attempt to have an actual conversation with Stipe...
If you don't respect the fact that she said what she said, you're in no position to tell her that she is evil.
All you need to rebut someone is logic, which has particular form, and language, which has particular meaning. If they're missing one or using neither then you're really speaking to the gallery, because a person who insists on redefining a concept to suit themself and can't reason their way through an actual argument is never going to see anything more than their shadow or throw more than that at you. Trying to accommodate irrationality, legitimizing a distorted approach, doesn't do the other person any real favor.

I claim to be a fundamentalist and a right winger and I do not call myself a conservative.
It's only problematic if you say you are those first two things but you are not the latter. Not saying something won't confuse anyone on the point. But every time you make the claim of being the first two and reject the latter most of the people you speak it to will scratch their heads and wonder what in the world you're talking about. You bring each of the words out of focus, since at that point no one can reasonably know what you mean about any of them.

And then...
Hey!!!!! Bulgaria was a former Islamic state.
So was Spain. :plain: And we were once subjects of the Crown.

And town wants to put them on the same level as France, Germany, and Sweden as far as recent incursions into WESTERN Nations??????Can you spell dishonest?
I got Bulgaria from a list of Western nations. Its a member of the EU, as is Cyprus. Link

Set out a few bits to make a point about glory and GM leaning over the fence and...
You missed your calling, you should have been a P.I.
You should have been an internet mime.

I must admit, I wouldn't have gotten this involved in something so trivial.
If that's how you characterize your posting who am I to dispute it? :eek:

Fool was back on the election trail...
We didn't have a popular vote.
We really did. They counted it state by state. It just didn't determine anything in sum. It only mattered in bits and pieces.

I'll be saying this for at least four years.
People say all sorts of crazy things for longer than that.

While Fox & Friends brought me to a lamentable truth...

Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade reciprocated [Trump's] praise the next morning, saying Trump “looked bigger than the superpower which he’s representing.”

The more I think about that the more I'm convinced that between Brian and me I'm the only one who did. :plain:

Tomorrow? Competency, restraining orders and someone is basking in a lot of glory.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Editorial Bonus Section:

So Stripe rolled through here the other day lamenting the absence of serious conversation and respect punctuated my efforts in the Censorship thread. I thought, maybe what I need to look at is what Stripe counts as respect. Maybe I've overlooked something in his approach and need to regroup.

This post and thread of his began a Tweet about the difficult job of an attorney defending the rights of someone charged with a serious crime when just about everyone inclined would rather get a rope. His title and quote follow:

This lawyer's headed for hell
I'm not glad lawyers exist.

But I thought, well, meet a hostile, assumptive declaration with a meat. Invite repartee, but in relation to a deeper look than was afforded by the two lines he proffered.
The job of the defense attorney is to protect the rights of his client within proscribed ethical boundaries established in canon. The job of the prosecuting attorney is to pursue conviction within the measure of the law and canon. The job of the judge is to see that due process is served and/or to decide the facts of the case if no jury is empanelled. Else, his job will be to preside over that process, to keep the lawyers within bounds and to explain to a jury of peers, who will sit in judgment on the facts, their obligations before the law.

When everyone in that process does their jobs justice will likely be served. The lawyer's only mistake was to appear on Tucker's show. To say the lawyer is hell bound is just irresponsible nonsense. To say you're not glad that lawyers exist is simply to propound an ignorant bias.

But that's your right. A right framed by and protected by the people you don't like. Go figure.

This was the "respectful" and meaningful conversation Stripe met that effort with.
The job of a Nazi guard was to gas Jews.

That's right. He compared defending your rights to gassing Jews. :plain: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to him.

Or to let my friend rebut himself:
It's just a word. "Respect." You have no idea what it means and are utterly unwilling to show any grace.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Editorial Bonus Section:

So Stripe rolled through here the other day lamenting the absence of serious conversation and respect punctuated my efforts in the Censorship thread. I thought, maybe what I need to look at is what Stripe counts as respect. Maybe I've overlooked something in his approach and need to regroup.

This post and thread of his began a Tweet about the difficult job of an attorney defending the rights of someone charged with a serious crime when just about everyone inclined would rather get a rope. His title and quote follow:

This lawyer's headed for hell

But I thought, well, meet a hostile, assumptive declaration with a meat. Invite repartee, but in relation to a deeper look than was afforded by the two lines he proffered.

