...The issue here is not that the women had sex irresponsibly
While I never said anything about irresponsible sex, I'd say the issue is about the fundamental right to be and when that right has to be protected. Because our compact has already spoken to the right. But just as we once failed blacks in not upholding the standard of equality before the law for everyone (and women too, to a lesser extent) we're failing the unborn in our present consideration.
The issue here is that you want to deny her right to decide for herself what will happen insider her own body, by replacing her autonomous personhood with the thoughts and will of your own.
No. That's how you shape the rhetoric. There's no such animal as unimpaired liberty or absolute control of person. You can't even ingest anything you want when it's completely about you and choice. You should probably limit your remarks to your position and not try to tell me my motivation. Especially if you're going to get it this wrong. It will only take up needless time, satisfying as that sort of simplification may feel. :idunno:
Anyway, again, it's about the right to be and what we do about it, where that right must be reasonably defended. Even when that defense works a hardship on others.
Because you have determined in your own mind that fetuses are autonomous persons from the moment of their conception.
Rather, I have noted that we as a compact advance the truth that right isn't conferred by the state, only recognized and protected by it. Fundamental to all right is the right to be, which we only abrogate in our society in relation to serious, horrific violations of our compact.
Or as I like to put it:
...The law in this country regarding abortion is based on the idea of autonomous personhood.
Not exactly, but it doesn't address my point and I've already noted that I feel the legal reasoning with Roe was insufficient and a narrowed mistake made defacto law by virtue of the time and pressures of the day. If literal independence was the cornerstone of right the sleeping would have less of it and the comatose none at all.