This was the "respectful" and meaningful conversation Stripe met that effort with.

That's right. He compared defending your rights to gassing Jews. :plain: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to him.

Or to let my friend rebut himself:

The point being made was simple.

Try again. :up:

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Friday

CS continued to do his best Garbo...
If I make five posts to you before we get into a snit,
Then you're officially in the GM sweepstakes.

and I tell you to stop following me,
Then you apparently are already in a snit.

When I say stop means quit posting to me period. want to be able to make five unanswered posts to someone you've gotten your nickers (no, Trad) in a twist over--- on the strength of a "called it" approach to a new final word(s) posting etiquette? :plain: .

So I stopped and gave him the best advice I could...
I can ignore it but no one knows I ignored it.
Two responses occur to me.

1. And this matters why, exactly?

2. How would you know until you manage it?

All they will think is so and so trashed me good and I couldn't even think of a reply, so it must be true.
People who want to think the worst of you will always find a reason to do it. You do that all the time. Maybe what puts that fear into you of something that really doesn't matter is a reflection of the way you think and not the thoughts of relative strangers, speaking from positions of anonymity, on an internet chat board.

I won't allow anyone to trash me unanswered if I can.
People can say anything about you that they want to. They can't actually do anything to you though.

Ignore function between my ears indeed. Until you can do the same while a pack of vicious wolves trash your's just empty hypocritical words.
You don't have a "name" here. And I walk away from conversations that aren't productive or interesting to me all the time.

Glory threw a brick that broke her house and then...
Oh Townie, if you impressed yourself any more, you'd blow up like a balloon and float right off this planet. :rotfl:
...we can't all be as humble as you, glory. Not if anyone else wants a turn. :)

Winding down by...
Oops, you're running out of material.
That's not how you spell interest. :poly: Unless you're talking to Stripe, in which case it could be. It's hard to say.

In other words....boring.
If you'd written "boing!" that would have been funny...and surprising. So you could have had two firsts for you in one go.

As I said, you aren't worth the effort....any effort. .
When it comes to that you're without equal.

Okay, maybe CS in his "believing up" stage, but you're up there. Way, way up there.

Seeing a chance to sing in the chorus...
TH was so threatened by my comments that he had me locked out of his Cervantes thread. Oh the irony. :)
No, you got you locked out for trolling. I've seen toddlers that are scarier...and more interesting to talk to.

And the tenor sang...
I fear that TH will someday pat himself on the back so many times that, he'll develop a blood clot in his shoulder area.
If you could be this funny when you meant to be I'd spend most of my time here reading you.

CS was back and standing by his mandidate...
He never saw a legitimate birth certificate.
He must have, because he eventually acknowledged the legitimacy of the claim of birth. Unless you're asserting he randomly shifts to emphatic positions. :plain:

Trump said at his newly opened luxury hotel in Washington on Friday morning. "President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period." Washington Post, September 16, 2016

Townie said: "He must have, because he eventually acknowledged the legitimacy of the claim of birth.*" You believe what he says to the press? He played you like he does them 24/7.
So you're saying he's an inveterate liar? One you only finished suggesting God put into office. :plain: Well, if he lies to suit himself you believing anything he says at any time is just...equal parts tragic and funny.

After I noted Trump's dismissal of an Indiana born judge's ruling by noting his ancestry...
It's a very high likelihood that someone with that Judges history...not ancestry, could not judge his case fairly.
Set out the particulars of that history that lead you to the conclusion. [He never did] Because Trump decided the M [Mexican] word was the important bit to let his people know about, which tells you something about him and/or what he thinks of his people.

Before ending on a high note...
This forum could do without Anna, Town, Artie, and Rusha. There are other disgusting people on this forum but these are the ones that keep TOL from being a really great place of interesting debate.
Okay, he can too spell debate. I owe AB five bucks on that one.

I think some of you would be bored, if all on TOL were like-minded.
True, though I'd be flabbergasted if some of them were minded at all. :plain:

Tomorrow? I welsh on a bet, strange math, GM orders eggs over easily, and CS posts not so sweet nothings. :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Monday

Continued to lift the weight of all that water off fools back (as he wouldn't duck)...
There is no national popular vote because because you didn't have a national popular election.
You do have a popular vote because people voted and their votes were tallied and can be summed. They weren't voting for their state's candidate for president. They were voting for theirs, which is why a lot of people who understood the other guy or gal would get the state vote still went down to the polls to make their voices heard.

But that's not the Popular vote. That's the sum of 54 separate popular votes in 56 separate contexts.
Like saying you don't have a popular vote in a state, only X number of popular votes in X number of counties. Or you can't have a popular vote in counties, only X number of votes in X number of municipalities, and so on. It's just a peculiar way of not seeing what's right in front of you.

Calling them the same thing would be poor science
Not at all. Calling a thing what it demonstrably is would be good math. Calling it something else would be...politics as usual.

While in the phrases thread...
if it feels good, do it
I have never liked this one. I wonder where and when this comes from - Any idea?

Set the matter between myself and Tam to rest as best I could...
In other words, Tambora bad...
No...Here's the horrible, horrible thing I said about the video with the F bomb...that incredibly remains linked and unedited by you or anyone else:

Or maybe, unlike CNN, he has a tendency to do what he did in this video and drop an off handed F bomb. And thanks for linking to this, because my son heard that one drop.

Another reason to never watch any video people post on here unless I'm sure I can rely on their discretion...sheesh.

That was about as harsh as being flogged with a wet noodle. What I expected was for my Christian friend, who had accidentally let something profane into a place where it didn't belong, to say, "So sorry Jack heard that. I completely missed it. I'm removing the link. I don't know how that one got by me."

That's what I anticipated, because that was my opinion of you. What I got was this:

Poor little feller needs a daddy that checks out videos before playing them when his little son is around.

That's what strained our conversations and relation.

Which set our resident Twitter dervish spinning...
It appears as if, TH thinks of himself as a "Magnificent Victim." That's a typical LIB for ya.
It appears you chose to become a character instead having it. Life.

Oh, by the way, TH, why not purchase some Headphones on Amazon, therefore, you'll be able to listen for any foul language on future You-Tube Videos, in the privacy of your own ears. Just a suggestion.
Or people who post videos on a Christian website can simply refrain from linking to inappropriate material, you know, the way they promised they would when they signed on here. That sort of thing.

Then, for one glimmering moment...
Well, to be honest...
Don't feel badly about trailing off. It was an impossible dream.

Meanwhile must started a thread using a horrible thing to suggest the rule condemning the larger object of his ire...
A leftist pretends to miss the point again.
Or, a poster trying to advance a fearful agenda from the anecdotal misses the only real and meaningful point in his rush to use tragedy for political advantage.

And quickly added to the bonfire of groups with...
Apparently the freakshow middle school teacher who made off with the little girl was captured at a neo-hippie commune in northern California.
And he wasn't a Muslim OR an illegal immigrant. :think:

Of course that made the national news, as well it should.
Missing girls, especially white girls, are a story that has legs in this country. People follow it. Mostly because they're hoping for a safe return while understanding the odds against it.

But this one? Or the Mohammedan boys in Minnesota who admitted to raping a little girl? No way.
Rapes don't tend to make the news. Local, sure. National? Rarely. You have to have an additional angle, like celebrity to set them apart. There is a rape around every six to ten minutes, the last time I saw figures.

Then GM was back for a fireworks finale...
TH is lucky,
Blessed, and that's a fact.

in the sense that he not only is the entertainer on the stage he's also the adoring audience in his imaginative world.
No, I just like making something entertaining out of nothing much and you've been a steady help on that front.

One would have hoped you wouldn't have fallen into that RELISH "Joke Trap" but, you did so that's yesterday's news. That "Thread Joke" was cut from the same "Cloth."
Nothing like hindsight...and given where the better part of your posts appear to originate it's not unexpected. :plain:

Somewhat "Mediocre" comeback. Try harder next time, TH. Your BEST is everyone else's WORST.
Post after post of exactly the same quality and kind. Has to be a record of some sort, even if you can't find a turntable slow enough to play it.

Nah, It's the smell of your MANY shortcomings in life.
Hey, did you know you are the second most "thanked" around here? Over 23k for you.

I wonder what the number would be if you excluded Tam's contributions to your total. :think: Would have to be at least a hundred, even then. Of course if they let us thank ourselves you'd probably double that inside a week.

Tomorrow? Let it take care of itself for once. :cheers:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Friday

Another day, another fifty to sixty thousand posts by GM...mostly in a row...
Do I see some "JEALOUSY" emanating from your weakened ego?
No, you see yourself projected onto an amused surface. :)

Continued with Yor on, oh, a few things...
No, there was a reasonable minority that was not racist even by our lights. FDR may have been in the majority, but there was at least a minority, and he knew about them and why they weren't racist, that he could have sided with. But he was a leftist, and so he sided with the racists.
Here's where you logic breaks down into an assumption that eats itself. If only a minority weren't racist by our lights (and by our lights that would be one heck of a small minority) then it means the overwhelming majority of people were racist. And by your advance they would also have to be leftists, since you have (if without sustaining it) laid the charge that liberalism and racism were of one body. By that understanding conservatives should have both been and remained an ineffectual part of the culture, dominated by the majority that preserved institutionalized racism for generations after the Civil War. Yet Republican presidents controlled the White House more than half the time in the last century. Something is awry.

I never ascribed racism to reason and philosophy. I ascribed it as a symptom of being a leftist.
Liberalism is a philosophical approach, applied to the social, political, and economic life of mankind.

In general, leftists do not believe in absolutes. That means that morality can be relative; and if a moral relativist doesn't like people for whatever reason, moral relativists are justified in their own minds in dehumanizing them.
According to Pew's Religion in America study, 52% of liberals identify as Christian, with another 10% identify as identifying with another religion. So a lot of liberals actually do believe in absolutes, though they may differ with you about a few and the application of many. 45% of liberals are absolutely certain about the existence of God and 24% are fairly certain.

Then CS chimed in...
They should put TH and BB in a book of antonyms.
They should put you in the next DSM. :poly:

Yor was back with...
You speak as if before ISIS the rest of the world didn't have to worry about jihad. It did.
No, I speak as someone who underscored why your first two points about Islam were self evidently wrong-headed. This one gives me a better understanding of why you love generalities. Who was worried and by what particulars? The takeover of the American embassy in Iran? What? The fact is that fanatics of all sorts of stripes have been plaguing the West from decade to decade. One fire dies down and another takes its place.

The reason it did was because Mohammed and the koran advocated and advocate violence against people for no more reason than because they disagree with Mohammed/the koran.
I've answered this repeatedly. Muslims are opposing Isis and your notion of the rule. They aren't attempting to kill or convert. You can call them weak if it suits you, but I think the more likely truth is that there are things you don't know about a religion you're not a part of and those things don't produce the results you appear to think they should.

That's why people from muslim countries shouldn't be allowed into the US, not because we want to censor them, but because the people in the US need to be protected from them.
Except they have been allowed in for generations and we're still standing. And Muslims continue to largely serve our country, as most groups here do, with exceptions present for any.

Contrary religious views did not fare well in the theocracy of Israel for obvious reasons.
I agree. It's obvious whenever religion has political power it's problematic, as those states tend to begin with a premise that all other faiths are dangerous and evil. You put that together with an army and bad things are going to happen.

But even then, foreigners that did not believe what the Jews believed were not treated as sub-human, as people are treated in countries that are controlled by muslims.
You mean the ones who weren't killed or enslaved, man woman and child? How many did that leave? The Romans? Not that the Jews didn't take it in the teeth from Christians and others once the power shoe was on the other foot. And so it goes...

You've said that right wingers are conservatives and that conservatives love censorship.
Actually I wrote:
I think your net is half full. The extremes tend to censor, left or right, from language to conduct and along the lines of what they believe should compel us.
Then you insisted I narrow the consideration to the right. So your above, which might be reasonably construed as a suggestion that I have this one opinion about the zealots singularly among the right would be misleading, intended or not. I think recent university disturbances in Berkeley and around the country make that clear enough.

You've certainly been generous with your verbosity.
People who use argument and fact look like that to people who trade in bumper stickers and declarations.

What you haven't done is tried to discover the truth of the matter.
You work at a carnival? Well, let me guess your weight in return. At present I'd say you're light and getting lighter.

And closing with a familiar complaint and attempt to clarify...
If I disagreed with someone over the words they used to describe themselves,
I disagree with attempting to change what those words mean.

I would not insist that they had to stick to your definitions.
My name isn't Merriam-Webster, though the source of my usage typically rests there and on similar authority and for one reason, language is best used to convey the clearest possible meaning to anyone looking on.

I would have a conversation and respect where they were coming from.
Who knows what you mean by that.

Tomorrow? You're on your own. Have a great day. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Hump-Day

The NFL call of the last pick of the draft was still hanging in the air...
Mr. Irrelevant? Chad Kelly, the troubled qb from Ole Miss. The upside, he's already had plenty of practice at being that and a degree that's likely mostly that. :plain:

Then it was time for...
You seem singularly disinterested in a sensible discussion, yet you keep posting.
You're like a guy who keeps asking me for the time then suggests I have a watch fetish. :plain:

You watched two videos and ignored the conversation.
I started to watch the OP video and then stopped because the guy dropped an F bomb and my kid was in the room. Given at that point I could understand his being on a restricted list it lost the romance of an argument of parts for me...then I happened (in an unrelated moment) across a video by another guy the first guy mentioned as being unfairly restricted and two minutes in he dropped an F bomb.

Seemed like a pattern developing. But it could just be an ungodly coincidence. Those happen.

It is way past where you are trying to drag it.
That's the thing about words, they can't really drag you anywhere you don't want to go. So unless someone had a compulsive disorder they would be home free at any point.

Peculiar choices funneled my way from Netflix had me wondering...
I'm not saying that I have serious doubts about whoever created the program at Netflix that matches patterns and likes to suggest new material I might find enjoyable, but when I read my "interest" in the light comedy Dutch was the basis for their recommendation for Oklahoma City, a documentary about the 1995 bombing and Timothy McVeigh, let's just say it began to make me wonder...a little. :plain:

Trump avoided the White House Press Corps for a pep rally and...

Trump was better in Harrisburg -
That's not how you spell bitter. :nono: But it is how you illustrate it. :eek:

So, do you think he was afraid of the press corps, or did he just lack the fortitude to take the shots and/or the humor to trade in close?

Insider'd think it would be right up his alley.

Stripe was back...'ve ignored the discussion and pushed anything that serves your agenda. Whatever that is.
The first clue that I'm not pushing an agenda should occur to you when you can't name it.

Then after forty something "you're off topic" declarations I decide to see what in particular he wants to talk about...
...Want to get on topic now?
What do you see as the overriding topic, the fellow and others being put to the curb with justification? Some others not being put to the curb for the same offense? Some peculiar notion that fraud has been perpetrated?

Reading. It's good for you.
:plain: :chuckle:

Fool continued his slide into the Trump pool with a peculiar complaint on an old post...
That was Sheriff David Clarke... And no there were no toy guns because he and his 225 Deputies strap on real guns every day and face real life and death situations.

When you make light of that
Which I didn't do by making fun of the guy and how he presented, not his office or anything greater.

you disrespect everyone that does the same in defense of our society.
I'm not insulting the great convention of Congress when I call a particular Senator a fop or a scalawag and I'm not insulting law enforcement when I note one of its order is worthy of having fun poked at him for political posturing.

Slow news day?

And it must be cherry picking season already, because Yor was back with...

The rules are laid out by islam's sacred books and their chief example - both of which advocate violence.
Again, there's a conflict between your apparent understanding of Islam's dictates and how it must function and Islam's understanding outside of a murderous fringe that is being largely opposed by Islam.

[while continuing to try to undo data about professed believers he doesn't want in the family]
Take a look at the Methodists. They can only appoint a gay bishop if they behave with moral relativity.
This is from the Methodist Book of Discipline, 2016:

¶ 304.3: The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church. View full statement.

There's division in the American church (and even that looks to remove her as the highest court within the Methodist Church has held the elevation of a gay female bishop is contrary to church law) but not from the larger governing body, which is international.

Then Nick wondered...

Mel Kiper has never been a great draft analyst. But he has always gotten air time for reasons unknown to me.
I think it's the Count Chocula association. Harder to put down than Old Yeller. :plain:

Tomorrow? Semester break begins. So I'm going to break something.

That should make everyone happy (for a moment). :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Wednesday

Started the wind down with Yor...
Rather, you lack reason to see the difference between acting on a foundational principle and acting against it.
That's a silly and unfounded thing to say, but it's nothing compared to what follows.

When the left censors someone they don't like, they are justified by their own principles.
Again, everyone believes in censorship. The only question regards the kind and litmus for it. Conservatives, especially religious conservatives, would argue against pornography, or at least against it being, say, on a comic rack or on display with a street vendor.

When a muslim acts like a terrorist or supremacist, they are justified by the principles they've been taught.
Some, to be sure. On the whole though, no. Which is why most of Islam isn't doing anything like what you keep saying they must and rejects what you keep insisting must be their orthodoxy.

Every time you run into a group you don't like you make that same, fundamental mistake. Over generalizing, conflating the anecdote that confirms your bias with the clearly observable, empirically demonstrable rule.

Then GM swung for the fences...really, really close ones, but fences nonetheless...
President Trump has accomplished more in 100 days than, Obama did in 8 years.
You talking tee times? :plain:

Before Stripe exited by going all in on illustrating his notion of respecting the other guy...
You're nothing but a troll.
How many posts have you made to me so far, fifty?

Apart from where I stated your No. 1 falsehood right after making the charge.
Must have missed that one.

Wait this?

No. 1 is the fact that swearing is a non-issue when it comes to the topic; unless you think the topic is you
So essentially anything you don't agree with is a falsehood in your Stripe's New Non-Americana Frequently Abridged Standard dictionary? :poly:

I answered that swearing was an issue for me and why. Nothing false in it.

Time to crack out that dictionary.
Hm? Ah, principal. :eek: Mea culpa. [seriously, that's what he was playing at]

You're too stupid to talk to any more. :wave2:
I can only hope. :D The respect just sings around here.

And GM popped up...
I never talk tee times. It's just not my cup of tea.
Just trying to make sense of your use of accomplishments.

The first 100

Laws: Trump: 29 sparkling government laws signed. Obama: 14

Winner: the pulp industry?

Executive orders? The Republicans and Trump hated those as much as they did the former president's golf outings. Remember? Well...what a difference 100 days make.

Trump: 32, or, as many in 100 days as Obama averaged in a year. Obama: 19

Winner: irony.

Cabinet Confirmations: remember the obstructionist song and dance? Trump: 21/22 Obama: 20/20

Winner: musicals?

Speaking of games...a real source of conservative and Trump ire pre election was

Golf Outings: Trump: 19 Obama: 1

Winner: still waiting on Trump to publish his card. :eek:

Then fool decided to run the bases without actually making contact...
But you didn't poke fun at his political posturing you made fun of his hat
That's right fool. I just go around making fun of people who wear hats. :plain: No, I started off by panning his polemic and then found the most interesting element of his posturing. He's a sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (thanks to WoZ for the nudge on the geographical point), wearing a cowboy hat that looks like it belongs on a runway.

And I bet he rides a horse in parades too. But his closest association with actual cowboys would be the bull he's riding to political advantage.

and made light of gun safety,
Oh, well why didn't you just say you were high? Because that's the only way to draw that out of what I actually wrote.

in regards to a man that faces people pointing real guns at him.
He's still in the field? Going in on calls like an average Joe? Probably not, but that would be something to respect.

I believe "Tone Deaf" is the term.
You're sticking by guns that aren't really loaded. A bad idea. Like wearing a fancy cowboy hat in Michigan, with a bow tie.

Regarding the former president's birth certificate controversy, Into decided to ask the question everyone wants answered...everyone without a demonstrable grasp of the established facts, that is...
Nah. Where's the doctor?
In the ground since 2003. :plain:

With the liberal lovers in hawaii, if he was born at Kapiolani then some coconut Buddha head doctor would've been bragging about it. Fake certificates fake news!
He's dead.

Tomorrow? Alabama oranges and Wisconsin cheese. :chew: You'll have to decide for yourself which to swallow.


I've been called worse. Mostly by people who share a remarkable inability to accept or offer reasoned argument, confuse name calling with repartee, and emotional declaration with truth, and who've been called on the point by me. That's a dime a dozen, into. You should aim higher.

I don't know why, it just called to me and felt right. I couldn't resist the tag.

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